Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Inedible
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Inedible Sanitize 99.9%!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

At some point in their lives each Nova Lux candidate learned they had the gift of magic, the ability to manipulate one of the natural elements. Perhaps it was learned at a young age, or perhaps only recently. Regardless, it wasn't long long before the Novus Orbim Imperium knew as well.

It was determined in short order through a variety of tests that their varying talents were notable. While others may be capable of magic, their bodies in particular were an ideal conduit for the raw magic that suffuses the earth. Accordingly the arrangements were made shortly after, parents informed, travel plans made. There was at least a month worth of waiting, time to say goodbyes and get things in order.

And then it was time to go.

𝙰𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙 𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚞𝚜
𝙸𝚗 𝙵𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕 𝟿𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝚅
𝟻:𝟺𝟽 𝙿𝙼
Dana Noel, Penny Grenoble, Nicole Cognoscenti, Diana Khay Vanna, Astrelle Lennox

For some it may be the first time traveling aboard an airship. The ship itself is the Laurus, a mid-sized transport vessel. It bears some passing similarity to the seafaring vessels of old, though its hull is made of sleek silver metal and its deck enclosed in shimmering glassing windows. Magitech engines extend from it like wings, dull orange contrails left in their wake. Like many pieces of magical technology it occupies a strange space between new and old, but has become the main source of traversal between Sanctum Cities.

It also happens to be relatively safe. Not just in that the technology works, but also in that Nox doesn't tend to gather in the upper atmosphere in quite as large quantities as on the ground. This means exposure to that toxic substance is minimal and that it's relatively rare that Voids will manifest and rip the whole thing to shreds.

This particular trip has not exactly been expedient. Nova Lux is located in the military city of Palmyra and a single airship has been dispatched to carry the new candidates to their final destination. It departs from Sisica, traveling on to Norba, Hasta and Valentia afterward. Each finds a small passenger cabin waiting for them, a cramped but neatly decorated space to place their belongings and wait. The cabins have adequate space for a single passenger, enough to fit a small couch and compartments for storing one or two cases of luggage, more like a train cabin than an airplane. They seem to be among a very small number of non-military passengers, the bulk of the crew made up of blue and gold unformed Imperium soldiers.

All five passengers are left to pass the time alone until shortly after the penultimate stop in Potentia. It's only after the last passenger boards that each girl receives a knock at their door, and a request to join their host in one of the larger cabins. For the girls from the western side of the world this is likely a welcome reprieve, their flight having now stretched on for near a dozen hours now.

Once escorted they find said host is a young woman perhaps somewhere in her twenties. Her eyes are a pale red, her hair long and pale blonde, body clad in the neat military uniform of the Imperium. Her hands are folded in her lap, her expression placid as each girl is escorted into the cabin. Seating has been arranged around a small table, as well as a small selection of teas, sandwiches, and tiny snacks. A window at the side of the room grants a view of the dimming sky and wispy gray clouds outside. Rain has begun to pelt at the glass, a steady splatter of droplets as the ship soars through a cloud bank.

"Hello." The woman's voice is quiet, her eyes passing slowly across the assembled candidates. "My name is Victoria Glass, with the Wings of Justice. I am your escort to Palmyra." A short gesture is made toward the table. "Please make yourselves comfortable."

Most will be familiar with the Wings of Justice. They serve as a sort of special forces of the NOI, directly performing the Imperator's bidding. Serving as a Wing or a member of the Imperial Guard is one of the highest honors an Ars Magi can aspire for, as far as the public knows.

"I thought you might want to meet your future classmates." She continues after a minute more, giving enough time for those willing to acquire drinks or food. She herself collects a small saucer of tea, holding it gingerly in her lap. "If you would," She continues, "Introduce yourselves. I can also answer any questions you may have."

For some this may be the first time seeing an Ars Magi in the flesh. Most have caught only glances of magical girls from a distance, or consumed their exploits through Imperium propaganda. Vanna and Estrelle are the notable exceptions; Estrelle has been in enough important places to have sighted them, and House Diana have their own Magi bodyguards that Vanna has been in the of care at some point in her life. Vanna in particular finds the woman has a familiar stolidity--something that must be drilled in through years of training and experience.

@Ponn @Plank Sinatra @Onarax @shadowsaint007 @Pink Khione
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 10 days ago

Flight. Real flight. It was hard not to be enraptured by the sensation.

She had been on an airship once before in her life. Gullfaxi. It was a name she would probably always remember, like she remembered her mom's name or the street she had grown up on, one name among many that were integral to the young woman she had become. She and her parents had taken Gullfaxi from Hasta to Valentia as part of a delegation on a charity drive. Her parents had been involved in so many over the years it was hard for her to remember what they had been campaigning for, but whatever it was they had pummeled their own prior fundraising efforts and were rewarded with a trip from one end of Venus to the other via the skies. The ship had been overcrowded and noisy, buzzing with activity, and occasionally the ship's speakers had erupted with feedback-laced instructions or unhelpful points of interest about the two Sanctum Cities their voyage would take them through. Nicole had loved it. She had also reconciled herself to the journey being a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. So chalk up the current voyage as another reason to be stoked beyond measure about the whirlwind path her life had taken over the last few years.

Still, she would miss Hasta. From her secluded cabin on Laurus' port side, with its token little viewport above the bunk, she could see bands of rain so fleeting that she could still count the individual drops on the glass. It made her think of home, of how the rain would pour and pour, kissing the city's famed magitech lights until each light source was framed by its own halo. At night, during storms, all those lights seemed to meld into one ethereal jewel. Many a couple had been minted under the glow of Hasta's lights in the rain. Nicole was a sucker for that crap. In her last month at home - whenever her parents weren't smothering her in joyful tears and hugs, anyway - she had resolved to kiss a boy from her neighborhood under those lights. She'd been planning it in her head since childhood, down to the second, and with her future uncertain she decided this was her last, best chance to let him know how she felt. So four nights ago, the last time it had rained in Hasta, she went out for a sandwich and a pastry with her childhood sweetheart, and there, under the lights and the pouring rain--

Nicole Cognoscenti, future Ars Magi and champion of humanity, freaked out and fist bumped him.

Fist. Bumped. You frickin' loser.

She had spent the four days since in a fugue state, stuck between wonder and horror at her two divergent situations - at her future at Nova Lux, learning alongside other girls like her, and disbelief that a spineless loser such as her hadn't just melted into a puddle and fled down a storm drain in shame. She had been replaying the moment in her head for all four of those days, and here, in the solitude of her cabin, she was replaying it now. Her mother's reaction had only made it worse. She could still see the look on her mom's face fall from glee to sympathy to stifling laughs at Nicole's pathetic justifications ("Hey, a fist bump is...basically knuckles kissing, right?") for her cowardice. Her own mother knew what a simp she was. As much as she loved Hasta, she knew there was no staying after that.

She was thankful for the knock at her cabin door, pulling her from her thoughts.

When she, and a small assortment of other girls, had assembled in one of the larger cabins, she took a minute to look them all over with an excited little grin. She leaned onto one of her bare legs, knee drawn up underneath her chin while the other stretched out, and took a sandwich half. At a glance, it looked like she'd taken ham. She took a couple halfhearted nibbles, but most of her attention was on the gorgeous woman before them. A real Wing of Justice, tall and graceful and offering guidance. She had never imagined herself cut out for anything like this, so when she left the offer open for questions from the floor, a quiet lull settled over the recruits. Nicole wondered if they were all as awestruck as her, but given the noble bearing of a couple of her fellow girls, she doubted it. It seemed like everyone was just waiting for someone to break the ice. Only the next bands of the storm filled the silence of the cabin.

Leave it to Nicole Cognoscenti to...well, if not seize the moment, fist bump the hell out of it.

"Hey, guys," she said amiably, lowering her sandwich from her mouth and stretching her other leg out. They crossed at the ankle, and she gave a little wave in the direction of a couple of the girls. "My name's Nicole Cognoscenti, out of Hasta. So if any of you want a line on next season's fashions or anything, as long as it doesn't break my bank we can go shopping for them together. Che fai? I hope we can all be friends soon."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Somehow, the possibility never seemed quite real for Penny, not until the airship elegantly took off the ground. She had spent the past few hours feeling simultaneously dread, anxious, near-nausea, and sharp excitement while she spent her last few hours at home saying goodbye to her rather large family. Her mother even pulled a favor to be there to say goodbye. Penny knows she'll miss them all, even if she'd be glad to get a room to herself for once.

However, she noticed something funny; she had expected several other girls at the airport to be there, other students for the Academy. She can't be the only one there, right? ...right?

Soon, however, she realized that she was the only one there, being led towards a very fancy airship, and there seemed to be no other girls her age in what was clearly a restricted airport terminal.

"Uhm, excuse me," she asks one of the attendant soldiers nervously, "but... where are the other girls? Students, I mean?"

She was told she'd meet them in a bit, which eased her mind, but not entirely. Maybe she was a late addition, one of the girls chosen earlier got cold feet or was disqualified (though she did feel a bit bad about possibly benefiting from another's misfortune). In the meantime, she'd better enjoy the chance of being the only girl on board for now.

Once the airship got into the sky, though, her concerns were forgotten. She had never been this far from her home before, let alone flown in an airship (especially not one as fancy as this one). Just the sight of her city shrinking to the size of a toy castle was something to behold, and she found herself wondering which one of the sprawling urban blocs did her home exist. They had left Siscia's airspace before she could pinpoint home, though, so she was back to just admiring the view of the world from the air. The toxic black clouds covered almost everything, making it hard to discern anything about the ground below.

She had to admit, the sensation of being in a first-class cabin was exciting for her. It was downright luxurious, complete with a bed and bathroom - and it was about as big as their entire flat back home! The deserts were delicious, and would certainly cost several months' pay for her family. She felt guilty about digging in, but she dug into a frosty tiramisu (or two) nonetheless, all the while trying to be on her best behavior given all the soldiers in fancy uniforms. She didn't want to give the impression she'd been raised in a pigsty. She also amused herself by asking about the engines and flight systems, fascinated by the glowing orange of the magitech engines lifting such a fragile-seeming airship through the skies. She didn't get much in terms of answers, but whatever she did learn she drank in eagerly.

During the flight, she managed to catch a glimpse of something... bright and shimmering below. Was that... was that the ocean? She blinked in surprise as she glimpsed small patches of dark blue through the clouds, realizing that she had not only left her city, she had also left her continent. In surprise and haste, she pulls out a well-worn almanac and started thumbing through its worn-out pages to see the world map, taken from the Pre-Void years when humanity still ruled the world. Sure enough, at the speed at which they were flying and the amount of water she saw below, she had to be over what's called the Atlantic Ocean. The idea of being so far away from home soil was... mindboggling. And exciting, she had to admit.

Eventually, she was told all the other girls had gathered and that they had to attend a meeting in the main cabin. By then, Penny was feeling a little tired, and she was glad she could finally meet the other girls - though she was still wondering how many were there on this airship? It was big, certainly, but not that big.

She was surprised to see that the total number of girls on the airship - herself included - was five. It finally sinks in that she's not going to be among hundreds as in a normal school, but in an academy training a few students at a time. The realization feels heavy and uncomfortable, not least because it meant Penny was not only representing her family and her neighborhood, but her city and possibly her continent. It suddenly made her feel very, very small, aware of herself among them.

It didn't help her clothes, while clean and laundered, were second-hand and weren't as fancy as the other girls' clothes. She felt very much out of place among them, content to stay quiet. However, the introductions came up, and she realized the other girls were looking at her. Or rather, it felt like they were looking at her.

"A-ah! P-Penelope Grenoble!" she blurts out. She forces herself to calm down a bit and take a deep breath. "Er, I'm Penelope Grenoble, but everyone just calls me Penny. I'm from Siscia, and it's a pleasure to meet you all!"

With that she bows - but she's still seated, so she bangs her head against the table. She clutches it in pain, feeling like an idiot.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As expected, no one had come to see Astrelle off on her last day in Valentia.

She stood alone in the waiting area for the airships, after her servants dropped off the last of her bags. Her family, as usual, were immersed in work, which to them held higher importance than the departure of their daughter. Astrelle’s youngest brother had enough decency to bestow a half-hearted goodbye at the door of their estate as she left, but that was as much warmth as Astrelle would receive. She found comfort knowing that several friends had offered to see her off at the air terminal, but she refused. She could not bring herself to allow them to see this pitiful situation and break whatever illusion they had of her self-assured character. Still, despite her solitude, her shoulders were pulled back and chin held up; she poised herself with pride.

The airship ride was like Astrelle remembered. It had been a few years since her last voyage through the skies, on an occasion where her father took her and her siblings to the city of Hasta to meet with the Venus clan. There was a familiar shaking beneath her feet as the vehicle soared through the sky, and a buzzing sound of the speakers overhead. The glass that divided the sections of the aircraft were clean and well-polished, contrasting from the slight wear of the wood of its furniture. The windows in each cabin were small glimpses into the expanses below: faint lights of cities they left behind, the chilling dark shrouds of Nox that loomed in areas between, and the brilliance of the sun’s rays as it peaked past the horizon and brushed the underbellies of the clouds. Astrelle used to like watching the clouds drift by the window on these trips, and laugh at the occasional curious bird that looked quizzically at the mysterious flying machine. The memory stirred a feeling of nostalgia within her—her family still tolerated her back then.

Astrelle straightened her knee-length skirt before sitting down in her cabin. While she usually wore all-black attire, today’s choice to wear the dark hue symbolized the mourning of her previous life. Though there was little to grieve about her previous lifestyle, there were still small happinesses. She enjoyed the company of her maids and feeling of authority she had over them. She missed the thrill of adventurous outings she had with her friends in the city, and even the physical comfort she found in the casual relationships she had, with the handsome son of her father’s business partner, and the cousin of one of her friends. She wondered if the cuisine in Palmyra would be as palatable as the dishes served by her favourite restaurants in Valentia.

Astrelle found few things to lament over, but yet her nihilistic opinions of what came next did little to spark any other positive emotion. Astrelle had always been a skeptical person, and perhaps her extensive education helped in shaping her point of view. She saw Ars Magi as little more than a government-sponsored program to train child soldiers, something that, as her history textbooks dictate, would have been considered a human rights violation in the past. What use is there having a talent for magic if it meant meeting an early demise at the hands of Voids? Astrelle pitied the dreamy sparkle that shone in the eyes of girls that aspired to be Ars Magi.

The small gathering of incoming Nova Lux students was quaint, sombered by the rumbling of rain that splashed against the airship’s exterior. The woman that sat before them was one such prestigious Ars Magi, even more revered for her position in the Wings of Justice. She had seen Ars Magi before, but none up close. Astrelle, now seated at the small round table, felt melancholic before her. Victoria Glass appeared to her like a mirror—was this who she would become? Despite Victoria’s beauty and aura of strength, Astrelle was unsure if this reflection was one she desired.

Astrelle helped herself to a cup of tea. As she had been trained in youth, she kept her back straight as she lifted the teacup by the dainty handle to her lips. The cup returned to its saucer with a slight clink as Astrelle set it down.

Two of the girls introduced themselves first. The first of which, Nicole, appeared to be in high spirits. The second girl, Penny, seemed more nervous than excited, perhaps both. Astrelle had already begun taking mental notes of the two. Nicole, hailing from the chic city of Hasta, appeared to like fashion. Astrelle figured she could use this to her advantage at some point. Penny’s frantic personality however, did little to spark Astrelle’s interest—not yet, anyway. Regardless, she found Penny's behaviour rather cute.

Astrelle's talent to hide emotion shined in social situations. She embellished her face with her signature half-smile, while her eyes remained cold. “It’s a pleasure to meet everyone,” she lied. “I’m Astrelle Lennox.” She stifled the urge to ask Victoria how many allies she had lost through the years, and reached again for her small cup of tea.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 2 days ago

This. Was. Awesome.

There really wasn’t any other way to describe it. For the first time in her life, Dana was aboard an airship, and an exceptionally cool one at that! She had always known this was going to be the adventure of a lifetime, but it hadn’t really sunk in just how amazing that adventure would be, until she was watching the monolithic spires of Norba dwindle away, before dark clouds of Nox blotted out her view. She had been somewhat disappointed that she couldn’t meet any of her fellow students, but just being aboard an airship took her mind off of that minor setback (although she still hoped none of the others were feeling lonely or homesick...). For one thing, the food was quite delicious, even if she did have to eat it alone. Her cabin may have been small, but Dana liked to think of it as cozy. And nothing could beat the view…

Shortly after boarding the Laurus, Dana had discovered that she had been lucky enough to get one of the cabins with a larger-than average viewport. The world’s surface may have been lost to humanity, but, for the most part, the skies were immune to the Nox’s malign influence, and Dana had passed the many long hours of her journey to Palmyra gazing out at the majestic cloudscapes. She had always had an active imagination, and she now employed it to visualize all kinds of fantastic stories playing out across the ever-changing skies through which she traveled. Depending on the weather and time of day, the various cloud formations could be imposing and fearsome slate grey fortresses, assailed by fleets of swiftly moving silver airships, while at other times, they might resemble fields of fluffy white cotton, upon which dozens of wispy creatures bounced and frolicked in blissful contentment. Heroes, monsters, strange vehicles, and impossible structures, all made their appearance at some point during the journey, and Dana found the stories the skies inspired easily equaled anything she had read about, or seen on television.

Eager to get an even better view, Dana had repeatedly asked the crew if she could be allowed out on the ship’s balcony, hoping that perhaps she might encounter some of the other passengers in the process. Sadly, everyone she spoke to refused to grant her request, but that didn’t stop the cheerfully persistent girl from continuing to ask. She also asked about the ship itself, but those questions often went unanswered as well. Not that she was particularly offended by the crew’s gruff and taciturn demeanor, of course. She just wished they could be a bit more personable, that was all. Finally, just as Dana was beginning to feel the pangs of loneliness herself, there was a knock on the door. Opening it, she was met by a crewman who informed her that their host had requested her presence.

Jumping at the chance to meet a potential new friend (or several), Dana followed the man as he led her to one of the airship’s larger chambers. Upon stepping inside, she was greeted by the sight of four girls around her own age, seated at a small table. They all seemed friendly enough at first glance, (even the more aloof, aristocratic-looking pair) and Dana couldn’t wait to get acquainted with each of them. Also in attendance was their host, who promptly introduced herself as Victoria Glass. She also seemed quite friendly, Dana noted, if a little on the serious side. It was also pretty awesome that she was a member of the Wings of Justice, too, and Dana couldn’t wait to talk with her. The table they were gathered around boasted a small collection of drinks, sandwiches, and snacks. After permission had been granted, Dana took a plate and filled it with a sample of each of the various offerings, before gabbing a glass of ice tea and taking her seat. Then it was time for introductions.

The redhead started things off, introducing herself as Nicole Cognoscenti, from Hasta. If Dana remembered her geography correctly, that was one of the Venus cities, located near where the old world city of Paris had once been. Nicole then kindly offered to take them all shopping at some point, and while Dana had never been particularly crazy about that sorta thing, she still looked forward to the opportunity such a trip would present for socializing, and she gave the redhead a big grin and a thumbs up.

Next up was a bespectacled girl who looked rather nervous. Dana gave her what she hoped was a reassuring smile as the girl told them that she was Penny Grenoble, from Siscia. That city was on the same continent as Norba, Dana reflected, albeit in the sphere of a different house. That meant that, so far, she was from the city closest to Dana’s home, and the idealistic girl hoped that the two of them could share a particularly close friendship because of it. The chance to initiate that process soon presented itself, when Penny accidently smashed her forehead into the table.

“Yikes! Are you okay?” Dana asked as she got up and made her way over to where the bespectacled girl was rubbing her head. “Here,” Dana offered, placing a hand over the girl’s forehead. “Let me help ya with that.” A soft golden glow began to emanate from Dana’s palm, and within moments, Penny would feel her pain begin to fade away. “That feel better?” she asked, giving Penny a friendly smile.

Around this time, another girl introduced herself, the raven-haired Astrelle Lennox. Then, it was Dana’s turn…

“Hiya, guys! I’m Dana Noel, from Norba City!” she began exuberantly, giving them all a cheery smile. “It’s really nice to meet ya, and I hope we can all become great friends!”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"Th-thank you," she says. "It's just a bump, I'm usually not this clumsy, but-"

To her surprise, the dull pain recedes quickly, and Penny finds herself rubbing the bruise spot, now completely healed. She marvels at the healing magic; she's heard about it before, and there have been products using healing magic, but those were limited and very expensive, so she'd never seen them up close. She turns to look at the girl who healed her, the one called Dana, an appreciative smile.

"You've mastered your magic already?" she asks in wonder. "That's pretty neat! What else can you do? I mean, I can do this, but..."

She snaps her finger, summoning a small green spark of electricity.

"It looks cool, but try being a mechanic or around electrical devices with that happening at random..."

She smiles widely at Dana's introduction.

"It's great to meet you too, Dana!" Penny says cheerfully.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It was finally here.

The first day.

The first step.

The moment she stepped onto the airship her life's cobble path would be made clear.

Hmmm, was she nervous? For a brief moment the young lady almost humored the thought. But what reason did she have to be nervous? Becoming an Ars Magi had never been a pipe dream, in fact it had never been a dream at all for Diana's second daughter. It had been an expectation, no not even an expectation, it had just been a fact. It was always, and will forever be the way things are. A fish will swim in the sea, Vanna will be an Ars Magi.

Magic was her blood, her inheritance, so why give credence to something as fickle as nerves? Still, Vanna did feel something, resolute and ready as she may be for her journey, she also felt... excited? There was a degree more sense behind this feeling at least. As much as the prospect of becoming an Ars Magi was simple fact, Vanna did enjoy her lot in life. It was the duty of a Diana to protect the people of Potentia and Vesuna. It was her duty to protect Potentia. She had done her best to prepare for this duty but ultimately her home was limited in the scope of its teachings. Nova Lux Academy on the other hand did not share those limits; Nova Lux was where she could be tempered into the perfect sword. So it was perfectly valid to feel some semblance of excitement but that too must remain tempered. It was never wise to overindulge in such feelings. No if she felt an abundance of anything at all it wasn't nervousness or excitement.

She felt sore.

In the months leading up to today Vanna had redoubled her preparations. She had to make sure her abilities wouldn't, no, couldn't falter in the no doubt countless tests ahead of her. Even yesterday's daylight had been burned swinging a sword, and practicing the circulation of her Elementum allowed night to come swiftly. Studious efforts that had unfortunately elicited disgruntled sighs from the maids of the manor; many of them had been looking forward to procuring the perfect dress for the day, something to "match her lovely hair." But there was no time for such trifles, and so Vanna arrived at the station in one of her many light gray blouses accompanying a purple floral skirt. Sure her clothes still exuded a certain poise, but her maids hadn't even demonstrated the slightest effort to hide their disappointment. Yet that too, had always been their character.

Melancholy perhaps?

Another small emotion slumbering within. It was definitely plausible. As she followed her escort to what could only be presumed to be her cabin, Vanna found herself thinking back to the manor. For months, servants and Ars Magi alike in the employ of the Diana estate had hounded the young lady with questions. It appeared everyone wanted to peer beyond her stoic face. Distractions, the whole lot of them honestly. Even her older sister had sent a letter from Vesuna.


She would miss them. Somewhat. They were ultimately a part of the populace she had to protect.

Still, even as her escort instructed the young lady to place her belongings in the cabin and then follow behind, Vanna's air remained stoic. Her guise had not changed from the very moment she stepped foot outside the manor. No real reason existed either for Vanna's simple manner, she wasn't so artificial as to attempt to project a different air than the one she felt inside, at least not in this setting. She just didn't see much worth in giving these vague feelings sway over her being. Thus it was with a rather cold expression that the young girl entered the cabin with her soon to be peers.

It appeared there would be four others accompanying her on this journey, only time would reveal the resolve of her fellow students. The one who piqued her interest the most sat composed at the table: their host no doubt. Pale hair, red eyes - the likeness was not lost on Vanna: a warped reflection in her eyes. For a moment she found her head tilting to the side, it was faint, nigh imperceptible to others, but for a brief moment it existed. She was quick to correct the inadequacy, further staring would be rude - unbecoming conduct towards an Ars Magi.

As she took her place at the table the girl couldn't help but feel vindicated? The presence in front of her felt like yet another justification that her path towards the future was the proper one. She already knew such details to be fact, but it was nice to have proof laid so clearly in view. Now she simply needed to deal with the snacks laid out for her enjoyment alongside the other students. Truth be told Vanna had no such energy or desire for sweets, but etiquette dictated that she at least accept a saucer of tea.

And so she did.

It would appear from her manners that at least one other student had also received training in proper decorum. A peculiar young woman in all black and yet there was something familiar about the other student. Kinship perhaps? No, that wasn't it, any similarities between them seemed superficial at best - etiquette and manners could be taught they were nothing innate. Vanna was certain she'd never met the other lady, so why was her mind trying to remind her of forgotten details?

Just like that, introductions began. First was their host of course, an Ars Magi, a Wing of Justice, by the name Victoria Glass. Then a cordial girl from Hasta, Nicole Cognoscenti, perked up. As the red head rattled on about about shopping, Vanna found herself wondering how necessary it was to even spend energy committing the other students' names to memory. There was a high likelihood that after the completion of training Vanna would never see the other girls again. So was it really necessary to remember the names of students who may not even graduate?

No, such line of thinking would be rude; they were still on the same playing field as her. Committing their names to memory was the least she could do.

Then the short bespectacled girl gave her introductions, Penelope Grenoble of Siscia, her introduction ended with a soft thump as the girl revealed her clumsiness. Amusing. Vanna knew what it was to be sore, her own muscles still ached from yesterday's training. With these thoughts in mind the girl, expressionless as always, began daintily plucking cubes of ice from the center of the table and dropping them into a napkin. During this time the lady in black began her introductions. Astrelle Lennox. The last name explained everything; she had heard the name in passing. The retainers of the Venus family, in some ways a foreign concept to a Diana who was used to shouldering the weight of her duties alone. The Dianas had always carried out important tasks of the region alone, and the servants employed at the manor were all normal citizens of the city. A dedicated family of retainers just didn't exist in Potentia or Vesuna.

She had also heard rumors that one of the Lennox daughters was of a disreputable ilk. Hopefully Astrelle was not the source of those rumors otherwise corrections would be necessary. One's company creates one's reputation.

Such thoughts were quickly pushed aside when a cheerful bundle of energy made her way to Penny and began emanating magic after a show of concern. Healing magic, and the golden glow indicated it was from the Light Elementum. Honestly it was impressive. To show such mastery in healing wounds before even undergoing manifestation as an Ars Magi spoke volumes about the young girl's potential. Vanna herself could only circulate her Elementum at a basic level. Projecting it outwards was well beyond her capabilities. Dana Noel was it? She'd remember the name.

The makeshift bag of ice at her side now felt quite silly.

Momentary pandemonium aside, all eyes soon turned towards the lady of Potentia. Last to board and now last to speak, Vanna's turn had arrived. "Greetings, I am Diana Khay Vanna of Potentia," she stated flatly. "Second daughter of the Diana family." She finished with a slight bow of her head. Truthfully she would've preferred a formal curtsey, but all the other students had remained seated.

And with that, her journey began in earnest.


Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Inedible
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Inedible Sanitize 99.9%!

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The pattering of rain against the nearby window provides a dull underscore for each introduction, as does the quiet rumble of the ship in flight. In the foggy atmosphere outside can be seen the occasion streak of lightning, thin and luminescent white lines that creep their way through the sky. The interior of the cabin, however, is warm and inviting, shielded from the elements just on the other side of the polished glass.

Victoria’s gaze traces across each of the five girls as they introduce themselves, lingering as long as each speaks before moving on to the next. For Vanna she really is like a mirror, immaculate poise and nigh-unreadable expression.

Penny may be able to take some solace in the fact that, embarrassing as he introduction may be, the Ars Magi doesn’t bat an eye when the girl plants her head into the table. Instead, she takes a long sip from her tiny saucer of tea while Dana tends to the wound. It’s a small bruise, something well within her capability.

After a moment of consideration, the woman address Nicole: “I’m afraid you might find Palmyra not as fashion-forward as Hasta.” Victoria’s cup clinks against the tables surface as she sets it down once again. “Most of the city is dedicated to serving the academies in some way—but I’m sure you’ll find enough boutiques to make due.

A low rumble passes through the ship, one brief shudder that rattles plates through the ornate silverware set laid across the small table. A brief turbulence.

Diana and Lennox...” She muses, “It’s rare to find noble candidates.” It’s a numbers game, after all. No bloodline has proven to produce consistently magic compatible candidates, and the nobility is the smallest part of the population—the smallest pool to draw from. “You’ll find most of your peers at the Officers Academy.” She refers to Nova Lux’s sister school, the adjoined military academy.

We’ll be arriving in the next hour or two. It’ll be a day or two before you’ll a have time to explore the city proper. You’ll need to settle in first, and your tests need to be run.” This may come as a surprise considering all five candidates have already faced a barrage of poking, prodding, and measuring just to get to this point. It seems they have only more to look forward to in the coming days.

A short pause and the woman tilts her head to address Dana. “How long have you been able to use your magic?” Perhaps, like Vanna, she’s impressed by how naturally the cheerful girl channels her power. It’s hard to tell, given her expression seems never to change.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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“Oh, uh, for about a year, I guess,” Dana replied to Victoria’s question. “It’s really not all that amazing, though,” she added with a sheepish grin, feeling a little embarrassed by Penny’s astonishment at her abilities. “I mean, I haven’t exactly ‘mastered’ anything yet. I can only patch up minor injuries and stuff. So, yeah,” she finished with a nervous giggle. “Nothin’ really special…”

“But those lighting powers of yours are pretty sweet!” she told Penny, hoping to take the focus off of herself for a bit. “And don’t worry! I’m sure once you get your Ars Armgaus and learn to better control your abilities, you’ll be able to do all kinds of cool stuff!”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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"That's great!" Penny says to Dana. "You already seem to have pretty good control of it, you'll probably be a natural Ars Magi. All I know is how to turn it on and off, though I will admit it's an easy way to entertain my younger brothers and sisters by holding a lamp in my fingers and lighting it."

She turns to ask Victoria.

"I haven't really read up on the numbers, but... how many students enroll at the academy every year? And how many students overall are there?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 10 days ago

Nicole watched the other four girls introduce themselves, each of them getting a big smile and a cocked head to denote varying interest levels. Penny and Dana seemed like sweet girls, a pair of chatterboxes that reminded her of the kids in her neighborhood back in Hasta. Children had always sensed something about Nicole that she herself was ignorant of, and had tagged along with her in the hopes that she would invent an adventure for them to go on. When she was twelve or thirteen, it used to bother her more. After she discovered her magical potential, though, she found it more exciting. Children were super-spreaders when it came to adventure and fun, and Nicole had found herself easily infected by their zeal. Penny and Dana seemed like two such fun-loving girls, and Nicole was sure they would be friends in no time.

On the other hand, she definitely wouldn't need Victoria Glass' help to point out the nobles. They were both gorgeous, and completely at odds - light and dark, both seeming to want nothing to do with the other. Vanna's lineage would be familiar to almost anyone alive. She had never seen a member of the Duodecim this close before, and Nicole would be insane not to be a little bit starstruck. But Vanna seemed down-to-earth enough for a member of one of the planet's most celebrated, powerful families. Maybe it was a 'second daughter, not an immediate heiress' kinda thing. Secure the bag and forge your own path, that sounded good.

The other girl, Astrelle, was the only one who hadn't called out where she hailed from, but if Victoria's words to her hadn't clued Nicole in the Lennox daughter's accent definitely would. Her eyes brightened when she realized there was a girl who was (in a global sense, anyway) just down the road from her onboard. It would be nice to have someone else who had some idea of things she was talking about, if she ever talked about home. She waved her fingers at the other Venusian, with her cheek still balanced on her knee, and shot her a big, friendly grin.

"Hey," she said good-naturedly, lifting her cheek up to balance her chin on her crooked knee again. She wrapped both hands around her right ankle after she was done with her greeting wave, rocking back and forth slightly. "I know who you are - well, like, your family, at least. How often do you make it over to Hasta?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

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The following introductions caught Astrelle by surprise. An energetic girl with shining, golden eyes promptly used magic to ease the pain of Penny’s unfortunate head injury. For a brief moment, Astrelle wondered if her reason for doing so was to boast her talent, but her suspicions were quickly eliminated. The girl, introducing herself as Dana, had a lively and bright disposition—an eerily perfect match for her Light Elementum. Her existence seemed positioned as the the polar opposite of Astrelle, in both behaviour and magic. Even in this minor interaction, Astrelle noticed how different they were in the way Dana shone with enthusiasm when she spoke, and the sympathy she carried when she tended to an injured stranger. It was slightly unsettling—if elemental affinity could be dictated by the type of person you were, did it mean they were truly opposites? She wondered what kind of fulfilling life Dana must have lived to be so…well, bright.

Penny replied to Dana’s show of magic with her own demonstration, generating small sparks between her fingers. Astrelle raised a single eyebrow at the curious sight, but promptly returned her gaze to her cup of tea. She giggled softly to herself, thinking about whether or not the electric girl would short circuit if she were splashed with water, but the thought quickly dissipated; it was just a dumb joke. The two girls were rather chatty, and Astrelle paid their banter no mind.

The last introduction was most surprising. Vanna hailed from royalty, and given the level of decorum and poise she had exercised so far, there was no reason to doubt her declaration. Astrelle almost laughed at the ill-fated coincidence. She thought she may escape the burden of high society by coming to Nova Lux, but it appeared to have followed her instead. There was little she knew about the Diana clan, but they had a reputation for being righteous and principled even among the Duodecim families. Astrelle felt that the honorable Diana girl may want little to do with the black sheep of the Venus retainers, if she heard the unpleasant rumours of her character.

Victoria Glass made a comment on their backgrounds as well. Though Astrelle disliked mentions of her family, her statement was objective and succinct. It only bothered her that the label of her family name invited unwarranted opinions and expectations, which were extended to her. The Lennoxes presented themselves as highly capable and loyal retainers, and people expected Astrelle to fit the same mold. She, however, craved a unique, individual identity.

“Oh?” Astrelle’s eyes drifted over to Nicole, who mentioned being familiar with her family. It annoyed her that she brought up the bothersome topic again, but Astrelle made a conscious effort to keep a smile on her face. She wondered how much she knew about her family—through all the lectures and punishments given to Astrelle, her family constantly emphasized the importance of their image. If they truly were so concerned about public opinion, her parents may have avoided talking about her to others. However, there was only so much even the Lennoxes could control.

“I used to go to Hasta more often in my childhood. Once or twice a year maybe? I stopped going a few years ago and haven’t been since…” Astrelle’s voice trailed off slightly towards the end, remembering why she stopped going. She chuckled as she swatted the thoughts away. “I had a rather enthusiastic shopping spree the last time I was there. Have you been to Valentia?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 10 days ago

Nicole giggled too, sitting up straighter and kicking both her legs up over the armrest of her chair. She decided to try and enjoy her sandwich a little bit, since she wasn't sure when they would get to eat again upon arrival. Her stomach fluttered between bites, though, and she already knew she would be unable to finish even half. In the relative solitude of her cabin, between thoughts of excelling in school and dropping the ball on kisses, focusing on the occasional pangs of hunger had kept her grounded. But now she was here, and he excitement of it all - new classmates, new cities, a complete shift in the course of her life - had pretty much killed those cravings. Instead, she settled for breaking off little pieces of focaccia and nibbling on them while Astrelle spoke.

"Two years ago," she responded in the affirmative. "My parents and I went as a reward for, uh..."

She snapped her fingers, still trying to remember. So much of her childhood revolved around one good cause or another. They were all worthwile, but each demanded its own energy from her parents, and each had involved Nicole in whatever small way she could. The scope compounded; sometimes it could grow exhausting juggling it all, and that was for her as a kid, handing out stickers or selling chocolate bars or whatever. She knew it had to be worse for her folks. So by the time she had discovered her magical potential...well, that just meant she had to find the energy somewhere.

"Some benefit or another. I think it was, like, funds for the Castor families?" Now that she thought about it, that sounded right. Castor had been an airship that had disappeared around that time, carrying some minor dignitaries amidst a flock of innocent civilians. Since the brunt were from Valentia, multiple benefactors from her sister city had gone about raising funds as relief for victims' families, the Cognoscenti family among them. Riiiight. "We spent about a week. I spent a lot of the time with my parents or at the arcades, but I managed to sneak into a club or two and hear some music between all the speeches." She grinned playfully.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Inedible
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Inedible Sanitize 99.9%!

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Victoria’s eyes had drifted to the window, focusing on the glass while the girls spoke. Penny’s voice draws her back, her head slowly tilting toward the short girl when she asks her question.

How many?” It takes for a second of thought before she recalls, “I’m told somewhere near fifty students this year. There’s a little over a hundred in total.” Not a large number. Said out loud, it gives some clarity as to just how rare and important the five girls in the room may be.

Another tremor passes through the vessel, this one larger and longer than the last. It’s violent enough to shake the table, and the former threat of spilled drinks will become a reality unless quick action is taken. Victoria reaches to plant her fingers over her own saucer, ensuring it remains firmly planted on the table until the shuddering stops.

When it does, she raises several fingers to touch her left ear, brushing back pale strands of hair to reveal a small earpiece tucked there. Her eyes return to the window, lingering several seconds before the woman rises quietly to her feet.

Excuse me.” She requests. She gives no explanation, nor any instruction. Instead she takes a few smooth steps to the cabin door, slipping outside and leaving the five girls to themselves.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

'Just fifty?' Penny thinks. 'That's... that's pretty low. Fifty to a hundred out of a few hundred million. Or over a hundred million, if you're counting girls only; there never seems to be magic boys around, at least not officially.'

With Victoria busy with something, she turns to her new friends.

"So... how does everyone feel about being chosen to hopefully become an Ars Magi?" she asks. "Me, I'm getting nervous all over - but also excited. It's... well, I'm a big nerd who grew up watching Divine Magical Maid Altea, so that might have been a factor. Anyone else watched that?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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“Wow! Quite the bumpy ride we’re havin’, huh?” Dana asked with a giggle as she tightly grasped her cup. She was perhaps a little nervous, but she had confidence that their vessel’s sturdy construction would safely see them through to their destination.

Victoria swiftly departed as soon as the shaking subsided, leaving the five of them on their own. Penny was the first to break the short silence that followed, asking about their thoughts on becoming Ars Magi.

“I’m really lookin’ forward to it!” Dana announced with a big grin. “I think it’s gonna be really exciting and fun! And the best part is, once we’ve graduated, we’ll be able to help so many people with our new powers!”

Her grin broadened when Penny mentioned Divine Magical Maid Altea.

“So you like Altea, too, huh? My sisters were big fans of that show,” she explained, “so I ended up seein' a lot of episodes with them, but I kinda preferred Beautiful Guardian Gunslinger Alexis myself.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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As the Ars Magi before them resumed her role as host, the young Lady of Diana found that all too familiar feeling gnawing at the back of her mind. She dare not let it show of course; her grace at the table did not slack for even a moment. Strength, a Diana was always a model of strength. But truthfully Vanna found it difficult to maintain focus on the diatribe before her: what use did she have for boutiques?

The Officer Academy? She knew it all too well. Her sister's letter had at times read more like a guide book than a congratulatory correspondence. One of many such guide books gifted by her siblings. Between yesterday's training and this morning's send off, Vanna had yet to receive even a moment to herself. A part of her yearned to retreat to her room and finally get some overdue rest.

But that would be unbecoming.

Thus the young girl remained politefully seated, sipping on her tea and refusing to allow a single vestige of exhaustion show on her features. She merely watched as the other girls split into two groups, one bonding over heritage and the other over temperament. Her position as the sole member of the outgroup was expected. It didn't bother her either, she had never been one to bond with others over such superficial traits. She would find out soon enough if any of the other girls would help sharpen her abilities in defense of Potentia.

Besides engaging in further conversation just sounded like a recipe for increasing her own fatigue.

Shortly afterwards a tremor called away their host and Vanna found herself in a room without a single object or being worth studying. Her mind instead swayed towards wondering what the cause of their unexpected turbulence might be. Only bureaucracy or necessity could require the presence of an Ars Magi of Victoria Glass' standing. The young lady hoped it was only the former but she remained prepared for the latter.

She wouldn't deign any interferences on her path.

There was one other void left by their host's abrupt departure: a query from the clumsy one of the Lightning Elementum. Vanna had anticipated that even without their host someone else might answer her questions. A foolish desire. The other girl's ponderings had only been met with silence followed by more pointless topics. How did she feel about being chosen? What nonsense, that was merely the beginning, the expected, there was still so much work ahead of her.

But the state of her peers would reflect her own.

IF she was to create an environment most conducive to her own growth her fellow students required at least a basic education. In absence of their host it was only proper that she fulfil her duties as a Diana. To that end Vanna politely waited for Dana to finish explaining her prefered form of televised media, a pastime wholly unfamiliar to the young lady, before joining the table's conversation.

"To answer your earlier query Miss. Grenoble," began her detached exposition, "Fifty is a reasonably standard number. Numerous studies have shown just how difficult it is for the human body to naturally process Nox and use it in magicraft. Truthfully the mutations behind this process are still fairly unknown and when you consider that a few potential candidates are likely to slip the academy's notice or just not exhibit satisfactory control over Nox... well fifty students is what you're left with."

"As for your query about magic boys," Vanna paused for a moment, as if searching for a way to best deliver the information, "all that we know so far is that only females have shown an affinity for processing Nox. Thus the duty of Ars Magi falls on our shoulders and ours alone."

Her youngest brother was still gutted by that particular revelation.

"I hope I've properly addressed your questions in absence of our host." And with that, Vanna returned to sipping her team, her face never having betrayed a single hint of her reasons for educating the other girl. Yet it honestly amazed her that her peers hadn't even taken a few moments to partake in basic reading about Ars Magi. Such self study was the basics of a proper education but alas this too was typical.

She was sadly well accustomed to her peers refusing to put in the work to better themselves.

And then they'll look at her and claim the difference was talent.


Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

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Nicole’s mention of the Castor incident rang some bells in Astrelle’s memory. It had been all over the news at the time, but that was as far as her involvement with the issue extended to. Her eldest brother attended the benefit as the representative of the Lennox clan. Astrelle avoided addressing the incident in her reply, having no attachment to it, and instead found interest in Nicole’s mention of arcades and clubs.

“Interesting. We may have crossed paths at one of those venues. I’ve been to several in Valentia before.” Astrelle often skipped on lessons and responsibilities to explore the metropolis and its many activities. On a few occasions, mostly when Astrelle was younger, she and her friends went to arcades to let out some steam. She fondly recalled the feeling of excitement generated from the flashing lights and signs, and the eccentric sound effects and music that blared from the numerous machines. They were an effective distraction from her daily life, but as she got later in her teens she lost passion for playing games.

Another tremor reverberated through the aircraft, forcefully shaking the table and the articles on top. Astrelle quickly lifted her tea cup and firmly secured the saucer over it, acting as a lid to prevent the contents from spilling. In that moment, Astrelle’s mind circled back to the aforementioned Castor incident, and she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. The unsettling feeling of impending doom was merely momentary, and faded as the aircraft returned to a stable state.

Victoria Glass excused herself from the table, appearing as though something urgent had been communicated to her through the earpiece hidden behind strands of silver hair. Something seemed off, but Astrelle figured that worrying about it would be unproductive.

Now unsupervised, Penny took the chance to address all the girls in the group. Astrelle found the topics and queries she brought up rather boorish—their opinions about being Ars Magi seemed generally naive from Astrelle’s perspective, probably helped by their interest in sugar-coated magical girl television shows. She entertained the idea of sharing her nihilistic viewpoint on it to see how’d they react, but decided against it. It seemed like a good idea to avoid dampening the mood with her pessimism.

“As expected, Vanna,” Astrelle commented, after Vanna’s comprehensive explanation on Ars Magi. Her pedigree and education were undeniable, from her mannerisms to her diction. Astrelle smiled sweetly, “Your diligence and readiness for this noble duty are admirable. I’m sure we can all learn a thing or two from you.”

Meaningless praise. Astrelle was sure Vanna would see through the hollow comment, if she had been similarly overwhelmed with pointless flattery growing up. It seemed like a likely scenario for a Duodecim princess. There was no real intention of Astrelle’s false praise, other than the fact it became second nature to her when interacting with the Venus clan, and by extension, other royalty. She had been taught strictly to pay close attention to her manners and etiquette throughout childhood. It made her feel a bit uneasy, however, when she realized how deep the roots of her parent’s teachings dug into her being.

At that point, Astrelle noticed that her teacup was empty, from taking so many frequent sips while listening to their blabbering. She reached for the teapot and poured herself another serving.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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Penny feels the airship tremble again. She's never ridden an airship before, so she's not entirely sure if this is normal or not, but the other girls seem to notice it with unease. It makes Penny nervous as a result.

Vanna's explanation answers Penny pretty well, but...

'Somehow, I get the feeling I've been insulted,' she thinks, trying to read Vanna's expression. It's just the tone of the answer, aloof yet somehow condescending. It annoys Penny - but somehow, she shouldn't really be upset. She at least should have read up on the Academy for the two years she's been waiting to get transferred, so she wouldn't look like some clueless hick from the boonies, but it's a bit late for that now. She resolves to study hard once they get there, and prove her worth.

"I'll say you have," Penny answers Vanna in resignation.

Dana's response earns an odd response from Penny. She assumes an expression of mock annoyance, and looks at the cheerful girl.

"Oh really?" she asks in mock challenge. "Mind telling me why you think Gunslinger Alexa is better? I mean, Altea has the more meaningful character arcs, if you ask me.

"Also, how many sisters do you have? I've got three - and three brothers too."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,” Dana conceded in response to Penny’s observation that Altea had better character arcs than her own favorite show. “At least, if you’re only talking about the first season,” she added with a grin. “Season two took a really deep look at a lot of Alexis’s emotional vulnerabilities, especially her until-then unrequited love for her best friend. But that’s not really the reason why I love her show,” Dana continued. “It’s mainly because of all the crazy, hyperkinetic action and cool designs for characters, vehicles, monsters, and all that stuff! Then there’s all the comedy too! It’s just really fun to watch! I mean, what other show has the main character go up against a biomechanical titan the size of a sanctum city in the first few minutes of the very first episode?!

It was clear to see that Dana was getting even more excited than usual just thinking about it, but she quickly shifted gears when Penny voiced a new question.

“Oh, uh, sisters? Yeah, I have four,” Dana replied. “They’re all older than me, though, which is fine, cause they’re all really encouraging and supportive. The perfect big sisters!” she added with a giggle. “What are your sisters like?”
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