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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang nodded. Suddenly she flinched as if she had been hit. Blood poured from her arm as a few spikes appeared imbedded inside it. "Who did that..." She said gripping her arm. Out of the shadows 3D appeared or at least Yang thought.

"I will..kill...Lili.." 3D said in a creepy tone. "Also I have a plan for you Yang..." She looked at Ruby. "Do not fear me..I love you.." She said.

"Its that..strange freak from the ship.." Yang said. "Now what? Lili run..well..I'll..hold her off.." She said..

(near the school)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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She remained in her Rise, and she arrived by the school. It seemed as though a fight broke out and now somebody was already bleeding. Amamiya focused her senses around her with her Psi energy, practically allowing her to extend her eyes across the entire field-- being able to spot a cinch of movement with little detail problem. "Hey! What are you doing to that girl?!" To hear realisation-- She saw the two looked identical.

Her sights also picked up something huge. That robot that was with her in the village earlier was headed straight for the school. "Shit, things are going to get really rough." She thought-- feeling the moment intensifies.

Location: D06, the School.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

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"Umm... Yang? Is that you?" Ruby asks from 3D.

Lili looks at Yang, and then the other almost identical one."Where? I can't leave you two here!"

"...Asuka, where are you...?"

Then a girl with glasses appears from somewhere.
"Hey! What are you doing to that girl!?"

"A little help is needed... I think..." Ruby says to the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"She needs a little help?" Her eyes peered towards the red-hooded girl. "Do you? Or does she?" Amamiya points towards the twins standing in the middle.

Location: D06 School.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tiger quickly got the parachute, map and target card and then leaped off the ship. It was a pleasant experience for him, falling through the air. He had never done it before and yet it felt natural to him. The air pushing up his fur, as he 'spread-eagled-' his body to catch as much air as possible. Realizing he could start to see the details of the ground he quickly activated the parachute with his teeth.

The ground was tore out from the earth, to prevent himself from face planting into the turf. He stretched out the kinks from the rough landing and quickly got the map out and scanned it... There was nothing he was really interested in, until he saw the reservoir. There were other areas like lakes on the map and yet this one had a special name-probably because it had better quality water.. So if he beat the others there, then he could pick off at least the human ones.

He took a moment to glance at the target card, dead draw.... so basically someone that can use spikes, not that big a deal.. He then took off at a swift gallop towards the reservoir.

(Landed at E5 and is almost at reservoir H6)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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3D growled. "Why must there be so many interruptions." She said as Yang examined the entity closely. "Well you look like me..talk like me...are you some kind of shapshifter or something?. 3D turned to Amamiya. "I am only doing what i am destined to do. Lili will disappear by my hand...Yang will be..no more.. " Having said that she grinned showing off her fangs.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gridlock was nearly at the school by now, his fast walk was helping him make good time. As he got closer he could see there were people, and some appeared to be in distress. He vaguely remembered the GM speaking about the school, something was important about it in some way. However, there wasn't much of a school to be seen, only a burning inferno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Maybe this would help in finding clues," Yuki says as he holds his phone,"This is my Future Diary, and predicts the future of the surroundings around me, though it doesn't really say much to what would happen to me exactly. Yuno's Future Diary is almost the same as mine...but it only predicts the future that would happen to me." Yuno didn't say much, but her grip on her precious axe loosened a bit.

(E2, shrine)
"I'm not sure if I should get any closer..." Jude says to himself as he hides behind a bush near the fiery blaze at the school.

(D6, School)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"So you can tell the future from that?" Lightning asked as she looked at his phone. "I am also not sure if this island even has any means of reception.." (shrine).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Beatrix slashed the chest in half a it came at her. She turned seeing 3D. Who the hell is that and why does she look like Yang. She had herd hand at her Pistol. "Who the hell are you?"

Slade heard something as well. What ever it was he ears it.. He pulled out his pistols and said "Eho ever you are come out now!" He waits for what ever was coming
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

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Ruby turns to Lili. "Whatever happens from now on, I think that you should go"

Lili opens her eyes wide open. "But where? How are you supposed to find me?"

"We will find you somehow! Just run!" Ruby shouts to Lili in a bit angry tone.



Lili looks at the ground. She couldn't help thinking about that white Yang's words "I'll kill Lili". But, she steps forward and says:

"I, Emilie De Rochefort, will win this twisted game! Those are the words I said in the ship, and I'm going to say them over and over again! But to achieve the victory, I will protect my teammates as long as possible!
She points her gun at 3D.
But a giant robot's shadow covers Lili, and she and turns to the robot.
"Oh no, that robot from the ship! I hope it's not an enemy..."

(In front of the school
Kunimitsu arrives to a coast.
"Seems like I'm in H-8 right now... About a kilometer and I would be there... I hope my teammates are alright..."

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock let put a deep growl. Not sure if these were enemies or not, he deployed his energon sword. It's little parts folding out and popping into place. He was also ready to deploy his shield. "Identify. Yourselves" he said, aiming the sword at the nearest one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang looked at her sister. "That was a bit of a harsh reaction." Noticing the robot she cursed. "Not more problems. Can this day get any worse..?"

3D grinned. "Try me. I really have no intention of winning this game. You are nothing but a mere human to me. But do you really think killing is what's right? Has this game slowely made you cast aside yourself and commit sins..?" Before anyone could make a move 3D lunged at Yang...(school)

"Kinda busy.." Yang said. "My name is..." That was all the time she was given before 3D grabbed her by her waist and made off as Yang screamed from the painfully tight grip. 3D then pressure pointed Yang and made off to a random coordinate..chuckling as she vanished without a trace...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lili sees a massive sword sword pointing at her. Any little move with that kind of weapon would mean a Game Over to her.

Ruby takes her scythe and opens it.

"Don't do anything to Lili! Myvname is Ruby Rose, and we are not enemies! I don't want to kill anyone!" She said to the robot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The commotion was enough to get Grimlock into a defensive mode. He made one slash at the people with his sword before deploying his shield to protect himself from any possible projectiles.
(Location -School)
Bender didnt know where he was, but he did know that getting back to New New York meant killing all these meatbags. However, that would probably be harder than it looked, as these people seemed to be really powerful. Still, they couldn't be better than him, he was the greatest. As time went on, more and more players were being called. He stuck to himself mostly, watching the others talk. Finally, when he was called, he walke up and grabbed the bag, the target card, and the parachute. He couldn't steal anything because he was the last one to grab his things. Strapping the chute onto his back, he bade the voice goodbye, "Hasta la vista, chump!" With that, he jumped out. When he landed, he noticed how bright it was. He pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his chest storage, and put then on over his eyes. "So it begins" he said, and started walking towards one of the shrines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Asuka continued to look around for anyone familiar. She consulted her compass and then seeing the smoke in the distance she began to worry and ran towards the coordinate she saw it from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Well...it's been working fine ever since we got here...so I'm assuming that it still shows Future Diary entries even without reception," Yuki says, and as if the timing were that perfect, his phone vibrated as it received a new Future Diary entry. He looked at the phone's screen to see the new entry, which read:

In pursuit for clues to get out, there are some interesting clues inside the shrine. It seems to be old supplies similar to the ones we've gotten.

"This entry says that there's clues inside the shrine..." Yuki said, a little nervous to even go and check the shrine for what his Future Diary predicted.

"But what if it's some trap? Nothing's coming up on my Future Diary, so something bad might happen to Yuki if we go in," Yuno added in, seeing that her Future Diary had no entry to what would happen to Yuki.
(E2, shrine)
I think it's best to go and find that Lighthouse that I was told about... Jude thought to himself, thinking that he would end up dead if he dared go towards the school.

(D6, near the school)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lightning heard Yuki. "Then your diary is not anything normal. If we are to go inside we should prepared carefully. I was a soldier once so I know a rule of the squad..always keep your eyes open and expect the unexpected." She quoted. "If this shrine indeed holds answers we should head inside once we all feel we are sure. No turning back.." (shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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The other twin disappeared, leaving the girl close to the red-hooded injured. Another, a blondie was within range of the robot's massive sword cleave. "Damn it!" Mid-swing of the giant robot's sword, Amamiya leapt and focused her entire Rise energy to her legs before intercepting the sword's descent by kicking the flat end towards the school.


"I think we should still check it." Inori looked at Yuno and then the woman, before she trailed her eyes towards the shrine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lightning nodded in silent agreement again. "We need to hurry. If a commotion nearby alerts attention people will probably begin to panic." She said noticing the smoke fumes from the fire not far off.

3D then dragged Yang off a bit aways from the group near the seashore. She did not care about which coordinates she was at. Setting Yang down gently she turned her hands into spikes. If she was lucky she would be able to do what she had to do before Yang recovered..
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