Dedicated to the memory of Brian Jacques...


A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:
◼ BANCROFT, SON OF GEOFFREY - A young mouse played by Lord Wraith
◼ BROTHER RIGBY - An abbey born mouse played by Nemaisare
◼ EKORRNELIUS POXBORN - A forager squirrel played by Hillan
◼ ELLIS OF THE TAP - An aging hedgehog played by Fading Memory
◼ MARIGOLD YEW - A squirrel from outside the abbey played by Cyrania
◼ ZARIS STREAMCUTTER - A young otter played by PrankFox
◼ BROTHER RIGBY - An abbey born mouse played by Nemaisare
◼ EKORRNELIUS POXBORN - A forager squirrel played by Hillan
◼ ELLIS OF THE TAP - An aging hedgehog played by Fading Memory
◼ MARIGOLD YEW - A squirrel from outside the abbey played by Cyrania
◼ ZARIS STREAMCUTTER - A young otter played by PrankFox
N O T A B L E N O N - P L A Y E R C H A R A C T E R S:
◼ ABBOT MURTY - A very elderly mole, Abbot Murty was a dibbun during the time of Abbot Thibb and Razzid Wearat.
◼ BROTHER JETHRO - A vole and member of the Abbey Order. Brother Jethro currently acts as the Abbey's Gatekeeper.
◼ CINEREOUS - A vulture from Yurazea. Cinereous is the personal herald of the Yurazen Prince.
◼ FRIAR RUDDY - A river otter and member of the Abbey Order. As the friar, Ruddy overlooks the preparation of food and management of the Abbey's stores.
◼ FERRET, FOX AND STOAT - An as of yet unnamed trio of vermin who have come to Redwall hoping to partake in the Name Day Feast. The ferret and stoat are both males while the fox is female.
◼ BROTHER JETHRO - A vole and member of the Abbey Order. Brother Jethro currently acts as the Abbey's Gatekeeper.
◼ CINEREOUS - A vulture from Yurazea. Cinereous is the personal herald of the Yurazen Prince.
◼ FRIAR RUDDY - A river otter and member of the Abbey Order. As the friar, Ruddy overlooks the preparation of food and management of the Abbey's stores.
◼ FERRET, FOX AND STOAT - An as of yet unnamed trio of vermin who have come to Redwall hoping to partake in the Name Day Feast. The ferret and stoat are both males while the fox is female.
O R G A N I Z A T I O N S I N M O S S F L O W E R:
T H E G U E R I L L A U N I O N O F S H R E W S I N M O S S F L O W E R:
T H E L O N G P A T R O L:
The Guerilla Union of Shrews in Mossflower or Guosim (pronounced [gaw-səm]) is a group of nomadic shrews that traverse Mossflower Woods and the surrounding country. They are water creatures that typically use logboats on the many streams and tributaries for transportation. An argumentative and indecisive bunch, they are nevertheless deadly in battle and never unwilling to help Redwall Abbey's residents or other good creatures, and often act as transportation, crew, or bodyguards. Their numbers can vary, ranging from five hundred to less than fourty.
The weapons of choice for the Guosim are small, deadly rapiers, they also use bows, and slings. They often wear brightly-coloured headbands. The shrews love to eat, and Guosim cooks are considered to be some of the best in Mossflower, being known for their Shrewbread and Shrew Beer.
Vermin often describe the Guosim as "rivermice."
The Guosim are always led by a Log-a-Log, a tough shrew who commands the bunch and is usually a bit more relaxed and less quarrelsome than the average tribe member. Guosim law states that if a Log-a-Log is murdered, his death must be avenged, and the shrew that successfully avenges his death becomes the next Log-a-Log.
The weapons of choice for the Guosim are small, deadly rapiers, they also use bows, and slings. They often wear brightly-coloured headbands. The shrews love to eat, and Guosim cooks are considered to be some of the best in Mossflower, being known for their Shrewbread and Shrew Beer.
Vermin often describe the Guosim as "rivermice."
The Guosim are always led by a Log-a-Log, a tough shrew who commands the bunch and is usually a bit more relaxed and less quarrelsome than the average tribe member. Guosim law states that if a Log-a-Log is murdered, his death must be avenged, and the shrew that successfully avenges his death becomes the next Log-a-Log.
T H E L O N G P A T R O L:
The Long Patrol is a specialized, elite army of hares that live at Salamandastron and are commanded by the resident Badger Ruler of the mountain. As a military faction, they are divided into a specific hierarchy of rank and function. Though hares have served under a badger at Salamandastron for as long as anybeast can remember, it was the first modern badger lord, Brocktree, that organized them into an actual regiment that became henceforth known as the Long Patrol. Prior to the name "Long Patrol", the fighting hares of Salamandastron were called "Stonepaw's Stalwarts."
The Long Patrol has seen many different levels of size and organization over the seasons and reached a peak in the time of Russano the Wise, who commanded a force of more than a thousand hares. The size has fluctuated constantly with different Badger Lords. Under Rawnblade Widestripe and Boar the Fighter there were only about ten, and under Urthstripe the Strong there were approximately forty. However, Sunflash the Mace and Brocktree were both said to have had large numbers. Since the time of Lady Cregga Rose Eyes, the Long Patrol has consistently numbered around a thousand in the mountain.
Hares of the Long Patrol are perilous in battle and are feared by vermin everywhere. Though they are occasionally lazy and almost always eat a lot, the hares are good creatures whose goal is to rid the world of evil.
The Long Patrol has seen many different levels of size and organization over the seasons and reached a peak in the time of Russano the Wise, who commanded a force of more than a thousand hares. The size has fluctuated constantly with different Badger Lords. Under Rawnblade Widestripe and Boar the Fighter there were only about ten, and under Urthstripe the Strong there were approximately forty. However, Sunflash the Mace and Brocktree were both said to have had large numbers. Since the time of Lady Cregga Rose Eyes, the Long Patrol has consistently numbered around a thousand in the mountain.
Hares of the Long Patrol are perilous in battle and are feared by vermin everywhere. Though they are occasionally lazy and almost always eat a lot, the hares are good creatures whose goal is to rid the world of evil.