Here is our map of the world. As we go through our adventure the map will be updated with locations, paths, and other helpful information which will allow us to keep track of where we are and what we are doing.
The child under the crystalline glass of was immobile, frozen in some unnatural state of perpetual sleep. They never decayed, these strange, beautiful children spread throughout the world, they just laid there in perfect peace, frozen until the time foretold. The prophecy was oblique, as all prophecy's are, an almost non-sensical poem: All sectors under threat... Harbinger has reactivated... awaken Asra... begin Crystallis protocols... awaken the Oracles... According to the ancient wizard craft the Oracles were the children, but Harbinger? Asra? Crystallis? none of that made sense. A part of the old man was curious to know what the ancients were thinking when they planted these children across the world. Another part of him didn't want to know, because something about the existence of these children, these Oracles, felt like the coming of the end of the world. | ![]() |
![]() | "You have done well in bringing me the sword Jabberwocky. With this item.... this WEAPON... we shall reign upon this world a nightmare of our creation. We will remake the world in our image. Go, and begin...." | ![]() |
>.......initiating system boot
>.......Harbinger activated
>....... Awaken the Oracles
"Sa.... Sarah wake up...." a musical, sing song voice whispered gently in Sarah's ear. The Oracle began to rouse as the pod hissed and cold air blew out from vents. "Sarah you must wake up, there is little time." Sarah opened her eyes. She could see the little fairy like creature flutter in and out of existence in her peripheral vision.
"Good... good... I am Asra. I don't have much time, but I will return when I can. You are safe, and all your questions will be answered, in time. For now seek the one called Kensu, he lives on this island and will gu..." The fairy blinked out of existence, leaving Sarah in a state of mystery.You've awoken alone in your pod in a cave. To the south of the cave is a small fishing village. The village is quiet and peaceful, there are birds but you don't see any people. Take stock of your situation and explore the village using the picture posted above as reference. Look for Kensu, he's somewhere on the island.
![]() Kensu Thunderfist | ![]() Pip |
After a few, long moments the girl finally arrived, huffing a little from the effort. "Well now, hello.... Oracle." The girl looked a little fazed but was polite. Pip made a few sounds and stood up, "Be calm Pip, be calm" the small animal sat back down.
Kensu took another long draw from his pipe, "I am Kensu Thunderfist, Wizard of the Island and Keeper of the.... well, of you I guess." A smile touched his lips. "You've been asleep for a long time girl, I cannot say if you've ever been awake. Welcome, to our world."
"Hello Sarah, I'm glad you ate. That was to be my dinner, but you are welcome to it."
"The village was attacked. It happened last night. I was in this cave, just there, mapping and searching. When I returned to the village all my people were gone," his voice choked just a little, but he worked hard to control his emotions. "That is why I am here, and that is what puts us in the precarious position we find ourselves in right now."
"Thank you, that's very kind. I'll tell you, inside of the caves is a weapon, a sword, said to harness the very thunder from the sky. I myself have worked hard to understand this force of our world, but I have only been so successful. With the sword hidden in this caves depths, well, truth be told I don't know what it will do, but our legends tell us that it is part of mecha left over from the old ones, and that it has incredible power."
"HAHAHAA!! That map has been my burden to make over the last 20 years! Memorized it you say? Well, that's quite a fete, maybe your kind will live up to the myths after all." Kensu smiled and toked on his pipe.
"You speak wisdom. I have been in the depths of these caves as far as I can imagine to go, but I've never found the sword. I... I don't even know where there is left to look." He dropped his hands to his lap, he let his countenance fall, "I will stay and guard the cave. I do not know where the mist came from, but I have my suspicions. Maybe, if you find the sword, you can save us all."
"Brup.. rup! Brrup!" chimed Pip. Kensu smiled.
"Pip will join you, he has been with me through these caves and he will light your way. I wish you a safe journey, and when you get back, I'll have you more fish." Kensu couldn't help it, he felt something of a grandfatherly affection for the girl. He hoped this would be different from the boy from the Leaf shrine, hopefully this Oracle will find the sword, hopefully this young one will stay safe.
![]() | Before the Apocalypse Gerty worked as a librarian. She didn't know much about the world of tech that had developed, she was a bookworm, more interested in old literature and the fables of heroes. She would spend her afternoons researching the myths and legends of the ancient world, seeing how they fit into Joseph Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces characterizations, it was a hobby. When the world came to an end Gerty was bringing dinner to her mother who was working in the laboratories. Her mother had been researching how to particulate the human imagination. Imaginarium it was called, and it was the new and exciting trend in home entertainment; her mother had taken to working late and spending nights at the labs, they had no idea what was about to happen. The blizzards came first and the adults shut themselves into the facility, at the time there were 28 scientists and little Gerty; they didn't have time to run out of food. The ground moved underneath them, the entire surface of the planet began to change under Harbinger's power. While the Laboratory froze and the scientists began to die from the exposure, Magma began to seep through the cracks in the floors. It was an impossible and unnatural perversion of nature's forces. Gerty's mother pushed her into the safest part of the lab, the temperature controlled room that held the Imaginarium. There Gerty was safe, for a time. The room shook and the lights went out and the world was filled with screams and crashes, Gerty was terrified. The Imaginarium containers broke open and Gerty was swept away into the world of her own dreams and hallucinations, which in the circumstances became nightmares of monsters and demons. Then Harbinger released the Atomic Payloads and began to rearrange the molecular structure of the life forms of the planet... Gerty died in one form, and was reborn in another. Gerty... became ![]() |