Asonor Tal carries the future in its hands!
After the 2nd Armored Division's incredible victory at Soland's northern border, Asonor Tal is once again on the brink of complete domination of Western Thel. According to 2nd Armored Division Commander Reins, our glorious military's new tank model, the Elford 227-B, played an instrumental part in covering the Army's advance.
Soland's defeat at Uray Fortress allowed Asonoran forces to advance further towards their capital. Experts predict a conclusion to the annexation movement in about 2-3 months.
"With the supreme lack of proper resistance present in Soland's countryside, everything's gone smoother than planned," Reins says. "This annexation has been a rousing success. Glory to Asonor Tal!"
Reins further elaborated that full occupation would likely occur within 2 months after the end of combat. For more on Asonor Tal's southern efforts, turn to page A3.
What’s good, it’s stone. Welcome to To Face Tomorrow, a roleplay where you can play whoever you want in the world!
This roleplay is heavily inspired by @Reia’s now-defunct Destiny’s Call, which is a damn shame, because this concept is the hottest shit, I kid you not.
The essentials of the RP are thus: you create a character, send me the sheet, we talk about some character arc things, and boom! You’re ready to begin RPing.
And when I say anything, I mean most anything. Western Thel has a wide variety of cultures, countries, climates, and cities for you to stretch your legs in. Exotic monster hunters, church inquisitors, military academy students, soldiers, anything! Take on a non-combat role! Royalty, farming, FISHING, even. Anything's possible. This setting is made for everything. Powerful swordsmen, guns, tanks, airships, trains, magic, you name it, Thel's got it.
Here's the kicker. You don't know who the other PCs are. You don't know where in the world they are, you don't know what they look like, you don't even know who's playing what! The only time you'll interact with others is when your character's path brushes up against theirs, or if you specifically request to have your stories intertwined (more on that later).
Here's how the RP thread will work. Nobody will be posting in the IC except for me. I'll be using the IC to indicate the progression of time as well as posting important news and various rumors that may lead your character to something interesting. Rumors can range from something completely unrelated to another PC you can interact with! As always, the OOC is always open for speculation, shitposts, jokes, whatever. I fucking love thread shitposting.
As to where the RP will actually take place, that's up to you! I am experienced in forum RP, discord messaging, PM RP, Google Docs, smoke signals, and semaphore. All that matters is that it's a private line. You're essentially just doing a 1x1 with me (trust me, I don't bite) until you interact with others. That being said, the actions of one player in another area can definitely affect others.
This WILL be putting a lot of story things on me, the GM, but that's the fun of it! Don't worry about me disappearing, either. @Aviaire will track me down and beat the shit out of me if do.
For some basic ground rules, they're pretty much what you can find everywhere else on the guild.
That was a lot of heavy things! I'll specify that I'm looking for around 2-3 people to join 2 others who have already signed up. Feel free to ask more questions or shoot me a DM on discord! I'm stone#2804.