Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor smiled at BRS. "You can come too..." He led them all to the TARDIS. He unlocked the blue police box. "Welcome to the TARDIS."
"It's a bit small Doctor.." She said raising a eyebrow. Azula felt Ruby hold her hand *she is so naive. She is gonna make a great puppet.*
It's much bigger on the inside." He said smiling at her. The Doctor unlocked the door and walked in.

Doom rose a eyebrow at her. "Then I would be honored to have you guide me ..." He said "my weapon is this armor. It increases my abilities, let's me fly, create force fields, create electric blasts and it runs on any form of energy."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Interesting.." Lumina said to Doom with a smirk. "The exit I recall is past here. Follow me. With my Chaos and your weopons we will have this world as our own..evil plans..I like it.." She said in a singsong voice as she jumped off the ledge now. "Cmon already.." Lumina also was slightly cautious about Doom but she could sence his inner chaos and smirked..

Ruby took a glance at the Tardis. "Looks like a phonebooth." She said. Realizing she was gripping Azula's hand she nervously released her grip. "Sorry I just reacted like that.."

Not far from the group a blondehaired teen was sprawled in the grass under a tree out cold. This was Yang Xiao Long...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Once they were in the TARDIS, Maria was awed by how big it was inside, despite it's small and cramped appearance on the outside. "Woah! It's almost as big as the Endless Witch's mansion!" Sakutarou said in excitement.

BRS didn't really seem that impressed, since she didn't know much of the outside world besides her own human counterpart's life. BRS only stood there, not sure on what would happen next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"You don't talk much do you" Kuwabara said looking at BRS. While this was going on he was attempting to sense everyone's intentions so he could figure out who he could trust. "Oh if I know my pal Kurama if he's in this forest he'll be able to take care of himself" Kuwabara said unable to sense Kurama anywhere since the two were far away. He could sense someone else near by albeit barely so he looks in the direction that the out cold Yang was in."It's a lot bigger on the inside wow" Kuwabara said looking around inside the TARDIS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Azula walked in with Ruby . The place was huge and had technology she never seen before. "Amazing ...what is this place?"
"My ship. It called the TARDIS. Now let's see is she has power.." He checked it and it wasn't at full power yet. Enough to get lights on and have the computers working. "This planet isn't in the database."
What does that mean?" Azula asked
"Were in a parrallel world." He saw some looked confused "Ok there are parrallel worlds our alternate timelines. every choice you make is different for one you make in a different timeline. For example there is a world where a political leader is assassinated. In another world he isn't assassinated. You see time isn't one linear hallway it's like one big ball of timey whimey stuff and in that stuff are the different timelines."
Azula was just shocked by all of this. "Can you umm take us back to our worlds?"
"Maybe...it will take some time. And it may damage out worlds.."

Doom smiled at her and followed her. His suit picked up on some energy. "There is a strong energy source not to far away from us."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Ruby was in awe at the sheer size of the Tardis. She just listened to what the Doctor said . "I am not sure if he can take us back Azula.." She said.

Lumina heard Doom and smirked. "Then let's head towards it then..could be worth checking out.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Beast boy shifted into a hawk and carried Cyborg with him to the TARDIS, He put Cyborg down gently once inside. He then shifted back to himself.

Arin followed the group into the TARDIS. He looked all around the ship. "Nice place." He commented.

Price and Juno followed the group into the TARDIS.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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BRS only gave a slight shrug towards Kuwabara, signifying that she really couldn't talk.

"Different worlds?" Maria said as she thought about it for a bit, then realizing something,"I think it's similar to the gameboards that Lady Beatrice uses for her games..."

"You think so Lady Maria?" Sakutarou blinked, not seeing the relation that Maria mentioned.
"Where is this?" Shadow said to himself as he woke up, not sure if he could recognize this place at all. Sure, it was a forest, but he knew that this wasn't any old forest that he could recognize from his past adventures over the years. "Looks like I have to do some work to figure out where this is..." Shadow groaned a bit, but decided to speed through the forest with the help of his natural fast speed and the boost from his hover shoes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Gummi Bunnies said
BRS only gave a slight shrug towards Kuwabara, signifying that she really couldn't talk.

Kuwabara didn't completely not understand the motion but assumes that BRS is a mute. So he decides to try something he's used before but not often this being telepathy. "Hey uh... whatever your name is listen I know telepathy so if you need to say something just let me know and i'll tell them" Kuwabara telepathically said to BRS hoping she'd get the message.

GreatSalmon said
With his head hanging low to the floor, Card's gloomy eyes scan the setting ahead of him. He lets off a large sigh while fidgeting with his new feather. His eyes widen when he hits sight of something ahead. A little ways away there was a clearing in the trees, from a distance it looked like a way out of the forest. He straightened out his back and walked once more in an upbeat style. "I-I think there's a way out over there!" Card exclaims, sounding a little better.

"A way out so this forest is not endless that's at least one good sign" Kurama said wondering what this forest exited out to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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The blonde haired girl began to slowely stirr. Last thing she remembered was fending off some Grimm and then..she blacked out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Azula rose a eyebrow at the Doctor "Is that true Doctor?"
The Doctor said "Look...I promise all of you I can take you back to your worlds...it will be hard thought....very hard..."
"Why not call some people like you to help us? Surely there must be some." Azula said
The Doctor was silent for a few moments. "No....I cant..."
"Cant? why not?" She asked
"Because Im the last of them all..." The Doctor said "Look Im going to need some people who understands physics and alien technology. Does anyone here know anyhting about this? Im going to need all the help I can get."

Doom led her to a blue police box, with the door opened. He rose a eyebrow at the box. "This must be a joke....that thing cant have that great of energy source.." He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina put her hands on her hips as she saw the source. "Maybe your sences were a bit off there Doomy.."

Ruby sighed. "I do not trust him.." She mumbled to Azula.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"You can do that?" BRS's mental thoughts could be heard by Kuwabara, she was somewhat surprised that he had access to telepathy, an ability that she only saw from the Other Self, Strength.

"I'm not sure if I could help with that. Actually all I know kinda breaks all physics," Maria said, knowing she wasn't going to be a big help in this type of situation that the Doctor needed help with.

"Er...Lady Maria, I just realized this, but some distance away, the Head Inquisitor of the Eiserne Jungfrau is nearby...you know, the one that almost killed you by denying your existence with the help of "Golden Rules" and technology based solutions against magic?" Sakutarou finally decides to mention this to Maria, which almost brings a shiver up her spine.

"No...I thought she was called back to Heaven after that 6th game with Lady Beatrice and Lord Battler, if she finds out that I'm here, I'm a goner!" Maria panicked a bit, knowing that her small amount of knowledge given to her by her teacher wasn't going to be enough when facing against this "head inquisitor."
Outside the TARDIS, Shadow happened to stop nearby, seeing Doom and hiding behind a tree as he listened in for some useful information. He's got a point...that telephone booth seems to have a lot of energy...almost even with all seven Chaos Emeralds...not even the one Chaos Emerald I possess seems to be equal to it... Shadow thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Oh hell my head.." The blonde said sitting up. "Did that Ursa really slug me...the forest?" She noticed she was in a forest ..somewhere sience she saw no traces of Grimm. "I probably should move from here...might find someone.." Standing and having some gauntlets on her arms the girl walked carefully. This was unknown territory after all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Doom saw Shadow and knew he had the Same look he did. THis phone booth did have power. Great power that rivals the tesseract. "No Lumina...Im sure this box has power..look at that creature..." He pointed to Shadow. "I Can tell by its look it knows that booth has power." He jumped from the tree to the Phone booth. "You sense it to huh? my suit tells me this has great power.."

Doctor said "Physics cant be broken....all magic is anoter form of science. FOr example watch this.." He picked up a pencil and said "Lead tip see everyone?" He took out the sonic screwdriver and used it on the lead. The buzzing noise came and the lead changed colors. "Its now gold." He tossed Maria the pencil.He then saw the camera and said ":It seems we have visitors."

Azula didnt trust him either. But maybe if she had this Tardis thing...she could the avatar never left the air temples. "I dont trust him either Ruby..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Drew's Staraptor happens to find Yang, letting out a short screech as if it were signifying that it found something to it's trainer. "Staraptor, please don't go off like that again," Drew exhaled repeatedly in exhaustion as he catches up to his pokemon, only to see that Staraptor had found someone. "Errr...hi," Drew gives an awkward wave to her.
"Uuuu! It's like my Teacher always tells me. As long as you know it will happen, that would become the outcome. Like I could do this!" Maria said in understanding, taking out what seemed to be a wilted red rose she had with her. With a tap of her magic, the wilted rose suddenly sprung back into a full bloom, with the addition of gaining some glow effect from the result of Maria's magic. "But still, like Sakutarou told me, if I get found out by the Head Inquisitor of Eiserne Jungfrau, I'm toast," Maria remembers on what her Furniture told her, very scared by the fact that she wasn't in the reach of her teacher.
"It does. My name is Shadow, so don't go and call me "creature" again," Shadow stares at Doom before looking at the TARDIS. Maybe if he used Chaos Control, he could get a good look on what was inside without being seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina shrugged. She looked at Shadow. "You look like someone who is familiar with chaos no?" She asked casually. She had a feeling yes like Doom said he did indeed have some power linked to chaos.

Ruby whispered. "So what do you think we should do. I say we take this and get us sent home.." She said.

Yang paused as she heard Drew and saw a strange creature with him. She grinned. "Hi I guess.." She was surprised to see another person here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"It's because of my high Spirit Awareness" Kuwabara telepathically told BRS before freezing on the spot. He looked at the Doctor who had just said they seemed to have visitors. "No kidding and they don't feel very nice" Kuwabara says his stomach beginning to churn from Doom, Shadow, and Lumina who he could sense and tell were nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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[[XD Time to wander!]]

Levi, Armin, and Eren began to walk ahead, looking for any signs of civilization.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Azula said "Maybe but we have now clue how this thing works. I say we wait and then use him to take us back."
The Doctor said "We have to be careful. The TARDIS has no weapons defense and I don't have enough power to use the extrapolator to generate force field. I'm going out to talk to them. No one touch anything." He picked up the sonic screwdriver and walked out smiling at the three. He took out a bag of jelly babies. "Hello there lady and gents. I'm The Doctor. Want a jelly baby?"
Doom rose eyebrow at this man. This man looked like a idiot but he could tell he was smart. "I am Victor Von Doom and Doom does not want one.."
The Doctor said "no need to be a grumpy pants."
Azula watched the Doctor talk and looked around the TARDIS. She around and asked everyone "can we trust this guy? How are we sure he isn't the one that did this?"
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