Hello anyone who happens to catch this early stage IC of mine.
I've been on this site for a decent amount of time now, but while I've attempted joining the occasional group RP, I could never really last for very long, whether I ultimately become unable to keep up with it or otherwise find that I couldn't see myself being a part of the campaign in the long term. In the end, I may yet only be able to follow through with RPs that I lead myself. That's definitely something I'd like to find out in the not too distant future.
Of course, I hope it's understandable enough that before I proceed with the work needed to make that happen, I would first want to know which of my concepts and idea, if any, will have enough interest behind it to make it worth the effort. Below are three projects that I feel comfortable enough to bring to everyone's attention, those that I could possibly see being expanded to the scope of a group RP, though of course only one can be worked on at a time.
And so, I'd appreciate it if you guys could let me know what you would like me to develop into a full RP over the course of the new year. As the chosen project develops further, I'll probably have a better idea of how many players I could accept, but for now it might be safe to expect openings of about 5 - 10 for each (though it is entirely possible that I end up taking proactive measures to avoid becoming overwhelmed as I have been in the past).
With that in mind, I expect the interest from those of you kind enough to engage with this thread to drop off by at least half by the time the chosen RP is ready. So if nothing else, I'd like to gauge the level of interest these concepts will get on a random day. And if this IC fails to get the sort of attention I feel is necessary, then I'll know that these ideas of mine probably aren't meant for group RPs. Kind of a shame, but the important thing is that I know now rather than later.
Project Selection
I hope that even what little information I was able to muster for each project was enough for you guys to at least approach a decision, but I'll try and entertain questions as best I can, even if/when a project is chosen. Thanks for reading this far, guys. Feel free to let me know what you think and have a nice day. Oh right, also Happy New Year.