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G M (s): Lord Wraith C O N S U L T I N G G M (s): Enarr & Sep G E N R E: Fandom T Y P E: Collaborative Linear Sandbox
"To me, writing is fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, as long as you can tell a story."
S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )

I N T R O D U C T I O N:
I N T R O D U C T I O N:

T I M E.
S P A C E.

R E A L I T Y.

I T ' S M O R E T H A N A L I N E A R P A T H. I T ' S A P R I S M O F E N D L E S S P O S S I B I L I T Y, W H E R E A S I N G L E C H O I C E C A N
B R A N C H O U T I N T O I N F I N I T E R E A L I T I E S, C R E A T I N G A L T E R N A T E W O R L D S F R O M T H E O N E S Y O U K N O W.

I A M T H E W A T C H E R.
I A M Y O U R G U I D E T H R O U G H T H E S E V A S T N E W R E A L I T I E S.

F O L L O W M E A N D P O N D E R T H E Q U E S T I O N...

'What If' is built on the idea of how altering even one detail can greatly alter the stories of the characters we all know and love. As a basic premise, the world is already altered by the presence of both DC and Marvel characters, locations, technologies and all other associated concepts. Players will collaboratively flesh out and build the world, telling stories that exist exclusively alongside each other and inclusively intersect, overlap and build a brand new world filled with answers to the question...

What if?

Compared to past 'One Universe' games, 'What If' is focused on the concept of the multiverse meaning players are concurrently running their universes alongside the one run by the GM. While the GM multiverse will consist of the game's primary narrative, players are also encouraged to build the world with their multiverses and collaborate with other players to tell those stories. Players will be presented with opportunities to cross between their multiverse and the GM multiverse for 'Crises' events with individual 'Crossovers' left up to the discretion of each player and their concept.

The game will, as it has in the past, run in 'Seasons' with the Season concluding when that Multiverse's narrative has resolved. Each season, the GM-directed multiverse will pivot to a different multiverse with players being able to continue their characters in the previous multiverse or swap out for a new concept to keep the game feeling fresh.

S U M M A R Y:
S U M M A R Y:

"T H E R E W A S A N I D E A . . .
. . . A N I D E A T O B R I N G T O G E T H E R A G R O U P O F R E M A R K A B L E I N D I V I D U A L S."

Aliens live among us.

For the past ninety years, metahumans, mutants and the battles between superheroes and supervillains have dominated the lives of everyone on the planet Earth. Heroes such as the Superman from Krypton and the Manhunter from Mars have made life from other planets an accepted part of daily life. But unbeknownst to even the watchful eye of S.H.I.E.L.D. and its global counterparts, key figures on Earth have begun to disappear, only to be replaced by hostile alien imposters positioning for a Secret War between alien races. An arms race between the Skrulls and the White Martians has been brewing beneath the surface for several years now and threatens to come to a head.

All across the globe, crime has risen exponentially and many of the world's superpowers are in international turmoil as a direct causality between the warring factions. Even unaware of the foes at home, Earth is now forced to face a threat on a third front as the Reach has begun carving an aggressive path toward Earth.

More than ever, Earth needs her heroes. Who will answer the call?

C O M M U N I C A T I O N:
C O M M U N I C A T I O N:

The OOC Tab of the Roleplay Thread will be used for all primary communication. Official GM Announcements will be linked below, with the latest showing in the coloured box. Player to player communication should make use of the '@' system whenever possible, or if sending a longer message or plot details, PMs are encouraged so as not to spoil other potential readers.

There are currently no plans to host a Discord for this roleplay unless all players unanimously want one. If even one player does not want to use Discord, we will stay with the thread.

G M A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
G M A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
S E A S O N O N E:

None as of Yet
P R E V I O U S A N N O U N C E M E N T S:
None as of Yet
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

P R E M I S E:
P R E M I S E:

'What If' is a collaborative linear sandbox roleplay that uses the ideas presented in Marvel and DC Comics' various media to create new and exciting stories using familiar elements and characters. To those of you asking exactly what a collaborative linear sandbox is, I define this style of game as a compilation of linear stories written by multiple groups of people that interact and mesh to create one persistent game within the same sandbox. If that's as clear as mud for you, let me try to clean it up.

Players will apply to the game using one of the provided character skeletons. Using these skeletons they'll choose a character and indicate whether they wish to be a 'Hero', 'Villain' or 'Invader' character along with whether they intend to participate in the GM-driven 'Prime' universe, or a multiverse of their creation.

Compared to previous One Universe-style games, 'What If' has less of an emphasis on a collaborative history or shared universe due to the encouragement to expand the multiverse. As such, it is only in the 'Prime' multiverse run by the GM where collaboration and cohesive history are emphasized, the rest is ultimately up to the players themselves and those they opt to work with.

The other difference this time around is that players will have the option to indicate if they want their character to have been, or to be replaced by a member of the warring alien factions. If this offer is accepted, they will receive a private message from the GM, informing them that their offer has been accepted and any further required details can be determined at that time. This allows players to take ownership over parts of the main plot, and contribute to driving the antagonistic side of the RP. In some instances, it may even be a member of a character's rogue gallery that has been replaced rather than the primary POV themselves so that players can unravel the mystery of the Secret War and prevent the Invasion

It is important to remember that interaction, much like any role-play, is the bread and butter of the game. To that end, players are encouraged to work together to create a mutually desired outcome for all those involved. Classic team-ups such as Batman and Robin or Wolverine and Hawkeye are always welcome but don't forget, this is a One Universe RP where the Devil of Hell's Kitchen can work alongside Gotham's Dark Knight.

S O U R C E M A T E R I A L:
S O U R C E M A T E R I A L:

As previously mentioned this roleplay allows players to draw upon characters from not only just the DC and Marvel Universes, but also other characters may be considered on a case by case basis if they fit the tone and feel of the game. Priority, however, will be given to characters who originate from within either DC or Marvel Comics and their subsidiaries.

Your character concept can be based on any iteration of the character. In terms of career, try to keep the greater goal of the game in mind, and characters with legacies ideally should be further along in their careers to allow for inclusivity of other players. That said, please don't let this lead you to believe origin stories have no place here. Origins can be told conventionally, with the assistance of other players or through flashbacks and other framing devices.

In regards to what any iteration of the character means for you as a player, is that this world's Spider-Man could currently be Miles Morales, Iron Man could be replaced by Iron Heart, Batman could be Terry McGinnis. This also means that some heroes might just be starting out, perhaps the Teen Titans were just formed? Maybe Scott Summers just found out he was a mutant? The changes and possibilities are near endless but are sure to create a unique world for us to tell our own takes on these 'modern myths'.

G A M E P L A Y:
G A M E P L A Y:

In past games using the Absolute Comics format, the idea has been to submit a character and then write that character and its numerous supporting cast. This system has had mixed results with some players excelling particularly well with where others felt locked out of the game very quickly. Unfortunately, the biggest downside to that system has been the latter result with numerous fan favourites being locked up in another player's NPC list. For Sensation & Wonder, I wanted to take a crack at changing that system. Instead, we'd like to encourage those players who enjoy driving their own plots to do so but to also consider taking on other players in the place of NPCs. Almost like a 'micro-RP' within an RP so to speak. Below are the three player archetypes, each with more information laid out about the expectations of each role.

H E R O:
The default role the majority of players will take on. Antiheroes are included under this umbrella. As a hero player you may submit a character either to participate in the main universe or you may submit your own 'What If' and play within that multiverse with the option to either open it up to other players or crossover with the GM-run 'main universe' at a later time.

V I L L A I N:
Villain - Some players may opt instead to write as a villain. There are a couple of additional guidelines associated with this role. Anti-villains are included under this umbrella. As a villain player you may submit a character either to participate in the main universe or you may submit your own 'What If' and play within that multiverse with the option to either open it up to other players or crossover with the GM-run 'main universe' at a later time. However, as a villain character, if the 'parent' hero character is in play in the 'main multiverse', the villain character falls under their purview within that universe. Outside of that, you are free to play the villain in their own 'What If' or on invitation from another player to their own multiverse.

I N V A D E R:
Voluntarily, players may take on this dual role and be either a Skrull or a Martian in addition to their choice character. For example, if a player is writing Batman, they might also want to secretly be a Skrull and it would be up to other players to suss that information out. In the event of two players both wanting to be Batman, one can volunteer to be a Skrull in a private conversation between both players and the GM so as not to spoil the surprise in the IC. Invader characters can only be played in the main universe.

Switching between a Hero and Villain role can either be done naturally throughout the narrative process, as part of the application or through swapping a character. This isn't really something that needs to be declared, however, as we all enjoyed Loki's journey through the MCU and I personally at least would love to see similar long arcs played out in the RP. Swapping to an Indvader however, can be done if a player wishes or if a character is abandoned. Compared to 'Sensation & Wonder' however, switching between player roles is less impactful in 'What If' than it was in that game which used the 'Driving', 'Roaming' and 'Support' mechanics.

Players are allowed and encouraged to apply as either heroes or villains. Players are not allowed to shoot down other apps unless they are A) already accepted to the game and B) that particular character is directly named in their plot and they already have someone lined up to play the part. If a player expresses interest in a character you want to appear in your plot, it is highly preferred that you take the time to work with them and collaborate instead of simply denying them. That said, I understand some players are about as compatible as oil and water.

If two players truly can't get along, the GM will side with the player who was accepted first. For example, if Player A was accepted as Green Arrow and detailed a plot involving Brick, they can't protest if Player B applies as Deathstroke. If Player A however did include Deathstroke in their plot, then it would be preferred they find a way to include Player B. If neither player is accepted and have conflicting applications, then it is encouraged they find a way to compromise. GMs will intervene when necessary.

With the inclusion of villains, there is potential for player versus player combat. Players should discuss in advance the desired outcome of their story or collaborate on it in some way. If both players were accepted with plots separate from one another and Player A finishes their plot and decides they want to fight the character that Player B holds next, they must coordinate with them. They can't poach the character, nor can they force the ending they want. Likewise, if Player B for some reason found themselves without a plot, they can't simply jump into Player A's story unless it is agreed about outside of the IC thread.

Sometimes as a writer, you're tied up in your own plot but another pops up that you'd like your character to be part of. As a comic book game, posts in the IC thread do not necessarily need to be linear. If you as Player A are running a plot but Player B is doing a Cross-Over with a team your character is affiliated with, you can write both simultaneously.

Likewise, characters appear in numerous issues each month written by several different authors. In Sensation & Wonder, we're inviting you to also use that to your advantage. If you're particularly fond of someone's interpretation of a character and would like to use them in a 'Supporting' or 'Roaming' spot for a Chapter, you may approach the controlling player and ask to do so. That player is allowed to flat-out deny you, or they can lend their character out with as many or few guidelines as they see fit for you to write the Chapter with. In this instance, you're given temporary control over a character as a guest or ghostwriter to carry out a Chapter elsewhere while the controlling player continues their own story. The controlling player may ask to proofread any or all posts or ask for you to retract or edit posts as they see fit if actions or instances don't match their vision.

'Chapters' is simply a fun name for contained player plots and story arcs. These are the stories told by you the player and governed by those of you who take on the 'Driving' role. Sometimes these Chapters may be the work of one person, other times it may be the work of a duo or even a small party of players who created something together.

This is the bread and butter of the RP, moving it forward and filling out the world as players work together to tell stories and build the setting that directly impacts not only their character but also those playing alongside them in 'Supporting' and 'Roaming' roles. There's no defined length for a Chapter, it could be as short as a single post or as long as a story spanning over thirty posts. Think of a Chapter as an episode of a television show or a single comic issue.

It is essential that all players contribute towards the Chapters in the IC and drive their characters both independently and together. Equally, it is important to read other player's Chapters and make note of significant events or even just 'broadcasted' ones to reference and relate to within your own posts. Small efforts like this go a long way in making the world feel alive and connected.

Don't feel you have to be joined at the hip at all times though, the same plot could be told through two characters without them constantly need to be in the room at all times. To bring about a great recent example, re-examine 'Falcon and the Winter Solder', while Sam and Bucky spent the impactful scenes together if it wasn't for the events they accomplished apart the story would not have fully come together.

Crossovers are the icing on the cake, this is where the larger picture starts to form. A crossover is defined here as a player coordinated and driven interaction between two or more character plots in the IC. To phrase it another way, it's when two or more 'Driving' character plots converge on the same thread. Like a 'team-up' between Flash and the Green Arrow that brings in all those associate characters. A Crossover may be as simple as a one-time team up or a small part of a larger over-arching story depending on the ambitions of the player(s) coordinating the story and those involved. There is no limit as to how many crossovers can take place at any one time as they will be completely moderated by those involved and not the GM Team.

Crossovers may take place in a single city or even multiple, spanning up to a national event depending on the number of players involved in the current crossover. Players are not required to participate in a crossover if they do not want to, and if you have approached a player and they have turned you, we ask that you please respect their wishes. That said, all players should consider participating in a crossover from time to time if only to recharge and avoid burnout due to lack of interaction. You will never be required to remain within the crossover for its entire run unless you become integral to its story, which case it is only respectful to do so.

Ultimately, the structure of each crossover will be dependent upon the player(s) organizing it. It should be noted that a crossover should never change the status quo of the game, and while consequences and fallout is encouraged, it should be limited to only those involved unless special permissions have been granted.

Crises are large-scale events that affect the roleplay on a massive scale. These events can be global, universal or even multi-dimensional. Ideally, the occurring Crisis will affect all players, but all players need not directly contribute to the Crisis at hand. The outcome of these events will affect the roleplay's status quo, wiping the slate clean or drastically changing the present world. This could mean something like DC's Rebirth where abandoned characters can be reset allowing new players to assume their roles without the need to continue previous stories, or Marvel's Civil War where characters and their beliefs will be challenged, changing the alignment of different characters and the shape of different team rosters. These events won't take place often but when they do, they will be designed to directly impact the RP.

R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S:
R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S:









Players may take the role of any hero or villain from the DC and Marvel universes. Exceptions to this include characters which appeared due to crossovers with other franchises. Characters originally appearing in Manga or Anime are heavily discouraged because of their incompatibility with Western superhero comics. Other comic titles discouraged are those belonging to science fiction genres such as Godzilla, Power Rangers, Transformers, Star Trek, and Star Wars. We will judge all properties from outside of the Marvel and DC Universes on a case-by-case basis provided they fit the themes and tones of the game, but the above limitations are definitive.

Team applications may be submitted by one person, or a group of players may collaborate on a Team of characters and have a designated player submit one sheet on their behalf. If applying as a 'Team Concept', a combination roster may be allowed at the scrutiny of the GM Team. Teams exempted from team applications include the Justice League and the Avengers. Not all teams are equal and the eligibility of each team application will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

If a player applies as a team by themselves but are open to other players taking the reigns of specific characters or otherwise helping with their concept, they may indicate so on their sheet. In this case, perspective players will fall primarily under their purview, although the GM reserves the right to final say in all player acceptances. Should a solo player not want anyone else involved with their team, they have no obligation to entertain inquiries.

In the event of competing applications, if both parties are amicable to it, one player may opt to have their interpretation be an alien imposter if both wish to be in the Prime Multiverse. The players need only declare this via PM, the imposter does not need to be identified publically in the OOC at the time of applying to encourage development in the In Character thread. Otherwise, multiverse concepts of the same character are both welcomed and encouraged, although over-saturation of a specific character or concept may result in some applications being rejected.

If players choose to compete for a character, you have a twenty-four (24) hour window to state your intent to compete. The competing application(s) will then be given a seventy-two (72) hour deadline in which both players must submit their samples if they have not done so already. The GM Team will then judge the two competing applications. The winner will be selected by who the GMs believe portrays the character better and has a stronger concept. During this competition, the GMs may also vet a player's history to check for posting consistency or previous incidents of abrasive behaviours to better weigh their options.

In terms of character creation, you are free to overhaul and redesign any canon character from one of the aforementioned publishers. This means you can tell the story of the character how you believe it should be told. However, the character should remain recognizable, though given the inspired source material, you may make any change necessary to tell your story. Every aspect of the character is malleable within the combined universe, this can even include sex and abilities if so desired. You will have more freedom with this in your multiverse than within the Prime Universe.

Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon. If you require a more immediate answer, don't hesitate to directly ask the GM Team or relevant player through tagging, PM or other methods.

Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts, however, would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar are also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.

You are required to post at least once per character within a fourteen (14) day period. There will be a post-check-in, once per week performed by the GMs to ensure the IC is moving consistently. Extensions will be given in extenuating circumstances. Please recognize your limitations before joining the RP, if you are unable to post once every ten days, then it's highly likely that you do not have enough time to keep up with the RP. If you do miss the deadline, your character will be listed as 'inactive'. After a further week of inactivity, your character will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. This whole process is simply easier if you just let the GM know if you're unable to keep up or simply have lost interest in the RP. If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM.

This is a Character-Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's subplots and storylines. There will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your plots. However, we don't want you to lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

If you join this RP, if you take the time to apply, I'm putting my faith in you that you'll be committed to it and that the character you play will be consistent with the one in the agreed-upon CS. I have a hard time with this sometimes and I understand that things just happen. That said I’m referring to suddenly giving a character new powers with no explanation or completely changing their backstory to add new skills. I’m okay with changes but I’d like a heads-up first so perhaps we can work a more natural way towards these things happening. In terms of commitment, dropping out of the RP randomly for whatever reason is a pain or a GM. Simply put, it wastes my time along with the other players. If you do not think you can join and you're sure something will come up, do not join. The tendency to not care about an RP after a while? Don't join. Simple as that. I will work with you when it comes to bumps in the road. If you think you're going to be out for a couple of days, that's fine. I'll find a way to excuse you from the story or play your character. However, please let the group know as far in advance as possible. If you're going on a trip, tell me something. Do not leave me wondering where you are. Let me know so I can keep things going. I will work around you if you work with me when you can.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Howdy y'all.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I got my proposal all ready to go: "What If: The Writers didn't need Peter Parker to suffer constantly for no god-damned reason?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I got my proposal all ready to go: "What If: The Writers didn't need Peter Parker to suffer constantly for no god-damned reason?"

Peter is boring if he's not reduced to having absolutely nothing every week.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by mattmanganon>

Peter is boring if he's not reduced to having absolutely nothing every week.

Hyper competent and confident Parker is a scary concept.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

“Why should I be afraid now? Strange men have come to kill me ever since I was twelve years old.”
-- Mario Puzo

The Wayne name is one synonymous with wealth, power, and corruption. For two hundred years it stood as the power that truly ran Gotham City – mayors, police chiefs, governors, US senators – the Waynes either held those positions or outright owned the men that held them. But that had all changed when Bruce Wayne was born. It was an empire in decline, one his good-natured father Thomas wasn’t cut out for. A new breed of criminal on the streets smelled blood in the water when it came to Thomas Wayne.

When Bruce was thirteen an assassin’s bullet gunned down Thomas and Martha Wayne. A jammed gun saved him from a similar fate. That night he made an oath and a promise to his parents and to the dark forces that had for so long been behind the Waynes: vengeance would be his. Thanks to the timely intervention of family lawyer Alfred Pennyworth and Thomas' estranged brother Philip Bruce was taken from Gotham that night before he could join his parents in death.

Ten years later the vacancy of the Waynes had been filled by the Co-Op, a consortium of uneasy alliances among multiple criminal gangs. Carmine Falcone sat at the head of the table as criminal and political boss of the city.

And then the Bat came to town.

A masked lunatic calling himself the Bat waged a one-man war against the criminal forces of Gotham. It soon became clear that this vigilante wasn’t looking to eliminate crime in Gotham: he was looking to take over. Block by block and territory by territory the Bat began to eliminate forces loyal to the Co-Op and replace them with his own people. Falcone called for a sitdown as he began to lose more and more ground. When he arrived at the meeting he was met not with the Bat, but with Bruce Wayne. He revealed he was the power behind the Bat, and he was back to collect what was owed to his family.

Ten years later and the criminal underworld of Gotham sits at an uneasy truce. The Wayne Family chips away more and more with each passing year into the Co-Ops rackets. Fissures are have begun to form in the foundation of the Co-Op. And, like what was done with his father decades before, Bruce can feel the weaknesses. With the Bat and a host of other colorful enforcers one their side, the Waynes are preparing for a final push to eradicate the Co-Op and reclaim Gotham City fully for the Waynes. Meanwhile the Co-Op has finally decided if the Wayne Family is going to use costumed freaks to do their heavy living, well they can fight fire with fire.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):

Evil mob Batman, c'mon.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Bruce Wayne/The Bat
Head of the Wayne Crime Family, well known figure across Gotham

Dick Grayson/Deathwing
Wayne ward and heir, acts as family underboss as both Dick and Deathwing, the Bat’s right hand.

Alfred Pennyworth
Lawyer and chief advisor for Bruce, adopted Bruce after his parents were murdered.

Tim Drake/Talon
Wayne ward and captain inside the family, operates as Talon.

Cassandra Cain/Batwoman
Assassin and mute.

Jim Gordon
GCPD Commissioner

Barbara Gordon
GCPD Detective

Selina Kyle
Bruce’s fiance. Informant for GCPD.

Jason Todd/Red Hood
Former Wayne Family member turned murderous vigilante.

Edward Nygma
Captain in the Major Crimes Division.

Carmine Falcone
Head of the Co-Op and chief Wayne rival.

Salvatore Maroni
Member of the Co-Op with eyes on taking Falcone’s place.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I did not see that coming. Fun first sheet.
Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Not to make the first two applications of the game both be Batman sheets, but,

The Batman
Vigilante | Independent
Earth-93913003 | Open (with consultation)

W H A T I F...?
W H A T I F...?
What If... the Waynes never came to power in Gotham?

Gotham's corruption, unstymied as the Wayne family's generations of community support and philanthropy now never came to pass, runs rampant through the infrastructure of the city and taints every facet of its nervous system. With no Waynes, other powerful families were allowed to rise in their stead, plugging the wealth gap; the Cobblepots, the Arkhams, the Sionis', the Sommers. With such powerful lineage in place without even a shred of the conscience the Waynes had, there was never a need for the Falcone and Maroni mafias, and no power vacuum for the mob to seize. Gotham's ignoble royalty were crime families, baking corruption and villainy into the very foundations of the city.

Eventually, even with no Bruce Wayne, something had to push back.

Roaring from seemingly the nine hells themselves comes The Batman, a force of nature visited upon the city itself. No Wayne fortune, no vengeful prince of Gotham, no loyal butler or tech industry magnate backing - simply one man, one intrinsically unknowable man, forged out of societal imbalance, righteous fury, and ceaseless brutality. With nothing more than tenacity, resourcefulness, and ferocity by his side, he strikes back at the city that has been content to exploit the common man for every last inch of their soul since its conception, and push Gotham City, kicking and screaming and thrashing all the way, into a better future for all, toppling every Fortune 500 giant along the way.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
A true Year Zero for The Batman, he appears in Gotham apparently overnight and begins a brutal campaign against the criminal elements of the city; but while at first the police appear complacent to let him have his fun doing their 'jobs' for them, heads soon turn when it becomes apparent this new vigilante is waging a war on white-collar crime just as fierce as that on violence and gang-banging. Making quick enemies of powerful people, The Batman becomes GCPD's number one priority, and finds himself contending with the 'boys in blue' and the ruling corporations of Gotham as just more gangs that need putting down.

Naturally, as The Batman wages his war, power balances will shift, and the face of Gotham City will change forever.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Not to make the first two applications of the game both be Batman sheets, but,

I'm shook
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll give it a thinky-dink. I've never been a big comics reader vs. film (especially DC material lol), but I know a decent bit to get on by. Not like I can't always go back and read some if I need more ideas or help too.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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OOo Spider-Bat.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

That's not Beppo the Supermonkey.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I have a couple of ideas spinning around.

I've not really locked in one particular concept yet. Seeing everyone else's Batman sheet will help me settle on what kind of Bat I wish to be.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I have a couple of ideas spinning around.

I've not really locked in one particular concept yet. Seeing everyone else's Batman sheet will help me settle on what kind of Bat I wish to be.

Absolute Comics - Enter the Batverse
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Skrulls and the White Martians better watch out for the rook if they wish to play chess with humanity.

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