Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

9pm Mayors Office

Within the dark hallway of woodlands, leading up to King Coles office, a spark of flame erupted to show Bigby's face as he used a lighter to light a huff and puff cigarette. With a sigh he took one long drag from it before putting it out on his own hand and putting it away for later. He wouldn't have normally done such a pointless thing, but even he was not looking forward to telling King Cole the latest news that he had gotten....

Walking into the mayors office Bigby knocked on the opening door. "Cole? Are you still here? We need to talk" As informal as always, though he was never one to ever be formal in the first place, wasn't his style. On walking on and finding Cole, if he was about to leave or not, Bigby would give the grave news... "Cole, another has been found. That makes two in the last two weeks...

What Bigby was talking about was the recent drug craze that had been going around known as Fairy Dust, or simply Dust. Normally drugs would have little effect on Fables, but this new drug had too much of a effect, sending the person into such a high that it left them comatose, unable or unwilling to leave their own happy place, a true happily ever after. So far two people, both female and both working ladies. One of which had worked in the employ of The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

"As you can see Cole, this is a very serious matter. What are your orders?"
While this talking was going on, a young looking which faded in from the darkness, having just come down from the 13th floor for some late night shopping, and was now standing next to the door with her back to the wall and listening in... She had known Max for a while and to know that one of his girls was in that state he was going to be pissed, more so if she had to tell him about it instead of hearing it before hand. Either way he had to know, so she pulled down her hood, her purple eyes vanishing into the darkness once more as she made her way out of the woodlands, hopefully avoiding the other residents in the process...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

9pm Just outside the Woodlands.

A slender figure was making its way down the street on this dark night, it's hands stuck in it's pockets and it's head slightly leaned back in a care free manor. It stopped just out side the large gates of the Woodlands luxury apartments and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. The figures thin fingers pulled out a single cigarette before putting away the pack and pulling out a lighter made of ebony with a spider engraved in silver on both it's sides. As the figure struck the lighter it's face was illuminated. To any one of the mundies pacing by the man would be known as Booker Mathews, the odd guy who worked down the street. But to the people in the building right behind him he would be known as the one and only Bogeyman, the monster that filled every child's nightmare. Well that is what they use to call him now he was just old Boogie, the use to be monster staying in apartments.

Boogie took a deep inhale of the cigarette in an attempt to forget the day. He had to deal with the usual kids trying to steal from his store, the school mom who was upset with the type of costumes he sold, the middle age couple trying to spice things up in their lives. It was days like this mad him miss living under beds and scaring people shitless. But he shook off the idea as the old thoughts of loneliness came back to him, something he hoped would change when he came to Fabletown.

Boogie was half way through the cigarette when someone bumped into him, making him drop it. "Aww hell." He said before he turned around to catch the sight of a girl wearing a hood. "What no sorry?" He said as he bent down to pick up the cigarette. He blew on the butt before putting it back in his mouth. "Well?" He said with a raised brow and a hand on his hip.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by experta


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

9pm "The Double D's"

A big neon sign, smacked right in the middle of the street, was the welcoming light for one of the biggest and well known clubs for gentlemen around. There was nothing subtle about it, this place was in one of the best spots in town, you could see it from a mile away and it was located on the main vein of roads in the area. The fact that the place was constantly expanding meant it was not only surviving the no doubt killer rent but it was doing pretty good for itself....naked ladies brought in money, who knew huh? The owner who was currently calling himself Max, this month atleast, was running his business pretty tight despite what many thought of him. He had earned himself a pretty sizable clintel in his clubs but this was his casa, the big cheese, the main one, you get it. Exactly why he didn't take the news of what happened earlier pretty well.....

Max: "The fuck is this bullshit? I am away for a few hours and you drop this shit on me?"

"What was I supposed to do boss? She was down and out by the time we found her. I got ahold of you as soon as Lucy got off the phone with the sherif's office."

Max: "You what? AAAA!"

Max punched him square in the nose and dropped him like a sack of potatoes.....good thing the guy was a fable.

"I am surrounded by morons. If I was paying you decant I'd cut your pay!"

Max grabbed a bottle of rum from behind the bar and started chugging it down. After going through most of it he set it down.

"Right well, the place ain't working tonight obviously, you compensated the customers that had to leave?"

"Yeah boss."

The guy talked pretty funny with a broken nose.....He tried to stand up but Max kicked him back on his ass.

Max: "You stay down there while I think......right. I want no more surprises tonight. Before that fucking lap dog shows up I want everyone on the same page. Bring the girls, especially Lucy and I want to know what the fuck happened to my beloved establishment."

Max finished off his rum and put the bottle down before heading backstage.

Max: "And fix your god damn nose."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

9 PM Outside of Woodlands Apartments

A girl with long strawberry blonde hair walked down the sidewalk heading back to her apartment. She was coming back from her usual training, to keep her abilities as a fighter in check. She had tried to get a job today as usual, but today wasn't her lucky day either. She wanted to work in law enforcement, but the mundies refused her, thinking that she was too delicate and frail to get their kind of jobs done. It was honestly too bad that she couldn't brag to them as to who she is: Momotarou, the one who defeated the ogres with her friends. ….OK, so that wasn't really brag-worthy. She thought of asking Bigby for the job, but she figured that his answer would be the same: No. She figured he'd say no because of her appearance, and because not many of the fables here knew her. She didn't live in their land, she lived in the Hidden Kingdom before she moved to their land and then moved here. Plus she would honestly rather not get chewed out for something she did in the past.

She soon raised an eyebrow when she noticed good ol' Boogie, another resident of the Woodlands, talking to another girl. She had never seen this girl before. Who was this woman? She stopped and stuck around a bit, curious as to what was happening. But she remained silent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rozalin pulled down her hood and held her bag tightly as she rushed out of the door past the sleeping guard, kind of made her wonder if the guy ever truly woke up for anything. Either way she was out of the building at last, though as she burst out from the gates she crashed into a shadowy figure, though a little taken back at first, soon the voice of the one she had crashed into calmed her own, as it was only Boogie.

Though Momo may have never seen Rozalin, Boogie may have given that the most people that went to the 13th floor were people that needed glamour, and Boogie was a rather big job given his rather... Unique shape. "Ah, well sorry Mister Boogie. I didn't mean to ruin your... What are you doing anyway?" Walking back from work this late seemed a little "Were you stalking people again?" That is what she called his old job... Just stalking with a prettier title.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It took Boogie a moment to realize who was it that bumped into him, but who could blame him when the witches rarely ever left the 13th floor. "It's fine Rozalin." He said with a exhale of smoke. Boogie had rarely spoke to her but when a guy spends hours at a time on the 13th floor for a single glamor he tends to pick up some names. He was all honesty not upset about being bumped into, but with the day he had he wasn't really a happy monster at the moment.

"Funny Rozalin, very funny." Boogie said with a eye role as she asked if he was picking up his old habits again. He had given up following people at night after he made that guy have a heart attack a few centuries ago. "Spending hundreds of years in the dark tends to make a guy like nightly strolls, besides Snow doesn't want me smoking in side." Boogie said before taking another drag of his cigarette. He then raised a brow. "What are you doing out here this late? What are doing off the 13th at all?" He said exhaling smoke from his nose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Momoko listened to the conversation carefully, still silent. So the woman's name was Rozalin, and apparently she lived on the thirteenth floor of the Woodlands apartment judging from what Boogie just said. That explained why Momoko never saw Rozalin before. But she was sure that her three friends (Kuro, Saru, and Tori) may know of her, since they're the ones who need to be glamoured.

Momoko was curious as to what Rozalin was doing out as well, but she knew that it was none of her business, and she was sure that Boogie and Rozalin wouldn't appreciate her eavesdropping on their conversation. She walked past them silently so as to not interrupt the both of them. She kept listening as she walked though, just in case. When she reached the double doors of the apartment she looked back towards them one last time, before entering the apartment.

She walked through the foyer, looking at the still sleeping guard briefly before looking in her mailbox to see if there any letters for her. There were none once again. She sighed as walked upstairs mumbling to herself "I wonder Saru actually cleaned the kitchen tonight,". She rolled her eyes knowing the answer. Of course the little prankster wouldn't take up cleaning unless it involved setting up a prank for her or the other two roommates.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

9PM, Room 33 of the Lady Liberty Apartments, several blocks south of The Woodlands

Gideon woke up in the dark confines of his room, crumpled papers and an overloaded waste bin littered the floor below his mattress. Stretching out, he slips out of the blankets and fixes them back up behind him. He didn't bother turning a light bulb on, he hadn't paid the electrical bill since he moved into the apartment, the room had windows and he could work just as easily by candlelight or natural light as he could under artificial, plus it saved him money on rent. He poked the blinds over the window, checking the sun with his hand widths to determine the time.

"Two hours since the sun rose...must be around 9."

Gideon lets go of the blinds, walking over to his nearby ice chest, since he had no electricity, he needed ice to preserve his food or drinks. He reached in and grabbed a red delicious apple. He wipes it on his sleeve and takes a bite, walking over to the nearby Davenport couch as he does which was where he left his pants and shirt. Gideon slips them on, shifting the apple from hand to hand as he adjusts them. He finishes, taking another bite, noticing his hand in the dim room. It was looking paler than usual.

"Damn Glamour must be wearing off...No matter, I'll have one of the Witches fix it once I get to The Woodlands."

Gideon passes his desk and nearby safe beneath it as he walks over to the door. He then slips his running shoes on along with his green overcoat and baseball cap before opening the door of his Apartment, he locks it behind him. He then makes for the stairway down to begin his daily walk to The Woodlands.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

9 PM, O'Mallory's Irish Pub, South Bronx.

It was an average day at O'Mallory's Irish Pub. The regulars, mostly drunken loser Mundies or the few Fables that even the Trip Trap was too classy for, were bitching into their drinks and generally feeling shitty. The goons outside the back office were flanking the door on either side, looking as if they chewed on steroid pills with every meal; Which they more or less did. And Mickey Gillespie, owner, operator, and general low-life scum, was talking going over the books. O'Mallory's itself didn't do an impressive amount of business. It didn't need to, it just being a nice little front for the Leprechaun's real business. He dealt with a lot of hot merchandice down in the basement, plus he moved a little bit of product for the Mundy crooks that stopped in now and then. It was enough to keep him occupied in living in relative comfort, but it wasn't anywhere near as good as it had been back in the Homelands.

Those days were long gone, though, and he figured he might as well get used to being a lower-middle level crook in this crappy Mundy city. He pushed his specticales up and nodded as he read over the books again. Not bad, this week. Those rolexes had sold well, not to mention the product he'd gotten from a new source, but that was a secret he was keeping to the grave, especially with those two girls that'd went out cold and hadn't come back. Then he remembered he needed to give Max a call. They did some business together, and he needed nail down some details for the next meeting. He reached for the phone and hit the speed-dial, taking a shot drag on his cigar while he waited for The Boy Who Cried Wolf to pick up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LeftClick


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Woodlands Business Office, 9PM

Collab between; LeftClick & Kitsune

The business office was, as one might expect, a magical, fantastical room. A cluttered mess of the various trinkets and items saved from the fables previous homelands. It was here that Cole spent most of his time, and it was true that he sometimes lost himself amongst the various texts and artifacts saved from the homelands, engrossed in their histories and meaning to each particular fable. Snow did most of the actual work nowadays anyway, though this is not to say he does not care about the fables under his care, the reality is very much the opposite. Snow always seemed to have a knack for getting things done, and whilst Cole has his heart in the right place, he is blinded with his kindness and it's likely the case that if it weren't for Snows occasional reality checks for Cole, he'd be spending his time going through every minor problem that existed in fabletown, and never even getting around to the most pressing issues.

Cole had been sitting at his desk, only just beginning to relax as the day came to an end. Looking up, and seeing it was Bigby, Cole couldn't help but let out a small sigh. It wasn't that Cole didn't like Bigby, it was more the case that Cole did not like the news that often accompanied the Sheriff, and it was no different this time. As soon as Cole heard the words; 'Another has been found' he knew precisely what Bigby was speaking about.

Cole listened intently as Bigby spoke, before rising from his chair, rubbing his temple as he began to pace around the room. He did that a lot, especially when he was thinking, it was simply an old habit from his days as King that he never quite shook.

"Goodness....Another? This is concerning indeed, Sheriff. Who was she, do you have a name? I do suppose the first thing to do would be to establish an identity, Then I can have Bufkin find some information about them, and in the meantime we can have the drugged fable taken to the doctor...I think he's still around the Woodlands somewhere. "

Bigby nodded, stroking back his hair for a moment, knowing he was worrying Cole with all this and Snow would chew him out later over it but he needed to get things sorted now. "She is already on her way to be looked after by Dr Swineheart... I do have some information this time instead of just some nobod-, I mean, not alone like the last guy. Her name is Sarah, a fable from the hidden lands of japan, like that Momo girl."

Taking out his notepad for the lack of remembering the full facts he listed the few he had. "Apparently she worked as a 'working girl' at The Double D's. Nice name Max... So it seems we have a lead on just where to start." Looking around for a moment he noticed something was off "Snow not in today?" More than likely doing something important, given that she was normally here with Cole and Crane at night, mostly Cole given Crane was lazy at times...

Cole nodded solemnly,

"Well, I'm sure Dr Swineheart will do his best...Indeed, it is unusual for Snow not to be around. I believe she's having a small bit of downtime just now..She should be back soon, however. She never stays away for too long! Anyway, head to this fine establishment run by Max. Find out what you can about this poor girl, Sarah. Make it clear that full co-operation is expected from Max in this investigation!

Oh, and before you go...Try not to hurt anybody, Bigby! Self-restraint is of the utmost importance!"

When given the go ahead Bigby straightened his tie and with a nod he got ready to move out of the office, aiming for Max's place. However he was stopped by Cole as he stated that he shouldn't hurt anyone "Why does everyone always say that?..." That being said he knew why, fear was a hard thing to forget and he did not blame them really. "I will keep in touch if I find out anything important, you do the same with me. I want to see if the Doc picks anything up this time from the girl" Stepping through the door Bigby stopped for a moment before looking back "Oh and Cole... Make sure to get some sleep tonight. I will handle this"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rozalin looked back and forth from the building for a moment when Boogie asked why she was out this late, and as she did she caught sight of Momo heading into the Woodlands, though without a distraction to play off on the witch had very little choice other than answer him. "I am not a prisionoir, I can go out if I like" It was normally not recommended... "Anyway, King Cole said I could if I wanted too" Of course he did not agree to her going out at night but in the day... Either way she was out now and she intended to be out for a little while.
Meanwhile Bigby was exiting from the elevator, striking up let another smoke as he came out of the elevator, stopping as Momo came up so he could step around her and allow her into the elevator. "Make sure to tell your freinds not to cause too much trouble today" He mentioned off handily, after all he already had enough on his plate with this whole drug thing going on so he did not need any pranks played on him today.

Without a need to stop, and with a mission in mind Bigby went outside to see Boogie and Rozalin hanging around outside. He knew Rozalin due to her common place within Cole's office, and because of that he called her the lazy witch. "What are you doing out here..." Bigby said as he took a big draw from his huff and puff.
"I was just going out to enjoy the night air. Why does everyone ask me that anyway?" She knew witches were valable due to their magic power and knowlige, but they were not prionoirs or anything... Maybe it was just suprise due to the fact that many of the witches were happy to just wait around up on the 13th floor for people to come up and buy their wares, meh she prefered to go out and sell magic... Not that Bigby knew that.
"Mmhmm, right... Anyway, I need to get to Max's, so I will talk to you and Cole later about this. Boogie, could you look after her?" Without another word he was walking off towards Max's, leaving Rozaline clearly cursing something under her breath.

"Damn it, now I can't go there..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Boogie was a bit skeptical about the less than specific answer he got from Rozaline, but he was hardly the one to press the matter with his shady past of nightly strolls. "Whatever you say Rozaline. Just try to stay out of trouble, I'd hate to have to scar you straight." He said with a slight smirk as he took another drag from his cigarette. When he noticed Momoko walk by him he offered her a nod and a slight smile. "Evening Momo. Can you tell Saru that he still owes me for those fire crackers I gave him?" He said as Momoko headed towards the apartments.

Boogie was about done with his cigarette when he turned back to Rozaline. "Well whatever it is you're up to just try to be careful. You never know what goes bump in the night... Well besides me." He chuckled before he dropped his cigarette and stepped on it. He was about to head inside when he noticed Bigby heading outside. "Hey Bigby." He said with a smile. Boogie had always liked Bigby, mostly because they were both in the same "use to be a monster" boat. When Bigby asked him to watch Rozaline he felt he kind owed it to him. "Sure, but you owe me a pack of smokes." He said with a smirk. As Bigby walked away Boogie made his way back to Rozaline. "Well you herd the sheriff. You got the Bogeyman as a body guard." He said before he pulled out another cigarette, but before he let it he offered her the pack. "Smoke?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by experta


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A little after 9pm "The Double D's"

The bartender picked up the phone and after a short exchange put the person on hold.

"Hey boss, it's Mickey Gillespie, he wants to talk to you."

"Great, even more things I need to think about, when it rains it pours. Now I gotta deal with that louzy two bit piece of....Hey buddy, good to hear from you."

Max said with a cheery voice as he grabbed the phone.

"Listen, whatever it is it will have to wait. I got a lot on my plate right now and that mutt Bigby will probably come knocking on my door any minute. Listen, when I have time I'll swing by your place but right now I got more important things to do."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Roight, roight. Jus' needed t'nail down the plan fer the next get-together, lad. Got some t'ings I need moved, t'em Mundy boys never leave me wantin' fer merchandice." Mickey said, not bothering to hide the Irish brogue in the privacy of his office. He let his tiny legs dangle from the edge of the table as he spoke, taking a puff on his cigar. It was a cheap little thing, barely above a regular cigarette, but in his tiny hand it looked like a damned Cuban. "Speakin'a merchandice, been meanin' t'talk wit'cha 'bout some new product. Next meetin', t'ough. Best'a luck wit' t'at fookin' dog. He's waitin' fer an excuse to toss both our asses in the Witchin' Well." He hung up then, and pinched the bridge of his nose. Fucking great, Bigby was already on the job. If he was going over to talk to Max, it probably wouldn't be long before dropped in to say "Hi" to him too. He'd have to be prepared...

"Oi, boys, keep an eye out. We're gonna be expectin' company tonight..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Momo smiled at Boogie as she passed and answered him after he spoke, "Good evening Boogie-san. Yes, I'll be sure to let Saru-kun know about his debt to you," She continued on her way, thinking about the prank that Saru played. She remembered. Saru had used firecrackers to play a prank on Crane last Halloween. It was quite hilarious to see Crane think that the Headless Horseman was after him again, and get so scared. Really it had just been a mannequin with a pumpkin filled with firecrackers for a head. The Woodlands Apartments were a mess with bits of pumpkin everywhere in the office. Everyone had talked about that incident for weeks after that. She couldn't help but chuckle again as she recalled the prank.

When the elevator door finally opened to show Bigby coming out of the elevator door and he made room for her to enter. She nodded thanks when he did and she entered as Bigby made his statement. She smiled and answered him, "I'll be sure to tell them that," She pressed a button on the elevator and the doors closed. Other than the boring elevator music, it was was silent, since Momoko was the only one in the elevator. Soon the doors opened and she was in the hallway, heading for her room.

She took out her key and opened the door to see that the room was unusually clean. Kuro, the black haired boy who looked about her age, was standing in the kitchen, while Saru, a blonde haired boy, sat on the couch looking despondent. Tori wasn't in the apartment. Momoko didn't know why, but Tori was always gone late at night. Saru and Kuro told her that she had gone to work, but Momoko never found out what Tori's job was. She looked to Saru and she asked "Saru? What's the matter?" Saru looked to Momoko but didn't say anything, which was unusual for a chatty person such as him. Kuro answered "Bigby found Sarah. She's dead," Saru cried after Kuro made that statement, and Momoko widened her eyes. Sarah was Saru's girlfriend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Outside of the Woodlands

Rozalin looked a little shocked Boogie agreed, sure he had changed, or at least gave up his little habits but she did not expect him to really stick around with her... This could be troubling for her, that much was for sure. "No thanks... " After Bigby and Momo had gone Rozalin started to walk. "Look, Boogie. What you are going to see you can't tell anyone about ok? It is not strictly... Well promise me you wont tell anyone, otherwise we can just go and get something to eat." Yeah she knew full well that even if he told someone about what she was saying it could not come back on her.
Mayor Coles Office

Meanwhile Crane was entering the building, pushing past Gideon in a huff. He was clearly flustered and went straight up to his and Cole's Office. "Cole!" He shouted as he entered, completely blanking anyone else there, even Snow White if she was. "Is it true? Has yet another one been found?" He was of course talking about Sarah, who as far as he had been told was found, be it dead or a coma he did not know, though in a coma she was thankfully or not...
"The Double D's"

Making his normal entrance, Bigby shoved the door open as he ignored the doorman and the no smoking sign on the wall, though he knew it was just something Max had yet to take down... Why had he not taken this place out yet? Simple, more important things going on, though this time it involved Max's place, too bad for max. Taking his a Huff & Puff pack and shaking a cigarette loose, he picked it out with his mouth and lit it.

"Max! Come out here. We need to talk"
"We got nothing to talk about."

Max said as he walked out of the backstage area.

"Yeah nice to see you too........."

He would pretend to be friendly for a lot of people.......not the wolf.

"I already asked all my employes about what happened and I want to get to the bottom of this as much as you sheriff, actually even more, it's not your lively hood at stake. So I am willing to fully cooperate with you. Just ask me what you wanna know and get the hell out."
"Oh? Well, isn't that a change. The Boy who Cried Wolf finally willing to help someone other than himself, and without lying no less." Bigby came right back at him with that back handed comment, though he had little time to play around with him right now, despite who much he disliked him. "It is simple Max, I want to see where she worked, where she kept her stuff here. Anything. A place where she lived may also be good if you are are feel that nice" Walking over to the bar the man leaned onto it, waiting for a answer.
"I do not keep track of where my employees live, I only care what they do here. Follow me."

Max led Bigby backstage.

"This here is the dressing room where the girls get ready for work. Through that door is the lockers where they keep their belongings and the back exit. Sarah had access only to these backstage areas so there is no point showing you anything else. Here's the spare key for her locker, no one has opened it yet."

Max went over to her locker and opened it.
Bigby sighed "Where have I heard that before..." Seemed to be a common thing, no one wanted to make things easy for him about being open about what they were doing... Would make his job hundred times easier if they were. Moving past Max he wasted little time in looking through the things in the locker, though he somewhat did not belive what Max said about it not being opened... Then again he could never belive anything he said so there was little point on calling him out on it without real proof.

"Hmmm, did she frequent this 'O'Mallory's' often? Wait, ent that Micks place? What is your girl doing at a rivals bar?"

Oh, Max knew full well what he meant by Rival, no matter how small time and lack of proof on hand Bigby knew... He had taken three objects from the locker. A peice of red clothe, a card with O'Mallory's on it, and her handbag. The girl would need her belongings if she ever woke up that much was for sure.
"Your memory sure doesn't go a long way. I am surprised you find the way back home to your dump at night sheriff. I told you, once the girls leave I don't ask what they do or where they go. It's their business and I want nothing to do with it.
Bigby got right up into Max's face by this point. "Thats right, keep running your mouth, because one day it is going to get you hurt boy, just like it did before." Placing the clothe and card away into his back pockets, he thought about interrogating Max, but of course being who he was doing so would only make Bigby feel good. "If I find out you had anything to do with this girls condition I will be back, you understand? So you better not be hiding anything from me."
"Only my sheep. Oh hey know I remember, you live near Snow White right? Guess that solves the mistery oh how you find your way back home. You'd do anything for your master right? Well be a good boy and get off my case and go find out what the fuck happened. Maybe she'll notice you exist."
Bigby shoved Max at this point, though for some reason did not follow through like he did in the past, until he got to know snow that is, but instead just pointed at him. "Fuck you Boy." Cole asked him to restraint himself, and so he did as he started to make his way out of the club. He had other places to be and he could not afford to start a fight here and now, but damn he wanted too!
Max watched silently as Bigby left.

"One of these days...."

He murmured to himself.

"Mark, since we are not working tonight call in cleaners tonight to get the place in shape. I have a few things to do. Don't get any more comatosed women on your watch."

Max left shortly to go on with his business.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Templar Knight

Templar Knight

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Woodlands

Coming up the opposite end of the street from Boogie, Momo, Bigby, and Rozalin, Gideon had speed-walked his way the several blocks from his apartment to The Woodlands, he didn't want to risk wasting time for his Glamour to start deteriorating further. As he walked through the main gates he felt himself shoved out of the way and looked to see Ichabod Crane apparently in an even bigger hurry than he was.

Compared to Mayor Cole, Gideon's experience with Crane was that he was a pain to deal with even when he was in a good mood, which was most days. He shook his head as he continued into The Woodlands lobby, checking his box for mail. Also like most days, there was a stack of envelopes there for him. As the representative for Fairy interests at The Woodlands, he was constantly getting mail on complaints, petitions, inquiries, or simply questions which his constituents wanted brought before the government's attention. Going through all of them daily, it was his job to decide which ones warranted the attention of himself, Cole, Crane, Bigby, or anyone else in The Woodlands. The stack was fairly hefty today, but he shoves them into his one of his inner coat pockets before looking through them, he had all day for that.

After closing his box, Gideon then walks over to the elevator and waits for it to come down, his plan to get his Glamour fixed by the Witches on the 13th floor before going to his office on the 3rd floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Momoko consoled Saru as cried, and it wasn't until a few minutes later that Saru had begun to calm down. Saru asked Kuro and Momo, "Do you-Do you think that Dr. Swineheart has her body now?"
Kuro shrugged and said "Probably. Why do you ask?"
Saru sniffled, preventing himself from breaking down into tears again, "I-I just…I want to say good-bye to her…"
Momoko understood how Saru felt. It was the same as after the ogres killed her adoptive parents. She stood up and helped Saru up and she said to him "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to Mayor Cole and see if the body had come in yet,"
Saru smiled and he sniffled to Momoko "Thank you, Momo,"
Momo answered him "Don't mention it," Kuro looked to the two of them and he asked Momo,
"Should I go with you two?"
Momo shook her head and she answered "No. Stay here, just in case Tori comes back,". Kuro nodded mumbling an OK, in reply.

Momo and Saru left their room and headed for Mayor Cole's office. They entered the room to find Crane was in the room along with Cole. Crane seemed to be upset, but then what else was new? The guy was always uptight and upset over something. Saru normally would've teased Crane at this point, but he knew that Crane was talking about Sarah, and he didn't say anything. Momoko and Saru stayed back and quiet until Crane was done talking with Cole.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Boogie put away his pack of smokes before lighting the one he got for himself. "Suit yourself Rozalin, but these things can really take the edge off." He said with a slight smirk before taking a drag of his cigarette. Boogie couldn't help but raise a brow when the witch asked for his silence on what she was about to do. "Hmm I won't say nothing Rozalin, but this better not come back to bite me in the as... rear. With my old record even Cole would want to put me down the Witching Well if I start acting up again." He said following after Rozalin."Besides the only decent Chinese restaurant is closed right now." He said with a smirk and a exhale of smoke.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Toad's Place: Rozalin & BoogieRozalin moved off the path to flag down a taxi for the pair of them, which would seem to drive them down to the less than privileged part of town where Mister Toad Lived, which oddly enough was their first stop. Walking into the building Rozalin wasted little time in knocking on the door, and sure enough a none glamoured Toad showed up at the door. "Hello Mister Toad, I have come with the delivery"

"About bloody time! I mean, I am not ungrateful or nothin but it is hard being stuffed in this ol place for so long. Know what I mean? Ah! Boogie, what are you doin ere?" Rozalin walked into Toad's place, and Toad left the door open for Boogie too.
Mickey's Bar

Bigby took little time in making it to Micky's, after all Fabletown was not all that big and taxi's were always running, even at the dead of night. Walking up to the door he pushed it open and tossed his cigarette to the ground, stepping on it a moment later as he took a look around. "Mick! In know you are here. I heard your voice over the phone with Max" Though he could not pick up the words, the little shits accent was a dead give away, as even some of the other Irish fables did not talk the way he did.
There was a long pause. The regulars turned to look at Bigby with annoyance, or in the case of the Fables, a bit of fear. The bruisers outside Mickey's office were starting to stand, cracking their knuckles and looking ready for anything. They were small-minded and brutal men, only Mundies, but Mickey had given them some magic rings to give them that little extra boost. As a Leprechaun he had some talent with magic, but it wasn't anything close to the witches of the 13th Floor. His Mundy thugs might be stronger and more durable than normal, but they still weren't up there with Fables.

"Boss don't see nobody wit'out an' apointment." The bigger of the two said, his bald scalp shining in the dim light as he glowered at Bigby.
Bigby sighed, peering down to their hands as he sniffed the air, yeah that was the smell of magic already, well Leprechaun Celtic magic at least, left a faint aroma since it commonly used spice or other scented things. "Well he is going to see me. Now out of my way, and leave. I dont want to have to hurt you guys" He was clearly not threatened by them as he just started to walk to the door to open the thing up, of course this left him wide open.
The goons stood dumbfounded for a moment, but they quickly regained their composure and started after Bigby. The speaker had pulled a blackjack out from under his shirt, the other reaching for what was obviously a gun stuffed in his pants. Blackjack was growling and brought his weapon around in a wide swing at Bigby's head. It wasn't a particuarly good swing, but he was big enough to do some damage. The other guy, meanwhile, finaly realized that grabbing his gun in the middle of the bar probably wasn't a good idea, and settled for just charing in with a meaty fist flying at the intruder.
The blackjack came crashing down onto Bigby's head, stunning him for a moment and giving enough time for the other mook to clock him right in the jaw and send Bigby into the near by table. "Ok... I guess we are doing this the hard way" HE said, standing up from the table he gripped with hardly any effect showing from the attack other than him rubbing his head for a moment, and the likely bent in the black jack. By this point the Fables in the bar had the good sense to get the hell out of there. Reaching back Bigby looked to be ready for them to attack, only to throw a full mug of beer at the one that had punched him before before he rushed forwards to jump up and punch the other goon.

With the bar now empty, the goons figured it was a good time to stop holding back, but it was a bit too late for them. The smaller one was sent to the ground screaming as he was struck in the head, hands clutching at the shards of glass in his bleeding face, the booze seeping into the wounds and burning like hell. Blackjack was sent crashing into a table, which buckled under his weight and not so neatly snapped in half. He was struggling to stand when the voice almost screamed from the office.

"Alroight, t'at's enough! Get in here, Bigby! You two fookin' idiots clean up that goddamn mess!" It was Mickey, and as he opened his office door, in his non-glamored form, he looked as if he was having a conniption fit. He did not like it when people trashed his bar, even if it was just a front. He was jabbing a finger into his office, his specticales threatening to fall off his nose as his left eye twitched a little too much. "Jus' what the fook do you want, boyo?"
Bigby was just about to make sure the two did niot get up again for a while when the midget finally spoke up and ended the fight, which worked for him. Straightening his tie he started to walk into the office. "You should know better Mick and tell your boys about me... That being said, those little rings of theres are not really all that legal are they? Niot to mention showing yourself none glamoured like that" This was clearly just a small threat, as in 'tell me what I want to know, or you will get pulled in for that' "That being said, have you heard about a girl named Sarah?"
"There ain't not'in' illegal 'bout makin' magic items, Bigby. Those bitches on the 13th Floor jus' don't like it when folk get magic they didn't get paid fer. An' t'ere ain't a fookin' soul in here t'at don't already know 'bout us, so what's the point of a glamour right now?" The Leprechaun shot back, still scowling and twitching his eye even more. Mickey took a moment to collect himself before he spoke again. He'd been expecting the wolf's questions, just not this soon.

"Sarah, eh? One'a Maxie's girls, I t'ink. Stopped in now an' t'en fer a drink. Shame 'bout her. She gave the best head." That was a lie, he'd never gotten even to 1st base with her, but Bigby didn't know that, and maybe it would ruffle that little turd Saru's feathers.
"Giving them to mundies is though, be careful where you step little man" Bigby was rather calm at this point, despite the fight that he was in a moment ago, though when you were a fable you healed very fast so he was feeling as right as rain. well that is until the little asshole said one to many things. When he mentioned Sarah like that Biggy walked over and attempted to grab onto the Leprechaun to lift him from the ground.

"Look here you little shit, there is a girl in a coma right now and it may be because of you! So keep your mouth in check before I just throw you down the witching well myself! Now tell me, did she collect anything from here? Or meet anyone? The reason she is in a coma is because of something called Dust" Of course Mickey would know its full name was Fairy Dust
Oh, this was just fucking great. They'd already found out about Dust in less that three days. The bitch had told them it would take weeks for them to figure out the tie between it and its nasty little side-effect. Mickey did his best to keep calm even as his legs kicked in the air; not an easy task when the Big Bad Wolf was looking pissed as hell in front of you.

"How the fook should I know where the junky bitch got her product? I jus' deal wit' hootch an' glamours now and then." He almost shouted, trying his best to sound indignant. "She only ever stopped here fer a drink oncce're twice. If she was stupid enough t'buy some product from one'a me customers or who the fook ever, t'at ain't me problem!"
With a growl Bigby would swing tje midget up over his head and onto his desk, he was not in the mood to be dealing with this. "Dont give me that shit Micky! I know full well you are into selling drugs, and something that effects fables would be right up your street. If you tell me now I promise not to toss your ass down the Witching Well, if you tell me who you got it from I promise I wont trash this place while using you as a baseball bat"
Mickey back to conniption fits again, swearing up a storm in Gaelic, English and some other Fae language that had gone out of use centuries ago. Bigby was serious now. The Leprechaun was snarling and trying to reach his bowler hat to cover up his bleeding head. Fuck it, it wasn't like the bitch could do anything against him for talking.
"Foine, foine, jus' settle the fook down. Got the product a coupla weeks ago from some lil' bitch in a red hood, alright? She didn't give me a name, keep her hood up an' she used a voice-changin' spell. That's all I got fer ya, wolf!" He was doing his damndest to get out of Bigby's hold as he talked.
Bigby looked a little shocked by this news since as soon as the little guy mentioned a red hood the guy just leg go and looked into his pockets to check on that red peice of clothe... Seemed like he may have been telling the truth, but if it was just some simple deal then why did the girl have a piece of ruined clothing? He had to get back and check on the body, to see if there was any sign or evidence there.

"Well, that wasn't so hard now was it Micky? Thanks for the information, and if you could. Try not to tell anyone you told me? It makes my job a lot easier" With that Bigby had little care about what he had caused, he got the information after all and not to mention a lead. Of course if Micky did not say anything he would leave.
ckey just glared after Bigby for a few minutes until he was sure the wolf was out of earshot. Oh, there was no way in hell he was going to make that asshole's job easier. He ran back into his office and pulled up the phone. He hit another speeddial and waited for the ringer. The girl needed to hear about this, after all. If he told her right away instead of letting Bigby surprise her, she might not take it out on him too.

"Oi, lass, heads up. The Wolf's snoopin' around. He knows 'bout the product. He'll be lookin' fer you soon."
Bigby was already heading town the street towards the Woodlands... However, the tip off Mickey gave his supplier was more than enough to seal Bigby's fate, as he wouldnot be returning to the Woodlands that night. A cross bow bolt slammed into his back, causing him to growl one moment but fall asleep the next. "A captured wolf... Makes me think of old times" With that she left with Bigby in a car.
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