The Galar region is known for a myriad of things. We’ve got rolling hills of grass, bristling cold tundras, and dusty wildlands all brimming with Pokemon. Our people are hardy, dedicated workers, devoted to keeping our nation on its feet and maintaining its relativity in the modern world. And, among everything else, we’re known for the famous Galar Region Gym Challenge that takes place every summer. For the length of about four months, young trainers from every corner of the nation travel the region and engage each of us in battle. Some may earn badges, but others remain defeated, no matter how hard they try. If these young trainers are lucky enough, they have the chance to challenge our young champion, Ryker.
People don’t know this, but there’s a lot more to being a gym leader than they realize. If it wasn’t obvious already, we’re quite like celebrities. Paparazzi follow us like Combee after honey, desperate to publish anything regarding our private lives on the internet. Our fans are often hot-blooded and flood our social media pages and DMs with hopes of getting autographs at meet-ups or whatnot. We have to keep the chairman happy as a Clampearl, unless we want to get him hot on our asses. As you can see, being a gym leader is tiring in more ways than one. Though, there’s times where we’re able to lay back and relax, hang out with our comrades, and possibly take vacations to other regions in order to hone our skills. Yeah, all in all, our lives aren’t too bad.
The summer season’s reared its ugly head again and challengers are rallying together to begin their journey through Galar. Gym leaders are also preparing to face the lot of fresh and old faces once again. We’re prepared to force them to prove their mettle, and after a long and slow off-season, most of us are thrilled to show off our skills through the heat of battle.
But little do we know, with the new season comes a new threat, and its shadow has only merely peaked the horizon.

1.) The Pokemon world’s more dangerous than one realizes. Pokemon eat Pokemon. Pokemon kill and/or eat humans. Mistakes happen during battles, and sometimes such mistakes can be fatal to Pokemon. Pokemon also make up a large portion of humans’ meals. Humans, on the other hand, can sabotage/harm/kill one another in this roleplay. Make wise decisions and your characters, along with their beloved companions, should be fine.
2.) The Galar Region Gym Challenge lasts a total of four months and takes place from the beginning of May to the end of August. Gyms are challenged every two weeks, leaving a week of downtime between said challenges. The Gym Challenge begins in Turffield and ends in Hammerlocke. The Championship Battle takes place in Wyndon.
In the games, the towns are designed around the gym leaders’ typings. You are able to change some of their designs in roleplays, but be sure not to go overboard. In fact, you don’t have to change them at all. This is only an option.
3.) The Minor League exists in this universe. They’re active in the off-season and during the winter, taking place from the beginning of December through the end of March. Trainers who cannot get a sponsor through normal means must defeat the eight gym leaders in the Minor League in order to be eligible to compete in the Galar Region Gym Challenge during the summer.
If people would like to make a second or even third gym leader, they must be a member of the Minor League.
4.) This roleplay will involve slice of life, but it will also involve action, adventure, suspense and some darker themes. Things might get tense and violent at times, though there will always be time for relaxation and downtime between characters.
5.) Pokemon in this world are important! Make sure to give them personalities and involve them in your posts; make them interact with one another, their trainers, and other humans. They are your partners, after all.

1.) Players must be eighteen or older to join.
2.) If you are interested in joining, you must promise to be an active player in both the OOC and IC. OOC chatter, plotting, and announcements will be held in the roleplay’s Discord server. As for the IC, please post there at least once a week. Each post should be at least two longer paragraphs in length.
3.) Do not ghost us. If you need to step away from the roleplay, please let us know. No one will judge you for your decision, and it’s better than leaving us in the blue.
4.) Not every person who applies will be accepted. That means you are in charge of creating an interesting character who will be a pleasure to write with. Your writing style, personality, and overall activity will also be taken into consideration when judging your sheets. We will not be accepting characters who are over-the-top, nor will we be accepting characters created by problematic players.
Remember that gym leaders are not just gym leaders. They were once children and trainers as well, with aspirations to take on the Gym Challenge and become Champion. They have gone through trials and tribulations across all fronts. They have dreams that they wish to turn into reality. It’s not easy to become a gym leader, after all. You have a lot to work with, so take your time making characters.
5.) Main characters should be more or less in the same age group in order to maintain relevance between them. I’m looking at an age range of 18-30.
6.) The outcome of battles between player characters and some NPCs will be decided prior to the start of the battle. I’m leaving it up to the owner of the characters to decide who wins the battle, but if an agreement can’t be reached between the players, then the outcome will be decided by myself after taking other people’s opinions into consideration. This keeps battles fair and prevents arguments in the OOC.
7.) Stats do not matter in this roleplay, though one must use common sense. Stats were created to keep Pokemon balanced in the games, so it shouldn’t make a huge impact roleplay-wise. That being said, a huge, sluggish Pokemon should not be outspeeding a nimble one, etc.
8.) Managing movesets can be tricky in a roleplay setting. We’re sticking to the typical four moveset rule in this roleplay, though moves can be swapped out for other ones during downtime. I’m also not counting moves like Bite, Scratch, etc as actual moves. If Pokemon have teeth, they will bite. If they have wings, they will fly. If they can swim, they will dive and resurface. However, enhanced moves such as Crunch, Wing Attack, etc will be accounted for as part as a Pokemon’s moveset.
9.) Your characters’ choices will most likely have an impact on the course and conclusion of the game. Again, be smart when making decisions!