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Hidden 29 days ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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"Oh. Is that all?" She laughed heartily, shifting her hips and placing her left hand on her waist as the right hand lifted and twirled blatantly in a loose tuft of her wavy hair. "Well, a girl can hardly refuse that kind of offer, hm? Rory's got a good point though, I'd love to have a few more variables to this mystery myself. Especially about 'Tara. Since we seem to be getting off on such a good foot, it'd be absolutely brill if you could clear a few things up for us."
Hidden 28 days ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Jub the Peculiar

A look of great relief overtook Jub's features as he took the spell components from Aaliyah. "Thank you," he said. "You have no idea how much this means to me." He paused for a moment, temporarily forgetting the splendor of his surroundings as he considered whether he should try and summon Eighteyes now. In fact, if he was to bring her back, it might be smarter not to bring her back as a spider this time. Maybe some kind of flying creature, so she could easily scout around.

As he considering this though, he heard Brutrumukk asking about the treasures in the palace. "Yeah, I'm curious about that too," he said.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Waiting Room

Aaliyah smiled brightly at Jub when he thanked her and she answered him, "I'm glad I could help!" She then looks to Brutrumukk as he made his comments and Jub agreed with the questions stating that he was curious.

Aaliyah simply giggled and she answered them, "I think it's better to leave the stories of how Master Ishaan got those items to Master Ishaan himself," She then adds, "They're all well guarded if not cursed, so a successful theft is highly unlikely,"

As though to interrupt the conversation, a loud sound of something fragile shattering echoes in the quiet confines of the palace. Aaliyah looks up in concern at the sound.



Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

Charm gives a wide grin and a seemingly sinister chuckle to Aurora before she points a long finger to Gabriel, who is lingering in the back of the group, and answers her question, "She was much more receptive to advice after your friend over there mentioned 'Widdershins',"

When Zavakri spoke and accepted the terms of the deal while agreeing with Aurora on the details, Charm turns her attention to her and answers her, "Very well. It's a deal then. I'll give you the information after I get you the dry bundle of wood and the moonlight monocle,"

She moves about behind the counter, and as promised, she places the items on the counter. She informs Zavakri, "All you need to do is to accept these items, and I will receive your payments in turn,"

Should Zavakri take the items, she would feel a little bit of magic course through her blood, and a part of herself leave her heart. She would see an illusory shield appear in Charm's hand before it vanishes once more.

After that, Charm follows through on her promise, and informs the group,

"There is a small scarecrow on the bridge. If you help him with his plight, he can guide you from Hither to Thither. You will find Bavlorna with her sister in that realm..."

She looks to Zavakri as she finishes,

"And you will be able to find your Detara in the realm of Thither,"

She also chuckles and she informs them, "It will be easier to explore Bavlorna's hut now that she's gone,"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
Hidden 21 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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At the sound of the fragile object breaking, all avaricious thoughts left Brutrumukk's mind as a mix of annoyance and bloodthirsty anticipation seeped into his facial expression. "Well now we know where that fuckin' cat got off to." The bugbear gnome said before turning to Aaliyah. "Does this place 'ave an armory by any chance?" Brutrumukk asked. "I lost me weapons a while back. An' while I do 'ave some daggers now, I reckon a cat the size of an ogre will be needin' somethin' with a little more oomph."
Hidden 17 days ago Post by Lurking Krog
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Aurora was still perplexed as to any Charm was helping them, Rule of Reciprocity aside. At this point she figured now was as good a time as any to push the matter. "She did seem quite receptive of your advice to vist one of her sisters." Rory's tone implied that she already knew this. Yet here you are telling us where she went and how to get there. What are you playing at Charm? Why advise Bavlorna to leave only to then tell us where she went? What benefit is all this to you?" She asked these questions intent on trying to glean more of what Charm was up to. Something about this felt off and Aurora was not sure what it was yet. Regardless of Zav's disposition towards Charm, Aurora did not trust her and was feeling like she was getting drawn into more fey games.
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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Jub the Peculiar

Jub looked alarmed at the sudden sound, an expression that only grew when Brutrumukk voiced his desire to fight whatever had made it. "We don't know if it's the cat, Brutrumukk," Jub pointed out. "It could be... anything. And we're not exactly in top condition right now." The exhaustion in his voice was clear as he said that last sentence. He looked up at Aaliyah. "Would you know about anything that would be making that sound?" He was half-hoping she would say they had a rambunctious pet dog, or a very clumsy servant, or... something. Anything that meant they wouldn't have to fight right now.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Fading Memory
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Fading Memory The Final Flame of a Fiery Bird

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Zavakri quietly packs the Bundle of Dry Wood away, then scoops up the monocle into her hand to inspect it closer. She peers through it and murmurs quietly to herself something about greyscale and a loss of warmth and tone, as well as some mumbo about being capable of adjusting for the depth variance of a single eye 'on the fly', so to speak. Truly she is a woman of many words and in this case she is mumbling almost all of them to herself. A few self-conversational spans later, and the monocle is strapped to her head and offset in a way that she can pull it down onto her eye in a moment's notice. Certainly not stylish- but somehow, so very Zavakri.

"Good, and all I need to do is avoid thinking about how ludicrously horrible de-"

She immediately clams up, tears welling up in her eyes. She bites onto her lip with some viciousness. Her entire body trembles as the tears burn hotly down her face and she begins to expel a not insubstantial volume of snot from her nose.

"I-I erm." She manages, rummaging into her pockets, her voice strained. "I-I need just a moment. Rory...R-Rory's, erm. She's got my vote, whatever we need to d-do."

She pulls out a handkerchief and steps aside, temporarily losing herself from the conversation at large as she blows her nose into the cloth with immense fervor.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Elemental Plane of Air

Ishaan's Palace: Waiting Room

Aaliyah answers Brutrumukk first with a shake of her head, "My apologies, but we don't have an armory. My Master values knowledge more than martial prowess," She then looks to Jub when he makes his point and asks his question, "I'm not sure. It could be Master Ishaan's challenge for me today,"

She then tells Brutrumukk and Jub, "I'll go and investigate. Why don't you two rest here, and take some time to summon your familiar? You two are guests after all. I'll be back as soon as possible,"

After saying so, she does leave the gnome and the goblin to themselves in this room and heads off to investigate the noise. Looking around the room they're currently in, they would notice that it is well furnished with numerous plush cushions against the walls. There is a window for them to look outside if they wanted to. The center floor is open, to allow for Jub to commence with the ritual for Find Familiar if he so desired.



Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)

Charm simply chuckles at Aurora's question, letting Zavakri have a moment to herself. She answers her question, "It is simply as I have stated earlier, young 'Rory': You were helpful to me back in Bavlorna's Cottage, so I am simply returning the favor,"

It seems like there's more to Charm's answer, but what lurks underneath the surface remains unclear to both Aurora and Zavakri...

She then clarifies, "I should mention: When it comes to the bridge I mentioned, look for the one with the chattering bullywug heads. You can't miss them,"

After doing so, she claps her hands together and she asks, "Now then, is there anything else you would like to purchase?"

@Lurking Krog@Dark Cloud@Fading Memory@Cao the Exiled
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