The Father
The next morning had barely begun by the time Thierry sat up. He breathed deeply a moment as he shoved newly awoken compunction aside. How had she not filed for divorce yet, considering his lackluster antics towards her? He felt guilty for not sleeping next to Sabrina the night before, if only briefly. He hadn't wanted to wake her up upon reentering the tent, or at least, that would be his excuse should she ask. Though, had he even drifted off to sleep? He didn't remember what he'd dreamt about, if anything had danced across his slumbering conscious at all.
Thierry's knee was still sore from leaning hard the night before, but slightly lessened now as he'd had the chance to stretch himself out. He cracked his shoulders, then pulled his clothes on. Was he over dressed despite being in the middle of the damned desert? He hadn't been affectionately nicknamed Monsieur
sans the de Villiers attachment,
for no reason. He was a true gentlemen, a true
Mister. After triple checking all the gear in his
Pequignet utility watch, he adjusted his shoulder holster then wandered to find Mr. Andrew.
The sun hadn't come to kiss the sand just yet, leaving the desert cold and eerily lit with modernized fixtures.
Rather surprisingly, Mr. Andrew was already out and about. Thierry felt this was a good sign, but his mood dropped as he realized Mr. Andrew seemed wound up. The man was in a hurried conversation with a few agents, but all of it was spoken in Arabic, a language that Thierry couldn't form any significant meaning from. He questioned with raised eyebrow, "Boris again?"
Mr. Andrew shook his head as he turned to Thierry, "No, our problem lies with the living. Another
TWG has been spotted at another site."
"I see." Thierry frowned at the man's vagueness, then questioned seriously, "Any damage done? Anything stolen?"
The Egyptian native sounded put out as he spoke, "You'll be more helpful to me if you focus on your job
here, Monsieur." But Thierry didn't take it personally.
Within the hour, Thierry found himself mentally deep in a set of inscriptions along a north wall opposite of a purple glowing vortex. The shimmering swirl of purple light that warded off the darkness was nauseating. To make matters worse, the sitting position he was in? Was awkward to say the least. And he wasn't getting any younger. His knee ached from the bent pressure, causing him to bite his bottom lip, but he resolved himself with his desire to understand the second message. To understand the soft humming being generated some 40 yards from where he currently lay. They were located within a sectioned off part of the burial chamber. A fresh set of markings clearly overlaying the ancient ones, just as the photo had shown. He adjusted his safety lighting again, to better see his scribbled notes and varying opinions. One minute it seemed as if it was talking about a god or a pharaoh, but then the next it seemed to be something more about an
energy of sorts. And a
dark one at that...
"An evil one, maybe?" Thierry mumbled to himself, crossing off one of his ideas before scribbling down something else. He could hear echoing footsteps from several people in the distance. He didn't pay any mind to this.
Until the footsteps got closer and Mr. Andrew called out to him, "Monsieur, you should head back to camp. They're setting breakfast up now and food should be ready in an hour."
"No, thank you though." Thierry mumbled, keeping his attention focused on his notes.
"My friend, while I admire your work ethic, I don't think it wise to disregard your family while you're here." Mr. Andrew's words caused Thierry to side eye him angrily, but Ramses' continued, "People will talk.
Theo will question."
Thierry grumbled to himself, "Damn." Mr. Andrew was right. Theo's eyes had been set on the burial chamber way before packing for the trip had even started. If Theo saw that he'd been to the burial chamber so soon, he'd surely want to play 20 questions. So, for his son's safety, Thierry folded his notes and winced as he pulled himself upright. A spot in his shoulder pinched as his knee popped. Carefully, he slipped out from underneath the enormous Anubis shrine and dusted himself off.
The sun was warm to his chilled skin.
After making his way back to the tents, Thierry handed Sabrina a set of new notes. Notes that didn't contain his opinionated scribbles, "Will you help me with these, dear?" He failed to explain how he'd gotten the notes or wish her a good morning as he'd spoken, but his tone was still warm and loving in nature. Not necessarily a good
husband, but definitely a loving
friend and certainly a dedicated archeological linguist.
Between The Louvre and Cairo Museum, no expense had been spared for all the worldly comforts the de Villiers' family had been given. Thierry was grateful for the treatment of his family, but he sat there absentmindedly twirling a spoon in his coffee. He hadn't touched his plate of... whatever it was he'd grabbed. He didn't particularly care about food at the moment. His notes, despite being tucked away in his utility watch, repeated themselves in the forefront of his mind. As time grew on, he was becoming increasingly
obsessed with finding the meaning behind the clues. It was a daunting puzzle and he'd been tasked by The Louvre to aid in solving it. He hadn't understood why
he'd been chosen, but he'd stopped worrying about that a few hours ago.
"...let your
Thierry barely noticed Theo had spoken to him, but was pulled back to his senses by Sabrina. He fumbled emotionally while trying to figure out how to address the question, "As long as you stay within the orange boundaries, then
yes, mon fils. There's a lot of unstable floorboards that need to be replaced." The father half lied with a stern tone of voice. The guides in place? He'd carefully put some 300 individual
orange triangle markers. They weren't so much for structural integrity purposes, but rather, to keep inquisitive children out of harms way. Far from the reach of the newly christened,
Purple Chamber. A room who's 7th wonders were still an active mystery that sported numerous rumors, many of which Thierry originally found ridiculous. Some of the markers would appear obvious in nature. Areas you could easily fall down, as well as stuff that currently needed to remain
Despite the amount of markers, Thierry was still careful to leave a wide area to roam. He knew Theo had been dreaming of a true exploration and while true freedom couldn't be given, simulated freedom was fair game. Still though, an internal sense of paternal worry caused him to exhale deeply. Thierry was terrified of Theo becoming a field agent, but how could he deny such excitement of his child? It was a potential chance to bond after all. Something he deeply regretted not doing more of, with all three of his children. Maybe he could even explain some of the lesser known hieroglyphs, but he sat there and wondered about his son's future. When had he become so handsome? Would he have to fend off any courtships soon?
Thierry looked to Aurélie with his
charming half smile. Her yellow sundress was so cute, "Have you taken any good photos yet, sweetheart? I missed seeing sunrise this morning. Surely it was
amazing." His question was genuine, despite feeling like a failure of a father. Time had gotten away from him and somewhere along the way, little Eli had started growing up. Had hobbies changed? Surely they had, but he wasn't entirely sure, so he stuck with what he felt safe with. There was a sense of safety in asking Aurélie about photography. She was growing up. Growing into things that would hopefully, with just a little more time for Thierry to be a father in between, help her be a wonderful woman. Maybe even a wonderful wife and potentially a mother one day...
And then little Cosy pranced over to Sabrina, getting something to eat. Thierry watched the interaction between his wife and youngest, as he sipped his old coffee. The littlest of his three children looked incredibly excited to start her hunt for Boris. Thierry wondered briefly who, between Theo and Cosy, was the most excited. It seemed to be a toss up. Realizing there was more to life than work, Thierry finally picked up his fork and broke into a golden Eggah. He might not have felt entirely hungry now, but he knew he would and soon at the rate he was going.
"Good morning, Cosy, darling." Thierry smiled after swallowing his first bite, "Are you excited to see the chamber too?" While he felt like a complete failure with Aurélie, Thierry only felt broken with Cosette. Broken, but easily taped back together again if enough care was given. There was still time to baby the literal baby of his three beautiful children. If it hadn't been for his knee acting up, he would have pulled Cosette to sit on his lap, "I know I am!"
The three of them. His babies. He didn't feel he deserved them some days and was thankful for Sabrina to take control. Thankful that, despite only being step, still treated Aurélie as her own. Grateful for what time he'd been given to spend with them by The Louvre. Was this why Mr. Cress had pressed so hard for him to bring them along? There was an understanding among field operatives. There was no point to this life if there was nothing to go back to.
This. This moment with his family all together. His children and even Sabrina, despite his hesitation with her, was what he needed to focus on more than anything. He needed them very much, even if he wasn't sure if they needed him.
"I trust everybody slept well." Thierry pondered while taking a bite of a piece of Saboob. An idea popped in his head, causing him to turn to his eldest child bearing a grin, "Why don't you take a picture of us all together, Eli? Let's get closer and let your sister do her magic!"
Little did Thierry know that there was still
another who needed him as well.
'Tourists' with Guns; an epilogue of sorts.A slang term primarily used by
societal employed field agents. It refers to
wannabe archeologists that tote weaponry of some sort. These individuals are considered obstructive to an agent's field work, as well as destructive in nature toward whatever archeological site they prowl in. Egypt's many historical wonders are no stranger to chaotic friendly gunfire. It's happened many times throughout the country's history. Many field agents, including Mr. Andrew, regard
Tourists with Guns, to be far worse than any grave robber or
state sponsored mercenary. At least the government soldiers have
proper military etiquette and were controlled. And the robbers were sloppy at hiding their tracks. TWG though? Many were flirtatious towards danger.
Somewhere within a tomb of an Unknown God...
As he hunched himself, his pair of untrained crystal blue orbs read the second message, "
Worse than death, huh?
Neat." He smirked with an eye roll at the statue, "But 2566 BC, my
ass. You're way
older than that."
Shouting could be heard in the distance causing him to adjust himself upright with a sigh, "Until we meet again, Anubis."
Death is only the
beginning and
Anubis waits for no one. These two paths are separate, yet somehow a
loving couple...