Relics of the First Age
The lands of Azukhar used to be abundant with Magic. A being named Kheris ruled the lands with an iron fist, to all his subjects he was revered as a God. His reign was as long as it was cruel, starting hundreds of years before any recorded history. Though like all good tales eventually a group of heroes rose up to meet Kheris and his forces. The Order of the Third Moon tricked sorcerors into imbuing objects with their powers, objects that would bond with the host and grant them incredible power. Using these objects the Order of the Third Moon managed to wage war against Kheris and his forces. Kheris' death marked the start of the second age.
The Order of the Third Moon recognised this power they now held, these objects bonded with an individual for life and separation of the object from its host resulted in death for the wielder. In a stunning fit of cruelty, the Order turned against the wielders who had saved them from the oppression of Kheris and destroyed the objects so that magic could never once again threaten Azukhar.
I wish I could say there had been peace, but a power vacuum spread across the continent of Azukhar as old rivalries and feuds resurfaced, previously quelled by Kheris' absolute control of the lands. Kingdoms formed and lines were drawn. The only constant was that of the Order of the Third Moon, they were in every corner of every kingdom ensuring that magic would not resurface once more. The Order of the Third Moon began a new religion, detailing their former leader Tyron a messiah sent to Azukhar from the One True God. In the absence of Kheris new literature was 'found' at archaeological sites all over the continent and even on some of the isles to the North.
As we move into the Third Age relics still exist, however with increased rarity. The Order of the Third Moon mainly fulfils a religious role within many of the Kingdoms. Tales of the Great One who stood up against Kheris and his Pantheon when no-one else would on behalf of the One True God. However, as the coronation of the new King of Etrid, the most prosperous kingdom in all of Azukhar is to take place, forces stir int he dark that has not stirred in an age, as the Relics of the First Age return.
Lexicon of Knowledge:
This is a Guideline, I have left some room for those of you that want to be a bit more creationist to do so. If you wish too add a new race send me a PM with the details. A large part of my focus is being diverted to the story.
Mythical Beasts: I haven't listed any as off yet, as I said I want to allow you the player to also have a say in the creation of this world so want to leave the prospect of you creating things. I'll add these as they appear in the RP.
Character Sheet Template:
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] (Or a disguise, doesn't have to be their real gender, if their chosen gender is different than their birth gender please detail)
[b]Faction/Allegiance:[/b] (Whom does your character answer to? This can vary greatly)
[b]Relic Description:[/b] (Include the appearance and abilities of the relic, if applicable)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (if using a picture, please pick something that you’d get away with wearing in public and that would make sense for the era. Same goes for text-based description.)
[b]Flaws:[/b] (The more, the merrier)
[b]Skills:[/b] (What sort of non-relic skills/abilities make your character stand out?)
[b]Biography:[/b] (you know, regular background stuff. Its up to you if you want to have just a couple of paragraphs or half an essay, but quality will trump quantity.)
[b]Personality/motivation:[/b] (Explain how your character works. What makes it tick? What sort of quirks are there to him/her? What motivates him/her?)
[b]Relations: [/b](Does your character have any sort of relationship/relations with any of the others? Friendship? family? Sworn enemy? worked together? etc.)
[b]Final Point - Secrets:[/b] (if you want something to be secret from the other players, PM it to the GMs If you want something secret from other players' characters, specify that in the CS, and the others will respect it.)
Basically. Guild Rules. I shouldn't need to call you up on anything. Have fun, world build (but don't contradict anything already established, if it's something major please clear it with the GM Team first), save the World (or destroy it I guess).
If you have any questions, let me know! I hope you enjoy, and I look forward to helping you through this world as we explore this new age.