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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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34 | Stephany Christina Moore | She/Her
"I uncover the secrets that others cannot see, and in those secrets, I find my true purpose."
A crucial member of Dollhouse's business side: Stephany is Dollhouse's Appraiser.

Stephany is a native of Miami, Florida, and didn't have a fascinating life at first. Sure, she was upper-middle class (By Miami's standards), but her father ran a reasonably popular restaurant while her mother stayed home. She had many friends who loved exploring and having fun, though sometimes they liked exploring the Everglades. However, one hike went slightly south when an Alligator-Abominable attacked them, they escaped but the event triggered a Kindling-Event in all of them. These new powers opened a new purpose for the girls... and they loved nature and the Everglades like no other! After becoming familiar with magic, they covered the different factions within the city of Miami and the supernatural chaos it was in.

They decided to form their own: The Everglades Wardens, a Coven dedicated to protecting the Everglades' ecosystem from magical malfeasance. Together, they sealed any hostile Apparitions that roamed the Everglades, relocated any Abominable to other dimensions, decreed that no Paranormal was allowed, and warded them off if they entered. For Stephany, it was the time of her life! It was a time of belonging, fun, and adventure! Even though she wasn't a fighter, she discovered her affinity for learning about the Paranormal and devised many spells that assisted their Coven. She had a talent for it and wasn't going to squander it.

However, the Everglades Wardens began to drift apart before her very eyes! She tried to keep them together, but they had other obligations and responsibilities, and Stephany felt lost. However, Stephany drifted around to see if someone could fill that niche... but Dollhouse opened a new niche for her. Dollhouse knew her unique talents (because they had a spy in the Everglades Wardens all along) and offered her a position to be their Appraiser for when they were sold or selling artifacts or Apparitions. She was hesitant initially, but Dollhouse ensured that all of their employees were well-paid, and Stephany couldn't resist making some money. Over time, she learned how messed up the organization was but didn't care as long as money remained in her pocket.

Naturally, Stephany went with them to St. Portwell when they moved. She remains as out of place as possible in the organization, being a chubby, bubbly woman with glasses and blonde hair.

Adept - White Lux. Channeler: A Feather Quill.
Artifact Lore: When Stephany touches an artifact and utters an incantation, she is instantly flooded with comprehensive knowledge about the item. This spell reveals its name, origin, creator, and detailed descriptions of its magical properties. Additionally, Stephany gains a brief history of the artifact, highlighting significant events and notable previous owners. The knowledge she acquires is vivid and precise, enabling her to understand the artifact's full potential and the context of its existence.

Apparition Insight: By muttering a specific incantation, Stephany can focus on an Apparition, whether it is sealed or free, and be flooded with knowledge about it. This spell allows her to learn the Apparition's history, name, and Abstraction. Furthermore, through this connection, Stephany can understand the Apparition's intentions and emotions, gaining insight into its nature and motivations.

The Blueprint: Casting this spell enables Stephany to create a detailed visual map of an artifact’s internal structure and enchantments. The spell reveals the internal workings of its magical components, illustrating how they interact and exposing hidden features. This blueprint manifests as a glowing holographic image, allowing Stephany to study the artifact in great detail.

The Archive: By casting this spell, Stephany gains access to a magical archive containing comprehensive information about all known Apparitions and artifacts. This vast knowledge repository provides detailed historical records, descriptions of mystical properties, and known interactions with any entity or item she encounters. The archive updates in real-time, ensuring that Stephany always has the most current and accurate information.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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"Step into Mirrorland...."
Nestled discreetly in the heart of St. Portwell's West District, the Mirrorland Lounge draws in a clientele as diverse as the city itself. Frequented by Isaac Allen Kane, the enigmatic information broker renowned for his impeccable taste and unwavering neutrality, Mirrorland is a sanctuary where the city's power players and secretive factions converge. Antique mirrors line the walls, reflecting the soft jazz music that mingles with hushed conversations and the clink of glasses filled with cocktails and rare spirits. Adding to its allure is a dedicated cigar lounge, where the aroma of fine tobacco wafts through the air, adding a layer of refinement. Mirrorland's allure lies in its discretion and privacy. It offers secluded booths and private alcoves for intimate discussions or quiet contemplation. Here, amidst the murmur of negotiations and the exchange of information, Isaac Kane often holds court in his favorite corner booth, a silent observer amidst the city's intricate web of alliances and rivalries.

"Discover a sanctuary of wilderness and wonder,"
On the outskirts of St. Portwell lies the breathtaking Cascade Pines National Park, a vast expanse of protected wilderness that offers an escape from urban life. This national park, named for its towering pine trees and waterfalls, spans thousands of acres and showcases the region's diverse natural beauty. Cascade Pines National Park has many landscapes featuring dense forests, meadows, rugged cliffs, and crystal-clear streams. The scent of pine and wildflowers fills the air, and the forest is alive with the sounds of rustling leaves, bird songs, and the gentle flow of water.

At the park's heart, the majestic Crystal Falls cascades down a series of rocky terraces into a pristine pool below. This stunning waterfall is a highlight for visitors, offering a picturesque spot for picnics, photography, and reflection. A network of well-maintained trails flow through the park, catering to all levels of hikes, from strolls to challenging multi-day treks. Along these trails, visitors can discover hidden gems such as ancient trees, secluded meadows, and scenic overlooks that provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The trails also connect to several campgrounds and picnic areas, making the park an ideal destination for camping, fishing, and birdwatching.

Cascade Pines National Park is home to a rich variety of wildlife, including deer, black bears, foxes, and numerous species of birds. Nature enthusiasts and wildlife photographers often visit the park to observe these animals in their natural habitats. The park also holds cultural and historical significance, with ancient Native American sites and landmarks scattered throughout. These sacred spaces and historical markers offer a glimpse into the region's rich heritage and are respected and preserved by the local community and park visitors.

"A silent echo of preserved magic and mystery in the heart of St. Portwell"
Although the "House on the Hill" has been closed to the public for some time now, its presence still looms large in the northern district of St. Portwell. Despite its closure, the building has been meticulously maintained, preserving its eerie allure and mysterious charm. Ivy continues to creep along its weathered walls, but caretakers ensure the structure remains intact.

Inside, the once-electric atmosphere has given way to a quiet reverence, as if the very walls themselves hold the secrets of the past. Velvet drapes still hang gracefully, while the antique chandeliers cast a soft, ethereal glow over the silent rooms. Dust may settle upon the surfaces, but diligent hands brush it away, preserving the intricate sigils and symbols that adorn the walls.

Behind the bar, bottles of "elixirs" and "potions" stand untouched, their labels still legible despite the years. However, a discerning eye would notice that these potions and artifacts are mere replicas crafted with care to maintain the illusion of witchcraft and mystique. Though the bartenders no longer serve their mystical concoctions, the bar remains a testament to the house's former glory, a silent witness to the revelry and magic that once filled its halls.

Though the House on the Hill may no longer resound with the laughter and whispers of its patrons, it remains a beacon of mystery in the streets of St. Portwell.

"If you step in, you might not leave a human being."
The Funhouse, the dark heart of the Dollhouse operation, is a grim and foreboding structure hidden within the labyrinthine alleys of St. Portwell. From the outside, it appears to be an abandoned warehouse, its windows boarded up and its exterior cloaked in grime and graffiti layers. However, those who know its true nature understand that this hides a place of horror and suffering. Inside, the warehouse seems empty and neglected, not indicating the atrocities that occur beneath. The true horror lies underground, where a vast network of tunnels serves as the Dollhouse's clandestine base of operations.

The walls of these tunnels are lined with enchanted runes that shimmer faintly, designed to block any unauthorized teleportation. Deep within this subterranean maze lies the "Carnival Room," a nightmarish room filled with an array of torture devices and experimental apparatuses. Cold, stainless steel tables are stained with the evidence of countless procedures, and shelves are lined with vials of strange potions and jars containing unidentifiable substances. The Dollhouse's captives are subjected to unspeakable horrors here, as Apparitions are forcibly placed into their bodies, turning them into Abscised.

But the "Carnival Room" is just one part of the twisted operation; next to it is the "Laboratory," where human experimentation is carried out with cold, scientific detachment. Here, subjects are exposed to a range of cruel trials designed to test the limits of human endurance and the effects of various magical substances. Vivisection, forced mutation, and brainwashing are commonplace, with victims kept in glass-walled cells to observe their transformations in real time.

Further down the tunnels, the "The Whisper Room" is a place of psychological torment. The walls of this room are inscribed with enchanted runes that cause visual and auditory hallucinations and amplify emotions such as fear and paranoia until the target is driven mad. The "Pile," a cavity in the earth, is where failed experiments and uncooperative captives are discarded.

Each tunnel is carefully monitored, ensuring no one can escape or enter the twisted labyrinth without the Dollhouse's knowledge. The only way in or out of the Funhouse via teleportation is through the "Portal Room," a heavily guarded chamber near the entrance of the tunnel network. This room is protected by enchantments, making it impossible to bypass. Only those with the Dollhouse's approval can navigate this treacherous path, ensuring that the organization's dark secrets remain hidden from the outside world.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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"Once you step in, you'll never want to leave..."
Feel Good Inc., another outpost of the Dollhouse, is located in an industrial district of St. Portwell. On the surface, it is a nightclub and clubhouse catering to those seeking a fun night. The exterior is a sleek, modern design with neon lights and a large, inviting marquee that promises a night of unparalleled joy and excitement. However, beneath this facade lies a place of unspeakable horror and manipulation...

The main feature of Feel Good Inc. is its walls, lined with potent enchantments that induce intense feelings of happiness and euphoria in anyone who steps inside. These enchantments serve a dual purpose: they keep patrons coming back for more, creating a constant flow of potential victims, and they keep the captives in a state of docile compliance, unable to escape. The enchantments are woven into the very fabric of the building, ensuring that the effects are inescapable and pervasive.

The ground floor operates as a typical nightclub, with a dance floor, VIP lounges, and bars serving an array of exotic cocktails. The music is carefully selected to complement the enchantments, enhancing the overall feeling of ecstasy. The building's upper floors are a haven for Dollhouse members to relax, socialize, and plan their next moves. These floors are luxurious and well-appointed, with lounges, private rooms, and meeting areas where members can gather away from the prying eyes of St. Portwell. The enchantments that induce happiness on the ground floor do not extend to the upper floors, ensuring a neutral atmosphere. Members often use these upper floors to discuss strategies, make deals, and recruit new associates. It's common to find members of the Dollhouse indulging in the finest foods and drinks.

However, the true horrors lie beneath, where the basement levels reveal the Dollhouse's true intentions. The basement is accessed through a hidden elevator behind the DJ booth, guarded by heavily armed and enchanted bouncers who ensure that only authorized personnel can enter. Feel Good Inc. is divided into several specialized chambers in the underground levels, each dedicated to different forms of experimentation (of the human variety).
The "Bliss Room" is a chamber where captives are subjected to extreme doses of happiness enchantments combined with experimental mind-altering potions to induce a euphoric state. The Dollhouse uses this room to extract valuable information from their prisoners, forcing them to relive their happiest memories while subtly manipulating their emotions and thoughts. This method breaks down psychological barriers, making it easier to coax out secrets and personal details without resorting to traditional torture techniques. Adjacent to the Bliss Room is the "Lab," a grotesque parody of a scientific laboratory. Here, the Dollhouse experiments with conventional and magical drugs, pushing the boundaries of human and magical endurance. Subjects are forcibly injected with various substances, their reactions meticulously recorded by Dollhouse scientists. Shelves line the walls, filled with beakers, vials, and flasks containing brightly colored liquids and powders. The air is thick with the acrid smell of chemicals and the faint, unsettling scent of metallic blood... and cleaning fluids.

In the Lab, researchers test the effects of these drugs on human physiology, seeking to create more potent concoctions for use and sale. Captives endure extreme pain and euphoria as their bodies are pushed to the limits. Each chamber and corridor in Feel Good Inc. is meticulously monitored, with security cameras and magical surveillance ensuring that no one can escape or interfere with the Dollhouse's operations. The walls of the underground chambers are enchanted to prevent teleportation in and out of the building, except for a particular, heavily guarded room designated for such purposes. Additionally, monstrous creatures, bred and controlled by the Dollhouse, roam the tunnels as guards, adding another dangerous layer for anyone navigating the labyrinthine network unauthorized...
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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@AtomicEmperor Slight property damage on Temple grounds... Layla will help pay for it.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
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AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

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@AtomicEmperor Slight property damage on Temple grounds... Layla will help pay for it.

Hahaha Lynette left the property damage. She thinks it looks nice with plants crawling through the holes. They keep buckets in the chapel LMAO
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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<Snipped quote by Estylwen>

Hahaha Lynette left the property damage. She thinks it looks nice with plants crawling through the holes. They keep buckets in the chapel LMAO

At this rate, if Greenwood keeps visiting, there won't be a Temple.

Bypassing the Temple arc completely.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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damn it i was in the middle of an Adora post
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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damn it i was in the middle of an Adora post

Sorry, I was excited-
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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"The Emperor rules over St. Portwell's skyline."
Jason Valos's crown jewel. The Emperor epitomizes Jason Valos's vision of luxury and prestige, reflecting his ambition to create a haven where the wealthy and powerful can indulge. It serves as a beacon of his financial success and a symbol of his influence within the elite circles of St. Portwell's social and magical scene. The Emperor stands as a towering icon of wealth and power amidst the skyline of St. Portwell, housed in a colossal skyscraper renowned for its grandeur and luxury. Rising high above the city, the building is a masterpiece of modern architecture, its sleek glass façade reflecting the vibrant pulse of urban life below.

Upon entering The Emperor, guests are greeted by a lavish lobby adorned with marble floors, intricate chandeliers, and tasteful artwork that speaks of wealth and sophistication. Manned by an impeccably dressed staff, the reception area offers a check-in experience. Hundreds of luxury rooms await guests, each meticulously designed with comfort and elegance in mind. Every accommodation exudes luxury, from spacious suites with panoramic city views to intimate chambers adorned with plush furnishings and state-of-the-art amenities.

Scattered throughout the skyscraper are various bars and stores, catering to every desire of the discerning guest. Whether seeking a fine dining experience in one of the exclusive restaurants, indulging in cocktails at the rooftop bar, or shopping at designer stores offering the latest in fashion and jewelry. At the pinnacle of "The Emperor" sits its crowning jewel — a nightclub with a glass ceiling that offers unparalleled views of St. Portwell's skyline. The club boasts a spacious dance floor, intimate seating areas, and a balcony encircling the perimeter, allowing guests to soak in the city energy from above.

"Escape to the Harbor Longue."
In the heart of St. Portwell's luxurious West District, overlooking the Pacific, lies The Harbor Lounge, an exclusive hangout spot for the city's affluent youth. Perched atop a cliff with panoramic ocean views like no other, this lounge offers an escape for those seeking relaxation and entertainment.

The Harbor Lounge boasts a sleek, modern design, with floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the space with natural light and provide breathtaking coastline views. The interior features plush seating, elegant decor, and ambient lighting, creating a sophisticated yet cozy atmosphere. Outside, a terrace with private cabanas offers a perfect spot for sunbathing or enjoying a cocktail under the stars.

The Harbor Lounge's menu offers gourmet dishes crafted by world-renowned chefs and cocktails designed by expert bartenders. Entertainment at The Harbor Lounge provides live music performances, DJ sets, and exclusive events that cater to the tastes of St. Portwell's elite. Private rooms and VIP areas provide added exclusivity for those seeking privacy.

"Where power meets prestige."
Nestled within the heart of St. Portwell's prestigious West District, Paragon Halls stands as a testament to money, fame, and power. This venue, a marvel of modern architecture, serves as the exclusive meeting ground for members of The Elite and their associates from across the West Coast.

The exterior of Paragon Halls blends classical elegance and contemporary flair with towering pillars and sweeping archways that beckon guests inside. Inside, the atmosphere exudes luxury, with marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and furniture that create an ambiance of sophistication and prestige.

The main conference room of Paragon Halls (Known as The Paragon Hall) is a masterpiece of design. It features a massive oval table crafted from rare woods surrounded by plush leather chairs adorned with the crests of the founding families of The Elite. Around the room, priceless artworks depicting scenes of wealth, power, and magic adorn the walls.

The meetings held within the Paragon Hall blend business and diplomacy. Alliances are forged, deals are made, and strategies are devised to further the interests of The Elite. High-profile guests from rival factions and influential figures from the magical community gather here. Private rooms outside the main conference room offer more intimate discussions.

Atop Paragon Halls, a meticulously tended rooftop garden offers a relaxing retreat amidst the urban bustle of St. Portwell. Paths wind through flowers and greenery, perfuming the air with their fragrance. Secluded gazebos with wrought-iron benches and flowering vines provide private spaces for contemplation or quiet conversations.

"A testament to resilience, unity, and the enduring spirit of St. Portwell, forever preserving the memory of those who were taken too soon."
In the heart of St. Portwell lay The Memorial, a park dedicated to honoring the lives lost during a tragic and mysterious calamity that befell the city over a decade ago. Spread across the park's expanse were winding paths through gardens and towering oak trees, creating a sanctuary of remembrance and reflection.

At the heart of The Memorial stood a solemn stone monument, its surface smooth and polished, bearing the engraved names of those who perished during the disaster. Surrounding the memorial, meticulously tended flower beds burst forth — roses, lilies, and tulips - in a kaleidoscope of colors.

Benches beneath the shade of aks offered quiet places for contemplation, each adorned with a plaque bearing heartfelt messages and tributes from loved ones. Throughout the day, sunlight peering through the canopy of trees cast a warm glow upon the memorial plaza. In the evening, lanterns and candles along the pathways illuminate the engraved names and tributes.

"Where memories are made..."
Nestled along the coastline of St. Portwell, Oceanview Gardens is a lively escape where the ocean breeze collides with the laughter of visitors. Stretching along the shore, the boardwalk offers a nostalgic experience, blending classic charm with modern attractions. A wide wooden boardwalk runs the park's length, lined with quaint shops, arcades, and food stands. The aroma of freshly made funnel cakes, popcorn, and cotton candy fills the air. The boardwalk is dotted with benches, allowing guests to relax and enjoy the view of the rolling waves and the setting sun.

Standing tall at the park's center, the Ferris wheel offers breathtaking ocean and city panoramic views. At night, it lights up with a dazzling display of colors, becoming a beacon for visitors. Oceanview Gardens boasts a mix of roller coasters, from the wooden classic "The Seaside Screamer" to the modern steel "Tidal Wave," providing excitement for all ages.

The boardwalk has several arcades offering vintage and modern games. Visitors try their luck at claw machines, skeeball, and pinball or test their skills in tournaments. Classic midway games like ring toss, balloon darts, and shooting galleries challenge guests to win prizes ranging from stuffed animals to large plush toys. Throughout the day and evening, live performers, including magicians, musicians, and street artists, entertain crowds with their festive performances.

From seafood shacks serving fresh catch to food trucks offering gourmet twists on boardwalk classics, the park's dining options cater to everyone's taste. Ice cream parlors, candy shops, and dessert stands provide a wide array of sweets, from hand-dipped cones to saltwater taffy and fudge. Designated picnic spots with tables and umbrellas offer places for families and friends to gather and enjoy their meals with an ocean view. Steps from the boardwalk lead directly to the sandy beach.

Every weekend during the summer, the park hosts spectacular fireworks displays over the ocean, drawing crowds to the boardwalk. Oceanview Gardens celebrates various holidays and events with themed decorations, parades, and special performances, ensuring there's always something new to experience.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Turns out that Luna would’ve had a better chance of getting along with Jack if she didn’t try and yoink members of the coven for the mafia

Greyson had the right idea by doing not that lmao
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Jack, always the stalwart hero. :>
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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Jack, always the stalwart hero. :>

The fact that I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not is funny to me
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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N/A | Sirus | He/Him
"And the heavens wept, for they know not the extent of us who live and die."

Sirus is a machine created by Connor Bray, a former member of the Sycamore Tree Coven. He was known to be one of the best weaponmasters of the coven, standing shoulder to shoulder with Goro Hatanaka as a source of powerful artifacts. But Connor's orange and gold Lux also produced many free-thinking entities that served as foot soldiers in the war against the Stygian Snake. Out of everything that he ever created, the metal commander who named himself Sirus was his greatest work. Sirus was a member of the coven just like him, as intelligent as the the more scholarly people among them and far more empathetic than his progenitor. A heartfelt counselor to those who reeled from the traumas of the fight, and a staunchly levelheaded voice in heated discussions, Sirus was a beacon of idealism to his flesh-and-blood friends. And of course, his preference for civility never stopped him from beating the brakes off of Apparitions alongside the heavy hitters of the coven, such as Aryin Thorne and Drake Blackmore.

In the aftermath of the battle, Sirus made it a point to tally up the dead and give them some semblance of last rites. Along with Connor, they worked to ensure that the house was cleaned, so to speak, and that no more minions of the Snake lingered. They remained in St. Portwell for another year, in which Sirus worked to find families of the deceased and put matters to rest. And after that, the two of them said their goodbyes and left. They had their own unfinished business to attend resolve, which Sirus cryptically described as "putting down a ghost that will not stay dead." No one in St. Portwell has seen the noble machine or his creator since the day they departed, but Sirus assured them that, one day, he would return. With or without Connor by his side.

Abstraction: Abominable - Steel Commander
Sirus was created by a masterful blend of red, gold and orange Lux. As such, he is a unique mix of artifact and minion-based magic, given presence by elemental power. He is made of solid metal from head to toe, and built to withstand blows from brutally strong paranormal entities. He has enough strength in one arm to crash through brick walls, and his emotional-field grants him a strong durability against most forms of offensive magic. Because he was created by an Adept with an absurd affinity for automaton, Sirus can also use a minor form of orange and gold Lux to create, or intuitively operate things created by Connor Bray. This includes every weapon the Adept has ever invented, and all of the mechanical drones he used during the battle against the Stygian Snake. These constructs are magically linked to Sirus, allowing him to communicate and command them telepathically.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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@Estylwen is there any specific categorization or organization you want them in the HoC NPC post?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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@Estylwen is there any specific categorization or organization you want them in the HoC NPC post?

Thank you for asking. Is it okay if I re-organize the HoC post a little bit? Here is how I would like it to be organized:

Thank you!
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