@MikkishtheLeprechaun@ZAVAZggg"Valhalla? Funny, you don't look anything like Thor."
Ash cocked his head back to the older gentleman behind him, and twirled his finger around his own head, "See what I mean, loco, el crazy o."
He turned back to Jesse with a big grin, " So your a Viking now, where's your axe, wooden shield, and horned helm?"
Ash held his hand up, "Don't answer, let me guess, hmmmm Loki stole them or maybeyouleftthematthefunnyfarm."
(That's supposed to be that way, he ran his sentence together real fast)
" Look pal, I don't have time for all this, I just killed a kid sorta, the peanut butter kid, the kid in leotards.and then this huge muscled naked guy starts destroying everything in the barcade, which may or may not had something to do with that. "
Ash sighed, " It was so much better before all of this ,when I had a life, and then that damn book went and fucked it up , and now I'm living in Stephen King's head."
Ash shakes his hand in frustration, "What do you want from me?"