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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Or maybe not so far away…

During a routine patrol of the borders with Wild Space by the Galactic Empire’s 33rd Border Control Fleet encountered a pair of unrecognized and unregistered fighter-class ships scanning the Teth System from its outer edge. Due to reports from earlier in the conflict known as the Galactic Civil War about the Rebel Alliance designing, building, and deploying new fighters, the fleet’s Moff ordered a small group of TIE/IN Interceptors deployed to handle the assumed prototypes before the Rebellion could get them back. To the shock of everyone present, both fighters reacted quickly, with one vanishing into what the Imperials assume to be hyperspace while the other quickly reaches attack velocity.

Without any attempt at communication, the Interceptors opened fire on the fighter, only to be outmaneuvered by it. The enemy fighter proceeds to wipe out the squadron of Interceptors with no discernible damage to itself, and with an unidentified weapon type, before it too heads into hyperspace, following its companion. Sending out a call to Imperial Command for reinforcements, the Border Control Fleet tracks their heading along what appears to be an unregistered hyperspace route to an unexplored system deep in Wild Space. Suspecting Rebel Activity, perhaps even the Rebel Headquarters itself, the Emperor dispatches Death Squadron, Darth Vader’s personal fleet, alongside the Imperial Fourth Fleet to finally quell the rebellion and secure a future of peace and prosperity for his Empire.

Once all three fleets were gathered and properly prepared, with Darth Vader having ordered the addition of Blizzard Force to their ground forces in the event of another frigid world like Hoth, they set out on the hyperspace route that they’d tracked the unknown fighters on. Presuming these were rebels that would be waiting for them at the end of the route, a trip of at least 8 hours for the combined task force, battle tactics were being decided on that had worked against the rebels cells previously. Darth Vader even had his shuttle prepared while they were still in hyperspace so that once the slaughter began, he could be ready to return to Coruscant and report mission success.

Unbeknownst the Galactic Super Power, who’s twenty years in power were already under question thanks to the powerful Rebel victory over the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin, a new power was beginning to reach beyond its home in a system all too familiar…

Moonbase Solace
Moon Colony
1500 hrs Local Time

Warrant Officers Johanna “Jo” Svarka and Anthony Markson both land back on the moonbase within moments of each other after escaping the unknown fleet, their scanner logs in hand and their reports on the situation on the other side of the T’mara and Eldarsin systems, as well as several others, from what they had seen before Jo had FTL’d back to base ahead of Anthony. Nodding to each other as they approached the debrief room that had been set aside for scout missions. There was a ten minute wait while two other scouting pairs reported and then they entered and offered their salutes to their CO, Captain Elias Beckett, before Anthony spoke up. “Sir, we have a development and we don’t think the brass is going to be happy about it…”

Several hours later, Sol System Defensive Fleet repositioned for potential attack from their newly discovered neighbors as the heads of the United Earth Space Command(UESC) argued over the best course of action, even as reports of a large group of FTL traveling signatures heading towards them were confirmed. At the head of the room was an older Fleet Admiral and veteran of the Vur'ad Incident with graying brown hair with a goatee to match, sharp green eyes and sun-kissed skin speaking of his Spanish descent, kept firm in spite of the calls for preemptive action. “Ladies and Gentlemen of UESC Command, we CANNOT and WILL NOT take any form of pre-emptive action. We tried that when we encountered the Ghesul not more than six months after we ended the two year long conflict with the Vur’ad. That war lasted almost a decade and we haven’t been able to colonize many other systems beyond the Sol system as a result until the Ghesul are able to verify the safety of several potential systems that our colonization won’t be adversely affected by long term effects of that war. Also, we agreed to recover our fighting capability before they did and while we’re at our strongest militarily since, we shouldn’t be looking for another war so soon, not with the previous war barely fifteen years past.” Another Admiral, with snow white hair, clean shaven with blue eyes and scars on his face issued a counterpoint, pointing to a sector where the incoming fleet was suspected to appear when they arrived.

“Fleet Admiral Rafael Avilés, you can’t be serious. That fleet, assuming it’s ships and not weapons of some kind, is almost the size of our Defensive fleet, if not larger. At the very least we should send out one of the Supercarriers and their escort to make them reconsider taking immediate hostile action. We are not pushing for wartime actions ri-” Another voice rang out, cutting the previous speaker off.

“Hell no! They immediately attacked our scout ships and made no effort at communication beforehand! This is a hostile invasion and we should treat it as such! We should clear the Jörmungandr for use of the Planetary Railgun the moment that fleet arrives!” The Fleet Admiral waits a moment and then holds up a hand, managing to silence the room in its entirety before he begins speaking.

“Ladies, gentlemen, I understand the concern that after initial contact with our scouts went poorly but, and I cannot emphasize this enough, we will not initiate another war. If this is to turn into fighting, it will be their fault, not ours.” The Fleet Admiral paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. “Regardless of that, our scouts never got past the system they were engaged in, so we don’t even know where we’d be sending an assault fleet for mutually assured destruction if this goes south. And I’m not concerned about initial combat in any case. Data logs from Warrant Officer Markson says they use energy weaponry similar to the weapons we ran into with the short conflict we had with the Monud and their…I’m still not sure we can call those warships. So we are prepared.” An aide ran up from behind the Fleet Admiral’s right shoulder and whispered in his ear, prompting him to shut down the large holographic projector of the Sol System and stand. “Admirals, the unidentified fleet will arrive within two hours. You are dismissed to finalize preparations for battle, should it come to that.” A series of salutes answer Rafael Avilés before everyone files out and he sighs before heading for the command room. Whatever this day brought, it was going to be a long one.

On Earth, air forces were being mobilized and ground forces taking their defensive positions as anti-air weapons swept the skies for enemy ships and large scale anti-capital ship weapons were slowly warmed up. The governments and armies of the world were unsure of what exactly it was their two scouts had found, but for most, they had declared intention to wage war and that, well, war was something that the Human Race had been doing for a long time and they were easily considered experts at this point. Whoever was racing towards them would encounter resistance the likes of which they likely weren’t expecting.

Star Wars: Invasion Terra

Welcome to a new war with new stakes! As established within the opening bits of writing, the Galactic Empire of the Star Wars Universe, the OG baddies of one of the most critically acclaimed pieces sci-fi in existence find they share the galaxy with one of our potential futures, whose technology is a cross between Halo and railgun weaponry on a larger scale and an infantry scale. Now, there will be some Force shenaniganiry at some point, but the opening act of the RP is a larger focus on standard infantry. Granted, as we know, Earth will have a much wider array of infantry units compared to the Stormtrooper Corps, but over all, it should be interesting. Below you will find your character sheet and more information on the fighting force of Earth in this RP, the United Earth Space Command, alongside its ground side sibling, the United Earth Marine Corps.

The below character sheet is just a semi-basic outline, by all means, customize it and add what you need for your character, I have no issues with it.

History of Earth, circa 2144

In the year 2144, one hundred years after Earth first began colonizing and terraforming the planets in the Sol System, the United Earth Coalition, the government formed at the end of the third World War in the year 2033, encountered their first alien civilization in the feline-esque Vurad. Initial contact seemed to have been proceeding far better than anyone had dared to hope, until the Human diplomatic team that was sent to visit the Vurad ship went dark, suddenly and without warning. The Vurad ships immediately jumped to FTL and, despite their best efforts, the Mercurian Expeditionary fleet couldn’t track them. It was several hours before they heard from the Vur’ad again, when the fleet that had kidnapped the diplomatic team reappeared in the Sol System, with extra ships in an effort to intimidate Humanity.

Their demands were straightforward and simple; the UEC would disband and Earth and its fleets would become part of the budding Vur’ad Empire, or they would eat the Diplomatic party and their escorts in front of the entire populace and then destroy the Sol System Defensive Fleet and bombard their colonies into submission. In an effort to encourage surrender, the Vur’ad Leader turned to one of the diplomats, Flaviana Di Sarro, and told her to say it would be best for everyone. Instead, she spoke a single phrase that would affect the way humans dealt with First Contact for nearly another century. “Avvia il protocollo XCOM.” The head of the defensive fleet didn’t speak fluent Italian, but the last word in the sentence was all she needed to translate for herself; “Initiate XCOM Protocol.”

“Affirmative, Negotiator. God rest you and those with you.” The Vur’ad leader, confused, demanded she repeat what she’d just said when communications cut suddenly and the Italian only laughed as the railgun weaponry of the Sol System Defensive Fleet opened fire on the invading fleet, along with the orbital defense platforms. This initiated a two year long war with the Vur’ad Imperium, however, with the loss of many of their ships during the initial battle in the Battle of Sol System, the Imperium was forced to surrender and agree to cease hostilities and return any human hostages they still had. XCOM protocol was established in the year 2101 as the reality of eventually encountering another race became more and more possible and the concern of hostile aliens became a concern. The protocol’s creator, who was a rather large fan of the turn-based Strategy game XCOM: Enemy Within and the sequel XCOM 2, used the tutorial mission from Enemy Within as the basis for it. Should an encountered alien species prove hostile, unmitigated war is to be waged upon them until one side is unable to continue. The next species encountered was to receive a pre-emptive fleet over an important world to discourage hostile actions before the two parties have met or during First Contact.

Unfortunately, this proved to be a poor approach, as while the Vur’ad Imperium had been foolish enough to think their superior numbers would intimidate a foe with superior firepower, the next race they discovered was far wiser. The Ghesul Consulate didn’t have large fleets like the Vur’ad, instead investing in what Earth classified as Supercarriers and a small escort fleet for them. The response to Chimera Fleet dropping out of slipspace over a population center of the Consulate was met with a heavy planetary defense cannon destroying the fleet’s flagship, Corona, a battleship class ship that had, until that moment, never fallen in battle or taken damage that hadn’t been repairable in hours or days. The fleet was routed by the arrival of a Ghesul response fleet shortly after and First Contact became the first genuine war the UEC had waged.

Nearly ten years of fighting was had, with heavy losses on both sides. When the two parties finally met to discuss terms of a ceasefire, the Ghesul Consulate had lost nearly two thirds of their few Supercarrier fleets and Earth, not yet having developed their own Supercarriers, was down to half the naval power they had started the war with. There were other long term effects still being investigated by the Consulate to this day forty years later, as some of the weapons they employed during the war were later found to have unintended consequences on the environments of formerly habitable worlds and they had declared that as they had deployed the weapons, they would clean up the aftermath.

Many in the Consulate would, for the first decade, feel the war was Earth’s fault and the use of the weapons was a response to them, however, the leadership of the alien nation had reviewed the provided documentation and video recordings of First Contact with the Vur’ad Imperium and did not blame the UEC for their use of the XCOM Protocol, though they did suggest adjusting it to avoid sparking a war with every new race they met. This proved to be a moot suggestion however, as five years after the conclusion of the war between humanity and the Ghesul a group of nomadic aliens known as the Monud showed up in the Sol System and began a guerilla war that lasted six months.

Their weapons focused on high energy pulses to destroy shielding and armor, however, after two conflicts with powers deploying energy weaponry the likes of which the UEC hadn’t yet even dreamed up, counter measures were developed in both shielding and armor for UESC ships and the Monud Conflict brought to a swift end, with the survivors sent back to their home system with a warning from both the UEC and the Ghesul Consulate to cease trying to disrupt the galactic peace with their raids.

Recent History of the United Earth Coalition, as of the year 2197 AD

In the forty years since the end of the Human-Ghesul War, humanity has greatly restructured both their ground military and naval infrastructures to better excel in both combat and exploration. This led to a change from entire scout fleets to only a pair of scout fighters, equipped and provisioned for long term missions, allowing for less chance at visual detection and greater time to scout the target location, though at a slower pace. They also adopted the use of Supercarrier led fleets in place of individual battle groups making up a larger fleet as a whole, allowing more fleets to cover a larger area. In the thirty-fifth year of peace after the end of the Human-Ghesul War, the two races officially became trade partners and allies, though the bulk of the rebuilt Consulate fleets are still occupied with cleaning up the remnants of the war, but have allowed humanity to begin aiding in cleanup. The MK VI armor is intended primarily for use by soldiers, but there are civilian variants that exist for hazardous work as well.

In recent years, the UEC has launched scouting missions towards the other side of a mysterious asteroid belt that separated the bulk of known space for them and the Consulate from what they called the Unexplored Region, leading to the discovery of civilizations that exist in them. However, initial contact went poorly, as the patrolling ships were immediately fired upon by the patrol that found them and war is now once more at the doorstep of the United Earth Coalition. However, it is in the fires of war that humanity has been tempered, as this new foe will soon learn. United nos sto!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Have a server link: discord.gg/awkpcSeF
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Starlance@Jarl Coolgruuf

Will you two still be joining us?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jarl Coolgruuf
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Jarl Coolgruuf The Mellower

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Zarkun Absolutely!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Glad to hear it. There is a Discord link in the second post that you can follow to the server.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


I'm gonna have to bow out unfortunately, sorry.
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