Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

"Doesn't make it any less.." His hand moved to cover his mouth, but pauses as his gaze had lowered. He'd smelt his own scent, the nausea coming up to him in a wave but it had settled almost immediately. ".. embarrassing." He leaned his head back, eyes closing. He took a deeper inhale.

His face gave a slight look that he wasn't.. totally on board, but it was a nice smell. He felt his lips smile. He looked to Xavier again, and gave a soft chuckle. "Molasses cookies are my favorite, but when we mingle it smells like.. candy? Tea and cookies?"

His gaze shifted before his hand shot up to cover his gland, head turning to look over to the entrance but starting to relax when he saw Lucian and Aethel checking in on them. He pulled his hand out of his pocket and offered a scent patch to Xavier.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier smirks a little. “As long as it means I’m not completely out of the running yet.” What were the chances of them already having a taste for each other in drink or food choices? As Killian moves their hand quickly to block their scent, Xavier’s eyes move to see who’s coming. He only lets out a tiny sigh of relief when he sees it’s Lucian and Aethel.

“And here we were, finally enjoying ourselves.” He teases lightly as he takes the patch from Killian, letting his fingers brush against the other’s before placing it on.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian gave a chuckle, keeping his hand on his gland as he looked back to the entrance and waved them over. "Honestly? If I can have more than just Rowan be a good scent to me.. I'll be good." He frowns to himself a little. "It's hard when there's only one Alpha scent that can calm you down when you have a C-PTSD attack."

He gave a weak smile to Xavier, glancing to the two as they came over. He let out a nervous sigh and looked back up to them. "Hello, welcome to my freak show." He chuckled lightly in joke.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier nods slowly, knowing that it can’t be easy. “At least I finally know you, little cub.” He says softly before his brothers arrive. Aethel snorts at Killian’s joke.

“No, no. The fresh show are the twins - give them a wide berth.” The second eldest goes on to say. Xavier and Lucian nod in agreement, the older brother straightening to give Killian some room. Aethel lifts his nose, seemingly noticing Killian’s scent now that he was near him. “Is that you, Killian? That lovely smell?”
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian looked up at Xavier at the cub comment before his cheeks flushed. Shit, his ears had slipped out. He cleared his throat and chuckled at Aethel's comment about the twins. "I'll keep that in mind."

He watched Aethel sniff the air before humming lightly and giving a slight nod. He gave a soft breath, looking between Aethel and Lucian. "When I was younger.. I was.." She tilted his head back and forth, looking to Xavier for a moment before looking back. "Kidnapped and raped during one of my heats. My therapist told me being overscented during the entire thing is what has me.."

He pursed his lips, looking to Lucian. "... I'm not sure the word. But if it's not compatible, I get violently and literally sick. Sometimes had a C-PTSD attack. Depends on the scent. I only have- had one scent that will calm me down. Mister Kimb." He waved his free hand gently. "It's also why I get sick with my own scent."

He cleared his throat gently, picking up the water he'd had there for a while and then looked to the two. "Since I'm in pre-heat.. I thought now would be a great time to see if we're compatible. The more scents that can calm me down, the better, honestly." He gave a weak smile. "Just don't be upset if I throw up all over you."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

All three brothers listen solemnly, exchanging glances every so often. Aethel breaks the silence as he takes off his suit coat and begins rolling up his sleeves, a lazy smile slipping onto his face. “That’s what dry cleaning is for.” Xavier’s lips quiver in silent laughter, glancing at Killian to see if he noticed too. “Lucian had something similar happen to him.” Aethel goes on to say as he crouches by Killian.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian looked to Aethel, then to Xavier and couldn't hold his laugh. Yup. Definitely brothers. He let it die and looked over to Lucian. He offered a smile to him, definitely more appreciative of his help now.

He looked at Aethel as he crouched in front of him, and let out a soft breath to himself. He removed his hand from the gland. "You'll want to hurry. I've already exposed Xavier to my scent and I don't really want to cause a scene of a couple of Alphas trying to jump an Omega in pre-heat. I know how pheromones are to Alphas. It's going to get weird when I go back inside with it clinging to my suit."

He frowned to himself, his hibiscus, plum and lemony scent seeping out for a moment. As he looked to Aethel, his face started scowling and screwing up. He pressed his lips together, clearly try to bear with it.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Aethel takes his own scent patch off and rubs his wrist on his neck before holding it up for Killian to smell as he fumbles in his pockets for another patch. “I’ll make sure no one will bother you.” Xavier says from where he stands a couple paces away, arms crossed.

“And you tell me if my scent gets to be too much to bear.” Aethel says with a surprising amount of kindness. Xavier, however, has to place a hand over his mouth, wanting to laugh at Aethel’s choice of wording. Maybe he hadn’t made the observation about Killian’s ears yet.

Lucian shakes his head at both of his brothers, but he can’t deny that the rivalry between the two is entertaining at least. “Do you know if other Omega scents cause this reaction in you too?”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

He held up a finger to Lucian, eyes screwing shut as he tried to force the bile down from his own scent. It was already getting more sour as he sat there. He leaned forward, cheek brushing against Aethel's hand he didn't realize was there. He jolted, but paused.

He took in a soft sniff, eyebrows furrowing gently before he reached a hand up to reach out to Aethel. Fingers found the collar of his shirt and he pulled the Alpha closer. The scent on his wrist was too weak. Once he got a stronger whiff of it, he seemed to relax. Even a little.

It wasn't as soothing as Xavier's and Rowan's, but it would work in a pinch. Then his hand moved to come up and cover his mouth. His own scent too overwhelming for himself. His other hand moving to cover his gland quickly, trying not to retch all over Aethel as he was now so close. He hadn't even opened his eyes the entire time.

As he sat there, trying to calm himself, his ears popped out again, flicking too and fro ontop of his head as he groaned quickly into his hand.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Aethel’s eyes widen as Killian pulls him close, blinking at the assertiveness being shown. When it seems to help, he smirks but then backs up when the Omega covers his mouth. “Too much? Here, let’s get you some more water… Do you want us to grab Rowan to scent you or…?” He trails off, not knowing how to help as he looks back at Lucian for guidance.

“This is why I said you didn’t have to push yourself.” Xavier says gently, but still a little gruff. He crouches in front of Killian, pulling out his handkerchief and using the pitcher of water Lucian had brought, wets the fabric and presses it to the bear’s forehead.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian doesn't fight Xavier. His hand just covering his mouth and nose. He moves his hand from his gland and fumbles for his lap before holding up a shaky hand. A scent patch is on it. If he wants to even function, he needs it back on.

His head does turn a little at Xavier's touch, leaning a little more into the cool cloth at his forehead. It feels nice against his clammy skin. Seems like with some Alphas scents he can handle, this heat is going to be a bitch.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier reaches to take the scent patch, but Aethel beats him to it and places it over Killian’s gland for him. “We can put you in a private room for the rest of the evening, if you’d like.” Xavier says, gently moving stray hairs off the Omega’s forehead.

“Father is going to notice all three of us missing.” Lucian points out.

Aethel nods, stepping back from Killian once he’s sure the patch is secured. “And he definitely did not like how we let Rowan have a private audience with Willow, so we can’t do that again tonight.” Both brothers look to Xavier for their next steps.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian waves a hand gently. He leans back when the patch is on and clears his throat before pulling his hand away. He stands, shucking off his suit jacket and moving away from his spot. He shakes it out, flaps in the air. He's trying to get his scent off of it. "I don't need a private room. I need my scent off my clothes." He gave a soft laugh.

He tosses his jacket on the top of a flower bush nearby, hoping the scent of the flowers will seep into it. "As for Lucian's earlier question. They don't bother me. Oddly enough, only my own bother me and only in heat." He's unbuttoning his vest jacket, back turned to all of them, but what they can see now.. Killian's pants have ridden low in the back for his tail to pop out at his tailbone. It gives little flicks every now and then, along with his ears.

He pulls the vest off and shakes it out as well. He wants to undress completely, but.. that wouldn't be very professional.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier’s eyes follow Killian’s movements, a small chuckle leaving him when he catches the bear’s tail flick out. “Aethel, Lucian, why don’t the two of you go back before father notices. I’ll help Killian.” Aethel looks ready to protest this plan, but Lucian pulls him away and back towards the party.

“Little cub, there might be an easier way. I can just scent you.” Xavier offers, plucking discarded clothes off of bushes and just folding them over his arm.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian whirls, eyes wide. That's the second time he's said cub. A furious blush covers his cheeks as his hands come up and feels his ears. His hands slide behind him and he groans at the feel of his tail. He's usually better at hiding them!

He turns, arms crossing as his gaze looks to Xavier in the corner of his eyes. His ear on his head flicks, annoyed. They're far more expressive than the actual being they're attached too. "I don't have any other patches. But.." He shifts a little, tail flicking slightly before it stills. "That would be nice.."

If he was going to be honest with himself, he's sure Xavier scent would help immensely during his heat, but he's not about to ask for anything like that. He'll just do his usual pain and suffering for longer than it should and be fine. He'll have to tell Rowan it's here though. He scowls at himself.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier smiles, amusement clear on his face as he peels his patch off once again and steps closer to Killian. He opens his arms, beckoning for the bear to come over and embrace him. Truth be told, he wants to ask if he can help Killian through his heat, but doesn’t know if he can even make that offer. He’s sure it will come off more creepy than anything else.

“I’ll just do enough to cover your scent, then I can go grab a new patch while you return to the party.” He says gently. It’s been awhile since he last did this for someone - his father and Aethel normally scented the ‘stock’ since he’s always refused to have anything to do with the family business. He was the next in line by name only, making appearances at these event to keep face.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

The bear's ear flicked again, then once more before he sighed. He turned, taking his vest and pulling it back on before pulling his suit jacket back on. He didn't button it. He looked at Xavier, and reached out. He slid his hands under the suit jacket the wolf wore and stepped closer.

After a moment, he set his cheek on the lapel of the jacket. Thankfully he wasn't wearing foundation or anything. He closed his eyes, hands gripping weakly at the back of Xavier's vest. Holy shit, this felt so good. Just wrapping his arms around the wolf made his body relax. He'd been tense all day and now that he knew why..

Hugging Xavier definitely tells Killian how touch-starved he is. This feels really good and he hasn't even been scented yet..
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier smiles when Killian finally embraces him, his own arms securely wrapping around the bear. He’d already taken off the scent patch. When Killian seems to relax a little, he begins rubbing his hands up and down his back before starting to scent him. He hums some tune he can’t place as he slowly lets the molasses scent seep into Killian’s clothes.

“Are you sure you don’t want to just find somewhere quiet to lay low at until the gala is over?” He asks softly before resting his chin on Killian’s head gently. “I could even…” He pauses, unsure if he should say it before he continues anyway. “I can help you with your heat… if you’d like.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Unexpectedly, Killian laughs. He shakes his head lightly against his chest. "Trauma bonding and aggressive flirting does not mean we are ready for something as intimate as that." He smiled to himself, settling a little more. "As for laying low. I can't do that. I have work to do. Especially if I will be out of it for the next week."

Week? Did Killian's heats last a week? Even, based on seeing and hearing about them, Xavier would know that most heats lasted 2 days, 3 is they were more aggressive. So a week seems.. harsh. Likely due to his trauma.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xaiver’s cheeks turn pink and he glances away from Killian. “Hmm, perhaps I was being too forward then…” He says as his eyes wander around the courtyard and take in the pleasant solitude of the garden. Then he looks back at the bear in his arms in alarm. “Hold on… a week?” Never before has the eldest son of the Beowulf clan been so invested in someone as specifically as he is with Killian.

“How do you even manage? Is there anything that helps? Have you talked to an Omega doctor about it?” He starts to ramble a bit, concerned with how much Killian has to bear because of one man. He vows to himself right there that if he ever finds the Alpha responsible, he’ll see to it that they suffer.
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