Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang paused as she heard two more people seemingly arriving. "Hey freak did you call in your friends?" She growled to 3D.

"No they are not...I will kill them as well.." 3D then turned her attention to Ivy and Casaline. Her hands still were spiked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy laughed and shot plants with poisonous thorns at the 'freak'. (5 for hit and a 7 for damage. play it out as you want.) She smiled wickedly and laughed when they hit.

Casaline laughed as well but hers was that of a maniac, she lifted her guns and shot them. (2 and 4 for the hits and 1 and 6 for damage.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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3D had no time to react as she was hit by the thorns with a slight impact. She growled tho sience she made sure the impact was not too severe by setting off some spikes to counter she was bleeding tho she let out a evil laugh and let the bullets hit her in her arms and legs seemingly not to care about the pain.

Yang curse and began to dodge the bullets tho she got hit in her leg bleeding a little with a yelp. "Hey calm down I did not come here to kill anyone. This freak just suddenly decided to attack me." She said trying to talk sence into them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Casaline shrugged and looked at Ivy, she smiled and shot at the 'freak' again. (4&5 and the other gun was 6&6)

Ivy used her powers to form a sort of platform for the girl that was shot, she started to move bringing the platform along. Ivy covered Casaline with a thick wall of vines and yelled. "Get moving!" Before running with the girl, she was careful not to trip and made sure the girl's platform was steady.

Casaline nodded and shot on more time, (5&8, 1&2) before running for her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A second assailant managed to get a blow in before Grimlock recovered. That was when he noticed the larger opponent. "You're right ... You are not my enemies. That is ..." he said, referencing the mechanical humanoid headed towards him. "Stay out of my way", he shouted, his attention now focused on this new threat. He was annoyed that he had wasted part of his over shield on these weaklings, and that last attack did a significant amount, although his over shield was nowhere near empty yet. Depending on how long the new foe would take to arrive, and if the creatures here didn't attack, there was a chance it could recharge by the time his second fight began. He got up, and prepared for the second fight.
Bender now had an idea. Seeing as these chumps were probably powerful, he could probably use them. When he was done, he could simply let all the powerful people kill each other off, while he raided the corpses and robbed the weak. It was brilliant! Only a plan one as awesome has he could pull off. Walking out from the shadows, he spoke to the couple, "Greetings meatbags! I have a proposition ..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang blinked as the two brough her to safety. "I'll thank you later.." She said watching as the distance between her and 3D was gapped alot.

3D screamed in pain as all the shots hit her tho she healed slowely. "You will pay.." She thenlimped off . She didn't heal herself much tho deciding to let herself be wounded..soon it would not matter.(resevoir all)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy continued running and smiled slightly at the girl. She looked over at Casaline and pointed towards the base. "Grab our stuff we are leaving. F7." With that she continued forward and curved in the direction of F7. "Names Ivy, whats yours?" She said as she started panting slightly, she was not used to running and well her body was in shape she still got tired.

Casaline gave them a quick nod and went to the camp, she quickly grabbed their things and went off. She stayed in the bushes and ran within eye distance of the two with a map out and a compass. (Heading out of H6)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Yang. Yang Xiao Long. I got seperated from my sister Ruby Rose because she kidnapped me. I appreciate your help tho Ivy. If I remember my sister was in some D coordinate..schoolhouse..Think you can get us there?" She asked still limping. (with Ivy and Casaline)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy looked at Casaline and shrugged. "Yes we can...but in return we want a temporary alliance." She wanted to make sure that Yang and her sister Ruby wouldn't kill them.

Casaline nodded and pointed to up, they would have to make a detour around the mountains but they would get there. "We can go there." She muttered to herself, she looked back over at Yang and her leg before sighing and stopping. "Yang, stop. We are going to fix up that leg of yours."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Yuno's Future Diary got a new entry, but before she could read it, a robot came out and happened to try to make some "deal" with them. Without thinking much, she stood up and slowly walked over to this robot with her axe in a tight grip. "What's this proposition?" Yuno asked with a very...horrifying facial expression.

Yuki wasn't so sure what this robot had in mind, but he knew that Yuno would always act like this.

(E2, outside the shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Fine with me. To be honest maybe we should of thought of something we could do to get ourselves out of this jam. Problem is taking off these damn things does not work and if I could just rip all of them off ..." Yang realized she was speaking thoughts. "Err...well ok we can stop but I don't know if that freak really has given up.." She stopped and sat down nodding to Casaline.

Lightning saw someone approach her and Inori from the shadows and quickly drawing her gunblade flicked it to gunmode. "The hell are you?" She asked coldly. (shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
"Fine with me. To be honest maybe we should of thought of something we could do to get ourselves out of this jam. Problem is taking off these damn things does not work and if I could just rip all of them off ..." Yang realized she was speaking thoughts. "Err...well ok we can stop but I don't know if that freak really has given up.." She stopped and sat down nodding to Casaline.

Casaline smiled and approached her, she started to hum and looked at Ivy. "Nurse Ivy I'm afraid I will need your assistance during surgery." She kneeled down and looked at the wound, unfortunately the bullets didn't go all the way through.

Ivy shrugged and sent small vines into the wounds to extract the bullets, Yang would have felt the pain of needles coming in and quickly tearing out.

Casaline smiled and tore off some of the fabric on her shirt, she also took out a gun belt and some water and got to work. She cleaned bandaged Yang's leg and made her a splint with some of her empty gun belts. "That should do, when we get to the next water source I'll clean it more."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang did flinch in pain as Ivy did her work. She brushed it off or at least tried to. Watching Ivy use vines she could tell her opponents were not all human as apparent by that weird blue alien who set the schoolhouse ablaze. Then that freak who looked just like her showed up. "You did not have to go through all this trouble but it is appreciated.." She said retracting her weopons. Having a splint would slightly hinder her but it was better then nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy shrugged and sat down, she made some sort of bed for Yang out of grass and bushes. When she was done she put the bags on it for pillows.

Casaline helped Yang up and gestured towards the bed. "Trust me, we want to help...as much as it pains me to say this place is better then Gotham and the asylum. My vote is that if we die it should be here." If they did have to die they both wanted it to be here and not at the hands of the stupid psychologists at the asylum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang listened. "I do not preferre to die here. Ruby will be crushed without me..It is because I am all she has left.." She said in a not so confident and sad tone as she began to head towards the bed. "And I made a promise to her.."

Then she heard mention of a asylum. "Wait you were locked up?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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"A promise is a promise...unless it has to do with marriage." Casaline said with a small laugh, she looked around and laid back.

Ivy laughed at Casaline's remark but kept on high alert, she looked around and back at Yang. "So where are you from?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Are you implying I would marry my sister..now cmon.." Yang said blushing in embarassment. Yes her sister was cute but it would not be a proper thing to do.

Then she answered Ivy. "I am from Beacon Acadamy, Vale which is in a word known as Remnant. I am on a team of 4 with my sister leading. Team RWBY. My sister was excited and I was and still am proud of her...anyways like everyone else we appeared here from our dorm back at the school. " She finished. "I am a Huntress..well training to be one and slaying monster's known as Grimm while also learning about them." She finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"Hey, are you alright?" Lightning asked Inori gently while holding her shoulder. Inori managed a sigh of an alien grace. She was embracing her fate. She was to either be the cause of deaths around her or die. It was a frustrating fate the four of them. If she survived, she'd at least would want to see Shu again and just... Curl into his warm hands. With the ripped up map in her gripping hands and the other the old bag, Inori replied to Lightning.

"It's... Nothing. Yuki and Yuno are waiting. We shouldn't keep them from waiting too long." Her eyes turned to Lightning for a moment, representing the sorrow she felt in her eyes and a song that she loved to sing. Everything was falling apart, and for her to rebuild herself right now was to make friends and cooperate. "Tell me Lightning, what's worse? Dying because you can't protect anybody... Or dying because you tried to protect them?"

After her quarrels settled, Inori and Lightning proceeded outside of the Shrine's walkway. From a distance, they could see Yuki and Yuno, however this time they had an unexpected visitor. It was a humanoid robot thing. Inori was more focused towards Yuki and Yuno. "We've found something. A ripped up map, broken compass and old bag..." She showed it to the both of them-- only realising that she forgot to bring the broken compass with her. "And... The compass is back there. We wouldn't need it, it's broken."

Location: E02 - Shrine, Entrance


Her attack was a success. The sword struck along the robot's chest nicely-- but was utterly surprised to see unscratched armor from the being. It must've had some sort of barrier protecting it. From a distance, another large shadow approaches, this time it held a gun and what seems to be a person on its head. The grounds shook as it moved closer. As the big robot got up, It immediately assumed that it was the rea lenemy and charged full-on towards the Titan.

Since she and the other swordswoman lost most of the heat, Amamiya began to approach the woman. "Hang on, I'll get to you some place safe... You there!" Amamiya shouted towards the hooded-girl nearby. "Can you help me move her? She's injured badly!"

Location: D06, School.

James MacAllan

"Alright Slade, we're getting close to the target. Be prepared for anything it might throw at us!" mac was moving close, nearing coordinates D06. As it did, Grimlock spotted Mac's OGRE Titan and made a rush towards it, obviously challenging the Titan for a fight. Within clear view, Mac poitned the Chaingun towards Grimlock and opened full-automatic large caliber fire towards Grimlock, sending a stream of Rocket Salvo in accompaniment to the flying bullets (roll ONE dice, score 4 or higher to dodge bullets, roll ONE dice, score 3 or higher to dodge rockets). "Here it goes Slade, be prepared to jump off when you need to!"

Location: D07.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tiger was perplexed as the two figures he had addressed earlier completely ignored him... He decided to follow them. What he did see from a distance, was that one looked green and kinda like a plant. He kept his distance, as he did not want to be discovered, at least not yet... Especially when the two figures met two other figures and started fighting, he still remained behind them, biding his time. Then he followed the group of three heading out of H6, until they stopped for a while. Then he waited silently, and eventually he decided, they could be useful as an alliance.

He was about twenty feet away, hidden in tall grass when he howled loudly to let them know, that, they were indeed not alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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At Inori's question she turned her attention back to her lowering her blade. "I would gladly sacrifice my life to protect others like my sister back home. It is better to die trying to save someone then to die in vain..to live with those regrets.." She said as she managed a small smile. "Don't worry we will survive..." Having said that she followed her out back to Yuno and Yuki silently againg watching what Inori said and did. (outside shrine)

Hearing something or someone howl Yang got alert. "I think someone or something else followed." She said to Ivy and Casaline.
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