Hey kid, what’s your name?"Dilshad! Dilshad Mahmoud! But you can call me Dil if that's hard!"Huh. Bit of an accent. Apparently, whatever their first language is doesn't have 'th' in it, because they're saying 'zat' instead of 'that'. Plus, some of their vowels feel...off.
Huh, interesting...you look more like a..."Like a what?"Depth perception is kind of a problem for me. Why don’t you save me the trouble and tell me how you look?
(I'll probably color this in and polish digitally at some point)
How old are you anyway?"I'm 12 and a quarter!"Why don’t you lay your past on me? What are you even doing here?"We moved here late in spring? To Oregon, not America. America was two years ago. My dad is Persian and my mom is Kurdish, and we used to live in Iran. My dad and the rest of my family still live there, but my mom and my siblings live with me. Mom is weirdly quiet about why she tried to get us to America so badly, or why dad couldn’t come…But we’re trying to get him here eventually! We moved to Gravity Falls because the rent was cheap and my mother got work as a baker again. She brings home bread that's too old for the customers - sometimes she even lets us have sweets! Or rather, she lets me have sweets. Everyone else gets them all the time, I just don’t because I get extra hyper, hehe!"
"...Oh, you want to know about me? Like, about about me? Uh...Hm...I like footb-soccer! And animals! And dinosaurs! And rocks! OH! I've actually found some really weird looking ones here at Gravity Falls - even some fossils! I think one might be a meteor? People say funny thing about them and about this place, but mother says the Mystery Shack is just for tourists, that there's no such thing as monsters. I don't know what made these or how, but they sure are neat! When I'm bigger, I wanna study them! Assuming my mother doesn't throw my collection out once she notices it. Then I'll have to find new ones!"Anything else you wanna share? Go for it!"Could you tell I'm a guy? A lot of people can't - I actually don't mind it! If you thought I was a girl, you can keep calling me she if you like!"
"My sisters are Fara, Zara, and Tara, and they're all older than me. My brothers are Diyako, Davoud, and Deen, and they're all younger than me. And my mom wonders why she gets our names mixed up! I'm not supposed to have favourites, but Fara is definitely the nicest! She takes care of us all while mom’s at work!"
"Isn't this shawl pretty? It’s even got these sparkly little gold threads! It's actually Fara's. Mom doesn't like it when I wear it, so Fara has to sneak it to me!”
“Mom doesn’t know many words in English, but she sure knows the word chatterbox! Can you guess who she calls that?”
"I lost that tooth in a fight! I even won! Even if I got in trouble after..."
"English is actually my third language! I mostly learned from TV before we all moved to America. Most adults say I'm very good, but my old classmates picked on my accent a lot, especially how I say words like brother or three..."
"...Actually, my old classmates picked on me for a lot of things. My name, my accent, my grades, my interests...for some things I don't want to talk about. I like America a lot, but the kids are very mean. Even meaner than back home. Call me many names. Hit me sometimes, and I’m the one who gets in trouble if I hit them back. I haven't gone to school in Oregon yet, but I'm worried about starting. I’m really hoping the kids will be nicer here…"
"I don't know how to swim, but I want to learn!"
"I really want a pet, but my mom say no. She doesn’t know that I already have a pet spider in my room! I named her Ester. Sometimes I think she’s smarter than she lets on!”
"I've already begun growing some beard hairs, before all my classmates, but I plucked it all out. I really don’t want to grow more…I want to ask my mom to thread it off once it really starts growing in, but I'm scared she'll get mad if I do..."
"I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm thinking some kind of scientist! Maybe a geologist or paleontologist! Science is even my best mark in school! Really, it's my only good mark in school, other than gym."
"I've been suspecting some stuff about...about my brain. So have some teachers. But my mom refuses to get it checked out. Says I'm perfectly normal. But I don't know..."
"My mom isn't home a lot, but she's very protective of what I see whenever she is. It can be kind of alienating."
“I miss my dad a lot. I’m really hoping he can come to America soon!” Note: I will be referring to Dilshad by they/them, but in character, they will likely refer to themself as male, at least for the time being.