They say that when Alderaan died 200 years ago that was the first time anyone alive had felt such a great disturbance in the force; that even the wisest struggled to understand what had happened. That was when a planet dying meant something, the days where names like Skywalker and Palpatine belonged to living people, instead of sitting alongside figures like Revan and Exar Kun in the domain of ill-remembered stories and legends. Now the galaxy has seen the Great War, the first war fought where all sides had mass produced superweapons with firepower once reserved for the Death Star or Starkiller Base. The opening salvo killed more people than the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War and the First Order/Resistance Conflict combined. Anyone who could listen said that it sounded like the force itself was screaming as countless worlds died and over half the galactic population perished. The intense fires of conflict became smoldering embers once the stockpiles were exhausted and what remained of the governments and industries that had built the superweapons lay shattered into a thousand pieces. The core worlds are all but gone, the inner rim is just as devastated, and what passes for civilization is scattered among the outer reaches of the galaxy. Even landscapes as hostile as the deserts of Tatooine and the icy wastes of Hoth are sought after in this era; many of the most recent generations have no home world, living a nomadic existence amid a fleet of ships and never even breathing the air of a real atmosphere.
Now the galaxy is dotted with warlords and bandits, commanding whatever forces they have and trying to carve their own slice of territory. They give their forces grandiose titles, there is no shortage of new empires, republics, orders, federations, but whatever they call themselves or whatever great heritage or ideology they claim means little. In the same manner Jedi and Sith have become empty words, adopted by any thug or mystical charlatan with a lightsaber and some half remembered teachings; a thousand disparate traditions clinging to old ideals. Few have time to think beyond the hardships of everyday life. To the those that open their mind to the force and listen to it, they hear something new amongst the ruins, something that has replaced the terror from the height of the war. They feel it growing weaker, straining more and more, and calling to them only for it to fade each time; as though the force itself is dying, and no one knows why.
Thank you for reading, this RP is an idea for a different take on a Star Wars RP, shaking up the setting quite a bit. Looking for a group of players who start out just trying to survive, stumble into an galaxy-spanning journey, and end up probing some of the most profound mysteries of the force.
More details of the lore will be fleshed out as we go on. Elements from both the Legends canon and the current canon will be allowed.
More details of the lore will be fleshed out as we go on. Elements from both the Legends canon and the current canon will be allowed.
What to expect
☄️ A dark, post-apocalyptic feel brought to Star Wars
☄️ Epic adventures and action
☄️ A collaborative approach to world-building
☄️ More freedom from canon than typical of a star wars RP
☄️Interesting philosophical takes on the force
☄️ A dark, post-apocalyptic feel brought to Star Wars
☄️ Epic adventures and action
☄️ A collaborative approach to world-building
☄️ More freedom from canon than typical of a star wars RP
☄️Interesting philosophical takes on the force