Physical Description:The Green-Eye are technically a subspecies of goblin, however literally their only difference is the pigment of skin and glowing green eyes that occured as a genetic mutation from a mixture of breeding conditions and environmental factors. Skin is a sort of a mix between beige and a light sea green, and they stand at about 2ft-2¾ft tall with slim but usually lean frames and weigh at least 34-45lbs. Values:
The Natural Order
Professional Animal Tamer (6) Experienced at rearing wild animals.
Amateur Herbalism (1) An amateur in the practice of grinding poultices and identifying medicinal herbs.
StorytellingLike old legends often depicting their spiritual figure performing sacred acts.
Wild BerriesEspecially the red one's on the low hanging branches.
ExplorationThe wild hides all sorts of hidden treasures.
AnimalsEspecially wolves, are venerated as nature's servants and are to be respected as such.
Olom Wreg, 33, Male Skills: Apprentice Explorer (2), Adept Hunter (4), Novice Trapper (1) Values: Skill, Craftgoblinship, Wit Likes: Duck meat, bone trinkets, humor
Vari Sunroot, 22, Female Skills: Adept Explorer (5), Apprentice Warrior (2) Values: Bravery, Honesty, Ambition Likes: Gold for its clinking shine, iron swords, wolves
Paran Aderwood, 30, Female Skills: Adept Herbalist (4), Adept Explorer (4) Values: Nature and Cunning Likes: Goats for their curly horns, family, the color red
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Appearance: About 65 centimeters tall, Mint has a motley complexion consisting of moss, fern, and hunter green shades. However, she has startlingly bright, light mint-coloured ears, after which she was named. She has short curly black hair, and her eyes are a warm amber colour. She has a self-assured yet watchful bearing, and appears nearly at home in the great outdoors.
Willingness to make deals
Honoring agreements
Being informed
Planning and preparation
Professional Explorer (6)
Novice Hunter (1)
Stars, for their guidance during nighttime.
Obsidian, for its appearance.
Cyser and meat, for a cozy meal makes for a happy goblin.
Chaz Shadowblade, 16, Male Values: Cunning, Skill, Individuality Skills: Apprentice Fighter (3), Apprentice Scavenger (2) Likes: Vampires for their sinister appearance, steel knives and the color black.
Delga Batara, 22, Female Values: Wit and Patience Skills: Adept Builder (4), Apprentice Thief (3) Likes: Cats, Berry Wine, and Gems for their shine
Scika Sabra, 44, Male Values: Wealth, Teamwork, Duty Skill: Adept Commander (5), Novice Thief (1), Apprentice Organizer (2) Likes: Gold for its clinking shine, Fine Parchment and Talks about military matters
Name: Ra Gang:Mole Rat (Molerat, BurrowRat, Mole-rat, the Illiterate)
Pakrez"Beardling, 36, Male Values: Honesty, craftsmanship, beauty Skills: Professional Miner (6), Apprentice Metalsmith (2) Likes: Dwarves, goat cheese and geometric shapes
Slakk Reppa, 22, Female Values: Family, Cunning, Temperance Skills: Adept Stoneworker (5), Apprentice Miner (2) Likes: Bees for their buzzing, the color green and bronze
Age:21 Sex:Male Appearance/Description:
Physical Description:Another subspecies of goblins, the Long Ear goblins separated themselves from other with their overly noticeable ears and large nose. And despite their relatively multiple colors pupils (this is the only subspecies of goblin where heterochromia is a dominant trait) they are color blinds. Aside from that, their heights range from anywhere between 2 feet to 3 feet and weight about 50 ft on average. Values:
Survivor of the Cowardice
Adept Miner (4) Ra got skilled, if he is properly trained, perhaps he can become better.
Apprentice Stonecutter (2) Learning from his own works, Ra was able to craft tools for his own use. If only he can understand the difference between a tool and a masterpiece.
Novice Cooking (1) Bland like water melt from the freshest snow. At least it didn't kill anyone.
SweetoothThere is just something so interesting about those baked goods (cakes, muffins, waffles,...)
Small Lies Ra likes to tell little lies. From things like lying about his productivity to who eat the cake (it's Ra)
SpitefulRa harbors spite from everything that crosses him. Sure, he won't let them blind his sight, but his spiteful tendency does lead to laziness and a somewhat self-corrupt/destructive to pop up here and there.
FickleHe craves attention, but when others give it, Ra lashes out like he prefers to be left alone.
Kitsgash Four Finger, 27, Male Values: Compassion, Cunning, Humility Skills: Adept Warrior (4), Apprentice Surgeon (3) Likes: Silver for its shine, books and mushrooms
Charag Umpoat, 39, Female Values: Spirituality, Zeal and Honor Skills: Professional Warrior (6), Apprentice Priest (2) Likes: Orcs for their bravery, philosophical talks and geese