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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

The wolf hummed and offered a genuine smile to her. "That would be lovely. Hopefully nobody steals you for a dance during our talk." He chuckles lightly and keeps dancing with her, pulling her just a touch closer. He's being a little possessive, he knows that.. but from their month spent together, his Alpha brain has already claimed Willow to be his mate.

Killian Velvet

Killian gives a small smile at Xavier's attempt to try to guide him with the dancing while not actually touching him. His gaze moved back up to his face at his question. He licked his lips gently, wetting them and looked away again. "Mostly Alphas. Omegas don't bother me and in some cases.. because of what happened, if I smell one in distress it seems to kick my own into overdrive to help them. Save them even."

He clears his throat gently, glancing back up at his face then looking away. "I was told it's because I was overscented during the entire.. situation. Before I never truly found a scent I enjoyed or felt calm around, except.. Rowan. Afterwards.. it's even harder. It just.." He frowns a little. "Smells muddled, overwhelming. They make me want to throw up and then attack them. Not necessarily in that order either."

He shifted, getting twirled gently and he steps closer to Xavier, pressing the hand back onto his body, despite the trembling and shudder it gave, then set his hand back on Xavier's bicep. "Rowan made it mandatory to wear scent patches after my first.. scene."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow smiles, blushing a little when Rowan flashes a sincere smile and pulls her closer, even if its only by a little bit. “I’m guessing that we can’t just keep dancing with each other to avoid that?” She asks with her tone colored with disappointment. This is the hard part - having to put up with other Alphas and the Beowulfs when all she truly wants it to just go home with Rowan and start her new life.

“I would start with Aurora - she came with the fox Omegas so she probably knows them better. The cats are part of the Beowulf estate so I’ve gotten to know them even better during the dance lessons we had to take for this.” She keeps her voice soft, wanting to make sure no one will hear and start becoming suspicious.

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier listens with a somber expression, watching Killian as a growing need to protect him becomes harder to resist. He doesn’t expect the Omega to force his hand to hold him closer. That small pink blush appears on his upper cheeks once again. “I’m…” Words fail him for a moment before he clears his throat and tries again. “I’m so sorry that happened to you… that we live in a world where people think it’s okay to do that…”

His brow furrows and he glances away from Killian, but his tone is the most gentle one he’s ever taken. With a deep breath through his nose, he looks back at the Omega he dances with. “You asked what I was researching earlier - I was researching laws because I want to finish my law degree and help people.” He swallows the hard lump in his throat before adding. “I want to get rid of this society that further perpetuates a stigma that an Alpha can do whatever they want and get away with it.” He glances around, worried that someone might have overheard, but no one’s close enough to hear his grumbly voice.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan nods lightly and smiles a little. "I was planning on it anyway. Better if I can help all I can." He twirls her again and dips her, grinning lightly before standing and starting the second dance. "The bunnies are safe in a sanctuary.." His voice was low, face closer to hers as if whispering something intimate to her. He grinned lightly to himself, keeping up an act as his eyes shifted to her face when he pulled away.

Killian Velvet

Killian shakes his head lightly at the apology, not really wanting it, but appreciating it. He listens before his head turns up to him with wide eyes. His lips press together for a moment before his face lights up. He's laughing again. It's louder, and he's stumbling to follow the dance before he has to stop for a moment. His hand resting on Xavier's chest while the other covers his mouth as he laughs.

Once calm again, he looks up at Xavier and offers him a genuine smile. It nearly reaches his eyes, which are showing him a lot of respect. "That sounds lovely, Xavier." He clears his throat gently, grabbing his hand to go back to the bar. He orders a water and then looks to Xavier. "What's your scent? What have others told you it smells like?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow’s unable to help the soft squeak that she emits when Rowan twirls and dips her, eyes wide as she looks up at him with parted lips the show her excited delight. As they move into the next dance, he whispers in her ear and she can feel the heat grow in her cheeks, even if what he’s whispering isn’t anything that would cause the reaction. In truth, just having him that close made her heart race as she longed to just grab his hand and find somewhere private where they could just hug… Maybe kiss.

Her eyes glance to his lips when he pulls away and she has to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from kissing him right there in front of everyone. “I-I’m glad that your gifts were appreciated.” She says quickly to distract herself.

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier raises a brow when Killian laughs, thinking that the Omega is laughing at him for his lofty ideals. The relief in his face when Killian tells him that it sounds lovely is so clear it’s hard to miss. The smile he has as the Omega pulls him back to the bar stuns many who see it - who was this happy wolf before them? Somehow the expression stays even as Killian asks about his scent.

“Hmm,” He nods to the bartender who brings him a fresh glass of scotch, but he plans to nurse this drink instead. “I’ve been told it’s sweet, almost like caramel or brown sugar but more rich… I think the closest it comes to is something like molasses.” He nods to himself as if to confirm it. “And yours?”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Unfortunately, they had to part now. Another Alpha had waited patiently for the first dance to end, but they wanted the second dance. Rowan paused upon seeing him and smiled lightly to Jewel. "Seems I can't keep you to myself. I'll dance with you again, Jewel." He kissed her knuckles, letting her go and moving over to Aurora who was standing awkwardly off to the side. He offered his hand to the moth with a smile.

Killian Velvet

Killian sips his water gently before setting it down. He tilts his head and moves closer to Xavier again, like he had when he was fixing his shirt collar earlier. He waved Xavier down, and again. His mouth now close enough to his ear as Xavier was now bent over. Killian's fingers reached up, into Xavier's view and gripped the edge of the scent patch.

He's never done this for another Alpha. Ever. He doesn't like his scent mixing with another, but.. he kind of wants to see how Xavier will react to it. He peels the patch just enough for his scent to barely seep out. It's a very pleasant smell; floral.. and if it had to be specific hibiscus. There was a sweeter tone to it, something like.. plums? The patch was quickly put back into place, and he turned his head a little to eye Killian. "What do you think it is..?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Beowulf Estate - Amarillo, TX

Willow gives Rowan a small wave and smile as he leaves before turning to the Alpha who waited for her. She flashes a pleasant smile and lets him lead her into the next dance. He’s nowhere near as graceful as Rowan was; any attempt to twirl her ends up with Willow taking over so that it’s not a mess.

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier bends at the hips, trying to accommodate Killian before bending at the knee. He freezes as the other man peels his patch, his nostrils already flared from inhaling before Killian’s scent hits. He blinks, confused for a moment before he smiles, recognizing the scent. When Killian asks what he thinks it is, his smile turns into a small smirk as he looks to the bartender. “Austin, can you fetch me my favorite drink that isn’t scotch?”

The bartender return with an ice cold drink that’s golden brown in color, a small flower adorning it. “I’m starting to think I might believe in this ‘fate’ your boss spoke of.” He takes a sip of the hibiscus tea before gesturing for Killian to try it.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

The bear shifted and looked to Xavier for a moment. He went to take the drink but paused as he felt his phone vibrate. His face pulled a frown and he reached into his pocket instead. He pulled it out, looking to the screen. Ah, wasn't important it seems. He turned off the screen and slid it back.

He reached back out, taking the drink with a small smile before he gently sipped it. As it settled on his tongue his whole body froze. Oh.. Oh no. His eyes widen a little and then look up to Xavier through his lashes. His hand pulls the drink away while the other comes up to cover his mouth from the reflective gag he muffled.

Shit. Shit, shit. He needed to leave. Tears already prickled at his eyes as he bent over a little. He set the glass on the counter and hurried to walk away from Xavier, hand still covering his mouth and now nose. No, no. He couldn't smell anything right now. He needs to one, find the bathroom and then two, go outside.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier smiles as he waits for Killian to try the drink, finding some amusement in how he paused to look at his phone first. He watches as Killian sips and eagerly waits for his reaction but then everything seems to go wrong. He worriedly watches as Killian looks deathly pale and goes to follow him when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns to see Aethel is the one who stopped him.

“Let go.” He says, but his brother shakes his head.

Aethel points out Lucian who’s dashing after where Killian fled off too. Xavier frowns - was it an Omega thing? “What did you do to him?”

Lucian, the third eldest of the Beowulfs and an Omega himself, had been spying on his eldest brother and the man who had caught the attention of both his silly older brothers. But the reaction to the drink is what really caught his attention. He catches up to Killian. “Come with me.” He softly says, not touching the other Omega but gesturing for him to follow.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian literally jumps. He also stumbles and nearly lands on his ass when another voice sounds behind him that he hadn't expected. It took him a moment to register what the wolf said before he was following after Lucian. He needed a bathroom, right this moment. Hopefully he wouldn't need Rowan. Hopefully with the nausea, it would pass and he'd be able to breathe outside just fine.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lucian Beowulf

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m taking you to the garden - it should be empty. Do you need anything?” Lucian’s voice is very soft as they lead the way out of the banquet hall and towards the courtyard garden, waving down one of the servants and asking them to fetch water and bring it to there as soon as they can. They’re still very gentle in their mannerisms, their ears tucked back in concern.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian couldn't even answer. Once they were outside, and the bear found the nearest trashcan, he emptied his stomach into it. He panted softly afterwards, digging into his pocket for his handkerchief and wiped his mouth. He shuddered lightly, stumbling towards one of the benches in the garden and laid on his back.

He pulled on his tie and unbuttoned the first button before putting his arm over his eyes and just breathing heavily. After another moment there was a raspy whisper and a clearing of his throat before he tried again. "Not yet. If it gets any worse, I'll need Mister Kimb." He gave a weak chuckle to himself. "Can't believe it took flirting to realize I was in pre-heat."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lucian Beowulf

Lucian watches with mild concern, taking a glass of water from the servant before shooing them away. He holds the glass out for Killian after their raspy words. “I’m sure one of my silly older brothers will make sure he’s made aware.” He smiles sadly, wishing he could help him more. “How do you make it through one? I’ve been taking blockers ever since…” He stops himself. “What I mean is, I’m sorry. I’m sure Xavier meant no ill will.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

"I can't take blockers. The side effects are too severe on my body, plus I get extremely paranoid." He took the water and sipped it gently before sitting up and letting out a sigh. "So I put on scent patches and go through the pains of it. That's all it is for me; pain." He pulled out his phone and checked his make-up before shifting a little.

"Can you go get Xavier? I want to apologize." He offered Lucian a smile.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Lucian Beowulf

Lucian’s expression takes on a sad, empathetic look as Killian explains. “I see…” He says, tilting his head a little as he observes the other Omega for a moment. He wants to vouch for Xavier and tell Lucian that his brother might understand more than most, but it’s not his place.

“I can do that but I don’t think you’ll need to apologize.” He offers a small smile before straightening, brushing dirt off the knees of his pants.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

Killian chuckled lightly and waved a hand. "Doesn't matter. I'm a lady if anything and I want to apologize.. and explain." He looked up to Lucian and smiled a little before picking up his water and drinking more of it. When Lucian walked away and he couldn't see him anymore, he groaned and looked up at the sky.

Guess it had to be now rather than later then. Fuck. He hoped he wouldn't throw up all over Xavier.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier eyes snap to Lucian as soon as he sees his brother enter the mansion again. He’s waiting just outside the banquet hall as Lucian lets him know what’s going on. “Just make sure to be gentle with them.” His brother says in his soft voice.

“Thank you for your help. Did it trigger you at all? Do you need anything?” Lucian shakes his head and gives Xavier a sad smile. Xavier nods and ruffles his younger brother’s hair affectionately before heading off to the garden Killian is in.

He approaches the bench that Killian sits on slowly, trying to be cautious and avoid upsetting the Omega. He clears his throat, unbuttoning the top of his shirt and loosening his tie. “Are you okay?” He winces. “Sorry, that’s a stupid question.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

The bear looked up and offered a weak smile and chuckle at the question. "It's on debate, but so far it's good." He waved Killian to kneel down in front of him. "I wanted to apologize and explain." He cleared his throat gently and sipped the water he had before setting his hands in his lap.

"Obviously, we were flirting and it was going great." He smiled lightly. "My scent.. Uhm." He pressed the back of his hand to his lips for a moment. "It's usually just hibiscus. The.. plum is.. my heat scent." His cheeks flushed gently, looking away. He sipped more water and then looked back.

He raised his hand and set it on Xavier's cheek. It was a little clammy even through his lace gloves. "The.. thing I told you, when we first talked. It happened during a heat, so I hope you can guess.. why.. I might find my own heat scent a little repulsive." He gave a weak chuckle, seeming to already pale as he said the next bit.

"That being said. Now would be the perfect time to see if we're compatible. If I can't handle your scent at my worst.. then I likely won't be able to handle it. This goes for even Aethel." He pulled his hand away gently, setting it back in his lap as he looked to Xavier.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier crouches by Killian, wanting to place a hand on his knee to comfort him somehow, but restrains himself. He looks up at the Omega as he explains himself, nodding that he had recognized the hibiscus scent- he hadn’t picked up on the plum scent. When Killian places a hand on his cheek, he’s unable to stop himself from placing his hand over Killian’s.

At the mention of Killian’s abuse, Xavier has to stop himself from gripping the hand on his face. No wonder Lucian had been so fast to follow Killian and help him when the man had run away from Xavier. He lets the Omega have his hand back, watching his face carefully as hope starts to bloom in his heart before it’s quickly doused by the mention of his brother. “We don’t have to do it now if it’s too much for you though.” He says, despite wanting to test it right away.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Killian Velvet

The bear laughed softly and shook his head. Ah, shit. Shouldn't have done that. He raised a hand to cover his eye, already feeling a small headache start blooming. Out of nowhere, smaller ears popped up from his bowed head, covered in the same color of his hair. The bear shaped ear flicked lightly. Just as soon as they appeared though, they were gone as Killian was lifting his head.

"I'd rather do it now." He moved his hand from covering his eye to his own scent patch and peeling it off. He set it aside, rummaging in his pocket to grab a couple more. "I just.. hope I don't throw up on you. Your suit is really nice.." He gave a weak chuckle.

His scent slowly seeped out now that it's unhindered. The hibiscus almost immediately in the air but now.. Xavier would be able to smell the plum. The only other undertone is a sour lemony smell, but that's probably the disgust at Killian's own self. Oddly, it didn't make the scent any less pretty.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Xavier & Aethel Beowulf

Xavier Fit
Aethel Fit

Xavier watches with concern still when Killian holds his head but then movement on the top of the Omega’s head draws the wolf’s attention. Little ears like those of a teddy bear peek out of his hair and Xavier can’t stop himself from reaching up and softly touching them, finding them too adorable to resist. He pulls his hand back as Killian takes his patch off, moving to do the same with his own.

“That’s what dry cleaning is for - don’t worry about that right now.” Xavier hums in delight as Killian’s scent fills his senses. It really is a wonder how his favorite drink matches the bear’s scent. He can smell the plum more now, but as their scents mingle together, it smells like a sweet hard candy.
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