"Uh, no, I will not be losing the mullet. Or the goatee. It's funny."_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Name (Translated to English): Barbarous Dark Bane of Magicians, Junior
AKA: Barbatos the Younger
Age: 68
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Description: Tall, broad shouldered, and thickly built, with shiny maroon scales stretching across his limbs, back, neck, and ears. A pair of horns with interlocking scales of the same kind rise up from his temples, and a large, thick, matching scaled tail not unlike a crocodile's protrudes from his lower back, long enough to drag slightly on the ground behind him. In addition to those features he sports a few sharpened teeth and slit pupils in vibrant red-orange eyes that smolder like fire. The rest of his body is humanoid. He has thick black hair worn in a mullet and a patchy beard growing over a goatee in the shape of an arrow ("it's a forked tail, haha!"), and his once pale skin has gotten a healthy color since moving to New Helle and soaking in the sun.
Though he's lived in the city for quite some time now, he still dresses like a tourist. His wardrobe consists of loose, comfortable clothes: tees, tank tops, Hawaiian shirts, cargo and board shorts with flip flops. On occasion he can be wrestled into more formal attire (sometimes quite literally), and though (to the surprise of many) he can clean up extremely well and cut a striking figure, he much prefers the look and feel of casual outfits. When at work he'll normally wear a more appropriate outfit whenever the assignment calls for it, namely swapping out his jorts for joggers and his sandals for sneakers.
Barbatos is a jovial demon who has become smitten with the human world ever since arriving. He loves nothing more than relaxing on the beach with some friends, and spends most of his free time pursuing simple pleasures. And not so simple ones, too. He isn't shy with his affections and tends to get physical with others, both friend and foe. His fellow investigators know to avoid him if they aren't in a touchy feely mood, otherwise they'll have to endure his arm being slung around their shoulders, or a tail curled around their leg, or even Barbatos' whole weight draped over them.
He takes an interest in people's lives and easily gets invested in others. He enjoys helping people, having no ulterior motives while doing so. In that way he differs a lot from his family back home. He comes across as what some humans might call a 'himbo' because of his stature and good nature, though he isn't actually as dumb as he looks. He is shrewd, perhaps even wise - but he's also sort of young for a demon of his bloodline. Basically he just enjoys goofing off and taking things easy. A grown man acting like that comes off as pathetic to some, but he doesn't care.
Despite his easygoing nature, he does take his work seriously... for the most part. He's still the same person at work that he is at home, after all. He tries his best. He looks after his team and can get protective of them, preferring to put himself (who he sees as tougher than the other investigators) in harm's way when shit goes down rather than risk a friend. Woe to whoever may manage to piss him off for real.
And yes, he considers every single other member of Section 7 to be a friend. He likes to think they see him as a friend in return, or at least like a cool, caring older brother. He does kind of give off deadbeat dad trying to reconnect with his kids energy instead though.
Background: Barbatos (or Barbie, Barb, Barbs, Dark Bane, Junior, Dude, Himbo, That Guy, Lizard, Demonic Garbage Disposal, really any nickname is fine with him) did not have any background in public safety or service before being drafted into the affairs of Section 7. In fact he was normally on the opposite side of the law, getting slapped with infractions for unlawful contracts with humans. Listen, it was on the humans to get the permits - why did he have to get punished just because he didn't bother asking questions? He just liked helping all those people get cool magic! ...and he really needed money to recoup his gambling losses!
He came to New Helle almost two decades ago, eager to soak in island living and human culture. For the most part he's succeeded, and has been happy with his life in the city. Of course when he arrived he was near penniless, and with little actual work experience he had to find someway to fund his cool new lifestyle. Piña coladas and boogie boards didn't buy themselves after all. The easiest way to do that was getting paid to form contracts with humans, then doubling his money at the card tables.
And, you know, sometimes it didn't work out. After one too many final warnings about his 'illegal power gifting' (seriously, what was the issue with letting a little dude get stronger?), he turned to other avenues of money making. Tough and built, he frequented fighting rings for chunks of quick cash. He took easy work as a doorman or hired muscle for various groups, most frequently Gehenna whom he had some passing familiarity with. And, alright, fine - he still drew contracts up because it was neat seeing a human breathe fire. Sometimes they completely burnt out their esophagus which wasn't cool, but that didn't happen most of the time.
So how did he find himself working for the Bureau of Public Safety? What reason did they have to induct him into their ranks besides his very lovable personality and his special talent in benching four hundred pounds with just his tail. It could have something to do with his heritage. Barbatos comes from a long line of powerful demons, and his father is a particularly notorious figure back in Hell, an affluent businessman with huge influence: Barbatos the Older.
His father's influence extends to New Helle as well, if the rumors that he has some involvement with Gehenna from the other side of the veil are to be believed. As far as Barbatos Jr. knows they aren't rumors at all, and investing in the smuggling field has been very lucrative for his old man. Naturally the run of the business, both the criminal and legitimate sides, were expected to fall to Barbatos the Younger in the future.
...but he kinda, like, didn't want to do any of that shit?
So he left Hell for the human world and became a beach bum.
His is the classic story of a multi-millionaire's son inviting his family's scorn by not fitting the mold, getting cut off from the fortune and having to learn to live in the real world after being raised in luxury and decorum. Though there have been some rough patches, the majority of his life in New Helle has been pretty damn sweet so far - even the fighting ring was fun, and good exercise too. The worst part about it had been how sick he felt after those curses were slapped on him, those sucked. Oh, and the infractions he had to keep paying from the illegal contract work.
Which brings things back around to his involvement with the BPS.
Barbatos was picked up and held in jail after those final warnings actually ran out, and paying yet another ticket wasn't going to cut it. He expected a public defender, but instead he got a visit from an agent in the BPS' Section 7 whom took him back to their crappy hideout. They were looking into Gehenna and had sniffed out his connection to them, but unfortunately he had nothing useful to tell them. Yes he'd met with members of the organization before, afforded them the same cordialness that they did to him (which he assumed was due to his family ties), and had even worked for them a number of times as what basically amounted to a temporary goon, but he didn't have any information that the BPS didn't already have too.
They must have felt he could still have a possible connection that would help them, or maybe they thought his abilities and general eagerness to help might be a benefit to them. Either way, they kept Barbatos around. He wasn't really a criminal anyway, he was basically your average citizen, so being told he was now a cop was sort of an upgrade. He's been an investigator with Section 7 for a few years now, and he likes it well enough. The work is... interesting to say the least, and the paycheck is steady.
Abilities: In his role as an investigator, Barbatos usually plays the "good cop" and sometimes acts as a negotiator. He has a way about him that generally lets him meet people halfway and level with them, so if any situation needs a chill person on site to calm people down he's there - before the more intense members have their chance to ruin things.
When things inevitably do go tits up he relies on his physical capabilities, which are well beyond a standard human being's. His skin is tough even where his scales don't reach, increasing his resilience. His strength is great enough that he can dent steel and lift cars. His tail especially is quite strong, and one clean blow with it can shatter bones and damage internal organs. He isn't built for speed, but he does have a slight advantage in reaction time over the average man. His stamina is also higher, more so if he has a reserve of extra energy in the tank.
As a demon, Barbatos possesses inherent magic as well. He generally wields heat and fire, able to heat his body up to extreme temperatures hot enough to melt through some materials, and vent flames from between his scales or spit fire from the pit of his stomach. He's an adept contract writer and happily lends said power out. He's also quite skilled in prestidigitation.
More uncommonly, Barbatos has what is referred to as an "Infernal Incinerator" in his body. Anything that goes in swiftly gets reduced to ash in the flames of his stomach and absorbed as energy, from physical matter to magic. Indeed, he can consume spells and artifacts somewhat safely. Excess energy gets stored in his body (and can be seen in how bright the thin gaps in between his scales glow or how hot his skin is to the touch), which can be burned off the usual way or used to power his own magic. If the store of energy swells too heavy, or the power level of one source of magic is too much, it could begin to leak out and adversely affect Barbatos and those around him... but he wouldn't know until he tried eating it.
Lastly Barbatos has an affinity for animals that may as well be magical. Though he can't assume command of an animal's mind like his old man, he likes animals and they like him - so he's basically a Disney princess in that if he asks nicely, they might help him out.
Artifacts: None at this time.
Connections: - Barbatos the Older
- Barbatos' father, also known as "yes, THAT Barbatos." A ruthless dark lord who made his cruel fortune on the backs of others - aka a CEO. He's cut his son off from the family bank account but hasn't disowned him yet. Both of them still hope to reconcile within the next hundred years. Resides in Hell.
Misc: - Color code is #CF4A64
- He's adopted dozens of animals and they come and go regularly from his domicile