Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Azula said "How can we trust you Doctor?" Her hands began lighting of Blue fire. "Nine hundred years old? I only know one person who is over 100 and he was frozen in ice"
The Doctor looked at them both and got out the sonic screwdriver. "I fought creatures you've seen only in your nightmares. I saved earth, and several planets many times."
Azula rose a eyebrow "What are you going to do with that little thing?"
The Doctor said "Its a sonic screwdriver. You would be surprised what I can do with it, Listen...I wont turn on anyone here...." He looked seeing a strange blonde girl outside the TARDIS.

VIctor looked around the TARDIS ignoring the fools and looked at the TARDIS. Something about it felt alive. The Doctor said he could steal the ship..he never said anything about taking its energy or learning about it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Hearing the Doctor's promise Ruby calmed slightly but was watching Azula. "Princess what will come of attacking him." She said trying to reason. "I mean we should give him a chance..tho if he proves to be a enemy he will be delt with.." She said softly.

"Woah a phonebooth in the middle of nowhere?" Yang said as she was near the Tardis more now. She did not notice the small party or her sister yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreatSalmon
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Gummi Bunnies said
The moment she felt someone poke her and the fact that she heard a voice tell her to not go into the TARDIS and go into the forest. Even if Dlanor had no authority above her to tell her what to do, she still reconsidered it. Then again, her job was to protect and make sure Tris doesn't not let her Witch persona take over, and maybe this could be the right move as Dlanor could feel another presence of a different Witch where this supposed group of people were. Surely, maybe this was the better move. Dlanor squeezed a bit on Tris's hand before moving towards the forest. "Um..where are we going?" Tris asked, not sure what caused the sudden change of direction. Dlanor did not answer, and only looked for whatever sign that would guide her to this voice she heard.

The moment they left the sight of the other group, the point appears on her back once more as a sign to halt. Once again the unseen force hissed from behind Dlanor. "The girl will continue into the center of the forest... unattended. You will stay here, and I will deal with you personally. If you warn her to do otherwise, I'll kill the both of you." The arrow tip began to twist slightly against her, giving off slight pain.

Anime_Freak said
Armin went a little more limp in Eren's arms, and he was struggling to breath. "I...I can't.... *gasp*.... feel.... my...." he winced. "....legs..." he murmured.Eren looked down at his friend in his arms. "Corporal, we need to find Card....."Levi nodded. "Yes, of course." He turned and blasted the maneuver threads into the trees. "Keep him safe..." he called, releasing the pressure in the cords and he launched off into the trees, swinging through them in search of Card. "CARD!" he called.

The doctor blinked upon his name being called, looking up at the tree tops. After a few seconds of silence he took it as his imagination. "We really need to get out of her." Card said to his partner before continuing down the path.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Levi lowered himself down quickly in front of Card. "Card, we need to talk." he growled, returning the cords back to his gear.

Armin winced in pain as the numbness spread. "Corporal.... ah.... Riv-aille...... hurry.....:"

Eren held his friend tighter, silently agreeing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Azula had to make Ruby keep trusting her. "Alright..." The flames disappeared.
The Doctor looked at him and said "thank you. Wait...there is someone outside. Blonde hair girl, I like those gauntlets. Brilliant designs too!"
Victor continued hearing the voice from under the metal circuit boards. He had to get the Doctor out and break open these things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Ruby smiled glad Azula did not harm the Doctor. Upon hearing what the Doctor said Ruby gasped. "No way! Yang!"

Yang was in view of the Tardis crew. When she thought she saw a familiar red cloak she immediatly ran inside. "Ruby! Oh thank goodness.." She said hugging her sister. Then looking at Azula she asked Ruby. "Who is this..friend of yours?" She asked.

"You can say that. This is Princess Azula of the Fire Nation.." Ruby introduced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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"Whoa, look!!", Marisa said. After using her Master Spark, she was able to open a path where she saw Card, Levi, Armin and Eren. Reimu soon found out that Armin was completely weak. "Let's go and see what's going on. Maybe we can help.", Reimu spoke as she flew into their direction. "Hey, wait for me!", Marisa said, following her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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(IGNORE. >_<)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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"A familiar voice" Kurama commented before seeing Levi appear in front of him and Card. Something about Levi's voice made kurama move closer and pull out his signature rose prepared to turn it into his rose whip should anything happen. "Levi is something the matter" Kurama asked looking slightly concerned.

(Sorry I was gone for like two days school hit me with all it had at once.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Levi nodded. "Thanks to our little friend here.." he glared a Card. "...one of my troupe members is dying...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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MagusDream said
"Whoa, look!!", Marisa said. After using her Master Spark, she was able to open a path where she saw Card, Levi, Armin and Eren. Reimu soon found out that Armin was completely weak. "Let's go and see what's going on. Maybe we can help.", Reimu spoke as she flew into their direction. "Hey, wait for me!", Marisa said, following her.

Eren looked up to see people. "Please, help him." he said.

Armin moaned weakly. He could feel his body going even more limp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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"OK, just stay there and don't move him. "Hakurei Healing Barrier"!", Reimu declared her Spell Card. Soon, 7 Yin-Yang orbs covered Armin, as they pulsed life towards him. They started to heal the entirety of his injuries and recovering his energy. As soon as they were over, they flashed. "There. Now you should feel a lot better.", Reimu spoke. "Wow, never knew that ya had that in stock, ze~.", Marisa commented.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Armin felt alot better and he slowly stood up. "Th-thank you.." but he stopped, falling back to the ground, feeling light-headed.

Eren looked at him. "Armin!" he cried grabbing his friend. "Card's serum is too strong..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Azula smiled over at Yang. "You must be Yang. As Ruby told you I am Azula. Its nice to meet you she told me alot about you." She said holdingout her hand *I have to be nice and win over blondie.*
The Doctor Didnt trust Azula and knew she was up to no good. He would expose her soon but would wait for Ruby, or this blonde girl to see through her lie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Nice to meet you. Thank you for taking care of my sister for me.." Yang said shaking her hand but she felt something was off about her but she would look into things later.

Ruby smiled when her sister did not attack Azula or anything as she was really overprotective of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"What? how can that be I have had Card in my sight since we broke from the group after you and your troops did so how could Card have been involved unless" Kurama said pausing for a moment. He looked at Card wondering about the feather again. "Card could the feather have an impact if it made contact cause it's the only way I could see you being involved albeit indirectly" Kurama says keeping his rose at the ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anime_Freak
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Anime_Freak Ghost of an Old Friend

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Levi growled. "Involved or not, Private Arlert is dying as we speak!" he snapped.

Armin could feel himself starting to slip away, but he fought to stay conscious.

Eren held his friend firmly in his arms. "Heichou..... hurry..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Azula smiled at Yang, but saw she didn't know if she could trust her. She pulled back her hand and asked "So Doctor...have you figured this out?"
"Almost. My TARDIS 50% power. Once she has 100% percent we can move."
She?" Azula asked
"Oh yea the TARDIS is alive. She has a soul." The Doctor said
Azula rose a eyebrow in disbelief.

Doom knew this to be true. He heard the voice. Doom had to get the Doctor out of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang relaxed her hand also. "Wait so this phone booth..is more then a phone booth?" She asked the Doctor looking slightly confused.

Ruby looked at Yang and Azula for a seconds before she nodded to what the Doctor said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Uuu! Uuu! That's almost the same as the Golden Land being more than just a place!" Maria says once she heard the TARDIS is actually alive.

BRS silently watched the others, she wasn't so sure on how she will get back to the Other World.
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