At some point in their lives each Nova Lux candidate learned they had the gift of magic, the ability to manipulate one of the natural elements. Perhaps it was learned at a young age, or perhaps only recently. Regardless, it wasn't long long before the Novus Orbim Imperium knew as well.
It was determined in short order through a variety of tests that their varying talents were notable. While others may be capable of magic, their bodies in particular were an ideal conduit for the raw magic that suffuses the earth. Accordingly the arrangements were made shortly after, parents informed, travel plans made. There was at least a month worth of waiting, time to say goodbyes and get things in order.
And then it was time to go.

𝙰𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚞𝚜
𝙸𝚗 𝙵𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝
𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟿𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝚅
𝟻:𝟺𝟽 𝙿𝙼
Dana Noel, Penny Grenoble, Nicole Cognoscenti, Diana Khay Vanna, Astrelle Lennox
For some it may be the first time traveling aboard an airship. The ship itself is the Laurus, a mid-sized transport vessel. It bears some passing similarity to the seafaring vessels of old, though its hull is made of sleek silver metal and its deck enclosed in shimmering glassing windows. Magitech engines extend from it like wings, dull orange contrails left in their wake. Like many pieces of magical technology it occupies a strange space between new and old, but has become the main source of traversal between Sanctum Cities.
It also happens to be relatively safe. Not just in that the technology works, but also in that Nox doesn't tend to gather in the upper atmosphere in quite as large quantities as on the ground. This means exposure to that toxic substance is minimal and that it's relatively rare that Voids will manifest and rip the whole thing to shreds.
This particular trip has not exactly been expedient. Nova Lux is located in the military city of Palmyra and a single airship has been dispatched to carry the new candidates to their final destination. It departs from Sisica, traveling on to Norba, Hasta and Valentia afterward. Each finds a small passenger cabin waiting for them, a cramped but neatly decorated space to place their belongings and wait. The cabins have adequate space for a single passenger, enough to fit a small couch and compartments for storing one or two cases of luggage, more like a train cabin than an airplane. They seem to be among a very small number of non-military passengers, the bulk of the crew made up of blue and gold unformed Imperium soldiers.
All five passengers are left to pass the time alone until shortly after the penultimate stop in Potentia. It's only after the last passenger boards that each girl receives a knock at their door, and a request to join their host in one of the larger cabins. For the girls from the western side of the world this is likely a welcome reprieve, their flight having now stretched on for near a dozen hours now.
Once escorted they find said host is a young woman perhaps somewhere in her twenties. Her eyes are a pale red, her hair long and pale blonde, body clad in the neat military uniform of the Imperium. Her hands are folded in her lap, her expression placid as each girl is escorted into the cabin. Seating has been arranged around a small table, as well as a small selection of teas, sandwiches, and tiny snacks. A window at the side of the room grants a view of the dimming sky and wispy gray clouds outside. Rain has begun to pelt at the glass, a steady splatter of droplets as the ship soars through a cloud bank.

"Hello." The woman's voice is quiet, her eyes passing slowly across the assembled candidates. "My name is Victoria Glass, with the Wings of Justice. I am your escort to Palmyra." A short gesture is made toward the table. "Please make yourselves comfortable."
Most will be familiar with the Wings of Justice. They serve as a sort of special forces of the NOI, directly performing the Imperator's bidding. Serving as a Wing or a member of the Imperial Guard is one of the highest honors an Ars Magi can aspire for, as far as the public knows.
"I thought you might want to meet your future classmates." She continues after a minute more, giving enough time for those willing to acquire drinks or food. She herself collects a small saucer of tea, holding it gingerly in her lap. "If you would," She continues, "Introduce yourselves. I can also answer any questions you may have."
For some this may be the first time seeing an Ars Magi in the flesh. Most have caught only glances of magical girls from a distance, or consumed their exploits through Imperium propaganda. Vanna and Estrelle are the notable exceptions; Estrelle has been in enough important places to have sighted them, and House Diana have their own Magi bodyguards that Vanna has been in the of care at some point in her life. Vanna in particular finds the woman has a familiar stolidity--something that must be drilled in through years of training and experience.
@Ponn @Plank Sinatra @Onarax @shadowsaint007 @Pink Khione