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Garrock watched the drakes debate with only the vaguest of interests, all the while stretching his various limbs and occasionally sparing a wary glance towards the jungle. Once the decision was made, he stood back up to his full height. "Well, if that's finally settled," he muttered with an impatient swish of his tail. That being said, as the groups begin to split off and make their separate ways into the foliage, Skobeloff catches Garrock turning his head towards him and giving him an approving nod... or maybe it was just a cursory glance and a small twitch of the head. It's not easy to tell, as he quickly turns away and continues following behind Stargaze's group.

Since Stargaze was hatched and raised in the deeper, murkier part of the jungle, she's a little less familiar with the more vibrant, outer areas and it takes her a while to find a good path. It doesn't help that the trees are so densely packed at some points that the group has to either stop and wait for Garrock to untangle himself from whatever tree he's gotten himself stuck on or to find an easier way the larger, less agile dragon can travel. Any time the older dragon finds himself struggling with the environment, you notice his demeanor get grumpier, as if he detests the very idea that he's the one holding up the group.

Eventually, the trees do start to get more spaced apart, and the dragons' start to feel the ground becoming softer and less sure under their feet. Stargaze will find this marshier ground far more negotiable than her companions, and she is starting to better recognize where she is. However, before she can fully get a grasp of where they might be in relation to Echo's cave, the group suddenly hears a combination of squeaks, snuffling and scurrying that brings to mind a group of enraged rats. As the group tries to pinpoint the origin of the sound, Garrock suddenly gives a loud yelp. Something leapt out of the trees and is currently hanging on to the joint of his wing by its teeth. Fellwing notices the resemblance between it and the creatures she saw swarming him and Shieldwing in her previous vision. After trying to shake it off with little avail, Garrock reaches over and grabs it, trying to yank it off. He does eventually succeed, but not without causing it to take a large chunk of his flesh with it. Giving a pained snarl, the yellow dragon tosses the creature down to the ground. It hits the earth, takes a moment to right itself before giving a loud, ear-piercing squeal. Within moments, more and more of those creatures come scurrying out of the trees and begin surrounding the group.

What do Stargaze, Fellwing and Shieldwing do?

In contrast to his companions, Skobeloff's walk through the woods is fairly pleasant, with no signs of monsters, dangerous wildlife or even the smallest geological obstacle. Of course, this lack of hindrance starts to make it more and more obvious how quiet the forest is. The only sounds Skobeloff's hears for the next hour or so are his own footsteps, and there is not the slightest hint of movement anywhere he may look. There isn't even a breeze to rattle and rustle the trees around him. After a while, it starts to feel a lot less pleasant and a lot more eerie. Unnatural.

After a long walk of not seeing a single sign of sentient life, nor any hint that he's any closer to the Tessith stronghold, Skobeloff finally sees something. Or thinks he does. In the corner of his eye, there is the smallest of movements, accompanied by a faint flash of light and colour. However, should the blue dragon turn his head in that direction, he finds nothing there, nor any indication that there ever was anything there. After that bizarre moment, for the rest of his continue travel, he starts noticing the same movement in the corner of his eye every so often. Each time he tries to center his sight on it, he finds nothing. This goes on for some time, with enough breaks in between that just when Skobeloff might think his mind his playing tricks on him, it happens again.

Eventually, he starts to notice something else, something even more troubling: his surroundings are starting to look very samey. Should he take a moment to gaze around his surroundings, he spots a bush bearing a single, bright orange flower. Looking at it for a moment, Skobeloff starts to get this sense of deja vu, like he's passed this specific bush more than once already during his walk. Somehow, despite not feeling like he's made that many turns during his walk, he gets the sense that this whole time, he's walking in circles.

What does Skobeloff do?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Despite the forest being suspiciously quiet, the confident smile that Skobeloff had on his face since he parted ways with his fellows never once faltered. Despite possibly being followed by an unknown entity, Skobeloff kept on smiling. And despite it seeming like he was going in circles, nothing about the situation seemed capable of shaking the young drake's confidence. And that was because Skobeloff knew what was happening and he knew what to do next.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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As a trickster and member of House Myndoth, it doesn't take long for Skobeloff to recognise the situation he's in: the thing that he keeps seeing in the corner of his eye is a pixie, a tiny winged fairy with a love of mischief. In particular, they are known for following travellers through the woods and causing them to get turned around by throwing pixie dust in their eyes. Knowing that, Skobeloff plays along, allowing his winged stalker to think he's completely fooled. Then, just as he catches another flicker of movement at the edge of his vision, he turns his head immediately to find himself staring straight at a small humanoid with large, purplish-blue butterfly wings. They're wearing an upside-down flower as a hat and their clothes seemed to be made from a mixture of fine dark-blue silk and vibrant leaves. They are clutching a small pouch which they were in the process of rummaging through, and Skobeloff can see the glimmer of pixie dust clenched within their fist.

However, Skobeloff turning so quickly to face them seems to have thrown the pixie off, and instead of throwing the dust into the dragon's eye, it instead falls to the ground by his feet, where he can easily grab for it. The pixie looks at the dust on the ground, then back at Skobeloff. After a moment of just staring at each other, the pixie spins around and flies as fast as it can the opposite direction, shouting "Uh oh, gotta go!" as they do so.

Skobeloff now has two options: now that the pixie is gone, he can try and course-correct and make his way towards the stronghold without having to worry about being mislead again, or he can attempt to follow the pixie to wherever it is fleeing. What will he do?

(Note: neither choice involves you having to roll again)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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It was almost amusing, watching their mighty dragon warden struggle against the impassable might of... a couple of trees. More than once, a snicker threatened to slip past Fellwing's lips - but she kept them sealed to maintain peace. Garrock seemed painfully aware of his shortcomings, so pointing them out would have been redundant at best, cruel at worst.

Once the trees relented, they were greeted with a marsh. Fellwing wondered whether the soft ground would present another set of issues for their bigger dragon companion, but it soon turned out that terrain was the least of their worries. With a terrible squeal, rodents of some sort - familiar from her vision - begun pouring out of the forest around them. One latched onto Garrock's wing, tearing off flesh in its wake. Fellwing could only hope Skobeloff didn't run into similar trouble while alone.

The black drake stepped back. She knew her strengths, and that fighting was not among them. All she couldoffer was guidance - or shadow magic, and she would rather not risk the latter if the situation wasn't dire. Moon magic then, perhaps, or simply a tactical retreat. Would they make it? The soft ground was a bigger hindrance to them than it was to their lighter pursuers.

"How far is Echo's cave?" she called over to Stargaze, taking in their surroundings.

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"Thanks for the pixie dust!" Skobeloff called after the fleeing pixie before scooping up the dust that had been left behind and storing it away for later. As he did so, it occurred to him that this was not a pixie's usual brand of mischief. This was more in line with how they acted when they were on the defensive. "You know something is wrong when even the pixies have their guard up." Skobeloff said to himself as he corrected his course and made for the stronghold. "I'd best get moving. The longer I take, the less time I'll have to rescue Tamba and Pleexem."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Stargaze was so certain that she would be able to find the way to Echo's cave. The journey there proved to be another instance of the young drake realizing that she might be more sheltered than she realized. It was kind of funny to see Garrock get tangled in the vines, but that humor doesn't stay as it keeps happening. Her confidence rose a bit when the ground softened, indicating that they were getting closer.

Unfortunately, they found themselves surrounded by rodent like creatures she had never seen before, and Garrock already received a terrible wound from them!

She quickly answers Fellwing, "It...shouldn't be far from here!"

At least, she hoped it wasn't. She wasn't too sure.

They seemed familiar somehow, and that surprised her. She didn't remember ever seeing these things before! Echo hadn't even mentioned anything like this either.

Maybe she could scare them off? She thought it best to try and let out a great roar like the Elders had done.

She inhaled as much air as possible, and prepared herself to give a loud roar to scare off the rats.

Sadly, it didn't go as planned.

Instead of a roar coming out, something gets caught in her throat. In that moment, there's a high pitched squeak from her throat (more akin to a squeaky chew toy), before coughs and hacks.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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At Stargaze's squeak, the creatures paused in their approach, several of them blinking rapidly while others glanced at their neighbours with an expression resembling confusion. This hesitation gave Fellwing a moment to get a better look at them, and she notices that beneath their rodent-like features, they actually have very fairy-like faces, albeit bloated and distorted. Some of them are also wearing clothes, or at least the ragged remains of clothing.

Her mind flashes back briefly to her vision earlier that day, of Alpin and Bartley, of their conversation about how the other brownies had been acting strangely, of the dark green patches of skin on Bartley's face as they snarled and shouted at their friend. She even notices now that one of these creatures bears a striking similarity Bartley, even wearing the same shirt and shoes they had in her earlier vision. The dots slowly start to connect: these creatures are, or were, brownies, and whatever's happening to the island has horribly affected them, turning them into these feral beings.

This revelation is unsettling, but also good as identifying them allows Fellwing to start going through all the facts she knows about brownies, hoping that something might give an idea about how best to deal with them: first of all, she knows that brownies, like all fairy creatures, are weak to iron. Merely touching it burns their skin, and getting cut even slightly with an iron weapon can lead to horrible injuries or even death. Of course, in their current environment, there are no readily available iron tools or weapons, nor is Fellwing familiar enough with this area to be able to locate any natural iron deposits.

Secondly, and specifically, brownies are notoriously hardworking, particularly when it comes to domestic chores or farm work. If there is a job that needs doing - be it a messy room or the starts of meal - a brownie will often be compelled to do it with very little prompting required. Some dragons, particularly those of Houses Semscale and Myndoth, will hire them to help with the upkeep of their strongholds, and paying them mostly in food, particularly bowls of milk or cream which are their favourite. While they may seem easily pleased, they are also renowned to be easily offended. Upsetting a brownie is generally a bad idea, as they can range from elaborate revenge pranks, to flying into a rage and breaking everything in sight, to simply disappearing without notice and never gracing you with your presence again. The Darkness has likely taking advantage of these severe tantrums to turn them into the vicious creatures the group sees before them. However, this flighty behaviour can also work in the other direction, for as easy as they are to anger, their attention spans can also make them quick to forget. Surely, even in their current state, there should be a way to distract them.

With all this in mind, what will Fellwing and the others do?

Skobeloff continues his journey unhindered, as it is far easier to find the path without the pixie's constant meddling. However, that same unnatural stillness remains, even seeming heavier than before now that Skobeloff scared off the only other living being besides himself.

Thankfully, he doesn't have to put up with this for long as he soon reaches the hollowed-out tree that forms the old Tessith stronghold. Upon close inspection, it's easy for Skobeloff to see why House Myndoth are eager to claim the building for themselves as it shows a lot of the natural yet mystical aesthetic they favour in their architecture. It will need some expanding and refurbishing, of course, as Tessith buildings tend towards minimalism. Tessith dragons prefer to sleep beneath the stars if the weather allows it, so their strongholds focus on providing shelter from the harsher elements and storing the bear essentials. This may work for the House of Diamond, but not for Myndoth. No, Myndoth will at very least require a decent-sized library to store their centuries worth of knowledge, as well as an observatory for observing and charting the movements of the movements of the stars and moons. They'll likely not want to stop there, either. If the presence of fairy creatures, the strange sand and the presence of a mixed elemental like Echo were any indication, this island was a gold mine of magical resources.

Magical resources that probably won't last long if the Darkness remains here.

Focusing on the front of building, Skobeloff can see that the door is shut and there are no signs of movement within the windows. The same quietness that followed him through the forest is no less present here, and if not for Fellwing's vision, it would easy to assume that there is no one home. What will Skobeloff do now?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Knowing that he was about to face the Darkness alone, Skobeloff decided to try and appeal for aid from on high. After taking a brief moment to prepare himself, Skobeloff reached out to the moons above. More specifically, Skobeloff reached out to the Storm Moon and called out an incantation in a mystical tongue known only to dragons. "Meyz fin ven!" These words roughly translated into the common tongue as 'to become the wind'. Skobeloff's intened to use the Storm Moon's connection to the elements to become one with the air, transforming himself into a gust of wind to pass through the halls of the stronghold without fear of being seen or struck by any foul creature that lurked within. All while still being able to carry the gem sand and the pixie dust with him using his breezy form to hold them aloft in the air...

Unfortunately for Skobeloff, the Storm Moon was not feeling very cooperative at that moment.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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As Skobeloff calls upon the Storm Moon, a tingly feeling begins to travel up through his tail and legs towards his wings tip and the top of his skull. His body feels lighter and he begins to lift off the ground as if taking flight, though his wings are still as his sides. In a single breath, he discards all sensation of solidity and becomes one with the air, trickling through the cracks in the stronghold's bark with ease...

And then, the moment he's inside the building, the magic suddenly fizzles out and he falls to the ground with a large thump, a flesh and blood drake once more.

"What in the Isles...?" He hears a slightly startled voice call out. It doesn't sound like Tamba, or the voice of any young drake for that matter. "Hello? Is someone there?" He hears footsteps come from above and raises his head to see a fully-grown pale grey dragon coming down the stairs. Given that she doesn't look familiar, Skobeloff can assume she's one of the Tessith dragons of the party, and seems to be a bearded dragon, though likely quite a bit younger than Garrock given the ease with which she makes her way down the stairs. Indeed, comparing those two dragons seems odd as, despite their similar ages and likely being from the same House, they couldn't be more different: this dragon is smaller, with much softer, rounder features. She'd probably appear quite gentle normally, if not for the fact her eyes are currently wide with concern, and Skobeloff notices a slightly tremble in her limbs as if there is a nervous energy trapped within her, desperate to get out. As she stands over Skobeloff, she keeps glancing between his fallen form and the front door, as if trying to figure out how in the world he was able to get in. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." she mutters to herself before finally dressing the drake. "Are you alright, deary? Looks like you took quite a fall." She attempts to help Skobeloff to his feet with one claw, while using the other to brush at the drake's horns and scales as if trying to remove invisible cobwebs. "How'd you even get in? Did you climb through the window? Don't you know how dangerous that is, given that your wings are still developing? Oh dear, oh dear..."
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"Whoa!" Skobeloff exclaimed as the Storm Moon cut the power a little earlier than the rawscale Trickster was expecting, sending him tumbling to the floor. "Yes yes. Very funny, Storm Moon." Skobeloff chuckled as he picked himself up off the ground. "Very funny."

"What in the Isles...?" Skobeloff then heard a voice call out. "Hello? Is someone there?"

"Nope!" Skobeloff called back blithely.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." A nervous looking pale grey dragon said as she appeared to investigate the disturbance Skobeloff had caused. "Are you alright, deary? Looks like you took quite a fall."

"Have no fear and be of good cheer." Skobeloff replied happily. "Even the youngest of us need a fair amount more than quite a fall to not be alright."

"How'd you even get in? Did you climb through the window?" The dragon asked as she begun brushing away at invisible cobwebs on Skobeloff's form. "Don't you know how dangerous that is, given that your wings are still developing? Oh dear, oh dear..."

"It's a good thing I didn't do that then." Skobeloff said. "With a little help from the Storm Moon, I managed to slip through the cracks in the bark as a gust of wind. I would have stayed that way for a time longer, but the moons can be quite the pranksters sometimes." As he spoke, Skobeloff eyed his skittish superior in that same speculative way he eyed everyone he met for the first time as he tried to get a read on her. Specifically, he looked to see if she had anything to hide. The Darkness had a tendency to come in many forms. Especially the forms one would expect the least. So needless to say, Skobeloff was taking any comforting presence or friendly face he encountered with a grain of salt.

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As the grey dragon continues to fuss over Skobeloff, the drake manages to catch of something shiny behind her: a large ring of keys is hooked onto her tail. There are many of them and aside they all seem to be in various stages of rust, aside from two or three that looked newer.

"A little risky to be using moon magic in such a shaded area," the grey dragon says, not seeming to notice Skobeloff's searching expression. In fact, despite the fact she was looking straight at him, Skobeloff got the distinct impression that she wasn't really looking at him, rather looking past him... or that she was looking at him but was seeing something else. "I know mine hasn't been working so well since we got here. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Fogdance. What's your name, sweetheart?"
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"A little risky to be using moon magic in such a shaded area, I know mine hasn't been working so well since we got here." The nervous dragon said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Skobeloff acknowledged before shifting his gaze from the set of keys hanging from the older dragon's tail to the room they were in as he tried and failed to find a reason for why it seemed like the nervous dragon wasn't truly looking at him.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The nervous dragon then said in that same tone everyone used when they were about introduce themselves to somebody. "I'm Fogdance. What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Skobeloff is my name and trickery is my game." Skobeloff introduced himself in kind. "Are you the only dragon here or is there anyone else about?"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vertigo
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Seeing Stargaze draw in a breath next to her, Fellwing could only assume her friend had a plan. So when all that came out was an unnatural squeak, she was almost as surprised as the rodents that threatened them. But only almost; while they still hesitated, Fellwing took the opportunity to take a closer look. There was a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she'd been trying to ignore ever since she realized she'd seen the creatures before, and she needed confirmation that she was just imagining it.

Her gaze jumped from one rodent to the next, searching for clues, answers, proof, and the more she saw, the more her stomach turned. Remnants of more fairy like features, torn pieces of clothing, and... oh, no...

A small gasp escaped her as her eyes settled on a larger rodent snarling up at her. It couldn't be...

"Bartley?" she asked out loud, unsure if he was in any state to recognize his name. She doubted it. "Stargaze..." she whispered, almost afraid to hear the very words she was about to speak, "These... they are brownies. Used to be." And hopefully, would be again. There had to be a cure.

With that revelation, Fellwing's mind was made. They shouldn't hurt them, if they could at all avoid it. Brownies were easily distractable - something more interesting than them would surely draw them away. But they had to act fast.

"Everyone, be prepared to run!" Fellwing shouted, inhaling sharply. This time, she wasn't preparing to call forth Darkness - but the power of the moons. She hadn't called to them often in her life, always afraid they'd find her - a drake so closely connected with the Darkness - unworthy of their help, but the need was dire now. She needed to create a distraction somewhere behind the brownies. Her friends were with her, and she couldn't risk shadow magic going awry.

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"Hmm?" Fogdance took a moment to register the question she'd just been asked. Despite Skobeloff's inability to detect anything unusual about this room, the older dragon's mannerisms give the impression as if she's having two conversations at once: one with Skobeloff, and one with someone the drake can neither see nor hear.

"Oh, well, there was a whole group of us when we came here, but, err, things got out of hand and we ended up separated." Fogdance nods towards the staircase behind her. "So now it's just me and two drakes, Tamba and Pleexem. Poor dears have been pretty spooked by this whole ordeal, completely tuckered them out, so they're having a little nap right now." She give Skobeloff a small, and somewhat pained, smile. "Speaking of groups, is it just you here? How did you make it all the way out here by yourself? You must be tired and hungry. If you want, I can get you something to eat or drink. We still have plenty of supplies, thankfully."

There is a pause, as if the Moons are considering Fellwing's plea. Then, Fellwing feels the gentle light of the Spirit Moon course through her scales as every tree and bush in the vicinity start blossoming with large tropical of many different colours, filling the area with a fresh floral scent. The corrupted brownies' attention is taken away from the dragons towards the plants, as they begin chattering and chirping to one another in a mixture of confusion and fascination. Before, they had the group surrounded, but now there is enough room for the dragons to make a break for it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Well if you're offering, I certainly wouldn't say no to some food and water." Skobeloff said in response to Fogdance offering him something to eat and drink. "As for the company I keep and how I got here, I came to this island with the rest of my clutch and a bearded dragon called Garrock to investigate why the mainland lost contact with you and yours, as well as why the island itself seems intent on feeding itself to the Cloudstalker. When we arrived at the beach, our seer had visions of trouble being afoot all across the island. With that in mind, we came to the decision that I would come investigate the stronghold while the others dealt with the goings on elsewhere. And so I trekked through the wilderness, outsmarted a mischievous pixie, briefly turned myself into a gust of wind, and stumbled across you and whatever invisible entity you are conversing with at the same time as me."

As Skobeloff spoke, he began to study Fogdance again. This time, he was on the lookout for any indication of the older dragon's motivations or intentions, especially if the aforementioned motivations or intentions pertained to him in some way.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Stargaze was all too glad to be quiet, she was embarrassed by her own squeak instead of a roar. Her eyes went wide in shock as Fellwing told her that the creatures in front of her were Brownies! "What?!" was all she could respond with.

She watched as Fellwing channeled the power of the Moons to cause the plants to flourish and bloom! With the Brownies distracted. Stargaze quietly nodded to the others and started to try and sneak past them towards where Echo should be.
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The moment Skobeloff agrees to Fogdance's offer, she eagerly begins leading him out of the main hall and towards one of the side rooms. Should Skobeloff follow, he'd find himself in a small dining area. It's very bare, with the only real furnishings being a table with chairs near the center, and a pantry and counter off to the side, and Skobeloff quickly would note that these seem to have been grown out of the wood of the floor itself rather than having been moved in. Fogdance motions him to sit down, and he'd realise as he's explaining his journey, she's not even really listening to him anymore as she starts to prepare his food.

When she's finished, she come's over with a bowl of what appears to be porridge, albeit garnished with a variety of tropical fruits. "Now, I know it's probably not as fancy as what you're used to," she says, with what Skobeloff had just said seeming to completely go over her head. "But we of House Tessith find that the simplest meals are usually the best for you." She places the bowl in front of the drake and looks at him very expectantly.

It seems like she really, really wants Skobeloff to hurry up and eat. What will he do?

As the group starts to sneak past the corrupted brownies, they will notice one of the bushes nearby starting to shake as they approach. "Psst! Hey, you lot!" a voice calls out, and a small hairy hand sticks out from the leaves and beckons towards the group. "This way! Follow me. Slowly, so as not to disturb 'em."

This voice seems familiar to Fellwing. What will the group do?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"It's no slice of abura-age, but it certainly smells delicious and I'm sure it will taste even better." Skobeloff said to Fogdance with a grateful smile before turning his attention to the porridge. "Itadakimasu!" With that said, Skobeloff's tail whipped upwards and in Fogdance's direction, catapulting the pixie dust he'd picked up earlier into the dragon's eyes. With Fogdance's mind temporarily clouded by the dust, Skobeloff sprang into action. The young drake dashed about the room, hiding away the bowl of porridge, finding a different bowl that looked like the porridge bowl and putting it on the table, quickly yet thoroughly covering his tracks, and scrambling to get back in his seat just in time for Fogdance to return to her senses to see nothing out of the ordinary as Skobeloff eagerly licked his bowl of porridge clean. "That was great!" Skobeloff exclaimed with a satisfied grin as he lifted his head out of the bowl. "Maybe House Tessith has the right idea after all... or at the very least it has the right idea when it comes to food."

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When nothing happened at first, Fellwing faltered. She truly must have been too tainted by Darkness to be heeded by the Moons above. In her desperation, she was ready to plead to the shadows as usual - when all of a sudden, a surge of warmth coursed through her. It was a pleasant feeling unlike any she'd felt before, yet she knew exactly what it meant.

She watched in awe as flowers started to bloom all around them, drawing the brownies' attention. It worked. It worked! "Stargaze, Shieldwing," she gasped, her usually calm voice overflowing with glee. "It worked!"

But there was no time for celebration. With Stargaze's lead, the dragons started to flee as quick and as quiet as they could, only to be intercepted by a voice. A... familiar voice, coming from a nearby bush.

Hesitant yet hopeful, Fellwing took a step closer. "Alpin?"
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When Skobeloff sprinkled the dust into Fogdance's eyes, the older dragon was stunned for a couple of seconds as she tried to reflexively blink the obstruction away. When that didn't help, she started rubbing at her with her claw. "Sorry, I, err, this place is dustier than I thought it was," she said. "Give me a moment." Once she finally able to keep her eyes open for longer than a couple of seconds, she returned her attention to Skobeloff and, seeing his bowl was empty, gave a smile. "Oh, you're done. Good," she said, though there was a hint of confusion in her voice. "You, err, really must have been quite hungry. Now, err, was I saying something just now...?" She frowned, looking as if she was trying to remember something, and for a brief moment, Skobeloff notes her behaviour was slightly different from how it had been moments before. A little less jittery and nervous, as if her mind had been taken off something that had been deeply troubling her.

Then, whatever it was that she had forgotten returned to her, and her eyes cloud over with sadness. Skobeloff recognises that Fogdance is indeed taken over by the Darkness, and that it is exploiting a particularly painful memory in order to control her. She turns back to look at Skobeloff, once again appearing nervous and jittery. "Well, after that walk and a nice meal, you must be feeling pretty tired, hmm?" she said. "If you'd like to have a little nap, I can show you where Tamba and Pleexem are."

At the mention of his name, the face of the brownie from Fellwing's earlier vision peaked out from the bush. Alpin blinked up at the dragons in surprise and confusion. "How did you..." He trailed off and then shook his head. "There's no time to talk. Follow me. I know a place that's safe. Well..." He paused before correcting himself. "Safer at least." He slowly crept out from the bush, and the dragons can see that, unlike the other brownies, he's not corrupted, just a little disheveled and frightened. He glances around him to make sure the other brownies are still distracted before beginning to lead the dragons away.
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