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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yeah, let's go and see what's there..." Yuki said, walking over to the shrine, though he noticed that Yuno wasn't moving at all. For once, he noticed that she wasn't like her usual loving self...something was unsettling her. "Yuki, don't go in," Yuno said quietly, looking down so her eyes weren't able to be seen.

"Yuno, it's just a simple check and we'll leave as soon as possible," Yuki said, realizing that she was slowly losing it again.

"No, it's not. Just now, bad things are showing up on my Future Diary, it's not safe..." Yuno whispers with a shaky breath, holding out her phone for the others to see the entry that's bothering her so much:

Yuki and the others head into the shrine for clues, but Yuki gets injured fatally during the search.

"Please Yuki...I know it only says injury, but then you'll become a target to anyone that wants to kill you off..." Yuno said, trying to convince Yuki on not going into the shrine.
(E2, outside shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Yuno was concerned for Yuki. She read something from her book about an injury befalling Yuki. It was understandable why she wouldn't want Yuki to go, and Inori felt the same vibes that she once had. Shu didn't want her to go, but she had to. It was the feeling of love. Yuno loved Yuki, and she didn't want him to be injured. "I will go with the woman to see what's inside. You two can stay outside."

Location: E2, Shrine
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Beatrix kiddo." She said to the robot. She froze seeing it bring out a shield. Beatrix blocked the sword with hers. Beatrix cursed as the force ha her on one knee but her sword stayed intact
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock was suprised to see such minuscule creatures first deflect, then stop his blade. However, they only added to his confusion, which in turn made him angrier. He let out a ferocious bellow, before determining he would destroy these nuisances. Once again wielding his blade, he started slashing at the creatures with his blade. He moved much faster than one would expect a being of his size to move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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The force of her jump kick allowed her to safely propel herself away from the robot's cleave. To her surprise, it began again, this time chopping and slashing his sword with a speed unmatched for machines with that size. The movement was fluid and without flaw-- as if itself was sentient. "Kyaku Ryoku-Gen-Kai-To-Pap!" Her Psi abilities focused around her legs once again, and she leapt with full power towards the oncoming slash. She released her Katana's sheath to the size of the robot's cleaver. Upon contact, the swords screeched, as sparks began to fly and Amamiya attempts to push against the robot's own force with her Rise. "Stop! We're not your enemies!"

Location: D06, School
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lightning looked at the other girl. "Alright if you want to find out what inside we will go in and find what we need. Then we will get out.." She also fingered her collar. "We probably do not have much time before we die or these thing self detonate..tho I am doubtful about that.." She said as a grim reminder. (shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"No proof" Grimlock shouted between blows. He was amazed this creature could match his strength. There was definitely more to them than met the eye. However, he was angry at the situation, and once he was angry he rarely retuned to calm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I guess..." Yuno said, seeing that Yuki did not have to go into the shrine. Since they had altered the future by not following what the entries said, all of the entries in Yuki's and Yuno's Future Diaries were completely altered.

"Huh? What is it now?..." Yuki said as he checked to see what the altered entry was...

Yuno and I stay outside. The others find the old bag, map, and compass within the shrine. It's almost as similar as what we were given in the start, but appeared like it had been sitting there for ages.

"Good, it's safe to go in the check, we'll just stay out here," Yuki sighed in relief, seeing that the bad future diary entry was changed. Yuno only got close to him, glad that they avoided that messy future.

(E2, outside the shrine)
As it seemed like the chaos was getting worse near the school, Jude knew that he would put more trouble on himself if he went there. He already knew what happens if he decides to get himself in trouble, seeing as he was completely derailed from his normal life upon helping Milla. Jude made haste towards where the map had located the lighthouse, getting further and further away from the school.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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When the sword was just a meter away from Lili's head, Beatrix and the girl with glasses stopped the attack.
"YANG!" Ruby shouts as 3D disappears, Yang with her.
"Ruby! Lets get out of here!" Lili says to Ruby.
"We must help Yang!" Ruby replies.
"She will be okay! Right now, the thing is getting a bit out of hand!", Lili says to Ruby. She, however, has no idea if Yang is even alive anymore. Then she grabs Ruby's hand and starts running.
"You too! We should go unless we want to die!" Lili shouts to Beatrix.
"Who was that? She looked like Yang..." Ruby mutters to herself.
After a lot of running and jumping, Kunimitsu finally can see the lighthouse. She looks back, and sees some smoke in the north. Has the killing started already?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy walks up to the reservoir and smiles, it was practically empty but she laid low and watched, looking for signs of movement. She didn't see much and stayed where she was for the time being.
((Location: H66 outside of reservoir.))
Casaline shrugged and started walking towards the reservoir with her guns in hand, she kept herself hidden in the plants and wandered off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Asuka paused to catch her breath. She had stopped sparringly only to take a short break. Lili's life was probably in danger but Asuka would not want to think about it as she broke into a sprint. "Lili! Li!" She called in desperation as the location of the school came into view. She sipped some water shakily as well. "Please do not let her be dead..." she said over and over again in her mind her heart racing in her worry.

Lightning stood near the shrine entrance arms crossed and waiting.

The entity ...3D ...seeing no one was close and that was good news to her...then turned backto Yang even tho the blonde could not even do anything passed out. She kneeled down as her spiked hand from her left was poised to stab into her heart..."Goodbye..Yang..."
(close to the reservoir body of water.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bender continued walking towards the nearest shrine on his map. He noticed black smoke in the distance, and made a point not to go in that direction.

Now, one may be wondering by Bender, about as evil as they come, would be going to a shrine, a place of religious sanctity. The reason was simple: shrines tended to be valued, so there were probably valuables.

((Moving from D4 to upper corner of E3))
It took a good longer for 626 to reach the town than he would have taken if he still had his car. However, now that he had arrived, it was time to mess things up. He walked around for a bit, looking at the town like a sculptor may look at a peice of marble. He knew where he would start. Following the power lines, he would be able to find the power station that gave light to the dwellings. That would be the first thing to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Beatrix blocked another swing of the sword. Hatori Hanzo sure made this swrod strong. The second swing from the robot hit her into a tree. She cursed and stood slowly. *this thing is huge* She knew however ths thing was to big to take on. She followed Lilli and Ruby.

Slade said "lets get going.." He loaded the supplies on the Titan and looked at his target card. He began making a plan to take out this Lightening Farron. He put the target card back in a pocket and said "Nice guns you have there,,:and its a very state of the art mech suit too.:"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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James MacAllan

"What can I say? Hammond Industries really knows how to put together a killing-machine." Mac agreed to move along and began to pass bags to the Titan as it loaded it inside its cockpit. "Alright, if you want to hang up there where the platform is at, we'll head to that smoke over--" Just as Mac turned, he saw the large mech in the distance, but just barely. "Slade, I found my target. This Grimlock is over there doing something and I think I've got a shot at beating it if you'll help me out. What do you say?"

Location: I07 - Clinic


"Alright. Yuki, Yuno, we won't be long." Inori then stood up and turned towards the woman. "Umm..." She paused, not sure of what the woman's name was. "Are we... Going?"

Location: E2 - Shrine


Feeling the pressure intensifying and the robot's meddling continuing, Amamiya herself was becoming frustrated. "And you have no proof of us being your enemies you small-brained runt!" She pushes against the robot's sword, slowly rising from her crouched position, before sliding the blade aside and dodge rolled out of the blade's swing before back-pedaling further.

D06 - The School
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As he approached the shrine, Bender could hear voices. Clearly he wasn't alone. He pulled out a metal baseball bat from his chest cavity, and thought of ways he could sneak in without being noticed ... Or he could rob the people, then rob the shrine. He like the latter one, that way he got more stuff. However, he first needed to see what he was up against.

((E3 bordering E2))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"My name is Lightning.." Lightning introduced to Inori. "I think we are ready.." She said as she got a more serious look and then began to make her way to the shrine entrance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"Lightning..." She then follows Lightning closely to the Shrine's entrance-- where a small old shack stood in front of the offering table. The place looked and felt Japanese. She remembered once visiting a place like this during her summer vacation with Shu, Souta and Hare. Inori took initiative to enter the Shrine first and had a look around. The place looked abandoned, if not deserted. Cobwebs were filling up every corner of the shrine and there was a freezing chill resonating. "It's empty." Inori proceeds deeper into the Shrine, looking around.

Location: E2, inside the Shrine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yuki sat on the ground, a little tired by the events that's happened so far. He wasn't even sure if he and Yuno would make it through this, as it was like a second Survival Game in a row. Though, Yuno never ceased to fail him when she managed to protect him for so long.

"Yuki, let's just go," Yuno says in a dead quiet whisper, since Lightning and Inori were quite far from them now that they wouldn't hear her whispers.

"But we're not going to play this twisted game, we're actually trying to get out without having to kill anyone," Yuki said in surprise, but tried to convince her that this was the better decision then going to kill anyone.

"What if they're lying? What if they're trying to lure us into false hope?" Yuno said as her grip on her axe tightened, she didn't want to trust anyone at all but Yuki.

"We'll wait and see what they find, I'm not just going to go and abandon them," Yuki said, knowing that Yuno was planning to kill both of their newfound allies.

(E2, outside the shrine)
Inside the shrine, like Yuki's Future Diary had predicted, there was a bag that looked pretty similar to what they had, including the same exact map and a broken compass. These supplies appeared as if it were left here for a very very long time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He didnt see many people outside the shrine, only a younger couple. He figured if that the others were already inside. They probably had the same idea as him, searching for valuables. He moved around the shrine I the back, and snuck up to the building in such a way that he couldn't be seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lightning had a bad feeling about this place. "Nothing? Then I wonder?" She felt the chill and a bad feeling welled up inside her again. Then she happened to spot the old looking objects. ""Inori over here.." She said to her companion as she walked over for a closer look. She also had her hand on her gunblade hilt incase there were any unwelcolmed guests or surprises. Getting inside had been all to easy and this further made her doubtful. (shrine)
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