The Urban Dictionary definition states: Anime (pronounced an-ni-mey), is the reason you are losing an average of 4 hours of sleep every night; seeing your grades drop steadily, and at least losing 5Gs of data on your phone or computer; slowly becoming bankrupt (for some 'weird' reason) and slowly evolving into a hermit crab that only moves occasionally to feed on pocky often forgetting that there is something called 'outside'.
It is also the concept that brought a genre and a community together in an element, formed a bond, uh changed your sentiment on life and took us on individual adventures (despite the fact we never actually you know got up out of our beds to do so); last of all opened up a new world of fanbases to enjoy and/or cringe at but as this Full Metal Alchemist character put it:
"The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can....That's what makes it so damned beautiful."
- Roy Mustang