Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Gelatinous Cube One among the Fence

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

-Name: Elias Vex

-Race: Human

-Age: 49

-Appearance: Standing at six feet tall and built of lean muscle, Vex is the very image of an older soldier. You can see it in his rigid stance and purposeful gait, however beset by a limp it may be. The hard lines on his face and the grey rapidly encroaching upon the rich oak of his hair and beard show his age clearly. The thick callouses on his knuckles suggest a man who knows how to throw some mean punches.

-Personality: Vex may come across initially as dry and aloof, yet beneath the exterior is a man who has spent his life fighting for something, and often being screwed for it at the end of the day. Yet, should you display to him a sufficient integrity, he may just end up following you through the gates of hell. Only someone who has been stabbed in the back knows the significance of true loyalty. You'll know he likes you when he cracks a smile at one of your jokes, and you'll know he really likes you when he cracks wise right back at you.

-Equipment: Vex is arriving to Tryliin with less than he'd like. He had to sell a lot of old gear to afford his pills, but he has kept his old .45 service sidearm and flak suit. Somewhere along the way he also procured a beat up, yet reliable combat shotgun and a bandolier of solid slugs.

Around town, Vex favours plain, rugged clothes and sturdy boots. Thankfully his flak suit is just subtle enough to be worn underneath any standard attire.
In lieu of any close-quarters weapons, Vex has his fists, which he can make even better use of with his gloves. With metal pads over the knuckles and heel of the palm they hurt like hell and stabilize the fingers so he has no need to worry about breaking any fingers.
Here's hoping his first proper paycheck can afford him some better gear.

-Abilities: Vex can pick up and use just about any small-arm you give him, though he favours shorter range encounters over distance fights. If he can close the distance on you and put a slug through your brain, or punch your throat into your spine, all the better.
He is perhaps even more adept at beating the absolute living piss out of an opponent owing back to his pugilistic past, yet he's smart enough to know not to try and employ such techniques against any prick with power armour.

He can also use his old injury to his advantage. You'd be surprised how many people fall for the helpless old man bit, only to have their nostrils uppercut right back into their brains for it.

-Bio: Vex started life as a grunt, young and smooth-faced thinking he was going to make his mark on the universe, explore the stars and go on wonderful space-faring adventures.
The fucking naivety of youth, huh?
After graduating basic, he was placed in a planet-side unit on some bumfuck nothing world where the most action he saw was the slap of mop on tile. This wasn't the life he was made for, and he knew it. Yet, he made the most of it. Vex devoted himself to physical and martial discipline, while also diving headfirst into the ancient arts of pugilism. Not a bad way to earn some extra scratch, and there was only so much practice a bag and a sparring partner could provide.

Once his service ended, he declined a second enlistment, instead enrolling in special forces. Surely that had to be the answer, right?
Wrong again.
Yeah, he went on missions, but most of his day-to-day life consisted of being on-call and never away from HQ.

Growing increasingly frustrated by the military life, Vex took his papers and walked away, taking his skills to Markindine. If you asked him about it now, he'd tell you it was the best time of his life, and simultaneously the worst. If you followed up with asking him if it was all worth it? He'd get a far away look in his eyes and fall silent, unable to answer.
He certainly saw a lot of action, but the veneer began to fad and he realized he was just a blunt object sent to displace people from their homes and lives. The company told him they were dangerous rebels and insurgents, that they were the bad guys and the righteous hands of Markindine would be the good folks salvation.
Bullshit, all of it. The folks he killed may have been raining down rapid hell fire upon him, but they were just ordinary men and women trying to protect their homes and way of life.
His final mission with Markindine was supposed to be a typical sweep job. Take the team in and cleanse the land for a new business venture to blossom in its place. Vex took a high-caliber sniper round to the knee that nearly took his whole damn leg off. Half the squad were reduced to ribbons and in the end he and those left were reprimanded for not "maintaining the integrity of the site". He was just a number that cost money, and he had just firmly landed himself in the red. They fixed him up and after the mission that left him, in his words, a cripple and in theirs "operationally unfit", he was discarded with a pittance of a severance pay and a pat on the back. No pension, no thanks for your service...hell, not even a cushy gig at a desk.

All Vex ever wanted was a cause worthy of his life, and a life worthy of his cause. Something those pencil pushers at Markindine would never have known, or cared to even ask. Instead they left him with permanent physical damage and a growing addiction to painkillers.

-Goal: Tryliin is far, far away from any kind of life Vex has. Even though folks call it dead or a wasteland, some even call it hell, there's something almost romantic about the idea of it. Like a pioneer from one of those ancient stories of settlers and pilgrims. Perhaps he'd try his luck with the Rail Riders. They stood for a good cause, and would probably welcome even him. Though rumour has it some upstart named Phoenix wants to start a company. Ex-Silverstone, they say. Man might just put a bullet in Vex's head if he knew he was former Markindine, but life was no fun without the risk. Why not try and set up a meet and greet?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

This looks cool. Gonna drop this here really fast. I should have this finished up in about a day or two.


Name: Augustus Teach Crowns
Race: Baseline Human (allegedly)
Age: 36 Earth Years

Key Personality Traits and Quirks


Crowns has toured his fair share of alien worlds during his stint in the S-GAF Frontier Army. Having experienced a myriad of alien cultures and interacted with all types of people throughout his travels, he is quite privy to socializing with virtually anyone regardless of their economic, racial, or religious background, and will integrate almost seamlessly into any squad regardless of its member composition.


Crowns was notorious amongst his old army buddies for having a bombastic "let's get it done" attitude towards life. Truegrit, teamwork, and a splash of positivity (of which should be delivered in the form of bizarre and outlandish speeches to distressed allies) are the core tenants Crowns lives by when trying to complete any sort of group-based objective.

The following was likely tongue-in-cheek when he initially said it, but Crowns asserts that there is no challenge that five guys armed with cheap combustion guns and what he affectionally calls "the juice" cannot overcome.

Equipment and Skills:

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hey all sorry I was busy this weekend and didn't get a chance to check everything out. I'll do some looking when I get off work.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by naomimyselfandi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

I should have an application ready to go by tonight as well!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 9 days ago

@Mangrale Fisher looks good I'll accept him feel free to move him over

@Gelatinous Cube Elias looks good to go. I can see him and Phoenix having an interesting relationship two careered soldiers screwed over by corporations.

@ASTAThings look good so far I'll be interested to see how things turn out.

@naomimyselfandi Sounds good thank you for the interest hope to see your character soon.

By my count if everyone who put up interest finishes up a character and will play we'll be at six players. I think I'll cap it at that for now so things don't get to big.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 9 days ago

@Mangrale@Gelatinous Cube@PerfectThought for you three would you mind working out some connections between characters so we have some sort of relations around the team. This also goes for the WIP characters as well if one of them catches your eye.

I'll also be sending a pm to each of you to do a "interview" in a way more of Phoenix's meeting with your character where you either approached him or he recruited you for the team, I'll compile all of these in to one mega post that I'll make into the first post of the RP before we all get started. I'll also open up suggestions for a Merc Company name and we can vote on it here with the participants.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Gelatinous Cube One among the Fence

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I'll move him over tonight when I get home
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Gelatinous Cube One among the Fence

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As for pre-existing relationships, I'm open to anything. Vex is a pretty well-traveled guy, being something of a listless nomad. Whether he encountered any of you in a negative or positive context...who knows?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Deja
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Deja Yeet me like one of your billionaires

Member Seen 10 days ago

I have a rogue AI reconnaissance role envisioned, would it be too late to join? Sorta like the robot from Invincible; replaceable golem with good Intel powers on the techie side perhaps some more heavy firepower through hacking.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 3 days ago

Well, worked out most of my bits finally last night, resurrecting my old power suit. Anyone want to make a connection to a bouncer who works at the only club in the Pit that doesn't water its drinks?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Gelatinous Cube
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Gelatinous Cube One among the Fence

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Vex definitely drinks, I'm sure he's run into you on a few occasions.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by naomimyselfandi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

  • Name: Akane Akiyama
  • Species†: Human
  • Age: 25

† I don't like using "race" here. It's inaccurate and has some surprisingly ugly history to it, too.

† I don't like using "race" here. It's inaccurate and has some surprisingly ugly history to it, too.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 9 days ago

@Expendable - Sem looks good my only concern is you have a pretty extensive arsenal and no real way to pay for it. I mean I won't say that a bouncer would be poor but that's some heavy weaponry just to have on the side. Unless your saying it's furnished by your employer to increase your intimidation effect, then I guess that could work.

@Deja - Sorry, but for now I'll say we're full up. Thank you for the interest and if you want I can let you know if an opening come up in the future.

@naomimyselfandi - Akane is looking pretty good so far, although I do have a question as to why choose to be a mercenary. She is really well made and seems to fit as an archeologist and such but going in as a merc may give you the chance to study some ruins but most jobs would be like "protect a caravan, clear out some bandits, ect. But yeah otherwise she is looking good.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Steel Legion
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Steel Legion Important plot character

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wait is it too late to apply!?

I just found my inspiration!
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Expendable - Sem looks good my only concern is you have a pretty extensive arsenal and no real way to pay for it. I mean I won't say that a bouncer would be poor but that's some heavy weaponry just to have on the side. Unless your saying it's furnished by your employer to increase your intimidation effect, then I guess that could work.

I was thinking of that, I can drop the minigun and just keep the Briggs shotgun, call that a gift from Boss Raskolnikov, who strongly urged Sem not use that in town - or at the very least, not in the Russian quarter. Maybe later he'll use that to ask for a "favor". It's nothing you'd want to fire without the suit.

I have no problem getting rid of the bullpup either.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Steel Legion
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Steel Legion Important plot character

Member Seen 1 yr ago

-Name: "Brae" "The bloodless" Clarke
-Race (If not human briefly describe your race here): Human, Ex-Skull Jacker
-Age: 28
-Appearance: (Preferred picture with a description)

Brae is a reserved character. Speaking only when spoken to and used to being not everyones cup of tea owing to his connection to the Barbarian Skull Jackers class, the under class, if you will, of people who are by all accounts poverty-stricken colonists and are themselves the under class of anyone else in the system. When he speaks it is with solemn purpose.

-Equipment: (What you normally keep with you, can be split into two sets "Around Town" and "On Mission" in case you don't want to be walking around town in full armor all the time. (Although that might be safer sometimes)

Around Town/On Mission

When Brae appeared and came to Gabriel Phoenix he was already wearing some sort of advanced armor of a brand and manufacture never seen before. The armor clearly wasnt his and was acquired some way. It boasts advanced technology of a strange type who the group have taken to referring to as "bubble-knight".

Aside from that his gunplay is really advanced. Owed from a brutal education of survive or die from an early age. He prefers rail weaponry... who doesnt, right? But can you get your hands on a working copy? He prefers the big bore ones.

Around Town

Honestly, catching him sleeping is like trying to sneak up on a rattler. But when his armour is being repainted or something from the battle damage he walks around town in a jump suit tied at the wast. Bareback. He keeps with him his trusty tribal knife. He also has a pistol of unusual design, not the usual vending machine pistols you find. Looks like a real mans-mans pistol. Could be a talking point.

-Abilities: (Nothing too crazy, such things like mild telekinesis, mild telepathy and such are fine, but no crazy magical abilities. Other abilities may be piloting, mechanics and other such things too):

The four dots on Braes bubble suit's back can emit a strange blue bubble each, which rapidly joins together into a larger inflating bubble. This gives him strange abilities. The bubbles walls themselves seem to be made of energy and a fizzing of static is heard. With this he is able to do many things bubbles can do. He can parachute down from an aircraft. He can "bubble jump" by creating a large enough bubble behind him and propelling himself into the air with his legs. The bubble can of course envelop him and provides deflective field armour -until it bursts-, he can even jump ontop of his own bubble detaching it from his back and standing on it. As to the nature of this technology he isnt sharing, but it seems human in origin, not alien. Sure it doesnt have any human alphabet written on it, but its got five fingers for lords sake!

-Bio: (What was their life like before Tryliin, or have they always lived there?)

The earliest thing Brae remembers is struggle. His family lived in yurts deep in the desert where they could not be bothered. Originally human colonists, successive generations poverty and resource scarcity had driven them to the edge of civilized behavior. Back then owning a gun pretty much made you a king. Things got from really bad to worse as water dried up and food ran out. At one stage it became impossible for tribes to survive, his tribe in particular, after a poor harvest they had to make a very tough decision, an impactful one, either they would raid anothers encampment -take what they needed- or everyone would be dead from dehydration and malnourishment. His tribe leaders met and the matter was discussed. Eventually a decision was made. They chose to raid, rather than die. Many of the tribes followed suit, infact it was a common predicament. Eventually, all of them being collectively branded as skulljackers. Unjustly so! Some took to raiding perhaps too eagerly. It had unleashed some real madmen. Bad things are said about skulljackers, that they eat the dead and enslave the living. And if any, or even a hint of it is true Brae says nothing. But the truth being that Brae came from an era, he came from an era of honorable tribesmen, an era which is long dead, ruined by the honeyed words of wealth. Slave traders do not just live but prosper... from pain! NOT HIS WAY! Not my way...

Where did the bubble-tech come from? Well, thats a real mystery. Someone had to have given it to them i'd say. And why did Brae leave his tribe? [plot hook]

-Goal: Brae doesnt have goals like other humans do. When you live hand-to-mouth with a perpetual instinct for danger. Kind of doesnt leave room for much else. Perhaps being exposed to civilization will finally civilize the tribal in him. Maybe he'll grow a little.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by naomimyselfandi
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Akane is looking pretty good so far, although I do have a question as to why choose to be a mercenary. She is really well made and seems to fit as an archeologist and such but going in as a merc may give you the chance to study some ruins but most jobs would be like "protect a caravan, clear out some bandits, ect. But yeah otherwise she is looking good.

That's a good question, and I think I'd interpreted the premise as putting more of a focus on exploring the ruins themselves than you intended. I left the Umbrists fairly open-ended to give myself some room to adjust things, so now they're more of a mysterious-but-benevolent organization that does a variety of humanitarian work, with archeology and exploration being only one facet. Tryliin's been on their radar due to the violence and corruption on its surface, and got a bump in priority due to the ruins attracting their science arm's interest as well. Akane's there to keep tabs on it and has authorization to get involved in humanitarian work while she's down there.

The final two sections are now filled out as well.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 9 days ago

@Steel Legion - I think I'm going to cave here. I have been saying the game is full but you put in a good bit of effort and he fits the setting pretty well so yeah I'll take on one more. Brea is accepted.

@Expendable - just dropping the minigun is fine with that I'll accept.

@naomimyselfandi - there will definitely be opertunites for ruin exploration down the line. But the ones funding those explorations would probably pick mercenary companies with a good reputation for those activities. That being said that could be why you choose to work as a mercenary to get into a group that could be sent on those exploration missions. But semantics of why aside the character looks good and I'll accept her.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Steel Legion
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Steel Legion Important plot character

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I could see myself developing a bond with Violet once he knows it has a tribe too.

Everyone else has a fair chance, as long as you are willing to accept a grunt or two.

If anyones techy they could try to unravel the secrets of the bubble suit. (If you get in his good books) I have much background about it. I'd also like to talk to the GM and see if any of it works for him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PerfectThought
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PerfectThought The Cat

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I could see myself developing a bond with Violet once he knows it has a tribe too.

Everyone else has a fair chance, as long as you are willing to accept a grunt or two.

If anyones techy they could try to unravel the secrets of the bubble suit. (If you get in his good books) I have much background about it. I'd also like to talk to the GM and see if any of it works for him.

Yeah, that sounds good. Maybe they connect over their alien appearance and shared foreign attitudes? And Parma is pretty techy, so he could try to figure out the suit business while at it...
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