"This must be hard for you, no? All of this blood."

Barracker didn’t noticed MacKensie’s footsteps, he grinned sadly. “Even with my sharp hearing, you still manage to sneak up on me in my worst moments,” the vampire muttered under his breath with a trace of humour. “Indeed, it is hard. This is much harder than I had thought before, even,” he paused a moment looking up at the sky. “The thirst is beating me slowly. As someone who is not born a vampire, it is said that I will succumb to a blind rage that will controls my life, my very being. It is said that eventually you cannot think of anything else except the thirst and thus, become a slave, a thrall to the higher vampire who turned you. It is so difficult to put into words… Viktor…” Barracker was about to carry on but then held back, shaking his head.

"Just know… That I may not be able to understand fully, but I am here for you. No matter what. All of us," she said, referring to Second Chance. "We all have our burdens to carry, but we can draw strength from eachother. Our bonds. Our trust. We will never abandon you."


By Hades he appreciated her so much, the words hit hard. If I only could think of myself in that way. If only she could realise the danger that comes with this afliction.

His gaze said it all, the sadness, the vulnerability, the fear, all mixed with gratitude and appreciation for her to be here for him in this moment of strife. Then she gently turned him to face her and grabbed his hands. "I will not stand for this nonsense of you being a monster," she said firmly. "You, Kass, are a hero. You always have been and you always will be. Yes?" She gave a small smile. He gave a smile back and nodded, reminding himself the battle was far from done. "Now let's do what heroes do and save this city."

Barracker and MacKensie set off in a hurry. Barracker was glad to hear that Sil would be okay. Fenna said she would join them shortly, so he and MacKensie went to the command post to find James and Allison. Barracker was over joyed that both the Rogue and the Cleric were alive and well, meaning that all of Second Chance had survived the battle so far. It seemed that James was in charge so Barracker waited for his orders.

A short time later after relaying orders to The Bats he was stood in formation with Second Chance on the bridge. Warren had actually tried to offer his own shield to Barracker which was something that the Paladin respectfully refused, but understood the magnitutde of the sentiment, as a warriors equipment was important to them. Instead, Barracker was stood in the famous ‘Ochs Stance,’ a fighting style requiring a high skill threshhold that was Barracker’s go to when he didn’t have a shield.

Barracker’s attention went towards the big threats in the Ogres direct attack. Barracker searched for the dagger James had given him, he launched the dagger, targetting the ogre eye. This blinded the big terror temporarily, putting a stop to it in its tracks. His first intention was to retrieve his dagger and finish the ogre off, but the crowd of enemy knights and orc heavies waylaid him and he knew he needed to protect the back line of Mages and Clerics.

He fought them back ferociously, several at once. He aimed for one kill per one swing, being so outnumbered it would be dangerous to be overwhelmed.

The moment he got space, he shouted to Rangers and Rogue for one of them to answer his plea. “Allison, MacKensie, Fenna! Finish the ogre!”

The vampire held out one hand low, with the intention for one of the women to jump onto his palm with a foot and to vault over the crowd with the assistance of his throwing strength, onto the shoulders of the blinded ogre.