I just want to get some opinions from other RPers on a matter. What separates an inactive RP from a truly dead one? And when is a RP well and truly dead in your book?
You know how you have a tendency to drop out of an RP without giving any warning to your partners? That RP is dead to you but inactive to your partner. See? It's all based on perspective.
In all seriousness, I believe that is one of those distinctions that can only be made with hindsight. A roleplay that sits dormant for 4 years before the GM or your partner open it back up again is inactive, while one that sits dormant forever is dead. Though if you ask me, people and their tastes tend to change over time, and so a long absence from an RP can change its intended trajectory. Say you and I started an RP with dinosaurs that was just some mindless body horror, but after a four year hiatus I decide I want all the carnage to mean something and start writing the dinos as allegories for my character's struggles. It's not really the same RP, yet is is.
I think a better question would be not asking if an RP is dead, but if it's something I could see myself picking up again. I'll never know what the other side thinks unless they tell me, which is a rarity in group or 1x1 RPs. Recently I took an RP that the GM shit canned and started running it with 75%-ish of the original players. It's far outlived the original RP, has a lot of the same characters, but I wouldn't say it's the same RP. It's all very abstract, kind of like how there's no material difference between a corpse and a living person. All the same materials are there, the only difference is that one rots and the other is sleeping.
Though perhaps instead of exploring the existential state of an RP, maybe you just want to know how long I wait on an RP before moving on. But I think that's had the hell answered out of it so I won't be redundant.