Sex/Gender: Female presenting (gynomorphic hermaphrodite; i.e. she looks female but has organs for both biological genders)
Species: Estrati (Avian-like Mammals)
Appearance: Asora is a dark-feathered and furred Estrati with white and light-grey markings on her face, front of her body, and her wings, which are located on her back and allow her to fly and glide for short distances, like all Estrati. She has fur and feathers to her knees and elbows, which are then scaled and skinned like those of a conventional bird. Her right arm has been replaced with a black-and-white coloured polymer and composite materials cybernetic replacement that has a full range of functionality comparable to her original arm. She is physically fit, reasonably strong and possesses relatively good stamina, despite being somewhat (caution: NSFW image) fuller figured than others, which may suggest otherwise.
Outside of piloting, she tends to wear relatively robust and pratical clothing, such as boots, combat/cargo pants in grey, tan or olive, T-shirts (usually purple) and leather or flight jackets, often coupled with a bandana or scarf around her neck and appropriate belts, holsters and webbing for her day-to-day duty gear.
Height: 7' 5" (226.06cm)
Personal Qualities: Bold, curious, intelligent, quick-witted, sharp-tongued, daring, hot-headed, playful and kind.
Biography: Asora was a Commonwealth fighter pilot during the Imperial Coup. She had not long completed her training before the coup erupted, and found herself thrust into the crucible of combat abruptly, and without warning, thanks to the Empires manipulations and cover-ups. Once fighting erupted, she quickly gained a lot of experience in personal and bloody way, through hard lessons in the cockpit and even on the ground, fighting against people she once called allies and brothers-in-arms. Over the following years, her reputation grew with her experience, putting her into the position of being an experienced ace within the Resistance' ranks. Her major notable incident prior to taking command of Onyx squadron was during the Resistance assault on the Rivas system and the shipyards there. While carrying out a strike against the shipyards' orbital defence platforms, her fighter was engaged by four enemy craft. She managed to hold her own and down three of them with her fighter taking heavy damage. The fourth was later identified as the infamous Imperial ace, Garlan Frost. She managed to damage - but not destroy - his craft, while he inflicted heavy damage on hers, leading to the loss of her left arm, and causing serious damage and injury to her. She survived due to swift medical intervention, though her recovery was long and difficult. She was promoted following this, and used the rest of her recovery time working as an operations controller and ground instructor, before returning to flying. Despite her rank and achievements, the only open position for a squadron leader was aboard the Wandering Star, the oddball ship of the Resistance fleet. Accepting the challenge, Asora turned to recruiting pilots for the newly reformed Onyx Squadron.
Fighter: AS-103 Excalibur
Fighter Customisations: All over low visibility digital camouflage pattern in grey/dark grey/blue. 'Shark mouth' on nose.
As with most native to worlds with higher gravity and atmospheric oxygen content, Astrid is shorter and has more muscle mass than an average Human.
Transhumeral prosthesis of the left arm (Painted bright orange with a Gungnir multirole fighter attacking a disintegrating Imperial bomber on the back of the hand, leaving a trail of smoke and debris spiraling up to where the prosthesis connects to her shoulder.).
Scarring on the left side of both lips, chin and cheek caused by glass fragments during a crash. Exhibits a muscle tic when agitated or nervous.
Off duty wear consists of various pieces of Midgard Military issued apparel she’d “lost” over her career.
Born: 13/01/CE 2054 - 29, Norden, Midgard
Midgard is perhaps the most successful failure of the Human colonial effort. With the successful spread into even the furthest corners of Sol, the most daring of Humans started looking even further. Long before Relativistic speeds jumped out of Sci-Fi into the real world, a massive collaborative effort of private parties gave birth to the Trailblazer - A class of ship designed to carry daredevils beyond the Kuiper Belt, and soon after, four ships of the class - the Trailblazer, Pathfinder, Pilgrim and Explorer - left their home and bravely raced off into the unknown. Neither was ever heard from again. This torpedoed any further missions until humanity found a new way to explore the stars, and the Trailblazers became a mostly forgotten historical footnote.
Which is why the discovery of a planet inhabited by Humans in mid CE 2081 came as a bit of a surprise. Long after their departure, the descendants of the crews of the Trailblazers had thrived, despite losing the Pilgrim to an asteroid belt that appeared in the time it took them to reach their new home - an archipelago planet with a thick Nitrogen-Oxygen atmosphere about 1,6 Earth’s masses and 17% larger. The settlers cannibalized the Pathfinder, Explorer and the gutted husk of the Pilgrim into a permanent station and continued their mission despite the loss of their long-range communications equipment which caused them to drop out of contact. It was the presence of the Trailblazer, by then preserved as a museum ship, that confirmed their identity when the Empire found them by accident, and the decision was made to reintegrate these stray souls back into Human society.
And that’s when things got difficult. Because the Midgardians enjoyed their independence - unwilling to join a nation they had barely any connection to that demanded their cooperation based on their ancient, long forgotten ancestry alone - but underestimated the spread and technological advancement of the Empire, and they in turn underestimated the willingness of the “Colonists” to put their warheads where their mouth was. Hostilities broke out in late CE 2082. Mere minutes after a public broadcast in which the leaders of Midgard announced they will give no quarter to anyone wishing to threaten their independence, strike craft attacked Imperial ships throughout the Yggdrasil system, causing more damage than even the Midgardians expected.
And then things got even more difficult. What the lost colony expected to be a brief period of skirmishes after which both sides would reach a mutually agreeable compromise spiraled out of control into a brief but vicious war. For two months, the outnumbered and technologically outclassed military of Midgard traded blows with the Imperial military, lasting twice as long as anyone expected through tactics just barely qualifying above guerilla warfare, their short-ranged but fast-cooldown Sprint Drives and the fact the Empire had to work to find their targets, whereas the colonials had free reign to wreak havoc in what fit the definition of a target-rich environment to a T.
They fought a losing battle from day one, owing to their inability to strike the supply lines of their enemies capable of interstellar flight or outpace their industrial might, and a ceasefire was called in early CE 2083, ending the Midgard War with their defeat and integration into the Empire, leaving a tired and bitter people to get used to the new normal or look for another way to fight back.
Personality: A cocky fighter pilot embittered by Midgard’s defeat in the eponymous war and the subsequent loss of her nation’s independence, Astrid nevertheless remains a stout - and loud - patriot. Shaped by the fighter pilot culture, she sees her fellow pilots as a caste above others in the spirit of the usual interservice rivalry, something that usually shines through when she runs out of patience with someone. That being said, she is aware that ground forces are and always will be the be-all end-all of armed conflict, though she’d rather chew off her other arm than admit this within a grunt’s earshot.
As with many of the ex Midgard Aerospace Corps pilots who joined the Resistance, she is more motivated by hitting the Empire rather than fighting for the Resistance itself, seeing it as a convenient means to their liberation. With some experience as a wing leader fighting an enemy that outnumbers her, she’d grown used to the necessity to fight smart and conserve resources, leading to her being protective of inexperienced pilots.
Bio: Born to an Aerospace Corps officer and a historian, there was little doubt of where Astrid’s path would lead. Names of superheroes and fairy tale characters meant nothing to her. Her childhood heroes were the likes of Yi Sun-sin and Franz Stigler. It was a parable based on the latter’s tale (and her father’s stylish uniform) that first paved the way to museums and airshows since 4, a nearby general aviation field for ultralight pilot’s license at 15, a private pilot’s license at 17 and finally enlisting and making the cut to the Aerospace Corps Academy at 18.
By any metric, she was an average student in the classroom, but she led the class whenever she was in the flight seat. The number of times she’s been shouted up for running her mouth and other small transgressions was likewise impressive. Her scores were enough to keep that from being a significant problem, and in CE 2073, she graduated into active service. But peacetime was boring to the newly-minted Leutnant, so she took every extra course she could. Fighter Weapons School? Why not? Transorbital flight? Of course. Advanced weapons qualification? Hell yes! And then the big chance came. With the appearance of not-quite aliens making laughable demands and being serious about them, the Aerospace Corps increased the production of their newest multirole fighter and thus opened up more positions for pilots. Rather than putting new pilots into these cutting-edge fighters, experienced pilots could apply for a transfer. Astrid was an experienced pilot, and most definitely interested. Not only did she upgrade to a better fighter, but with her recent promotion to Hauptmann, she was assigned to the position of a flight leader. A month after the ‘Second Contact’, her transition was complete with a few months of peace time left to gain experience on this particular type and synergize with her new wingmates.
And that experience would come in handy, as in CE 2082, her wing was chosen to be among those taking part in the initial strike against Imperial targets in the Yggdrasil system. The target of Astrid’s flight was Alan Shepard, a carrier serving as the flagship of Imperial forces in the system. Flying Gungnir-class multirole fighters, the pride of Midgard fighter corps, Astrid was among the pilots responsible for the fighter doctrine used in what would become known as the Midgard War - approach fast and fight at close range where the Empire’s superior sensors and long-range weapons were of little use. Due to her less-than-stellar aim, she took this to the extreme, earning the callsign “Katarakt” as well as several early returns due to damage from debris falling off of her prey.
But all good things must come to an end, and in early CE 2083 she, too, found herself on the receiving end of no small amount of explosive ordnance. It wasn’t even a hostile fighter that brought her down, much to her chagrin. Instead, she got her wings clipped by some trench monkey with a tube on his shoulder. The gall. Injured by shrapnel, down one engine and losing systems left and right, Astrid realized she wouldn’t make it back to base. In its death throes, her fighter stayed aloft long enough to reach a city big enough to have a decent hospital and get her down safely. The landing was rough, more of a controlled crash, and earned Astrid some extra scars on both flesh and pride. Coming down on a beach next to a city proved prudent, as it got her medical care quickly, but that same city fell to Imperial troops mere hours later. The war outlasted her involvement by only four days.
Following the war’s end, the Midgard military had been disbanded and its former members forbidden from serving in the Empire’s armed forces. Discharged and thoroughly mad, she sought out ways to keep her in a flight seat, turning to the Resistance along with many others.
Fighter: Mithria Arsenal AS-96 Wildcat
Fighter Customization:
Her name, callsign and a cloudy green eye painted on the left side of the canopy.
Emblems of the Midgard Aerospace Corps 11th Fighter Squadron next to Resistance roundels.
Name: Aeorin Rothsleigh Nickname: 'Monarch', Onyx 3 Age: 27 Sex/Gender: Male Species: Human
Appearance: Physically, Aeorin is a fairly typical human. His physique is well-built without excessive bulk as a result of his training, enough to contend decently well with other humans and near-humans in physical confrontation. He has a small number of scars, including a prominent laceration just below his hairline on the left side of his head that he typically keeps hidden with his hair. He also has a few tattoos, including a Squadron tattoo from his old unit before his defection from the Empire.
Off-duty, he typically wears casual but practical clothes like jeans or cargos, normally with a thermal undershirt and a red-brown leather jacket. He also wears the typical gear for active-duty combatants, but with the addition of an Imperial-style Vibro-Sabre, more as a symbol than for practical reasons. Height: 5'11"/180cm
Personal Qualities: Diligent and Affable, but somewhat reserved. Aeorin is a typically likeable person, but he finds it difficult to form close bonds with others and tends to keep them at a distance. Biography: Aeorin was born into a life of wealth and privilege as the second son of a prominent political dynasty in the Hegara System, but the action and excitement of being a pilot had called to him for as long as he could remember. He was still young when the Imperial Coup and subsequent rise of the Empire occurred, his own family having a non-negligible role to play in those event, and he was soon groomed for loyalty to the new regime.
Unable to shake his fascination with space-flight and the military, he became a career pilot as early as he could; private piloting lessons, then enrollment in the fledgling Imperial Cadet Corps before enlisting formally with the Imperial Military. He took easily to his duties, earning himself many small accolades and making himself as a name to remember while serving with honour and pride until the illusion was broken and he was the true face of the Empire; A small local dispute has spiraled from protests to rioting, and then into an localized uprising. His squadron was called in to clean up, but when he was ordered to level the civilian settlements, he began to doubt his orders. His commanding officer assured him that they were insurgent-held targets, but he later found out that his CO had lied and his squadron had been called in to slaughter innocent people just because there might have been Insurgents hiding there.
He tried to convince himself that it had been a mistake, but he began to notice behind the propaganda and lost faith in the Empire he had been raised to champion. He tried to convince his squadron, but he was threatened with Insubordination charges. Given his family's influence in the Empire he likely would avoid any serious punishments, but he didn't care about that... His mind was made up and he knew what the Empire was doing was wrong, so he planned to defect to the resistance. He found his chance during a combat patrol near Resistance territory, damaging his squadmates' ships before making a series of blind FTL Jumps into known Resistance systems and broadcasting a coded signal declaring his intent to defect. He was picked up by Resistance Fighters, interrogated and detained for a while, until the ones in command decided that they could give him a chance to prove he could be trusted. He was rotated between fighter squadrons before eventually ending up in Onyx.
Fighter: Archenar Systems AS-88 Rapier Fighter Customisations: Low-vis Slate Grey/Carbon Black Paintjob, ID and Callsign printed just below the Canopy, Personal Emblem resembling shattered glass in the shape of a butterfly painted just behind the canopy.
Appearance: Silvester is fit and physically strong, with a muscular build gained from years of military duty, physical labor and training. When not on duty, he wears simple and sturdy clothing, much of which he took with him when he left his homeworld.
Height: 6’2”
Personal Qualities: In a few words, Silvester is level-headed, loyal and diligent. He is driven by his love for his family and his desire to see a galaxy without the Empire. Silvester does his job diligently, without complaining (except if he morally disagrees with something), and is almost completely focused on doing his job while on duty. Because of this, however, Silvester might come off as cold and distant, though this is not because he actively dislikes others.
Biography: Silvester spent the majority of his life on the world of Ienov, a sparsely populated frontier world on the fringes of Commonwealth, and later Imperial space. Far away from the major centers of civilization, Ienov had a lot of autonomy, but was also responsible for organizing its own defence. After finishing his education, Silvester enrolled for military service in the local planetary militia, showing remarkable aptitude for piloting the various starfighters that made up the militia’s anti-piracy forces. It was also during these years of service where he would meet his future wife, whom he married after his service was complete.
After he left the planetary militia, Silvester became a carpenter, something necessary on Ienov due to a lack of access to many high-end materials and products. He and his wife settled in and tried their best to live normal lives and be good Imperial citizens, even when the world around them changed. As Imperial influence grew on Ienov, it became clear how autocratic and xenophobic the Hegaran Empire truly was, but Silvester looked away, pretending not to notice. That all changed when he became a father. After his son was born, Silvester’s worldview changed dramatically, and he decided that a world with the Empire was not one he wanted his child to grow up in. His wife agreed, and together they managed to gain passage to one of the Free Systems, beyond the Empire’s control. There, Silvester decided to join the Resistance, using his skills as a pilot to protect his family. After fighting for the Resistance for a few years, Silvester was tranferred to Onyx Squadron.
Fighter: Archenar Systems AS-91 Thunderbolt
Fighter Customisations: Countershaded disruptive camouflage patterns in different shades of gray: lighter at the bottom and darker at the top. No other markings.
Name: Hazel Tamirnyev Nickname: Tusk Age: 34 Sex/Gender: Female Species: Human (Full-body Prosthetic) Height: 5’6/167 cm Appearance: Industrial and without frills, Hazel's chassis stands at 5'6, and is painted a utilitarian orange-yellow.
Her usual outfits consist of a neutral-toned jumpsuit, heavy gloves, and a jacket, with a Pramanik Orbital patch on one shoulder, and a rebellion patch on the other. A third patch, depicting the elephant-headed Ganesha, stretches from one shoulder to the other across the jacket’s back. Hazel is rarely seen without her engagement ring strung on a chain around her neck, although usually tucked into her jumpsuit to avoid snags.
Personal Qualities: Spacers, particularly those raised on the frontier or in deep space, often come off as strange to the average planet-born person, and Hazel is no exception. Energetic, and rather impish, she gained a new lease on life that she plans to make the most of. She often emotes with her hands, or signs along in pidgin while speaking, and is prone to taking risks due to her time in simulators, as well as a deep-seated desire to prove herself.
Despite being physically accustomed to it, she feels self-conscious in her robotic body, and is prone to lashing out at those who mistake her for a common model workerbot. In the cockpit of her ship, all of her insecurity and anxiety melts away. She is solely focused on the task at hand, and her ship becomes an extension of herself. She is knowledgeable about the weak points of common ships due to her time as a shipbreaker. Moving in zero-g and EVA is second nature to her, and—like many a spacer—she feels strong (and a bit outlandish) affection towards her craft.
Biography: Born on Pramanik Orbital to an FTL drive engineer and a linguist, the first few years of Hazel’s life were uneventful. The majority of her adolescence was spent wandering the station’s industrial tunnels and shipyards with her peers, stirring trouble wherever they went. Upon finishing her primary education, she went to work as a shipbreaker on the station. There she worked for several years, meeting her fiancee in the process. It wasn't until she was in her early-twenties when disaster struck; after several years of fatigue and strange symptoms, she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that was slowly destroying her nervous system, and would ultimately leave her paralyzed. There was no cure, only prolonging the indefinite.
Devastated, Hazel decided to keep working until it was no longer possible, in hopes some sort of treatment would emerge before she was fully paralyzed. The cure never came, and she was forced to quit her job a few years later once she was no longer able to move swiftly enough to continue. Spiraling into a depression, and relying on her fiancee now, she began shutting herself in more and more often, retreating into older flight sims, and strategy games that she used to enjoy as a teenager. Tensions were growing between the pair, and when Hazel was offered an experimental treatment as a last ditch effort to save her brain, she accepted it.
The treatment, offered by medical corporation Biolink Dynamics, was unusual; her brain was to be transplanted into a robotic chassis, reliant on an integrated life support system and electricity. It was successful, and Hazel found herself in a new body. A new chance of life.
Becoming acquainted with the new body was a long process, she had to relearn simple tasks, as well as navigate a life where those whom she interacted with assumed she was a synthetic lifeform. Her relationship with her fiance became even further strained as well. She ultimately decided to pursue pilotry as a new career, inspired by the flight simulators and strategy games she played while ill, and coming to a mutual agreement with her fiancee to spend some time apart while they both adjusted to the new body. Initially, she served hauling cargo, but her eye was always set on grander goals. As the resistance movement became more desperate, she was able to join a ragtag crew of fighter pilots, and quickly gained experience, rising through the ranks. She was offered a position on the Onyx Squadron after several years, a position she eagerly accepted. Hazel eagerly fights for her own rights, as well as for the freedom of Pramanik Orbital.
Pramanik Orbital pictured in front of a planet shortly after its construction was completed.
Named after the renowned explorer, Mahala Pramanik, who discovered the Al-Biruni asteroid belt in CE 2047, Pramanik Orbital serves as a hub for smaller stations on the resource-rich Al-Biruni belt, as well as a ‘jumping off’ point’ for those brave souls venturing into deep space. The station itself features a long central hub, with two parallel habitation rings housing about 12,000 people each, and several solar panel arrays. Both habitation rings have partial artificial gravity.
Economic divide between the mining barons, and the common workers of Pramanik Orbital is steep; resulting in tension between the two groups, and bouts of civil conflict. The common belter tends to be fiercely independent and utilitarian due to their distance from the core systems, and often have a stubborn sense of pride. Galactic Common, spacer sign language, and a pidgin language that mishmashes the former alongside Hindi, Bengali, and Russian loanwords are the most common languages spoken among the Al-Biruni belt.
The belt, located in the frontier binary system Rusalka-305, is a cache of ice, valuable metals, and other materials key in building new habitats and vessels; given that one has the resources to mine and transport them.
Because of its value, Pramanik Orbital was subject to several skirmishes with Hegarian forces, only holding its independence through the bodyguard fleets and threats of wealthy mining corporations who wished to operate freely, and without Imperial rule. After nearly a year of negotiation, the Al-Biruni was allowed to remain free, but not without cost; it would be to pay a material tithe to the Hegarian Empire. The belters, miners, and common people, of course, resented their work being taken by such means, and pockets of resistance began to stir. As of now, Pramanik Orbital and the belt pays its tithe, but covertly supplies the Commonwealth with resources in hopes that the Empire will be defeated in the near future.
Fighter: AS-91 Thunderbolt Fighter Customisations: Hazel’s Thunderbolt—affectionately nicknamed ‘Grozit’ <грозить>—is a venerable elder, even among its own kind. Used in some of Free System Alliance's first skirmishes, the ship has been passed from hand to hand countless times, and has been retrofitted as a true heavy hitter along the way:
Retrofitted Reactor: Grozit has been retrofitted with a more modern reactor in order to sustain energy needed to fire her railgun. The higher power comes at the cost of a larger heat signature on radar, but who was missing her anyway?
Retrofitted Railgun: Grozit’s high-intensity laser cannon has been replaced with a formidable, heavy 40mm railgun, similar to that of the more modern Excalibur.
Reduced Life Support: To reduce the powerload, Grozit usually runs with her life support systems reduced to absolute minimum. Hazel uses an external oxygen tank to sustain herself while flying, and the lack of atmosphere within the ship reduces the likelihood of injury in the case of explosive decompression.
Livery: Grozit is painted in her original, grey-blue low-vis camouflage, with an older version of the Free System Alliance’s emblem on its back fins. A newer addition, the Wandering Star’s distinctive emblem, is painted under the cockpit, alongside Hazel’s callsign.
Kayliss has green scales hardened to withstand heavy blows; edged weapons cannot penetrate. Her armored hide is comparable in color to jade crystals. Her swept-back horns measure roughly 14” and are a pristine white, which she has taken the time to polish. She keeps her horns as shiny of white as she can. It is one of her signature items. Her tail is slenderer than most Dranfel measuring five feet in length and ending in a spade-shaped tip. The dorsal or back side of the tail is covered in triangular-shaped spikes with barbs at the tips. Her golden-colored eyes pierce the darkness allowing her improved vision in darkened environs. She wears an olive-green flight suit stitched in leather and polyester fabrics. It is double stitched to remain durable when she is active. Her helmet is custom built to fit over her blunt snout with slots for her horns to stick out the rear. Even her aircraft has been altered to accommodate her size.
Kailiss is a very confident young dragon at 98 years of age. While many dragons live on into their thousands, Kailiss is in her prime. She has a sense of superiority about herself and her race in general, considering many other races inferior. Hers is a warrior race, and believes flying is her special skill. With an arrogant disposition towards herself, she can be supporting to those she feels needing a boost.
Born on Cora 3 to a good family that insured their offspring were responsible, contributing characters to society. Kayliss has three brothers, Dorneit, Bandit and Jursig who have served in Dranfel Infantry formations. Dorneit and Jursig are still living and serving. Bandit died during the Balis incursion.
Kayliss is an excellent athlete. She excelled at sports as a young Dranfel, very competitive and working her hardest to excel and win. She often competed against male opponents and won occasionally. She played a game called Latchkis, similar to a combination of soccer and rugby, where tackling is permitted. The game is very physical with players often suffering fractured bones or losing scales.
Kayliss trained to fly jets when she was 93 and took to it immediately. She flew for the Coran Air Force for a time. When the war started, Cora did not immediately get involved. Kayliss sought out combat with an organization that would see combat. This is how she ended up in Onyx Squadron. Eventually, Cora did enter the war on the side of the resistance. Her brothers signed up with the 7th Coran Infantry Regiment and have seen extensive combat. She lost her youngest brother, Bandit during combat on Balis. She was not available during that action. The loss of her brother has left her slightly bitter but holds onto her positive attitude. She does possess anger towards the Empire, wishing to see them all die.
The Mithria Arsenal AS-96-T Wildcat Tactical Aerospace Fighter was one of five hundred originally sold to the Dranfel on Cora 3. Mithria Arsenal modified the cockpit escape pods to accommodate the larger build of the DRanfel. They sacrificed some room in the pilot’s storage compartment, but it still left room for a few minimal survival tools.
Kayliss’ Wildcat and gained the nickname Wild Drake. It was her preference. She had painted an open mouth with sharpened teeth along the nose cowling and Green dragon wings across the dorsal side of the wings. These were her markings denoting this ship belonged to her. She loved her Wild Drake. Also, there is a slot built into the seat to insert the Dranfel tail. Her helmet also accommodates her horns with slots in the back for them to protrude through.
AAW1: 6x Wasp (2), 4x Hornet (2)* AAW2: 6x Wasp (2), 2x Hornet (1), 1x Beehive (1) ASW1: 3x Wasp (1), 3x Vespid (3) ASW2: 3x Wasp (1), 3x Mantis (3) ASW3: 3x Wasp (1), ASM (H) (3) Attack1: 3x Wasp (1), 2x Mantis (Plasma) (2), 1x ASM (H) (1) Attack2 (CAS): 3x Wasp (1), 1x CM (H) (1), 2x Bombs (H) (2) Attack3: (Interdiction): 3x Wasp (1), 2x Heavy Bombs (2), Cluster Bombs (1) SEAD1: 3x Wasp (1), 3x Yellowjackets (3) SEAD2: 3x Wasp (1), 1x Yellowjacket (1), 2x Mantis (2) EC/EW: 3x Wasp (1), ECM Blinder Pod (1), 4x Hornet (2)
*The number in parenthesis indicates the number of hardpoints used. AAW: Anti Air Warfare (Combat v. Light Craft) ASW: Anti Ship Warfare (Combat v. Large Warships) Attack: Using ordnance to engage ground targets on a planet or fixed installations in space. CAS: Close Air Support requires a Forward Air Controller (FAC) to identify targets for the attack aircraft. This may include a Ground Laser Designator (GLD) and may also include Danger Close friendly units. Interdiction: An attack mission assigned to an attack aircraft to engage strategical targets far from friendly forces; behind enemy lines. SEAD: Suppression of Enemy Air Defense involves an EC/EW aircraft suppressing enemy radar and an attack aircraft engaging enemy air defense systems. (Anti-Aircraft emplacements) EC/EW: Electronic Countermeasures / Electronic Warfare. Intended to blind the enemy’s radar systems.