Hidden 15 days ago Post by Randomguy


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Claudia watched as the skeleton got out of their bed, picked up the spears lying nearby, as they started aiming them at the party. As one who found necromancer abhorrent, one might think that as a character, Claudia was someone who would also abhor undead. But it was not so, not most undead at least. Lich, or other types of undead who came to be due to one's own volition, yes, but most of the undead who—according to the lore of Endoroth—were but lost souls who were condemned to wander after their death due to circumstances outside their control such as dark magic were victims that did not deserve scorn but pity and mercy.

Of course, said pity and mercy were best shown by killing them, so they might finally find rest.

And so, Claudia's face softened for a moment as an acknowledgement of the plight of the undead, before a more resolute expression took its place.

He then cast Spirit Guardians as an opening move, as translucent angelic spirits start to flit about around Claudia in a 15-foot radius. Those in the party would see that they received a buff to their defence, whereas the skeletons that entered its radius would start taking radiant damage.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by vietmyke
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It wasn't a dungeon without monsters, but still, Rathello could never get over how realistic everything looked- even the skeletons. When he first started playing, the undead looked rather off putting and frightening, but at this point, Rath was more or less used to them. He grunted in agreement as Elian called out their weaknesses, it was good to have a shotcaller like her. When he was in the thick of things, it was at times hard to pay attention to what was happening around them, so one of the mid liners were usually good to call out plays. Rath didn't exactly trust the Ranger's judgement, and Goibnu was brand new to dungeons, so Elian was the only real choice in his eyes. Rath would set the pace, Elian would make the play by play.

"Bludgeoning? That's convenient." Rath smirked as he stepped forward, the rest of the party summoning buffs and spells. Sparks crackled as he jammed his gauntleted fists together. The 'gauntlets' themselves looked more or less like leather gloves, but with metal embedded on the knuckles and fingers. He was lucky the game counted the gauntlets as a weapon and accessory rather than armor, allowing druids to make use of them.

Rath's Intimidating Presence activated, a faintly red aura spreading out around him to denote to the other players where the effective range of his aggro-drawing ability extended to. The skeletons were all close enough, and he grinned as the points of the spears turned towards him. He bounced lightly on the balls of his feet, as he felt Elian cast buffs on him, his shoulders hunching and arms raising in the stance of a boxer- perhaps a bit outlandish for the fantasy setting, but it was fun that way. The haste made him feel even lighter on his feet and the protection and heroism spells felt a bit overkill for just skeletons, but they'd last a while so they'd last at least a few fights.

"Alright, enough waiting around, let's get em." Rath called out, diving in with reckless abandon, heading straight towards the lead skeleton to deliver an electrically charged haymaker.
Hidden 11 days ago 11 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The shambling skeletons moved slowly towards the group. The dark knight’s undead minions attacked the skeletons while the knight was standing in front of Goibniu. “Stay behind me.” He swung his massive sword to cut a few of the skeletal monks before him. The ranger, meanwhile, was firing his bow at the surrounding skeletons. His arrows were poisonous, which would help with killing them. He used a spell to buff his attack speed, firing his arrows with ludicrous speed. The ranger was cursing why they brought such a noob along to this quest. The skeletons attacked Claudia, Rathello, and the ranger. With the ranger being stabbed in the shoulder.

"I need some healing." The ranger said while grunting in pain. Holding his wounded shoulder.

The group’s offence was doing quite well when dealing with the skeletons. Soon enough, the skeletons were correctly handled. Now, the room went back to being eerily quiet. “Good job, everyone, but let’s keep vigilant in case anything else tries to attack us.” The dark knight said while leaving the dorm with the group. The group could now look around the dorm for any secret door or return to the courtyard.
Hidden 10 days ago 10 days ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Goibniu would have to take mental note that skeletons in the game were weak to bludgeoning. Something that his main weapon couldn't provide, but his automaton could through basic bashing attacks. It was a note from Elian to pushed along in his head for later, should they be encountered again.
Hearing that the monsters reacted differently to different 'types' of physical attack would be something to peruse later. Not many games had that feature per say. Undead being weak to healing spells or 'divine' affiliated spells tended to the most common weaknesses he could imagine.

The flicker transparent addition of lights or rather figures moving through the room did give Goibniu pause. As he was, a little uncertain as to what was going on perhaps both in & out of character. As neither the player nor the character would know about all the skills or abilities involved in the world. If the translucent spirits weren't angelic, it may have been more cause for alarm.
Plus the defense buff that came along with those spirits being summoned, seemed to clue they were beneficial rather than an additional threat.
Still, a tad, unnerving in its own way.
But another layer of divine or perhaps holy magic, he'd assume.
Unless it was the Death Knight rather than Claudia who cast it. He didn't particularly get a good look, and hadn't placed the game logs up.

Hearing Rath's voice in the background, and a red glow spreading out nearby.
It felt safe to assume that Rath was using some ability of their own to do with the skeletons.
Otherwise, that red glow could be a red attack circle. Which... would've been dangerous. But it was doubtful that Goibniu could even move out of the way in time as he was lying down. Not the best position to gamble on a half-baked, not fully aware dodge.

Rath: "Alright, enough waiting around, let's get em."

"Smash 'em to bits, just don't knock yourself out from the warm up."
Goibniu would add, fully expecting that Rath would be able to take a few skeletons on their own, if not take them all down on their own.
Especially depending what skills they had particularly.Seemed like fun, if not rough encouragement at the time.

Goibniu was now protected behind his automaton, and behind the Death Knight.
On top of everything being executed swimmingly and a smaller band of enemies. He wasn't too particularly worried.

He did pretend not to hear the ranger's comment.
Annoyed as he may be, the player... nor Goibniu would be petty enough to test the modified trap on the ranger.
Though it was a funny image, it was not needed, yet anyhow.
But his Avatar would definitely have an 'angered' emote as he looked to the trap and the ranger once more.

Ranger: "I need some healing." The ranger said while grunting in pain. Holding his wounded shoulder.

Although the anger would subside at the notion of the ranger's need for healing.
Having a bit of mixed feelings on the matter. In character Goibniu would probably be mixed too, while not necessarily happy the ranger was hurt, there was a sort of smugness that the ranger get a karmic punishment in a way.
The player would be worried of whether or not the typical VR sets inflict actual significant pain as that grunt over the mike sounded real enough to him.

"Why thank you Elian, Claudia, Rath, and Sir Knight. It seems you all are performing quite splendidly in your roles, I must say I'm impressed."
Goibniu would compliment most of the group, excluding the ranger.
That would be petty and rough enough, just ever so slightly.
He hoped that fit well enough.

"I'll just be a moment behind you. Do you ever wonder why they set traps in certain places like here?"
"Or what was the cause of the... undeath? Or perhaps that the trap was the cause of the undeath but leads to whom or how it was set up."

Goibniu added. Before he would search around the beds, and shelvings for items.
His automaton would search along the walls, gently tapping along just in case.

If there was nothing to be found.
He'd probably have to turn the second trap into scrap as well, but for now it was modified to go off with a press on top of it.
Shooting backwards or rather 'southwards' with whatever harmful tool was placed in it first. Modified in the hopes of testing it against the skeletons but combat was cleared excellently. It was unlikely to go off unless someone pushed down on it, or stepped on such, even after having been warned of it.

As for items... Goibniu figured there'd be journals, perhaps more scrap.
but definitely loot on the skeleton bodies or rather what was left from them.
Broken spears might be viable for scrap metal. Still, he'd give distance for the rest of the party to search their kills first.

Current Effects:
HP Boost
Unk Buff from Death Knight
Protection from Evil
Spirit Guardians Defense Boost
Automaton Active: Searching Room

Hidden 10 days ago Post by shylarah
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[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Elian had to admire Claudia's angel theming -- or at least she would after the fight, when her attention wasn't focused on keeping everyone up. Rath got Intimidating Presence up, and the skeletons focused on him at least for the most part, allowing the other damage dealers to attack freely. Maybe a little too freely -- some of the skeletons turned away from Rathello and went after Claudia and the ranger, with the ranger getting a deep wound in his shoulder.

The ranger had barely called out that he needed healing before Elian was whirling her fans around, casting a simple healing spell on him. Goibniu was still on the floor, leaving himself completely exposed save for the protection the party provided and his automaton. She didn't comment --- the ranger already had, and that was sufficient in her mind.

Before long the skeletons were dealt with. Elian stepped further into the room, nodding at the death knight's assessment that they should stay alert. The glowing spirits provided plenty of light by which to search the room for loot and secrets.
Hidden 9 days ago Post by Randomguy


Member Seen 2 days ago


As the fight ended, Claudia turned to the ranger, remarking, "I let it be earlier since we were in the middle of a fight, but I do not think your remarks regarding Goibnu was fair. We all had to start somewhere, you too were at one point, a—to borrow your vernacular—noob. It was not as if he did anything particularly egregious, rebuking him in such a manner was uncalled for."

Robert, the player, honestly did not particularly care to speak up. He did think the ranger perhaps was too harsh in calling out Goibniu, but dealing with toxic comments, were, regrettably was just how things were in online games since age immemorial. It did not make it right, but that was simply how things were. The way he saw it, if one wanted to play online game, the fact was they had to deal with some toxic comments.

Claudia, the character, however, was someone who would absolutely speak in defence of Goibnu. Not only because of her moral code but doing small noble deeds where she could, was her way of 'coping' with the fact she now had to serve an evil god.

Claudia continued, turning to Goibnu "That being said...it was true that your response was delayed. I understand you wish to study the traps and such, but a rule of thumb when exploring a dungeon was to ensure the are was secure before we start looking around. Sod do keep that in mind"

"I'll just be a moment behind you. Do you ever wonder why they set traps in certain places like here?"
"Or what was the cause of the... undeath? Or perhaps that the trap was the cause of the undeath but leads to whom or how it was set up."

A lore question, was it? Robert was well-read on the lore, though admittedly he hadn't had the chance to read up on some of the newer dungeons due to his schedule, which included this particular dungeon. But it was just as well. After all, Claudia would not know the history of this dungeon either because out-of-game knowledge did not exist in game. Still, there were a couple of inferences that she could reasonably draw.

Answering the question, he replied, "Well, I can't answer for this particular place, but from my experience in other dungeons..."

And by that, he meant by being one of those guys who read the notes/lore scraps scattered in dungeons.

"...Sometimes the traps were from before the place was taken over by undead, left behind perhaps not to keep intruders out but the undead in. More often, however, the traps were laid down by the undead. They are, after all, miserable existence whose souls wander the world restlessly due to the influence of dark magic, either from beings such as liches or simply because of the accumulated 'dark energy' that permeated a place because of great tragedies. Undead, a being ruled by grief and grudges, therefore, tended to lay down traps and such so people entering the area in search of riches would die and thus join them in their miserable state. There is also the possibility that these undead were created by higher-ranking undead, those who usually became undead voluntarily, like the aforementioned lich or other practitioner of dark magic such as necromancers. In that scenario, the traps were probably laid down to protect the creator of the undead who lies in wait deep in the sanctum of the area."

"In my experience, with keen eyes one could usually discern the story behind places such as this, and speaking of...I believe I would take this chance to look around" she finished.

Claudia then started looking around the area for loot and, as she had alluded to, scraps of lore about the dungeon that the developer usually places here and there throughout a dungeon.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by vietmyke
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At least for the moment, the dungeon still felt like relative child's play. Rathello saw no need to go all out on a basic encounter- especially not this early into the dungeon, and rather contented himself to just keep his Intimidating Presence up while punching the marrow out of the skeletons. Frontlining was somewhat different in ToE, at least compared to other MMOs. In most MMOs, how much damage you took was based on your stats- and to a degree this was still the case, when it came to evasion, you literally had to use your body to duck and dodge out of the way. Stats could effect how fast you moved, but if you tripped yourself up, you'd still fall, and your reaction time was still the same as it was in real life.

Bouncing on the balls of his feet, Rathello juked and jived, dodging what hits he could, while tanking which ones he couldn't or didn't feel like. Perks of having a good healer was that so long as he wasn't entirely reckless, with his natural regen stats, he'd basically stay fully topped off on health the whole fight. His fist flew like lightningbolts, literal lightning coursing through the bones of the skeletons as his gauntlets made impact. An uppercut took down one, and a flurry of jabs and crosses took out a second before the rest of the party finished wrapping up.

"Ah, over before it started." Rathello commented as they did their post fight routines. As expected, Elian worked well with him. Claudia and the death knight fit well as well. The ranger had an attitude problem, not that he was necessarily wrong, but it didn't particularly help. "Backliners," Rath was mostly addressing Goibnu the newest to dungeon raiding, but used the broader term as to not single him out, "Remember to keep moving around, even if you're not the active target. Even just a little bit keeps you from being a sitting duck. My Aggro draws most of them, but some of the guy later on can get tricky- the ones with bows or ranged weapons especially like to go for static targets.

As the others began to check out the room for loot, Rath seemed more than content to just plop himself onto the floor, letting what slight damage he still had regenerate naturally. "If anyone spots any ores, let me know! Otherwise I'm gonna rest my legs."
Hidden 1 day ago 24 hrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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The dark knight was scolding the ranger, who had remarked that Goibniu was a noob. Everyone was, at one point, new to the game. He was a noob at one point, so he sympathized with Goibniu. He was taking a moment to take a break and heal himself. Chugging some healing potions and handing some to the other players if needed. “No problem. Are you okay?” He asked Goibniu while putting away his weapons. Looking quite worried about the centaur. However, he didn’t seem to show the same sympathy for the ranger. His eyes scanned the area in case any other monster wanted to try to ambush them. “I don’t know. Perhaps it was some spell to try and protect something. I guess some necromancer NPC has been placed here to protect the artifact.

The ranger, meanwhile, was holding his shoulder. He was somewhat thankful that Elian had given him some healing. “Thanks.” Muttering while rubbing his shoulders. Glaring at Claudia on her comment. Wanting to get this quest over so he could continue questing by himself.

While looking around, Claudia found some diaries of the monks living there. The monks were living a peaceful life when a wizard of some kind came to the temple, looking for the artifact hidden inside. The wizard killed all inhabitants and used the temple as a base of operations. However, because the temple was quite old, Claudia wouldn’t be sure if the wizard was still there. Goibniu could look for more traps or anything else he wants to study. Whatever they did find, they would need to save it so they could do further exploration. Claudia had a bookshelf that had a crack behind it. With some help, they were able to push the bookshelf away. Behind the bookshelf was a door carved into the stone wall.

This doesn’t look good.” The ranger muttered while standing behind the group.

It looks like these stairs lead somewhere. Why don’t you take point since you're such a pro?" the knight said to the ranger with a chuckle. The ranger grumbled as the group moved down the stairs. They were now inside a large underground room. In the middle of the room was a significant altar with a state of some figure behind it. The figure was quite eldritch in appearance, looking similar to the H.P. Lovecraft creation Nyarlathotep.

Somewhere in the room, a creature was drawing nearer to the group. A shill screech soon filled the room. A rank smell was coming towards the group. The scent was similar to a rotting corpse that had been left in the sea for many years.
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