Hello! Here's my character submission!

Imelda has always been the embodiment of nonchalant. Thought provoking questions always confused her, and standing out from the crowd was never a big deal. All Imelda ever dreamed about was being at full peace with the world around her. The only way Imelda could even think of obtaining this peace was through a very simple matter, becoming the strongest fighter the world had ever known! Maybe it was Imelda’s pirate lineage that led her to this mindset, but it was the only possible way she saw forward. Philosophy? Words and their meanings? Politics? Freedom? All of it was nonsense to Imelda since at the end of the day, all of those things could be erased by the Marines, World Government, or even pirates. So with the help of her grandfather, Imelda trained in his dojo so that someday she could make her dream a reality. Peace! The peace to just simply lay down on the sands of some island and know that no one in the world would dare disturb her for whatever reason.
With Imelda my goal is to simply have fun writing and building a character in one of my favorite pieces of fiction. A major concept of One Piece is individual dreams and the journey to reaching them. Which really resonates with me, and I hope to convey that with Imelda. A stubborn character who reacts to being ordered around with an almost explosive will to disobey if the orders conflict with her own goals. Another big thing I’m hoping to provide with Imelda is a story of triumph, but also failure. The dream she has is a near impossible one, and that was very much intentional when thinking of it all. So a major part of her story will also revolve around how far she is willing to go for the sake of her own dreams. What is the price she will have to pay, to eventually be able to sit back and never worry about the general arrangements of society?
Organization: The Blue Horned Pirates
Position: Captain
Starting sea: North Blue
Devil Fruit: Bomb Bomb Fruit
The bomb-bomb fruit is a paramecia type fruit that allows the user to make any part of their body explode. Whether it be limbs, hair, mucus, or breathe essentially turning them into a bomb human. Explosions only occur when the user initiates them, also despite the explosion immunity the user is still not immune to fire.
In One Piece I feel as thought this particular fruit was introduced way too early but also very underutilized by it's user. While it was shown off to have decent long ranged capabilities, I intend for Imelda to use the fruit in a complete opposite way. Being a more up and personal hand to hand fighter, it's my belief that the Bomb Bomb fruit would be used in a more fun, and proper way than just flinging ones boogers at their opponents.
Miscellaneous: While being a human Imelda slightly stands out from the crowd around her. There are two horns on the top of Imelda's head that are a very deep shade of blue at the tip and gradually becomes a more bone white color near the base of her head.

Isengard, a well respected retired pirate who now runs a dojo which teaches the fighting style passed down his families lineage. Who also despite his better judgment gave into Imelda’s begging and took her in as a student. He always went on about the Ram D. bloodline but despite that, Isengard often treated his granddaughter like a soft delicate lamb. Even while training Imelda in the full body fighting style that utilized punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and surprisingly even the head. He would often stop training Imelda if she gained even the smallest scratch from training. But even then, he fully supported her dreams of peace and plans of becoming a pirate to obtain that peace.

If all anyone could ask for was loyalty, then Mango would be the first thing to appear in front of them. Also in comparison to Imelda's nonchalant, it is what it is, attitude Mango would be the polar opposite. Often overthinking, in fact he’s often the voice of reason for Imelda. Even if she never listened Mango appreciates Imelda and knew her dreams were childish with little to no way of ever happening. So he tagged along with her silly idea of being pirates and vows to make sure her dream comes true.
Two Weeks Earlier
“Remember to eat 3 times a day! Don’t approach any ships that you don't recognize! And please if you see any Mari-”
The words from the woman would fall short as the young man in front of her finally opened his mouth to speak. “I get it! I get it! Just cut it out ma’, I can handle myself now.” Tears began to swell in the woman’s eyes as her son spoke. He realized at this point there was nothing that could’ve been said to put his mothers heart at ease. His hand would find itself resting on her shoulder, “Us two will be back, and with an entire crew before you can even blink. I swear it.” The smile on the man’s face was genuine to his mother. And although the tears didn’t stop, she at least felt a bit more at ease about this whole ordeal.
“Oh you’re right Mango, I know you’ll do the right things.” She had known the truth for a while, her son didn’t need to be babied. Only a small fraction of her frustrations came from Mango leaving home, the big chunk however… The big chunk came from, “That no good lazy slacker of a girl! Where is she even!?”
“She’s right behind you ma…” Mango pointed towards the crowded street leading to the docks and sure enough there she was. Simply walking as slow as a turtle. Imelda.
”Yo-ho!” Imelda would call out to Mango and his mother. Her voice was drowsy, practically giving away the fact she had been napping this whole time. Although there wasn’t much enthusiasm in the way she walked either, locals of the island smiled and wished her farewell on the voyage. Oddly it seemed as though the majority of the island had gathered on this one little stretch of road. ”Ah, you're here early Mango. Hehe same as usual.” She said with a small smile on her face once she finally stood in front of Mango and his mother.
“EARLY!? YOU’RE JUST LATE BY TWO HOURS!!” Mango yelled, “Geez, we’ve practically missed the high tide! This is the WORST START FOR PIRATING!”
”You worry too much! As long as the winds of our backs we’ll be great!” The words came off as a laugh almost. But once again that was enough for mango to feel a bit at ease with Imelda. ”Now lets hurry up and set sail! The sooner we leave the better!”
“Aye!” Was the last thing he said to her before, walking to the boat and doing last minute checks. Imelda would soon begin to follow looking forward to her new life at sea. But before she could take her first steps, hands would grab her arms. Looking at the person who grabbed her Imelda was surprised to see it was only Mango’s mother. “Before you leave…” She was fully crying at this point, not even fighting the tears going down her cheeks and onto the wood of the docks.
“Please, bring my son back alive! Promise me you’ll bring him back alive! If anything happens to him out there, I’ll never forgive you!”
With a sigh Imelda looked down at the mother and said words that would set the tone for their travels. ”I don’t feel like it. Sounds like way too much work.” She yawned as she finished speaking. ”Besides you should know at this point. Nothing bad could ever happen to him as long as I’m around!” And with those last words she turned her back to Mango’s mother and joined him on their small ship.
“Get settled in, I’ve taken care of everything else.” Mango sayed while standing at the helm. “Just raise the sail Ime-... Captain! And we’ll be off.” Without a second passing between them Imelda had already raised the sails of their ship, walked to the bow. The sails would fall and Imelda yelled while pointing towards the open sea.
”Look out world! Here comes Ram D. Imelda and the Blue Horned Pirates!”
In the distance far away on the other side of Gator Tail Island was a tall man. Although no one would ever believe the sight, there was a gigantic smile on his face. “Go forward, my granddaughter! Fight the winds! Conquer the oceans! And obtain the dream you’ve been after!”
Present day
”Lost? Nah we’re not lost. We’ll find somewhere to dock soon I bet.” Imelda was laying on the deck of the ship with her arms folded behind her head.
“You said that two days ago! We should’ve found the first island a week ago!” Mango sat next to Imelda with a map on the ground between them and a compass in his left hand. “Luckily I predicted this and packed more food! But if I’m doing this right, we’ll be at a dock within two days. That’s only IF I’m doing this right!” The two had been sailing non stop for two weeks straight. Supplies were running low and without a navigator any hope of finding land seemed fruitless. Mango couldn’t help but protest to Imelda how they desperately should’ve found someone who could navigate before leaving. But as always she only had one answer to him.
”Trust the process and listen to the Seagulls. Now let me sleep man!”
“Seagulls? What’re you ta-,”
“Huoh! Huoh!” The call came from up above. Mango looked up and sure enough there was a single Seagull flying high above them. A million questions raced through his head, the main one wondering how Imelda heard them before him. But as always any questions he asked would’ve been met with a shrug. “Lands real close then. We should be there sooner than I thought!”
”Yeah, yeah whatever. I really just want to sleep.” Imelda muttered before turning to her side and without a moment’s notice began to snore.
Ram D. Imelda

I'd rather die than give up!
Being a pirate can’t be that hard
Being a pirate can’t be that hard
Character Description
Imelda has always been the embodiment of nonchalant. Thought provoking questions always confused her, and standing out from the crowd was never a big deal. All Imelda ever dreamed about was being at full peace with the world around her. The only way Imelda could even think of obtaining this peace was through a very simple matter, becoming the strongest fighter the world had ever known! Maybe it was Imelda’s pirate lineage that led her to this mindset, but it was the only possible way she saw forward. Philosophy? Words and their meanings? Politics? Freedom? All of it was nonsense to Imelda since at the end of the day, all of those things could be erased by the Marines, World Government, or even pirates. So with the help of her grandfather, Imelda trained in his dojo so that someday she could make her dream a reality. Peace! The peace to just simply lay down on the sands of some island and know that no one in the world would dare disturb her for whatever reason.
Character Goals
With Imelda my goal is to simply have fun writing and building a character in one of my favorite pieces of fiction. A major concept of One Piece is individual dreams and the journey to reaching them. Which really resonates with me, and I hope to convey that with Imelda. A stubborn character who reacts to being ordered around with an almost explosive will to disobey if the orders conflict with her own goals. Another big thing I’m hoping to provide with Imelda is a story of triumph, but also failure. The dream she has is a near impossible one, and that was very much intentional when thinking of it all. So a major part of her story will also revolve around how far she is willing to go for the sake of her own dreams. What is the price she will have to pay, to eventually be able to sit back and never worry about the general arrangements of society?
Character Notes
Organization: The Blue Horned Pirates
Position: Captain
Starting sea: North Blue
Devil Fruit: Bomb Bomb Fruit
The bomb-bomb fruit is a paramecia type fruit that allows the user to make any part of their body explode. Whether it be limbs, hair, mucus, or breathe essentially turning them into a bomb human. Explosions only occur when the user initiates them, also despite the explosion immunity the user is still not immune to fire.
In One Piece I feel as thought this particular fruit was introduced way too early but also very underutilized by it's user. While it was shown off to have decent long ranged capabilities, I intend for Imelda to use the fruit in a complete opposite way. Being a more up and personal hand to hand fighter, it's my belief that the Bomb Bomb fruit would be used in a more fun, and proper way than just flinging ones boogers at their opponents.
Miscellaneous: While being a human Imelda slightly stands out from the crowd around her. There are two horns on the top of Imelda's head that are a very deep shade of blue at the tip and gradually becomes a more bone white color near the base of her head.
Ram D. Isengard

Isengard, a well respected retired pirate who now runs a dojo which teaches the fighting style passed down his families lineage. Who also despite his better judgment gave into Imelda’s begging and took her in as a student. He always went on about the Ram D. bloodline but despite that, Isengard often treated his granddaughter like a soft delicate lamb. Even while training Imelda in the full body fighting style that utilized punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and surprisingly even the head. He would often stop training Imelda if she gained even the smallest scratch from training. But even then, he fully supported her dreams of peace and plans of becoming a pirate to obtain that peace.
Mango Winters

If all anyone could ask for was loyalty, then Mango would be the first thing to appear in front of them. Also in comparison to Imelda's nonchalant, it is what it is, attitude Mango would be the polar opposite. Often overthinking, in fact he’s often the voice of reason for Imelda. Even if she never listened Mango appreciates Imelda and knew her dreams were childish with little to no way of ever happening. So he tagged along with her silly idea of being pirates and vows to make sure her dream comes true.
Two Weeks Earlier
“Remember to eat 3 times a day! Don’t approach any ships that you don't recognize! And please if you see any Mari-”
The words from the woman would fall short as the young man in front of her finally opened his mouth to speak. “I get it! I get it! Just cut it out ma’, I can handle myself now.” Tears began to swell in the woman’s eyes as her son spoke. He realized at this point there was nothing that could’ve been said to put his mothers heart at ease. His hand would find itself resting on her shoulder, “Us two will be back, and with an entire crew before you can even blink. I swear it.” The smile on the man’s face was genuine to his mother. And although the tears didn’t stop, she at least felt a bit more at ease about this whole ordeal.
“Oh you’re right Mango, I know you’ll do the right things.” She had known the truth for a while, her son didn’t need to be babied. Only a small fraction of her frustrations came from Mango leaving home, the big chunk however… The big chunk came from, “That no good lazy slacker of a girl! Where is she even!?”
“She’s right behind you ma…” Mango pointed towards the crowded street leading to the docks and sure enough there she was. Simply walking as slow as a turtle. Imelda.
”Yo-ho!” Imelda would call out to Mango and his mother. Her voice was drowsy, practically giving away the fact she had been napping this whole time. Although there wasn’t much enthusiasm in the way she walked either, locals of the island smiled and wished her farewell on the voyage. Oddly it seemed as though the majority of the island had gathered on this one little stretch of road. ”Ah, you're here early Mango. Hehe same as usual.” She said with a small smile on her face once she finally stood in front of Mango and his mother.
“EARLY!? YOU’RE JUST LATE BY TWO HOURS!!” Mango yelled, “Geez, we’ve practically missed the high tide! This is the WORST START FOR PIRATING!”
”You worry too much! As long as the winds of our backs we’ll be great!” The words came off as a laugh almost. But once again that was enough for mango to feel a bit at ease with Imelda. ”Now lets hurry up and set sail! The sooner we leave the better!”
“Aye!” Was the last thing he said to her before, walking to the boat and doing last minute checks. Imelda would soon begin to follow looking forward to her new life at sea. But before she could take her first steps, hands would grab her arms. Looking at the person who grabbed her Imelda was surprised to see it was only Mango’s mother. “Before you leave…” She was fully crying at this point, not even fighting the tears going down her cheeks and onto the wood of the docks.
“Please, bring my son back alive! Promise me you’ll bring him back alive! If anything happens to him out there, I’ll never forgive you!”
With a sigh Imelda looked down at the mother and said words that would set the tone for their travels. ”I don’t feel like it. Sounds like way too much work.” She yawned as she finished speaking. ”Besides you should know at this point. Nothing bad could ever happen to him as long as I’m around!” And with those last words she turned her back to Mango’s mother and joined him on their small ship.
“Get settled in, I’ve taken care of everything else.” Mango sayed while standing at the helm. “Just raise the sail Ime-... Captain! And we’ll be off.” Without a second passing between them Imelda had already raised the sails of their ship, walked to the bow. The sails would fall and Imelda yelled while pointing towards the open sea.
”Look out world! Here comes Ram D. Imelda and the Blue Horned Pirates!”
In the distance far away on the other side of Gator Tail Island was a tall man. Although no one would ever believe the sight, there was a gigantic smile on his face. “Go forward, my granddaughter! Fight the winds! Conquer the oceans! And obtain the dream you’ve been after!”
Present day
”Lost? Nah we’re not lost. We’ll find somewhere to dock soon I bet.” Imelda was laying on the deck of the ship with her arms folded behind her head.
“You said that two days ago! We should’ve found the first island a week ago!” Mango sat next to Imelda with a map on the ground between them and a compass in his left hand. “Luckily I predicted this and packed more food! But if I’m doing this right, we’ll be at a dock within two days. That’s only IF I’m doing this right!” The two had been sailing non stop for two weeks straight. Supplies were running low and without a navigator any hope of finding land seemed fruitless. Mango couldn’t help but protest to Imelda how they desperately should’ve found someone who could navigate before leaving. But as always she only had one answer to him.
”Trust the process and listen to the Seagulls. Now let me sleep man!”
“Seagulls? What’re you ta-,”
“Huoh! Huoh!” The call came from up above. Mango looked up and sure enough there was a single Seagull flying high above them. A million questions raced through his head, the main one wondering how Imelda heard them before him. But as always any questions he asked would’ve been met with a shrug. “Lands real close then. We should be there sooner than I thought!”
”Yeah, yeah whatever. I really just want to sleep.” Imelda muttered before turning to her side and without a moment’s notice began to snore.