| Character Identity |
M'gann M'orzz, the Martian Manhunter
| Age |
37 Martian years; 70 Earth equivalent
| Character Differences |
This is a M'gann who never concealed her identity as a White Martian. She has always taken the visage of a humanoid with stark white skin and a bald head. Aside from a brief stint during her initial visits of Earth, she does not utilize the Megan Morse alias. This is also a M'gann who has never had a J'onn J'onzz, and thus has taken on a role similar to his on this Earth. She has never been timid, excitable, nor naive and instead is assertive, calm, and contemplative. Unlike the mainstream Martians whose physical strength rivals that of Kryptonians, her physical might and endurance, while extensive, is much more limited. Likewise, her psionic abilities are greatly reduced compared to other versions and this universe's M'gann is not one of the most powerful telepaths. Instead, both her telepathy and telekinetic powers are much more modest. This version's abilities are primarily her density and shapeshifting which she uses to incredible effect. I have also completely removed the Martian-brand heat vision and invisibility, as well as the vulnerability to fire.
| Brief World Background |
M'gann's reality is one where both Marvel and DC properties have blended together. In this universe, the Martians long ago aided the Guardians of the Universe in defeating a great threat known as Parallax. In this epic battle, the green Martians were completely wiped from existence, and the remaining white Martians banded together to drive back and eventually imprison this entity, the embodiment of fear, within the Guardian's central power battery on Oa. Following this event, the Guardians recruited the Martians as a universal strike force of sorts. They became known as the Manhunters. As Manhunters, the Martians were tasked with tracking down and apprehending the most dangerous of individuals. This arrangement lasted for centuries before the Guardians also realized the need for a peacekeeping task force and created the Oan power rings from their central power battery and formed the Lantern Corps. As the Corps expanded, this allowed the Martians to focus more on their specific tasks and less on the wider problems of the universe. As would later be noted by the Earthling Lantern Steve Rogers, the Corps acted like regular police enforcing the rule of law and maintaining peace, while the Manhunters had the role of detectives and S.W.A.T., handling the more gritty, specialized tasks while hunting down rogue forces.
On Earth, history developed similar to the real world. For the most part, aliens and enhanced individuals were not publicly known and did not rear their heads until the 20th century. During the Second World War, individuals that would come to be known as Wonder Woman, Namor, The Flash, and The Human Torch operated together as, first, the All-Winners Squad. Following the end of the war and the defeat of Nazi Germany and HYDRA, the four, joined by Miss America and Wildcat, formed the Justice Society. They were beloved by the majority of the world at large and, while following American ideals at the time, answered to no nation or government.
In the mid-50's, a result of American genetic tampering by Doctor Alexander Luthor resulted in the creation of a new species known as homo-superior; mutants. This sparked not only a debate on civil liberties as this newly created raced found themselves treated as less-than and looked at with fearful eyes, but also a Cold War between various world superpowers like America and Russia. This Cold War would last for years as all sides rushed to win what would be known as the Superhuman Arms Race. Following the assassination attempt of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, who was rescued by mutant activist Max Eisenhardt, American perception of mutants began to slowly shift towards the positive. And, by the early 70's, largely thanks to past initiatives pushed by JFK in his second term, various accords and bans were put into place globally to prevent further development of superhuman weapons and genetic tampering.
In the 90's, Earth came face-to-face with the realization that they were not alone in the universe when they were rapidly invaded by a race of conquerors known as The Dominion. These beings, referred to as Dominators by the people of Earth, sought to capture the homo-superior population in order to further manipulate and enhance their own genetics, and then wipe out the remaining inhabitants of the planet. The remnants of the Justice Society, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Namor, joined forces with other popular heroes across the world to defeat the invaders, though not before many cities and tens of millions of people had been annihilated. America's favorite protector, Max Eisenhardt AKA Magneto, and renowned geneticist and mutant telepath Charles Xavier were instrumental in putting an end to the Dominion's plans. Afterward, the Justice Society welcomed Magneto and Xavier, who took the name Doctor X, into their ranks.
In the following years, the people of Earth collectively chose to evolve. Brilliant minds like Reed Richards, Ted Kord, Tony Stark, Victor Von Doom, Anthony Ivo, and Hank Pym worked together on the Defender Initiative to better prepare the planet for future encounters with hostile extra-terrestrials. They created various ground and orbital defense stations, designs for a fleet of space ships capable of travel throughout the solar system, and rapidly brought the world into an age of technical marvel. By the 21st century, Earth was living in a futuristic society largely accepting of one another. Cancer had been cured, world-wide hunger had been solved, the energy crisis resolved, and impoverished societies raised up. In the wake of the devastating attack by the Dominion, Earth had largely unified under a collective, global government; the United Nations of Earth.
Today, in 2021, the Earth is protected by several hundred heroes of diverse background under the banner of the Justice Legion, the spiritual successor to the Justice Society. While still handling the few instances of superpowered crime across the world, their primary goal is to aid the U.N.E.'s space armada in the protection of Earth and their solar system from outside forces.
| Brief Character Background |
M'gann M'orzz, like all Martians in the past millennia, was raised from a young age to become one of the famed Manhunters. She received training from her fellow Martians as well as from the Guardians of the Universe's elite soldiers. From the former, she was instructed on tracking, infiltration, subterfuge, and tactics. From the latter, under the guidance of a man named Killowog, she trained in personal combat. Midway through her second Martian decade, she was officially made a Manhunter and participated in dozens of joint raids and several solo outings hunting dangerous criminal elements. After several years, she was tasked with aiding the now elderly Lantern Steve Rogers in his final assignment before retirement. This mission brought her back to her solar system where, for the first time, she visited Earth.
The assignment was quick, but M'gann fell in love with Earth culture. She stayed for several Earth months on the planet under the guise of Megan Morse and attended university to better learn of the planet's history and culture. Eventually, she was called back to active duty and had to leave. But, over the course of the next decade by Earth standards, she continually returned to Earth. On several of these ocassions she met and fell in love with a man, and, wishing to spend more time with him, resigned her position from the Manhunters. She would spend the last few Earth years living with her lover on his home and join him in his role as a member of the Justice Legion.
Two days before she was to be wed, she was assaulted in her home at night, and despite her attempts to combat her attacker, was abducted.
For the last seven months, she has been a captive of the interdimensional slavemaster Mojo.