- Akamine "Myu-tan" Miyuki
- Female
- 20 yrs
- 5-ft 3-in; 110 lbs
- College Student/Part-Time Bookstore Clerk
- Law (Good)
Miyuki is quite restrained with anyone she's meeting for the first time. Even after you've known her for a while, it can be hard to get her to open up very much and she doesn't tend to make smalltalk. If she's become familiar enough to be comfortable, and if she's not afraid of being judged, and IF you've indicated any interest whatsoever in the things she finds "cool," then she can be quite conversational. But if there's ever any indication that she's said something "awkward," she'll shut right back up.
She can be very pleasant and sweet-natured, but there's always a tension tugging at the edge of her soft smiles. She becomes flustered and anxious if she thinks she's offended someone or if she feels she's disliked by a group, but rather than ask anyone what's wrong she's more likely to try and make some kind of sudden change to her behaviors, or bring a lavish peace offering. If that doesn't work or, God forbid, makes things more awkward, she'll run away entirely and may ignore any attempts at communication for at least a week out of sheer shame.
The small girl has a tendency to throw people off in other ways, too. You'd think such a shy, timid, neurotic personality would be coupled with a sort of cute clumsiness, right? She trips over her words, so she'd trip over her own two feet as well? Not Myu-tan! The girl's athletic talent is somewhat uncanny in weird ways--she can't exactly dribble or shoot, but she's an excellent catch; even small, fast moving objects will be snagged out of the air on reflex. If she misses a step or is bumped into, she somehow never loses her balance and always seems to land gracefully. Her footsteps are fast, yet light--she often accidentally scares the daylights out of people when she taps them on the shoulder to ask an innocent question, because they never heard her coming. In a somewhat endearing, air-headed way, she doesn't see anything out of the ordinary about these qualities and is flabbergasted and embarrassed if anyone ever takes notice of them.
As a little girl, Miyuki's father doted extensively on her and her mother. The toddler's nightly routine always included a bedtime story from an old collection of tales; she was particularly fond of both the traditional Japanese tales like Momotaro and Kintoki, but also the Arthurian mythos about knights in shining armor who saved princesses and slew dragons. Her father was a professor of literary history, and had a particular fondness of his own for these tales of chivalry that he shared with his daughter. When she got a little older, she also inherited her mother's love of whimsical romance stories. Little Myu-tan wanted nothing more than to be just like one of her favorite princesses, and to one day be swept off her feet by a brave, gallant gentleman.
Then her mother tried to live out one of those cliché romantic fantasies, and tore their family apart. Miyuki was too young to fully understand everything that happened with the affair, or why her mother always seemed angry at her father no matter how the man tried to appease her and save the marriage.
Miyuki's mother took the house, half the family's savings, and Miyuki. For some reason, she told the court that Miyuki was "too traumatized" to testify during the custody proceedings--probably because she had asked her mother how long she could live with her father during the school year. So the girl couldn't speak out against all the lies her mother told, or speak up on behalf of her brow-beaten father who cried bitter tears when they hugged before he had to pack his things and leave.
For the next few years, Miyuki's mother told lie after lie and tried to manipulate her daughter into hating her father. That plan never fully took root, but it did deeply confuse and hurt Miyuki, as did the difficulties in ever finding time to spend with her dad. The man her mother started bringing into their home, "to be Myu-tan's new daddy," wasn't nice to begin with...and he only got worse.
Despite her mother trying to intercept phone calls, social media, and even old-fashioned letters, and screaming at Miyuki for daring to "go behind her back," she was still able to have a relationship with her father. But the man never fully recovered. And it seemed like everything else in his life started falling apart too.
When Miyuki had just started high school, she woke up on a weekend and took an early train. She showed up to her father's smaller apartment, in a worse part of town, to surprise him. She was a day late for his birthday, but that was her mother's fault so she knew he would understand. She had brought a little cake and a rare edition of old medieval literature as a present...
But her father was already gone. All he'd left behind was a note, apologizing profusely to her...and even to her mother, forgiving her for everything she'd done. And nothing Miyuki did could bring him back, even when she cut the rope and called the ambulance, sobbing...
After that, she gave up on ever meeting some knight in shining armor to take her away from it all. No one would ever rescue her from her wicked witch of a mother, or her cruel stepfather. And even if someone ever came along, how could they ever compare to her real hero?
Life went on. She graduated as one of the top students in her class and got a scholarship to help pay her way to college--she picked one far away from her mother, just so that she could move out. The memories in her heart were starting to feel more and more like the storybooks she'd read as a child. Perhaps it was because she feared overwriting those memories, that she closed herself off from making new ones. Miyuki had always been shy, but now she was downright reclusive. Only her books, and her computer, and her dreams kept her company now...
Then, one of those dreams turned out to be a little too real...
Theme Song
- Obviously loves books, games, anime, etc about anything even tangentially related to medieval history, fairy tales, sword-and-sorcery fantasy, and so forth.
- Despite how shy she is around "normies," Miyuki is part of a small but dedicated otaku group and visits a few different fan conventions every year. She even put together her own cosplay for a certain popular sci-fi fandom!
- The reason for her strange physical prowess is because she's been doing Kendo ever since middle school--one thing she learned about manipulation from her mother, is that in order to keep Miyuki on "her side" she was willing to spend a LOT of money on lessons, gear, etc... Now that she's in college, though, she's actually found a small group with ties to "Castle Tintagel," Tokyo's own HEMA organization! She loves her new club's official hoodie and often wears it while practicing for hours.
- Has a folder over 2 gigabytes filled entirely with memes.

Lham Dearg
This demon of Scottish lore is said to be a soldier who died while still thirsting for battle, and his spirit became one of the Faerie Folk. Dressed in armor and bearing weapons, he raises his blood stained hands to challenge passerby. He is said to linger on the roads near water. Those who challenge him, even if they win, are said to perish within a fortnight.
- Jaki Race
- Dark Law
- RESIST: Phys/Gun
- WEAK: Ice/Poison/Magic
- Gram Slice - Weak Phys Slash dmg to 1 foe
- Power Punch - Medium Phys Blunt dmg to 1 foe, chance to Daze
- Critical Wave - Weak Phys dmg to all foes. High Crit, Low accuracy.
- Light Life Aid - Auto-skill. Recovers HP lightly after victory.