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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Beast Boy hopped off the tree and shifted to himself. "Nothing here."

Arin came back to the group empty handed. "I couldn't find it either." He said.

Price lowered himself to the ground, landing on his feet. "I see no sign of it here." He said.

Juno hopped off the tree before dashing towards his vampire friend so he could stand next to him. He climbed up to his shoulder and sat down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor called out for anyone. "Hello anyone there?" He saw Some girls(Azula's group). "Hello can you help me?"
Azula rose a eyebrow at the strange man. "Who are you?"
"I'm the Doctor." He showed the Psychic paper
"That paper is blank.." She said raising a eyebrow
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

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Ruby smiled at the Doctor. "Hello my name is Ruby Rose." She said ignoring what Azula said about the paper.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I'm Maria Ushiromiya, and this is Sakutarou!" Maria smiled towards the Doctor, also showing Sakutarou, who was in his human form now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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Anime_Freak said
Eren set Levi back onto the branch as they lowered themselves back down onto the ground.Armin lowere himself as well, meeting his troupe members on the ground. "I don't see it..." he said.

Gummi Bunnies said
Dlanor was basically going through every possible place that the feather could had been blown off to, muttering to herself,"Check...finished....check...finished..." Soon enough, it was clear that there was no sign of it that she could trace from their surroundings, and returned in a flash back to where Card was."It is DEFINITE that your feather is gone...I had run a check at every possible location near us, and those checks have been finished," Dlanor says monotonously to Card."I don't see it anywhere," Tris mumbles as she checks inside a bush for it.

Card rolled onto his back, watery eyes to the sky. "Ah... I see." He rolls slowly to a stand and softly approaches backpack. Card the large leather square onto his back, fastens it on his small shoulders, and catches back up with the group. He rummages around his pocket, pulling out a new feather as he sticks it in the teeth of his skull. "Right, lets head off then. The start of an adventure..." With a regretful voice, bagged eyes and a slumped form, he once again hikes in the direction the feather had gone. "The forest should come to an end soon."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Armin followed Card. "Not entirely true. Where we come from, the forests go on forever, and none have ever reached the end, either by becoming lost or....." he gulped. "....eaten..."

Eren's stomach lurched. "Armin, not now.."

Levi walked after them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"hmm yes I do not see it anywhere' Kurama says above the group hanging on to two vines he accelerated the growth of. He jumped down slightly mad at himself for not being able to locate the feather. He looked at the group noticing how big it had gotten. 'interesting how big a group could be massed in such a short time" Kurama muttered to himself beginning to follow Card again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor was surprised this girl saw through the psychic paper but the other ones didn't. "What's your name?" He asked Azula
"Princess Azula.." She said " Where did you come from Doctor?"
"Well I was leaving the year 2017 but I somehow crashed here. Well it's nice to meet you all." He said smiling at them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Ruby nodded. Then her stomach growled. "Princess Azu..wait you are a Princess..oh wow.." She said excitedly. She blushed in embarassment. "Sorry I guess i am hungry.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Kirby looked at where the pokemon had been before catching up with his group.

Cyborg was still wandering the forest until caught sight of a large group. He looked to see if this is where his best friend was and soon caught sight of a green man with pointed ears. There he is! He thought excitedly and walked passed the others to get to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy turned to see his best friend come towards him and smiled. "Cy!" He was just really happy to see his friend.

"I was wondering where you were." Cyborg replied. "How did you get here, anyway?"

"I don't know, I was sleeping like everyone else and woke up here." Beast Boy explained to him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, I think I can help with that, hold on for a second," Maria says as Ruby's stomach growled a bit, and she took out her golden butterfly pin. As if she were channeling magic from the golden pin, Maria transformed into her Witch form, donning a very pretty dress with pink ribbons. Since she was known as the Witch of Origins, Maria was able to manifest some turkey out of nothing. "Well, you said you are hungry Ruby.." Maria smiles.
Tris only silently walks with the group, a little sad that she couldn't help pitch in much on the search for Card's feather.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thanatosDefiant
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Karkat awoke feeling rather confused, at one moment he was being slashed at by a sword, and the next, he was just in some odd forest with no recollection of how he got there to begin with. "WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" he pondered in his typically loud voice. He stood up and looked around at his surroundings.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Ruby's mouth watered as she saw the turkey. "Thank you.." She said as she did not really pay attention to where it had come from and she sat down to eat the turkey. "Do you have any cookies or strawberries." She said seemingly devouring the delicacy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, that I can do as well!" Maria cheered, using her "origins" magic to create cookies and strawberries from nothing.

Near them, Black Rock Shooter was silently observing them, questioning to herself on why she was here and why was she not in the contact of her human self.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina observed Maria. She was quite..interesting...

Ruby cheered and once she was finished with the turkey she ate them up without a thought..the cookies and strawberries.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Doom found Lumina and said "Your the one who summoned those monsters, am I right?" He walked over to her "I am Victor Von Doom.."

Azula said "Yes I am princess of the fire natation...." She rose a eyebrow as Maria made some meat appea out of nothing
The Doctor put his glasses on and watched Maria. "Amazing....may I see that pin?" What ever this girl was she had some serious strong energy to her. She must be using magic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, well...I can't let you hold it. I was told that if I let anyone get a hold of this, I won't be able to use magic anymore. I'm still a Witch in training," Maria says, remembering what her "Teacher" had told her. It so happens that her stuffed lion Sakutarou had taken a human form, roughly appearing the same age as Maria, as Sakutarou was Maria's assistant in magic. "That's right. Lady Maria can't let anyone take her butterfly pin, it's a part of a contract with the Endless Witch," Sakutarou says to add in with Maria's claim.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina pretended to play dumb. "Whatever do you mean?" She asked but a smirk was apparent on her face.She looked at Doom curiously.

Ruby finished her meal and sighed in content. "Now I am alright.." She heard what Azula said. That she was in charge of a whole nation and a true Princess. She then went to her and bowed submissively and in respect. After all Azula was nobility.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Kel'Thuzad would had smile if he could. He felt magical enegy and lots of it now. He started to cas a spell that made the trees die and turning the ground into a dark Brown Black. What he just eeded now was a singal Acolyte to start his new undead Scourgeand find a way back to the side of his Lich king
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Doom rose a eyebrow at her. He could tell she was lying or playing dumb. "Don't play dumb...I know you did.." He said "I am Victor Von Doom, leader of Latveria.."

The Doctor gave a quick bow but didn't really care. He turned back to Maria. "I see so it's only registered to your hand...interesting."
Ada smiled when Ruby bowed to her. She said "thank you..now Doctor I want to know..." She got irritated seeing he was more interested into Maria's pin then herself.
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