Holy. Shit. Tonight.
Dervish said
I don't know how far ahead the show is, but it can't be
Larfleeze said
."Lucille's getting thirsty."
Dervish said
:D Glad I'm not the only reader.
Dervish said
Totally agreed.Let's not even mention how they made the Governor nowhere near as interesting, disturbing or terrifying as his comic counterpart.
Larfleeze said
Oh that sadistic, possible paedophile, possible necrophiliac, part-time cannibal rapist <3
mdk said
was special. Like as a stand-alone episode, it's up there with the Red Wedding in terms of 'Holy fuck, shitting fucking shit, fuck me, god damn it, cry'
mbl said
As someone who read the books but never went to far in the HBO GoT, I still don't understand why the red wedding is what everyone chose to freak out about. Maybe they played them better in the show, but I was happy to have it come along and kill off some of my least liked protagonists, and there is certainly plenty other shocking moments in the series that didn't get as much of a reaction.
KnightShade said
Is it wrong that after reading this I resolved to buy some of the comics?
Larfleeze said
Not at all,
mdk said
The TV crowd thought Rob was safe after what happened to Ned, and the show did a really good job of disarming your suspicions during the actual wedding (if you get a chance to watch a 'making of' from that episode, take it, it's fantastic). But Ned was still the most shocking moment for me. Maybe because at that point I hadn't read the books yet -- I think when I *read* the red wedding, I actually physically broke my nook.
Dervish said
I can't wait for some of the reactions in the upcoming season. It's going to be a fucking roller coaster.