Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Beatrix ran back to help Amamiya fight Grimlock. She jumped on his back and slammed the sword into him. She held on the sword tightly.

Slade nods at James. "Sure but it looks like people are already fighting him. We can hp them out." He told him getting out his pistols.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Both of these fighters were very skilled, and probably could win against even him. However, Grimlock knew he could be much stronger than this. He felt the female trying to jump on him, and the sword that tried to stick into him. However, a few inches from entering, it bounced off. His over shield had reflected the blow. Although it didn't drop too low, he would prefer to keep it high, so he decided to get the creature off him. He attempted to crush it by falling on his back. Although he knew the other would get a hit in, the chance to remove one from the equation was worth the risk.

(Location: school)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Beatrix wai-" Ruby couldn't finish her sentence when Beatrix has already disappeared back to the school. "We need to help her!"

"What are you thinking?! We are not going back if we value our lives! Listen, the opponent is like 13 meters tall, taller than True Ogre!" Lili anwers in an angry tone

"Who is True Ogre?" Ruby asks.

"Argh, no one important! I mean it's pretty big. But we are going now!"

"But you are going to kill everyone, right?"

Lili startles. She knows she wants to win the game, but that doesn't mean she would like to kill everyone. But it seems that Ruby is doubting her.
"No, I-"

"I'm sorry, Emilie..." Ruby says to Lili before she could finish her sentence. Then she starts to go back to the school, running. This game has made her doubt people somehow. She doesn't want to kill anyone either, but she really will regret that she left Lili.

Lili goes numb. Just 5 minutes ago she had 3 teammates. Now she has nothing. She stands up, and chooses a random direction, since she has no idea where Ruby went, and she doesn't want to die by that huge robot. And because she has no compass.

Lili: E-5
Ruby: D-6
Kunimitsu arrives to the lighthouse. She opens the door, and goes inside, slowly. She doesn't know if someone else has arrived there already, so she just can't call for her teammates.

Kunimitsu: I-10
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tiger arrived at the reservoir in short order. Travelling was easy for him as he is quite fast, naturally. He took a look around to see if anyone else was there. So far nothing... Well I plan on staying here for a while so... He decided to move along the waters edge, all the while attempting to smell, see and hear any new arrivals.

(Location: H6)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Asuka was almost in clear view when she bumped into.."Lili? Oh thank Kami you are alright?Do you have any idea how worried I was.." She said angrily however seeing the state her friend was in she hugged her close. "What is the matter? Did someone hurt you?" She asked her seriously putting her machete away.."Lili listen..everything is going to be ok..shh.." She said attempting to comfort. (heading to the school tho bumped into Lili)


Unluckily for 3D Yang caught her fist and slammed her into the ground. "How dare you try and kill me freak." She said. 3D hissed in anger. "You dared?" She said swinging her fists at Yang who parried and dodged. She had a feeling she probably would not win this fight but she had no intention of dying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Beatrix felt the sword bounce off. *dammit she though this metal is two tough for the sword to go through.* she thought. Beatrix froze as the thing fell on it back. She screams and felt several bones break. Three ribs, her arm and her foot were broken and some others fractured or near breaking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Casaline eventually found Ivy and smiled at her, she walked up to her by the side and waved at her. "Ivy! Hey its me!" She whispered and Ivy nodded looking over at her. "Casaline I know its you." She pulled out her target card and showed it to Casaline, Casaline looked it over and put it in her bag. "You aren't going to kill me right?" She said, Ivy looked at her and shook her head. "No I'm not, do you think I would?" Casaline shrugged and smiled at Ivy. "Not really, but all things are plausible." Ivy laughed and they started walking inward.

((H6 heading towards the body of water.))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lili stops somewhere for a second. She looks at the ground, and holds he gun tightly. She collapses, and looks at her hands. They are green and dirty from the plants and the ground, and so is her dress.
Suddenly, a familiar voice can be heard behind her. She turns around, and sees Asuka standing, holding a machete.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was.." those words made tears fall on Lili's cheek. She has always trying to be cool in front of Asuka, but now, it's different.
"Asu...ka..." She couldn't even talk properly while crying. She hugs Asuka.
"I had a full team... But now, they've all left... One disappeared, one didn't follow us and one lost her trust in me..." She cries. "I tried to be cool in the ship, but I really can't do anything..."


Ruby arrives to the school, and tries to convince others not to kill each other. "Stop! We can make this! You don't have to kill anyone! No one wins! If you survive, what are you worth if you have killed 7 people?! Nothing!"

She still takes her scythe in a case someone tries to attack her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"That should be that lighthouse ..." Jude said as he was walking towards the lighthouse in the distance, he wasn't that far away from it now.

(I-10, approaching lighthouse)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tiger, was getting more tense by the moment as his paws scraped against the dirt, more and more with each step. I know they are out there... There's no way the fighting could be over, considering I haven't even noticed any as of yet... Then as he was taking a large turn around the water, he noticed something at the edge of his vision. Two figures and they were getting closer by the second... It seems they haven't seen me... Should I use this chance to wipe them out... After considering a moment... Nah, that would be a coward's trick...

He waited a few more seconds and then addressed them, showing his teeth a little. "Besides the water, what do you want?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ihme22


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Loki sees a big robot at the school and says to himself ”Better not go that way.” And starts to walk towards the shrine.

(B4 headin to C3)
Corvo hears someone coming in the lighthouse. He flinched when the door closed. He used his dark vision to see who it was. It was Kunimitsu. ”Kunimitsu, so you came in as planned.” Corvo sees someone coming towards the lighthouse. ”There's someone coming this way.” He shouted downstairs to Kunimitsu.

”Sneaky sneaky...” Revy said silently when walking silently away from Dinobot. ”RUN!” She said and started running as fast as she could towards the lighthouse.

(F6 running to G7)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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"Yes?" She responded and returned to Lightning's side where she looked beside her shoulder. When she looked, there was something that she recognised. It was a set of survival kit that the twisted master had made them play. It was a faded, slightly ripped map pinned to a wooden pillar with a shattered compass.on the floor. "That's the survival kit... Somebody left it here." The building rattled for one moment, before suddenly, the sound of crashing infrastructure could be heard from another room. Inori gasped and turned to the other room. "This building must be really old..."

(A reference to Yuki's injury)

Location: E2, Shrine.

James MacAllan

"Alright, Buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride." The OGRE Titan offers it's hand to Mac, where he then was tossed directly into the cockpit of the Titan and it quickly closed. The Titan took Slade to the platform above and allowed him to 'rodeo' on to the Titan.

"Pilot mode engaged." Mac commandeered the Titan towards the direction of the Grimlock, where he could clearly see that it was fighting several people-- All of them human sized.

"What are those people doing? They're gonna get killed!" The Titan sprints as quick as it could, towards the school.

Location: I07 heading towards D06.


To see the other person joining in, and crushed beneath such giant was terrifying. The woman must literally be flat, or dead. Even if she survived such crushing, she wouldn't be much challenge for whoever was her target. "Heeaarrgghh!" Amamiya lunged forward and drew her Katana towards the robot, it's cutting strength fuelled with her frustration over the robot's own stupidity.

"Stop! We can make this! You don't have to kill anyone! No one wins! If you survive, what are you worth if you have killed 7 people?! Nothing!" Somebody shouted.

"You go and try to tell this brainless robot that!" She shouted.

Location: D06, the School.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Yeah looks like this twisted game has been going on for awhile. We are just new pawns in this twisted game." Lightning said as she walked over to Inori. "This person probably hid outhere. Scared...I would not doubt the others are probably going on a slaughter spree right now. The truth is alliances will not last long.Sooner or later some of us are gonna die. We need to hurrey and find some trump cards.." She looked at Inori solumly not having to say what woud inevitably happen should they fail...

Asuka listened to Lili. "You were betrayed..that I will not stand for.." Seeing Lili actually break down was new to her. She wiped her tears. "No one is asking you to pretend. Laught at me all you want but I am scared also. People will eventully lose trust in each other once the fear and desire to leave settles in and that's exactly what he wants..Lili even tho sometimes we cannot stand eachother I trust you. I enjoy your schemes to entice me to fight you. You have made a impact...ehhh look at me i am getting all damn sentimental. We need to find somewhere to get away from all this insanity." Asuka smiled at Lili offering her her hand. "Partners? " She asked in a serious voice. She wanted to move beyond a truce. She needed her..and it seemed Lili needed Asuka and Asuka would make sure she and Lili got back home by whatever means...anymeans...(with Lili)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Inori returned from the other room back to Lightning again, holding her own arm as she felt continuously irritated by the atmosphere of this shrine. "That's..." Slaughtering spree. She remembered once, hurting Arissa without a second-thought. The nature flowed into her and it felt... Satisfying. But she was scared of herself-- She didn't want to feel that way any more. "Would you kill me if it meant that you could get an answer?" Her face looked at Lightning before turning away. "Why... Must humans be so cruel?"

Location: E02, inside Shrine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Once he got to the lighthouse finally, Jude called out,"Hey!! Anybody here!" Hopefully the allies he made earlier were here, or else he had to prepare for a fight if that had to become necessary.

(I10, at lighthouse)
"If they're taking that long inside, then there's really something important inside the shrine," Yuki assumed as he stayed right outside the shrine with Yuno.

"Do you really trust them Yuki? You do know we have to go separate ways, alliances don't last long in these kinds of situations. That's why I tried to keep you away from too many alliances in the Survival Game," Yuno says to him as she kept her phone out in case of another Future Diary entry.

"I do. They're not bad people. Not everyone here is some deranged killer," Yuki told her, which the answer didn't really please Yuno as she wanted no one else but Yuki as her ally, especially having to be in good terms with other girls.

(E2, outside shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Seeing Inori's change in attitude Lightning looked at her gently. "No Inori I will not kill you. That would be just cruel. I have killed before when I was in the Guardian Corps. I regret everything and wish I could take back everything. Killing you would serve no purpose or give me satisfaction. Humanity is sometimes corrupt and twisted..tempted by the darkness. Light and Darkness exists. It is a constant struggle in our hearts and minds. Sometimes it is done out of fear and the instinct to survive.." She finished. "This place must have more clues.." She said turning Inori around to look at her. "I never betray my allies.." She said seriously and sincerely.

(inside shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy made a house above ground with the trees and other surrounding greenery. When she was done she made a ladder out of vines and got down, she gestured towards it and looked at Casaline.

Casaline looked at the house and smiled. "Good job Ivy, now we need some food. We both have bread and water but we need more."

Ivy nodded and sighed. "Yes I agree, but what will we do if we are attacked?"

Casaline shrugged and looked around. "I have a plan, you can make a fort with the plants and make them grow poisonous thorns and also do that with the top."

Ivy started the work, she would have to concentrate for a while to make sure the details were all right, when the job was completed she looked at the fort. "Now we need a place to escape."

Casaline nodded and shrugged. "We can make a small climbable square of thick vines that goes just over the um treetops, if we do then we can climb up and hop the trees." Casaline had never been the smartest but when she was running her gang she always had to plan things out from the start to the finish.

Ivy shrugged and nodded, she was tired and couldn't force herself to. "Nah...we can later, for now I need my beauty sleep."

(H6 inside of reservoir next to the body of water)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"What if... I was the one..." Her grip became tighter over her own arm, closing her eyes as firm as she could about the pain that she would feel. Her eyes was on the verge of shedding a tear-- but her demeanour halted as she calmed herself down. "... Yes." She walked over to the broken compass and ripped up map. "We should... Show Yuki and Yuno first." She took the old bag and ripped up map.

Location: E2, Shrine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Hey are you alright?" Lightning asked noticing Inori's sudden change in attitude and put a hand on her shoulder. " Trust me I will figure this out and whatever happens I have your back. " Seeing Inori take the findings she agreed. "Yes we should show them the clues.." (shrine)

(near reservoir)

Yang and 3D continued thier battle not far off from where Ivy and her friend was hiding out as they clashed spikes to steel. Yang was determined not to die as she had promised Ruby she would never leave her however she had when she was taken away by the entity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy and Casaline heard the sound of battle and smiled, Casaline grabbed her guns and they rushed out towards the fight. Casaline laughed and looked between them. "OK so who won't kill us after this?!" She yelled over the sounds of battle. Ivy made the plants swirl around her in some form of armor.
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