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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Card continued to walk with group happily, almost with a skip in his step. However as time dragged on, the tiny witch doctor began to grow more anxious. He began to look around the trees frantically. Finally after a good long while it was too much for him. Card ran in front of everyone, unstrapping the backpack off of himself. He collapsed to the floor, and began to feel around with his little hands for something.

"No no no no no no," He began to hyperventilate. "Where did the feather go?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Eren caught up with Card, looking around. "What are you looking for?" he asked.

Armin and Levi ran over to where they were. "Did we loose the feather?" Armin asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"This feather seems important to you. Where do you think it is at?" Dlanor asked Card with a slightly curious face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Kirby looked over at the creatures and stood in front of his blue friend in a defensive stance.

Beast Boy kept flying with the group. He was still a hawk.

Arin continued following the group.

Price and Juno followed while talking with each other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

GreatSalmon said
Card continued to walk with group happily, almost with a skip in his step. However as time dragged on, the tiny began to grow more anxious. He began to look around the trees frantically. Finally after a good long while it was too much for him. Card ran in front of everyone, unstrapping the backpack off of himself. He collapsed to the floor, and began to feel around with his little hands for something."No no no no no no," He began to hyperventilate. "Where did the feather go?!"

"hmm let me ask do you remember what you were doing with it last?" Kurama asked kneeling down next to Card. "This feather must have some significance to him interesting" Kurama thought looking around to see if he could see it anywhere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laggia
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Kel'Thuzad after floting again came to the end of the forrest and was delited that he was finally out of the forrest. Kel'Thuzad tried again and seach for his link with the Lich king but still nothing. " Seems like im the only here in this strange world."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Anime_Freak said
Eren caught up with Card, looking around. "What are you looking for?" he asked.Armin and Levi ran over to where they were. "Did we loose the feather?" Armin asked.

Gummi Bunnies said
"This feather seems important to you. Where do you think it is at?" Dlanor asked Card with a slightly curious face.

Spartan2961 said
"hmm let me ask do you remember what you were doing with it last?" Kurama asked kneeling down next to Card. "" Kurama thought looking around to see if he could see it anywhere.

"The feather I let fly into the wind... i-it's gone!" A moment later and Card just dropped onto the floor completely, head titled to the side with a horrified stare in his eyes. "It's end was dipped 'Wisps Blood'... an ink product I used for my procedures. It is major for calming the heart and mind while it's under stressful circumstances... it can also be used boost stamina, endurance, and even intelligence. Without the proper knowledge of suggested usage, someone who uses it on themselves can be fatal." The iris in his eyes expanded in disappointment as he continued.

"The taker can either die of a slow heart, or take the positive aftereffects ten fold... but die of heart beating so quickly that it simple pops." He slams his head against the ground a few times in shame, mud getting all over his skull. "And now that ink, on said feather, is floating around for any unfortunate person to find... I may have caused the death of someone!" He rolls his head to face the ground, grasping the back of his skull in regret. "I let the wind borrow my feather, and I am betrayed!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Armin looked up into the trees. "Let us look for it..." he said.

Levi and Eren caught Armin's drift and fired their 3-Dimensional-Maneuver-Gear cables into the tops of the trees, their air-pressured gear pulling them up into the branches.

Armin poked his head up through the leaves, feeling the breeze against his face.

Levi struggled to look through the leaves, standing on his tip-toes to look around.

Eren smirked and picked his corporal up, setting him upon his shoulders. He was tall enough to look over the leaves and hold his corporal, who was grumbling now, as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yes, we'll search for it," Dlanor said, seeing that it was potentially a dangerous item to be left out in the open. In a flash, Dlanor disappeared, probably went off to look for the said feather.

"Guess I'll just look around here," Tris says, deciding to observe the closer surroundings for the feather, she didn't want to go too far from the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Price looked over at them after hearing Card say something about the death of someone. He kind of knew how he felt, but not fully. He wasn't sure what to say though.

Arin walked up to Card, wanting to cheer him up somehow. "I will help find this feather." He said with a friendly smile.

Beast Boy flew over to Card.

Juno stood beside his vampire friend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I will go on ahead and search for it" kurama says climbing up a tree as fast as he could. That rose of his had turned back into his rose whip. He preceded to use his whip to swing from a branch to another tree. He landed on a branch and then quickly searched around near him to see if he could see the feather.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Geez... those guys will still fight between theirselves...", Marisa commented. "Even so, I'll be on the whip guy's side.", Reimu said. They continued to walk with them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Letmehaveone2 said
Price looked over at them after hearing Card say something about the death of someone. He kind of knew how he felt, but not fully. He wasn't sure what to say though. Arin walked up to Card, wanting to cheer him up somehow. "I will help find this feather." He said with a friendly smile.Beast Boy flew over to Card.Juno stood beside his vampire friend.

Anime_Freak said
Armin looked up into the trees. "Let us look for it..." he said.Levi and Eren caught Armin's drift and fired their 3-Dimensional-Maneuver-Gear cables into the tops of the trees, their air-pressured gear pulling them up into the branches.Armin poked his head up through the leaves, feeling the breeze against his face.Levi struggled to look through the leaves, standing on his tip-toes to look around.Eren smirked and picked his corporal up, setting him upon his shoulders. He was tall enough to look over the leaves and hold his corporal, who was grumbling now, as well.

Gummi Bunnies said
"Yes, we'll search for it," Dlanor said, seeing that it was potentially a dangerous item to be left out in the open. In a flash, Dlanor disappeared, probably went off to look for the said feather."Guess I'll just look around here," Tris says, deciding to observe the closer surroundings for the feather, she didn't want to go too far from the group.

Spartan2961 said
"I will go on ahead and search for it" kurama says climbing up a tree as fast as he could. That rose of his had turned back into his rose whip. He preceded to use his whip to swing from a branch to another tree. He landed on a branch and then quickly searched around near him to see if he could see the feather.

"...and the worst thing?... it was my favorite feather..." He continued to roll his face in the mud in a cute, saddened way.


The feather seemed to be nowhere in sight, the wind must have carried it too far away from the forest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Beast Boy shifted to a monkey before climbing the tree himself.

"I'll look over there." Arin said before walking in that direction. His eyes scanned around for the said feather.

Price looked up, thinking he could look from up there and flew up to the sky.

Juno turned into a cat before climbing another tree to look for this feather.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The TARDIS crashed in some forest. The Doctor cursed but froze all the lights were off. "No...nonono!" He froze and checked everything. "It can't be dead .." He tried to find a trace anything that showed any signs of life. He found it. A faint power cell. "Oh thank goodness." He plucked it up and blew on it. "I have up some of my life but it's worth it...should take a few days to recharge full power." He left the blue box and liked around the forest "Where am I?" He locked the TARDIS and began walking around
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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A half-man, half-robot awoke only to find himself in a strange forest. He stood up and surveyed his surroundings. I wonder if this is where BB disappeared to. He began walking to explore the place. This was Cyborg.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina chuckled as everyone made resolves to band together and try to find the way out. She pointed it out earlier but everyone seemed to ignore her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Hmm nowhere in sight wind current must have blown it off maybe I can use Yoko's glider but what if the winds have changed direction since then" Kurama thought to himself before realizing the branch he was on was about to break. He quickly had to leap from it and land in a different tree. "My my I should be more careful" he said before he tried to recall if the wind current had changed or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

Eren set Levi back onto the branch as they lowered themselves back down onto the ground.

Armin lowere himself as well, meeting his troupe members on the ground. "I don't see it..." he said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dlanor was basically going through every possible place that the feather could had been blown off to, muttering to herself,"Check...finished....check...finished..." Soon enough, it was clear that there was no sign of it that she could trace from their surroundings, and returned in a flash back to where Card was.

"It is DEFINITE that your feather is gone...I had run a check at every possible location near us, and those checks have been finished," Dlanor says monotonously to Card.

"I don't see it anywhere," Tris mumbles as she checks inside a bush for it.
Again, Drew's Staraptor flies off again as if it had found something. "Where now..." Drew scratches his head in confusion, and runs after his Staraptor, wondering just what it managed to find this time? Maybe more people.
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