It was an early spring morning, yet the day carried none of the wondrous joys of springtime.
A misty, dark sky had blanketed Huddeen, casting out the now rising sun. One might've considered it eerie. Desolate, even. To the superstitious, however, the fog was a warning sign.
A deafening crash was heard the night before deep within town center, interrupting the mindless groans and grunts that now acted as a chorus to a quiet and empty Huddeen. What, or who, for that matter, it was, was still a mystery to those of Mulberry Street, for going outside at night was too dangerous and risky an option. Regardless, one thing was certain: the noise had certainly riled up the undead from their slumber.
Thankfully for the denizens of Mulberry Street, their neighborly street seemed to be clear and safe for the time being. There had been a few stragglers that could be seen some ways further down road, but otherwise Mulberry Street had succeeded in surviving another night safe and zombie-free.
Nevertheless, how much longer could this apocalyptic serenity last? And what had caused that noise earlier? Only time, and a potential life-risking expedition, could tell.
A misty, dark sky had blanketed Huddeen, casting out the now rising sun. One might've considered it eerie. Desolate, even. To the superstitious, however, the fog was a warning sign.
A deafening crash was heard the night before deep within town center, interrupting the mindless groans and grunts that now acted as a chorus to a quiet and empty Huddeen. What, or who, for that matter, it was, was still a mystery to those of Mulberry Street, for going outside at night was too dangerous and risky an option. Regardless, one thing was certain: the noise had certainly riled up the undead from their slumber.
Thankfully for the denizens of Mulberry Street, their neighborly street seemed to be clear and safe for the time being. There had been a few stragglers that could be seen some ways further down road, but otherwise Mulberry Street had succeeded in surviving another night safe and zombie-free.
Nevertheless, how much longer could this apocalyptic serenity last? And what had caused that noise earlier? Only time, and a potential life-risking expedition, could tell.