Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"*I'm pretty sure that he isn't the culprit,*" Maria said, surprisingly enough saying this sentence in red. This being her Red Truth, it was in her intepretation that he was not guilty for this. As she says so in red, those words manifest into a physical form with the glow of red.
Shadow only sighed, this seemed like a waste of time just standing and talking. The moment the Doctor had come out of the TARDIS, Shadow took a tight grip of his Chaos Emerald, and performed a Chaos Control. To him, time froze all around him, which allowed him to walk into the TARDIS unnoticed. As the Chaos Control was still in effect, Shadow explored the inside of this massive place. "This is completely different from what I know..." Shadow said as he took a mental note of everything he saw, and went back outside to where he was originally before the Chaos Control. With a snap of his fingers, time around him resumed, and to others, he appeared as if he just stood there the entire time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Kuwabara steeped outside the TARDIS as well looking a bit pale. "Careful Doctor I don't like the look of them or the vibe i'm sensing from them" Kuwabara said having been using his high Spirit awareness to sense their intentions this entire time. He stood ready should one attack prepared to summon his spirit sword should he need it. He had walked out before the first instance of red truth was used therefore he did not hear it.

Kurama had broken off from the main group as well in search of anything else he could find. He just had that feeling that someone he knew was somewhere in this forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

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Spartan2961 said
Kurama had broken off from the main group as well in search of anything else he could find. He just had that feeling that someone he knew was somewhere in this forest.

(I don't think anything is happening in the group I was in... so I'll find adventure elsewhere. >.>)

"E-Excuse me, but can I come with you?" Card said, hurrying over to Kurama. "I don't believe that I can leave this forest until I find my feather... it's too important to leave behind!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"I would like to go back actually. To see my team. I wonder if my sister is worried about me.." Ruby said to Azula.

Lumina felt the power of Chaos Control. Whatever Shadow had she wanted..maybe if she secured that chaotic power..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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GreatSalmon said
"E-Excuse me, but can I come with you?" Card said, hurrying over to Kurama. "I don't believe that I can leave this forest until I find my feather... it's too important to leave behind!"

"Sure I have no problem with you coming along it would make it easier to find that feather with two sets of eyes rather than one" Kurama said to Card allowing him to come along. Kurama was walking at a steady pace while thinking to himself hard on this feeling he felt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor looked at Kuwabara with a look that said I know. He felt the time stop and acted like he didn't know. "So umm how can I help you all?" He put his hand in his pocket with the sonic screwdriver.
"Tell us what this energy we all picked up is?" Doom asked
The Doctor said "Oh that must be my ship..the TARDIS."
Doom said "that thing is a ship."
"It's much bigger on the inside.."

Azula said "I'm sure she is.." *she is getting annoying but she will be a great asset.* Axula wanted to know this thing worked. She looked at Maria "what was that? Also how are you sure? You heard him this ship can go anywhere."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh, how I did that. *This is the Red Truth, it's like telling the absolute truth without having to show evidence.* If I were telling a lie with the Red Truth, I would had choked on those words. How I can be sure he's not the culprit, I would have to apply the "cat box" theory that I was taught some time ago. While you think it's possible that he could be the culprit, I think it's possible that he could not be the culprit, but we aren't sure on which claim is the dire truth. So according to the "cat box" theory, both truths exist until we "open" the box and see the truth for ourselves, or figuring out ourselves later on," Maria explained, remembering some of the "logical" tricks that her teacher has taught her to build her explanation for why she thought that the Doctor wasn't at all the culprit.
"Sooo...I guess I'll just introduce myself. The name's Andrew Lowell, but you can call me Drew if that floats your boat. This here is Staraptor, one of my first Pokemon I've caught," Drew decides to introduce himself to Yang, seeing as there was a prolonged awkward silence between them.
As the group seemed to break apart, Tris took this chance to go off on her own, see if she could get anywhere by herself. Though, it was only in a matter of minutes that Dlanor managed to catch up to her. "How come you're still following me? I have nothing to do with this whole "witch" thing, alright," Tris told her, really annoyed that she was being followed around for something she cant remember herself. "I cannot let you get out of my sights. If you "turn" and I am not present, then many consequences for both sides will be created. I must stay near you in case you "turn," so I can contain the threat within you," Dlanor explains, being very vague on what "turning" mean exactly. Tris only sighed in distress and continued walking, knowing that Dlanor would follow. She kept the golden butterfly pin tight in her grasp, the only item she had with her that felt...significant and yet distant in her own memories.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

[ UGH! *flops around* BOOOOORRRED.......]

The trio continued walking in search of a resting place.

[C'mon, the sun has to set sometime! *clicks remote at the sky* Why isn't the sun turning off??! ]]]]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(Allow me to fix that~)

Seeing that this group wasn't really worth his time anymore, Shadow uses Chaos Control once again, but this time he uses it in a way to teleport himself away from the group near the TARDIS. Once the Chaos Control wore off, the time around Shadow started once again, and he started to sprint past through all of the trees. Though, he comes to a stop once he got a sight of a trio wandering as if they were lost. Even if Shadow wasn't that all interested in them either, he did stop sprinting, so he would had been spotted by them already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Eren, Levi, and Armin all stopped, spotting the strange creature. They pulled out their blades, just in case, and stepped back a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Shadow only took a moment to see that this trio was now alarmed of his presence, but he wasn't that all worried about that. Though, he did have to consider that he couldn't do this on his own, as he had to get Sonic's help in many of the past adventures. So, he had to settle with at least some group of people. Silently, Shadow activates his Chaos Control once again, and once it wore off, Shadow would be behind the trio. "Before you assume anything, I am not some mindless animal..." Shadow says, seeing that their alarm stances signified that they thought of Shadow as some strange animal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

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Anime_Freak said
Eren, Levi, and Armin all stopped, spotting the strange creature. They pulled out their blades, just in case, and stepped back a little.

(Allow me to add further suspense.)

The feather flipped around in his fingers playfully as the creature slithered out from the behind the tree and behind the trio. Quietly he surveyed his surroundings, pulling the hood further over his eyes as if purposely trying to block his own vision. He stopped fidgeting with it, his toothy grin spreading wider on his face as he threw his arm back only to propel it forward. The feather flew out of his hand and charged at his target like a dart, aimed for the back of Armin's neck. If it successfully hit it's target, it will not only injure him, but inject him with the solution Card described earlier, 'Wisps Juice.'

(If it connects, please don't have the symptoms appear right away. I kinda reworked the Wisps Juice concept a bit, it's a tad different then how I described it earlier. ^.^")

Spartan2961 said
"Sure I have no problem with you coming along it would make it easier to find that feather with two sets of eyes rather than one" Kurama said to Card allowing him to come along. Kurama was walking at a steady pace while thinking to himself hard on this feeling he felt.

Card thanked the large figure before looking outward. "Maybe someone took it? I hope they know how to use it..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Armin felt something stab him in the neck. His breath caught in his throat as he fell to the ground, his legs giving out underneath him in shock. "Eren!" he yelped.

Eren rushed over to his friend, kneeling down next to him and bringing him up against his chest as if to comfort his fellow soldier. "Corporal Rivaille!" he called.

Levi heard his title and turned, seeing both his soldiers on the ground. He rushed over to them, also kneeling down to look at Armin. He spotted the feather and growled. "Card....."

[[Aww! Why'd you have to go attacking the innocent one?! *sobs* poor Armin, first he looses Kira and now this?! *hugs self* But i must go on! its getting good!]]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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" I think we all hope the same for as you put it earlier it could easily kill one who miss uses it" Kurama said remembering Card talking about it earlier. Kurama kept moving glancing around to see if he could spot the feather anywhere.

"Whoa one of them is gone I-I can't even sense him anymore" Kuwabara says pretty much releasing the fact that he could sense others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Anime_Freak said
Armin felt something stab him in the neck. His breath caught in his throat as he fell to the ground, his legs giving out underneath him in shock. "Eren!" he yelped.Eren rushed over to his friend, kneeling down next to him and bringing him up against his chest as if to comfort his fellow soldier. "Corporal Rivaille!" he called.Levi heard his title and turned, seeing both his soldiers on the ground. He rushed over to them, also kneeling down to look at Armin. He spotted the feather and growled. "Card....."[[Aww! Why'd you have to go attacking the innocent one?! *sobs* poor Armin, first he looses Kira and now this?! *hugs self* But i must go on! its getting good!]]

(I have to do stuff to the innocent, it's my job.)

The figure cackled to himself quietly. "Whoops, did I just do that?" He wipes a tear from his eye, joyful on how his latest ploy had succeeded. The cloaked fellow slid back behind the trees, and out of sight.

Armin would begin to feel his heart rate slow, and his intellect begin to slowly rise...

Spartan2961 said
" I think we all hope the same for as you put it earlier it could easily kill one who miss uses it" Kurama said remembering Card talking about it earlier. Kurama kept moving glancing around to see if he could spot the feather anywhere.

"You're telling me! There's enough wisps juice in it to calm down an elephant! If a human were to be administrated that much... I'd say maybe like, an hour... maybe a half?" His eyes got all large and watery again. "I might have killed someone!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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"What's the utility of that feather...?", Reimu asked. Marisa looked at Card playing with the feather. "That feather seems somethin' good to borrow!", she said. Reimu gave a angered glance at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Azula rose a eyebrow at Maria but nods. She still didn't know if she could trust The Doctor but would for now. When she learned how to use this TARDIS then she would kill him.
Doom looked at Lumina and then The Doctor. "Tell us Doctor what are you? Surely your not a human.."
"I'm not.." He said smiling.
Doom nods and said "Tell Doom what you are or I will kill you.."
The Doctor took out the sonic screwdriver "how about no?" He said and turned it on. The Doctor pointed it at a tree causing it to break. He ran inside the TARDIS quickly and locked it.
Doom punched the tree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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Seeing this unfortunate thing happen to one of the people in the trio, it dreadfully reminded Shadow of a memory that he can't forget or get rid of. It made him cringe a bit inside from just thinking of that person that he in the past had once called friend.
Maria saw the Doctor run back into the TARDIS, and asked,"Is there bad people outside?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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GreatSalmon said
"You're telling me! There's enough wisps juice in it to calm down an elephant! If a human were to be administrated that much... I'd say maybe like, an hour... maybe a half?" His eyes got all large and watery again. "I might have killed someone!"

"Do not think like that worrying will only distract you" Kurama said to Card trying to get Card to not cry.

Unfortanutely Kuwabara was left outside the TARDIS staring at Doom. He looked like a normal 18 year old with a confused expression on his face before realizing he was locked out and left alone. "Oh this isn't good I can feel his power......This could be bad" Kuwabara thought to himself unable to move just yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina chuckled. "I admit I am not really human either.." She said smirking.

Ruby smiled. "Yeah."
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