Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Near the TARDIS outside, two people seemed to be walking closer to it, though, only one noticed that there was some kind of problem occurring. "Miss Tris, please distance yourself away. I will handle the situation," Dlanor says to Tris before going over to where there was people outside. "Allow me to ask, is there a problem here?" Dlanor asked as she walked up to these group of people, not really sure what was going on exactly.
BRS noticed that Kuwabara wasn't around as he was the only one who could telepathically talk to her at the moment. "Where is he?...Is he outside still?" she thought, though she just stood there with not much change in her facial expressions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"As long as these two don't attack me there won't be" Kuwabara said to Dlanor with his tough guy look on even through he knew he couldn't take both of them on mostly because he doesn't fight girls. He felt like he could take Doom one on one but not Doom and Lumina.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor said "yea some bad people are out there and oh man I forgot Kuwabara!"
Azula said "you idoit! You left him out there!"
Doom was about to blast Kuwabara with a electrical blast but The Doctor opened the door and pointed the sonic screwdriver at him me turned it on. Doom's arm scanner sparked and blew up. The Doctor pulled Kuwabara in andolled the door. "Sorry about that."
Doom tore the broken scanner off. Some of his scarred skin was shown. "This Doctor I don't think he is someone to underestimate." He felt the box. "Just wood..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Dlanor only silently watched this all play out, seeing that Kuwabara was suddenly dragged in by whoever was inside the TARDIS. However, even if she did not know much on what was truly happening, she could tell these people outside weren't exactly good. Without a single word said, Dlanor summoned a blade of Red Truth into her hand, facing Doom and Lumina.
"What are we going to do about them outside? Uuu..." Maria looked a bit worried, but started to panic in her head even more as she began to feel that Dlanor was close by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"No there's still someone else out there you have to let me out cause I can take Doom because i'm Kuwabara and I have a sword" Kuwabara said as he said this pure energy was crackling in his hand. This eventually formed into a sword made from pure Spirit energy. "Now unless anyone has any plans of stopping me i'm going back out there to help her she could be in some serious trouble based on the vibe those other two were giving me" Kuwabara stated still a little pale looking but with his tough guy look almost masking it. Although he looked pretty stupid with his first line you could see in his eyes a determination that was incorruptible. He moved towards the exit of the TARDIS preparing to leave unless he was stopped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina looked at Dlanor amusedly. "Raising your weopon at me..nonono.." She smirked and raising her hand summoned some chaotic monsters."You are not supposed to attack me.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Dlanor did not look fazed at all as Lumina summoned monsters to her aid. "Pathetic. The percentage of those beings' survival is not close to even 1%..." Dlanor said, the blade of Red Truth giving off a luminous glow. "Allow me to speak, *these lower beings are incompetent. Their survival rate is dangerously low, and thus, I shall be able to attack you,*" Dlanor says with the Red Truth, her sword radiantly with the energy of the Red Truth. Dlanor swings the sword once in the air, and due to her Red Truth's power, an indirect slash of the Red Truth inflicted all of the Chaos monsters, which would effectively destroy them all. "Please don't waste your energy doing so. It is shameful," Dlanor said, expecting a greater challenge than just monsters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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''Looks like you are not just another boring opponent if you were able to cut through my monsters. " She then use the chaos to teleport next to her. "Fighting you here would serve no purpose. I have no intrest anyways.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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The Doctor frowned seeing Kuwabara wasn't going to change his mind at all. He walked over and unlocked the door but handed Kuwabara the key to the TARDIS. "Come back you can get in with this..." He opened the door.
Azula asked "Doctor.....you have to help him."
Doctor said "don't worry I am." He smiled and hit he hammer on the TARDIS. Azula's couldn't believe what she was seeing. "There we go now!" The Doctor said. The force field generated around the TARDIS.
Doom saw the Dianor and this whole Red truth interested him a lot. Doom saw Kuwabara and sent a electrical blast at him but it bounced off. "What power is this?"
Doctor's voice came through the TARDIS "Forcefield Victor, you can't penetrate it.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"Heh now lets finish this" Kuwabara yelled unknowingly running out of the force field and straight for Doom lunging at Doom in an attempt to stab him with his spirit sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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BGM - Dead Flower

Dlanor glanced behind her to see that there was a forcefield around the TARDIS. Though, even if the ones inside it were safe for now, Dlanor was still focused on her priority. With unimaginable speeds, Dlanor swung her Red Truth sword at Lumina, saying with the Red Truth,"*This fight is not in my interest as well, but I do not have any interests. This fight is driven by my duties...*" As the Red Truth strengthened her sword, Dlanor gave another lightning fast swing of her sword at Lumina.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina immediatly frowned. "Duty..how boring.." She then reached her hand out to stop the sword smirking. She then moved to attempt to snap it as well. "This is how I feel about your so called duty..heeh."

Ruby just watched everyone quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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GreatSalmon said
(I have to do stuff to the innocent, it's my job.)

The figure cackled to himself quietly. "Whoops, did I just do that?" He wipes a tear from his eye, joyful on how his latest ploy had succeeded. The cloaked fellow slid back behind the trees, and out of sight.

Armin would begin to feel his heart rate slow, and his intellect begin to slowly rise...

"You're telling me! There's enough wisps juice in it to calm down an elephant! If a human were to be administrated that much... I'd say maybe like, an hour... maybe a half?" His eyes got all large and watery again. "I might have killed someone!"

[don't know how to do this, bout okay! ]]

Armin's breath slowed and he clung to Eren, closing his eyes. "W....what happened?" he asked, trying to breath.

Eren looked at Levi.

Levi held up the feather. "I believe we all know who did this..... He tricked us...."

Eren tilted his head. "Maybe he didn't..... maybe it's like what he said, about it getting into the wrong hands...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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Anime_Freak said
[don't know how to do this, bout ]]Armin's breath slowed and he clung to Eren, closing his eyes. "W....what happened?" he asked, trying to breath.Eren looked at Levi.Levi held up the feather. "I believe we all know who did this..... He tricked us...."Eren tilted his head. "Maybe he didn't..... maybe it's like what he said, about it getting into the wrong hands...."

"I'm sorry to say this, but I'd like to confirm your suspicions. The little guy following you around is the one who did that to your friend,"

The woman approached the group quietly, fidgeting with her hands nervously as she looked out at three. "I saw him splitting away from the group with that other man, maybe they're working together?... I don't know," Tris looked off to the side of her. She calmly crossed her arms as she sighed. "I hope he isn't that dangerous..."

(For those not familiar, or for those who never really understood it, I'm not godmodding or controlling someone else's character. I am playing my character, but disguised as another cast member. I use their name, and general appearance while doing so. >.>)

Spartan2961 said
"Do not think like that worrying will only distract you" Kurama said to Card trying to get Card to not cry.

"Yeah yeah, you're right," Card shook his head. "...and I think we're going to get lost soon if we don't find another path."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Doom caught the sword. He managed to stop it but it cut his armor. Doom said "You dare attack Doom!" Doom jumped back and fired a blast of electrical energy at Kuwabara.

Azula pulled Ruby aside and whispered "Ruby what do you think of this guy?" Azula would try and use Ruby to be her puppet.

The Doctor kept pressing buttons on the TARDIS. "Ok were at quarter of power now..." He said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"*You cannot break my blade of Red Truth. It is absolute,*" Dlanor says as the blade does not break. She swings the weapon furiously again as the new Red Truth gave even more power than before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina was not prepared for what happened next as the Red Truth swords easily knocked her back. Growling she got back up gripping her side as she got a gash. "Who or what are you.." She said vanishing into the chaos once more. She felt she had underestimated her opponent. This would not be a mistake she would make twice.

Ruby heard Azula. "Doom is ...I don't like him." She said seeing as Doom was harming Kuwabara and Ruby vowed to protect others so she went for her Cresent Rose.

Yang addressed the pokemon trainer. "My name is Yang Xiao Long. Call me Yang tho." She said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Dlanor only turned away as Lumina disappeared, going over to where Kuwabara was fighting Doom. Without a single word said, Dlanor swings her charged red truth blade at him, her eyes giving off a deadly stare.
"Nice to meet ya Yang," Drew grinned, then wondered what to do next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"So do you have any idea where we are? I got seperated from my sister. Her name is Ruby Rose and you would know her by a red cloak." She said to Drew.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Kuwabara managed to use his spirit sword to block and deflect the electrical blast right back at Doom. He ran at Doom with his spirit sword in an attempt at a rather clumsy downward slash.

"i would agree even though a forest is my greatest weapon it can be confusing to trek through and a path would be most useful right now" Kurama said to Card looking around.
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