Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"The biggest conceit of our time is the thought that nothing we do matters, all our efforts, all our blood, sweat and tears are only for nothing. That couldn't be further from the truth, your presence here is a testament to the will and resilience of Earth.We in the Organization of Magical Regulation stands defiant, for we have given Earth a chance, a chance to live life free from the fear of destruction, this corpse of the Abomination from space is testament to Earth's will."
-Joan of Arc, 3 days after The Shattering.

Short Lore

In the year 1600. Various Mages, Great Seers, Wizards and Witches around the world received a message of the apocalypse. It was a message coming deep from the stars, a great Abomination was on it's way to destroy earth and harvest the souls of everyone that lives here. At first, chaos erupted, but as the various kingdoms of the world put down the chaos. A form of 'collective resolution' was agreed upon.

Earth will not fall, and everyone here will live.

Obviously, progress was slow, and significantly hampered by the political machinations of the times, but, by the end of World War 2, advances in technology has allowed the victorious powers to actually address the issue. Firstly, the Office of Magical Regulation, or the OMR was formed. Primarily an American organization, but rapidly encompassing the entire world (Including the Soviet Union and it's satellite states), this Organization, with the support of practically every pantheon the world over. Quickly went to work in order to provide some semblance of order after the second world war destroyed the previous magical status quo.

What is less well known, at least until recently, was that the OMR was tasked with finding a way to fight the Abomination and win. This is by far a much more important task, and one that the Office, along with studious amounts of investment from both the US and the USSR, had a chance on. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless.

And by 1989, A fleet of OMR spaceships, filled to the brim with the latest advances in magic, ballistics, computer science, and FTL technology, sallied forth, and defeated the abomination just as it entered Earth's moon. It was a massive battle, with Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Dragons and Deities dying in droves. But they succeeded, their efforts were not in vain, and the semi-shattered moon provided an adequate name for the event, 'The Shattering'.

It has been 7 years since the end of The Shattering, the year is 1995, and although certain doom was prevented, not all is well on Earth.

Recent intelligence reports have shown that large shipments of weapons have entered Germany, be they Magical or Conventional, and the OMR are worried that there is a growing terrorist group growing in Germany’s underground. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc has led to a surge of illegal weapons, both magical and conventional, to flood Europe, leading to a rise in crime all across the continent. This rise is a risk that the Organization has to stop.

And Headquarters has decided to send you to solve the problem. Whoever you are.

Welcome to The Hunt. A Smorgasbord RP set in a world that has avoided calamity. A calamity of Nuclear Weapons and a Calamity by a literal Eldritch Being, I plan this RP to start and finish with the investigation, but, should there be continued interest after the initial premise. I am open towards continuing the RP with a new storyline.

You can play as one of the five species that inhabit this Earth. A Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf, Dragon, and Deity. Although for the latter two, I recommend that you find some justification in your character sheets, this looks like a comparatively small case for a Deity or a Dragon to interfere.

The Office of Magical Regulation

"I don't know how we defeated that Abomination, but it sure as hell wouldn't be possible without all your hard work, so I thank you, all of you, from the lowliest clerks to the highest council members."
- OMR Director Eve, thanking everyone after The Shattering.

One and Two Liberty Place, Philadelphia. Current headquarters for the OMR

The OMR was formed in 1948 by the United States, Canada and Mexico. Primarily meant as an Organization to replace the magical structures of the Old Magical Circles, but soon rapidly came to encompass the whole world as more and more pantheons and national governments joined. This organization's official duty is simple, to provide some form of regulation and enforcement of said regulation on a transnational level. Think Interpol, but for magical affairs, and with more teeth.

It soon quickly evolved into an organization beyond it's official duties, especially after former War Criminal Deities in both Germany and Japan joined after their release from prison. In the 1950s, another task, to find a way to defeat the Celestial Abomination hellbent on Earth's destruction, was added, albeit in secret. Both the deities of the world and the various national governments agreed in unison on this goal, the OMR, above everything else, was the only transnational organization with the influence, reach, and technological prowess to form a coherent response to the threat.

As a result, after The Shattering. It is the only organization with Combat Spaceships on Earth, it's duties now encompassing from economic assistance, magical crimes investigation, and a sort of UN Peacekeeping Force but more geared towards Magical Affairs. In short, the World Bank, Interpol, and the UN all rolled into one. You can find OMR offices in areas as remote as the Amazons, where agents facilitate economic assistance for Amazonian tribes, and OMR offices in the centre of New York City, where their agents solve Magical Crimes on a daily basis.

It is a huge organization, and it has chosen you for this particular task in Germany. Let's hope you do well, gaining favor with such a powerful organization is almost always a boon.

Some Expectations

Expect a bit of Insanity: This is a setting where gods, ranging from Zeus, Joan of Arc, Satan, the Biblical Adam and Eve, Amaterasu, and Kali are walking amongst humans in 1995. This is a setting where Dragons usually fly along Commercial jets, or take human form and book Business Class because flying inter-Atlantic alone is boring and a bit tedious. It's Earth, but not necessarily the Earth you are intimately familiar with.

Casual, but not super casual: I don't expect much, but I expect some form of effort to be put when you're making your posts, make those initial two paragraphs of some value to the character you're making and you should be fine.

Coordination via Discord: I prefer a service where I can communicate with other players and receive instant feedback, it allows the RP to flow seamlessly and not feel too janky.

Some notes on anyone interested playing a Deity/Dragon: Just note that a vast majority of Deities, more than 90% of them, are registered as an OMR agent, roughly 76% for dragons as well. They are powerful beings, and while being an OMR agent isn't their full time job (for some anyways), if you are planning on playing characters like the two mentioned, coordinate with me so that it doesn't get too janky.

Discord Link: discord.gg/ErqgVZ55dR

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Welp I'm going to put a sub here, and tentative interest.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Welp I'm going to put a sub here, and tentative interest.

Thanks. I know the setting is pretty wacky, but I hope that you would eventually join formally.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Oh I'm not worried about that. The setting looks pretty cool. And I may even have an idea for a character. i just want to see where this might go.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This looks like it has a lot of potentials. I have a few questions though.
How will the magic work?
What's the current level of technology inside, and outside the OMR?
How do different races within the world work?
It said there were pantheons, so are the deities, deities in the conventional sense where each represents or guards over various aspects, or are they just another race?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

This looks like it has a lot of potentials. I have a few questions though.
How will the magic work?
What's the current level of technology inside, and outside the OMR?
How do different races within the world work?
It said there were pantheons, so are the deities, deities in the conventional sense where each represents or guards over various aspects, or are they just another race?

1) Magic works very flexibly. It seriously depends on how much time and experience you have with magic. I don't want to add it in since I fear it might overwhelm people with info. But here's a snippet.

2) Current level of technology inside the OMR is slightly all over the place. On one hand, FTL spaceships that defeated an Eldritch Abomination, so of course their offices and mages can utilize the most advanced of technologies, but for the wider world, the Org is currently facilitating a slow but steady transfer of technology to the whole wide world, so think of a world slightly more than advanced in our current timeline, but in 1995. They have the tech but don't know how to use it, so no smartphones, but fast and reliable internet is becoming a thing all across the developed western world at least.

3) The races, traits and skills wise, vary wildly. No species is 'smarter' or 'dumber' than anyone else (but you will find racist rhetoric somewhere), but, using Humans as a baseline, Elves in general are more in tune with magic, Dwarves are more stocky but less flexible in terms of reach, Orcs are stronger (and in some cases also more in tune with magic), and Dragons and Deities tend to be significantly better than everyone else, with the added caveat that deities can't really die.

The last part isn't really a big issue, since most deities are OMR registered and work there, and the vast majority of them aren't malevolent. But should there be an issue, a nation like France/UK can 'kill' deities with effort without using Nuclear Weapons.

4) There are 3 types of Deities, Deities that are spawned from legend (Cu Chulainn, Thor, Sun Wukong), Deities that are spawned through acts of significance (Joan of Arc, Heracles, Nitocris), and deities that are spawned from concepts (Marianne of France, Columbia, The Grim Reaper). Deities can spawn from one or a combination of all three. They can also be of any species, a famous Orc War hero that got deified, a legend in Elven society that gained personification, etc etc etc. And Deities cannot 'die' in the conventional sense, the only way to kill a deity is either the deity wishes to not live anymore, or the deity is forgotten.

The OMR is created in part to regulate Deities, since Deities are incredibly powerful and very old individuals, over 90% of them joined the OMR in some capacity since they're literally too powerful to ignore, nowadays, deities literally act as some form of 'ultimate enforcer' for the OMR, a lobbyist for OMR interests in the various national governments (you don't get to live that long and not make connections with someone in government), or just taking a 50 year long retirement before coming back into the game.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by jynmi88
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jynmi88 The adventurer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The magic system is interesting. Kind of reminds me of the system used in the Dresden files. I like it. Curious to see how it'll be used in the story.

Actually, the way the OMR is set up with the deities kind of strikes me as a cross between the Dresden File's accords and the SCP Foundation.

Would things like faith and custom have any impacts on magic use?

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The magic system is interesting. Kind of reminds me of the system used in the Dresden files. I like it. Curious to see how it'll be used in the story.

Actually, the way the OMR is set up with the deities kind of strikes me as a cross between the Dresden File's accords and the SCP Foundation.

Would things like faith and custom have any impacts on magic use?

It can impact style, but not effectiveness, that's purely skill based.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


So Magic is flexible? We're not talking just casting right? Like Harry Potter style?

Is Ritualism and Runic Magic on the table?

If I join, maybe When I join, I may already have an idea. And I just want to make sure well before hand if it might work.

What's your take on that?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago


So Magic is flexible? We're not talking just casting right? Like Harry Potter style?

Is Ritualism and Runic Magic on the table?

If I join, maybe When I join, I may already have an idea. And I just want to make sure well before hand if it might work.

What's your take on that?

Of course, Runic magic and Rituals are on the table. This is not necessarily limited to Norse/Celtic runes though, cultures all over the world are capable of casting their own Runic and Ritualistic magics of their own.

Also, infusing your own mana into say... a Modern Magical Weapon (think rifle but powered by Mana) is also possible, much more flexibility too.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Spekkun
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Spekkun Devourer of skittles

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The setting seems pretty crazy and out there, but in a good way, I think!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Thanks @Spekkun!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I learned a new word! "Smorgasbord" (had to google it btw lol)

Definitely interested btw! :-) I might wait to make a character though, since I want to wait the style of characters that will be made and see if I can come up with a concept fitting with the RP
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alright. OOC thread is posted: roleplayerguild.com/topics/185714-the…
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Kumbaris
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alright, so, since there are several members leaving. I'm reopening this Interest Check thread in case anyone wants to pitch in. It's still open people!
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