Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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GreatSalmon said
"I'm sorry to say this, but I'd like to confirm your suspicions. The little guy following you around is the one who did that to your friend,"The woman approached the group quietly, fidgeting with her hands nervously as she looked out at three. "I saw him splitting away from the group with that other man, maybe they're working together?... I don't know," Tris looked off to the side of her. She calmly crossed her arms as she sighed. "I hope he isn't dangerous..."(For those not familiar, or for those who never really understood it, I'm godmodding or controlling someone else's character. I am playing my character, but disguised as another cast member. I use their name, and general appearance while doing so. >.>)"Yeah yeah, you're right," Card shook his head. "...and I think we're going to get lost soon if we don't find another path."

Eren bit his lip. "But Card..... he didn't have any intentions to do something like this...."

Levi growled. "Or so it seemed...."

Armin curled up into Eren's chest. "He didn't mean it....." he mumbled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Doom cursed the electricity hit him back *what energy is that sword?* He saw the clumsy slash and attempted to hit his wrist that had the sword.
No Ruby I meant the Doctor. Can we trust him? He seems like he knows to much about this..." Azula whispered

The Doctor said "If I can get this more power I can get us flying."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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As the battle continued, Dlanor seemed quite in "overdrive," if you could call her current state that. "*DEATHDEATHDEATHDEATHDEATHDEATHDEATH,*" Dlanor repeatedly said this with the Red Truth as her facial expression changed into what seemed to be amusement. Her Red truth blade powered by this, Dlanor started to strike at Doom many times at the speed of lightning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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Anime_Freak said
Eren bit his lip. "But Card..... he didn't have any intentions to do something like this...."Levi growled. "Or so it seemed...."Armin curled up into Eren's chest. "He didn't mean it....." he mumbled.

"Nah, the Witch Doctor's an asshole, you gotta go kick his ass now," Tris blinked upon hearing herself going out of character, smiling as to try and hide her mistake. "Before he does anything else harmful of course."

Spartan2961 said
Kuwabara managed to use his spirit sword to block and deflect the electrical blast right back at Doom. He ran at Doom with his spirit sword in an attempt at a rather clumsy downward slash."i would agree even though a forest is my greatest weapon it can be confusing to trek through and a path would be most useful right now" Kurama said to Card looking around.

The tiny doctor nodded, trying to look for paths, or even people who are lost themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Well we have no idea if he is friend or foe." Ruby replied to Azula. "If..he knows something..maybe we should be cautious?" She asked not knowing what to make of the Doctor but she wasn't fully trusting either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Kuwabara manages to avoid being hit in the wrist but he does however take the hit to his arm and stumbles back. He tries again to stab Doom showing no signs of fear.

Kurama walked looking around for anything he could find that would lead to a person or path while still keeping his eye out for the feather. "Strange shouldn't we have ran into something by now weather it be friend or foe?" Kurama thought to himself looking around.

(So after a series of unfortunate events I can finally post.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

GreatSalmon said
"Nah, the Witch Doctor's an asshole, you gotta go kick his ass now," Tris blinked upon hearing herself going out of character, smiling as to try and hide her mistake. "Before he does anything else harmful of course."

The tiny doctor nodded, trying to look for paths, or even people who are lost themselves.

Armin looked up at Eren, biting his lip. "No....."

Eren looked over at Levi, his head tilted.

Levi was pacing back and forth, thinking intently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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(OK, I'm sorry for taking too long...)

"Huh? Where did they go?", Marisa said. She and Reimu had felt a strange energy, and then, when they opened tehir eyes, they got back to the start. "This tree again? Don't tell me...!", Reimu said. "Oh geez, we're back to the start, ze~...", Marisa said. Reimu sighed hard as she tried to be patient. However, that wasn't possible. "OK, that's enough. Marisa, do your thing.", she said. "Leave it to me, ze~!!", she said. Marisa got her trustful Mini-Hakkero, aimed at the trees and used her signature Spell Card. "MASTEEEEER...SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!!", she screamed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Azula was laughing in her head. She was getting Ruby on her side. She then whispered "I think we need to ask him questions Ruby."
The Doctor heard whispering and said "What was that?"
Axula said "Nothing Doctor."
The Doctor nods and pulled everyone to the center of the TARDIS. "Ruby hold this Lever. Azula you control fire right? then heat this up. Maria can you try and get power to this thing use your magic if you have to."
Azuka said "What are you doing?"
"Im going to help them." He got out the Sonic Screwdriver and saw the battle going on.

Doom managed to block Kuwabara's strike but was knocked back by Dianors. He then saw the Doctor. "Three against one...I havent seen something like this...only took ok four."
Doctor said "Doom.....stop...I can help you get back to your world. I can help everyone get back to there world.:"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"Are you serious i'm tellin you i'm gettin a bad vibe from him." Kuwabara said still being very persistent on the matter that Doom was evil. Doom's attack earlier had nearby broken Kuwabara's arm which is why Kuwabara didn't trust Doom. He didn't want to get caught off guard by Doom and someone end up getting injured.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Dlanor kept on attacking, it seemed like she was that deadly for a sword wielder. "*DEATHDEATHDEATHDEATHDEATH...Die the DEATH! Sentence the DEATH! Great equalizer is the DEATH!!!*" she exclaimed as she continued to slash at him endlessly, this Red Truth surely gave her a helluva lot of power.
Maria could hear Dlanor's Red Truth, and gulped a bit. "That's Dlanor alright. Surely she lives up to her title as the Death Sentence Inquisitor..." Maria said, wondering what would happen if Dlanor realized that she was here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Ruby nodded to Azula and hearing what the Doctor said she looked at him kinda weirdly. "Pulling a lever huh? I don't think that is going to work and ..I am a Leader of a team so I feel I shouldn't have to take orders.." She mumbled but she went over to the lever anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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Anime_Freak said
Armin looked up at Eren, biting his lip. "No....."Eren looked over at Levi, his head tilted.Levi was pacing back and forth, thinking intently.

Tris glared at the three of them for a second before turning away. 'You try to have some fun, and everyone's too idiotic too play along,' She growls to herself quietly, 'Hopefully, my understudy is doing better."


Through the trees stirred a small gust of wind. It traveled across the floral ground, blowing leaves up and cracking twigs down as it sped by. The wind also brought forth a rather unsettling heat, as if you were to sit too close to a campfire.

This gust made itself known as it passed through Maria, and silently traveled towards the fight between Doom and Dlanor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Azula said "I am princess of the fire nation I take orders from no one."

Doctor said "look if I am going to take you all back to your worlds I Need you all to work together. Please Victor...I can tell your a smart man."
Doom said "alright then...on the honor of my country I si help you Doctor."
He smiled "alright but you can't attack me, our group, new comers, or try and steal my ship." Doom. Nods and the Doctor said "this is your only chance Victor...if you go against your word then I will stop you.."
Doom said "Victor Von Doom never goes against his word.."
The Doctor spoke telepathically to Kuwabara *watch him please. I trust you* when he walked back in he froze at Ruby and Azula "why aren't you helping?!"
Azula said "who do you think you are Doctor."
"I'm the last of the timelords. I come from the planet gallifrey. I'm 900 years old and I'm trying to get you all home."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"What ever you say Doctor guy" Kuwabara telepathically told The Doctor. He noticed Dlanor was still attacking Doom. "Hey i think the fight's over" Kuwabara said actually getting in between Dlanor and Doom his spirit sword vanishing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Dlanor only stopped, the blade of Red Truth disappearing. Without a word, she goes over to Tris, who was standing nearby. "I suggest we go with them into their strange box. The chances of getting back to our origins is high," Dlanor says to Tris. The little girl only sighed and followed Dlanor to where the TARDIS was. From the fight, Dlanor did feel something strange...but didn't put too much attention to it. To her, it was irrelevant to her.
Maria only waited to see what they would do next, but wondered if she could be of any assistance. "Huh?" Maria blinked, as if she felt something pass by her. "Is there something wrong Lady Maria? It's like you saw a ghost!" Sakutarou felt worried when he saw the change of emotion from her. "I'm fine...really...Uuu..." Maria reassured her friend, trying to forget that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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GreatSalmon The Salmon

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Gummi Bunnies said
Dlanor only stopped, the blade of Red Truth disappearing. Without a word, she goes over to Tris, who was standing nearby. "I suggest we go with them into their strange box. The chances of getting back to our origins is high," Dlanor says to Tris. The little girl only sighed and followed Dlanor to where the TARDIS was. From the fight, Dlanor did feel something strange...but didn't put too much attention to it. To her, it was irrelevant to her.

Dlanor would suddenly feel a point in her back, as if someone was pressing an arrow against her threateningly. The air around her grew very humid. After a few seconds, the unforeseen figure hissed quietly to her; "Do not get in with the others... you and the girl will stay here, and follow me back into the forest."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

Member Seen 9 days ago

GreatSalmon said
Tris glared at the three of them for a second before turning away. 'You try to have some fun, and everyone's too idiotic too play along,' She growls to herself quietly, 'Hopefully, my understudy is doing better."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Through the trees stirred a small gust of wind. It traveled across the floral ground, blowing leaves up and cracking twigs down as it sped by. The wind also brought forth a rather unsettling heat, as if you were to sit too close to a campfire.This gust made itself known as it passed through Maria, and silently traveled towards the fight between Doom and Dlanor.

Armin went a little more limp in Eren's arms, and he was struggling to breath. "I...I can't.... *gasp*.... feel.... my...." he winced. "....legs..." he murmured.

Eren looked down at his friend in his arms. "Corporal, we need to find Card....."

Levi nodded. "Yes, of course." He turned and blasted the maneuver threads into the trees. "Keep him safe..." he called, releasing the pressure in the cords and he launched off into the trees, swinging through them in search of Card. "CARD!" he called.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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The moment she felt someone poke her and the fact that she heard a voice tell her to not go into the TARDIS and go into the forest. Even if Dlanor had no authority above her to tell her what to do, she still reconsidered it. Then again, her job was to protect and make sure Tris doesn't not let her Witch persona take over, and maybe this could be the right move as Dlanor could feel another presence of a different Witch where this supposed group of people were. Surely, maybe this was the better move. Dlanor squeezed a bit on Tris's hand before moving towards the forest. "Um..where are we going?" Tris asked, not sure what caused the sudden change of direction. Dlanor did not answer, and only looked for whatever sign that would guide her to this voice she heard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lumina watched Doom. She did not understand why he was agreeing to help this so called Doctor. "What does he think he is doing? He is going to put our plans in jeopardy.." She then mused for awhile. "Orr he could be brewing up his own contingency plans..I like it.." She said chuckling.

Ruby listened to the Doctor. "Over 900 years old? That is not really believable." She began to believe Azula had a point. Ruby knew logic and this was clearly out of logic."I think you just claim you could get us home but how can we be sure you won't just turn on us.."

She began to take out her Cresent Rose.

Yang began to walk in some random direction. "Drew I heard some voices in this directions.." She said as she headed towards where the Tardis was.
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