Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
Hearing something or someone howl Yang got alert. "I think someone or something else followed." She said to Ivy and Casaline.

Casaline got up and stood in front of Yang, this girl was to young to die. "Yep I'm pretty sure they did."

Ivy looked around and smiled, she never used her skills on a dog but who knew. She looked back at the others and shrugged. "Well I thought we could just wait and let the idiots here battle it out but I guess its a change of plans."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
Yuno's Future Diary got a new entry, but before she could read it, a robot came out and happened to try to make some "deal" with them. Without thinking much, she stood up and slowly walked over to this robot with her axe in a tight grip. "What's this proposition?" Yuno asked with a very...horrifying facial expression.Yuki wasn't so sure what this robot had in mind, but he knew that Yuno would always act like this.(E2, outside the shrine)

The girl was a but creepy, kind of similar to Roberto. The only way to survive these freaks was to join them. "I was just think of tagging along, and giving you my support. In exchange, I get 40% of all the loot we happen to find." Bender said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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For a moment, Yuno silently stared at this robot. She wasn't that easy to convince, especially when she's just met him. She then walks a bit closer to him, whispering,"Fine, I will allow your...support. Mark my words though...do anything to betray us...and I'll ensure that you will become scrap metal put into much better use..." With her point made clear, Yuno lowered her axe and cheerfully went back to Yuki's side, as if she had suddenly shifted from her insane personality and back to her innocent and childish self.

"So...all of this is pretty much the same exact things that we were given, but it happens to be from a long time ago. It's pretty clear that there were a lot more games like this one before, and we just happen to be a part of the newest addition to that game," Yuki said, realizing that this wasn't the first time this has happened on this island once seeing the items that Lightning and Inori had found.
(E2, outside the shrine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang watched as Casaline moved to protect her. "I could handle myself but my damn leg.." Then she heard Ivy. "I would have not wanted to get involved..

Lightning listened to everyone..even Bender. "Well from these clues it appears this GM has done this game for too long. I propose we seek him out. Only way to stop these senceless games is to take out the mastermind." Hearing Bender's proposl she shrugged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
Yang watched as Casaline moved to protect her. "I could handle myself but my damn leg.." Then she heard Ivy. "I would have not wanted to get involved..

Ivy nodded and started a cage of vines around them, when it was done she walked up to one of the walls and nodded. "I'm sorry babies..yes I do know." She started petting the plants.

Casaline shook her head when she looked at Ivy. "Ivy this is not the time!" She hissed before looking back over at Yang and smiling. "I know but you don't want to get hurt to bad."

Ivy continued to pet her plants and shook her head. "My babies are hurt."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang sighed then watched Ivy eyebrow raised. "What is she doing? Is it me or is she actually talking to..plants.." She was a bit weirded out at Ivy's behavior. But nothing really surprise her anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Beatrix stood up weakly, she used her sword to support her. She panted and looked around for Ruby. She saw the robot heading for a new target.

Slade got out his energy lance and was ready to fight. He set the charge to full. He spun it and fired blasts at Grimlock from both ends. He nods at James and waited to make his move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

VKAllen said
"Hey, are you alright?" Lightning asked Inori gently while holding her shoulder. Inori managed a sigh of an alien grace. She was embracing her fate. She was to either be the cause of deaths around her or die. It was a frustrating fate the four of them. If she survived, she'd at least would want to see Shu again and just... Curl into his warm hands. With the ripped up map in her gripping hands and the other the old bag, Inori replied to Lightning."It's... Nothing. Yuki and Yuno are waiting. We shouldn't keep them from waiting too long." Her eyes turned to Lightning for a moment, representing the sorrow she felt in her eyes and a song that she loved to sing. Everything was falling apart, and for her to rebuild herself right now was to make friends and cooperate. "Tell me Lightning, what's worse? Dying because you can't protect anybody... Or dying because you tried to protect them?"After her quarrels settled, Inori and Lightning proceeded outside of the Shrine's walkway. From a distance, they could see Yuki and Yuno, however this time they had an unexpected visitor. It was a humanoid robot thing. Inori was more focused towards Yuki and Yuno. "We've found something. A ripped up map, broken compass and old bag..." She showed it to the both of them-- only realising that she forgot to bring the broken compass with her. "And... The compass is back there. We wouldn't need it, it's broken."Location: E02 - Shrine, EntranceHer attack was a success. The sword struck along the robot's chest nicely-- but was utterly surprised to see unscratched armor from the being. It must've had some sort of barrier protecting it. From a distance, another large shadow approaches, this time it held a gun and what seems to be a person on its head. The grounds shook as it moved closer. As the big robot got up, It immediately assumed that it was the rea lenemy and charged full-on towards the Titan.Since she and the other swordswoman lost most of the heat, Amamiya began to approach the woman. "Hang on, I'll get to you some place safe... You there!" Amamiya shouted towards the hooded-girl nearby. "Can you help me move her? She's injured badly!"Location: D06, School."Alright Slade, we're getting close to the target. Be prepared for anything it might throw at us!" mac was moving close, nearing coordinates D06. As it did, Grimlock spotted Mac's OGRE Titan and made a rush towards it, obviously challenging the Titan for a fight. Within clear view, Mac poitned the Chaingun towards Grimlock and opened full-automatic large caliber fire towards Grimlock, sending a stream of Rocket Salvo in accompaniment to the flying bullets (roll ONE dice, score 4 or higher to dodge bullets, roll ONE dice, score 3 or higher to dodge rockets). "Here it goes Slade, be prepared to jump off when you need to!"Location: D07.

((Not sure if those directions are for me or not ... But rolled a 2 & a 6))

Grimlock didn't manage to get his energon shield up in time to block the bullets, but he did manage to activate it fast enough to block the missiles. He slowed down, hiding behind his shield. As he did this, a second, smaller opponent became visible to him. The shock hit his energon shield, and didnt really do any damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
Yang sighed then watched Ivy eyebrow raised. "What is she doing? Is it me or is she actually talking to..plants.." She was a bit weirded out at Ivy's behavior. But nothing really surprise her anymore.

Ivy carried on with the conversation and started crying slightly, she cared for her plants and seeing them like this hurt.

Casaline sighed and looked back at Yang. "Yes she talks to the plants, she is green because she is filled with some weird stuff and I don't know. She just never really talks about it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

Tiger moved within sight of them and tensed up a little, ready to leap if necessary. "I only wish for an alliance. That is why I appear before you now, without trying to harm you." He waited for the reaction(s). It was a risky move, but hopefully it would pay off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy looked at him and sighed slightly, she let her plants ease up and looked at the others. "What are we doing?"

Casaline shrugged and stayed in her position, she glanced at Yang and smiled slightly. "Yang do you have a choice?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiriyama
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Kiriyama The Johnny EveryFruit

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Ruby says to Asuka "She called me a friend, I don't think if I can call that a betrayal... And I know that you're scared, we all are. But, where should we go? I lost my compass earlier, so I don't know where to go"
"BEATRIX!" Ruby screams as she sees Beatrix get hit by Grimlock. She runs to her and tries to pull her out of the battlefield.
Kunimitsu walks to Jude. "So, Jude, you decided to come. The name's Kunimitsu. This is the Corvo I talked about earlier. We just need to wait for that Revy now..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Yang listened to Casaline and looked at the wolf creature. "Sure. Seems alot of people are allying and it's great. Like we are all teams." She said. "Join us.." She said to Tiger.

Asuka calmed a bit and looked at Lili with a apologetic look. "I am not sure.." Taking out her compass she sighed. " We are close to a school I suppose. But where you came from I don't think we can go back.." She said heading in a random direction taking Lili by the hand and leading her off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 26 days ago

"Done, and I'm Tiger by the way." He looked around for a few moments and then said looking at yang, "Are you okay to move, because we probably should keep moving.... I ask because you seemed injured earlier..." He did not really know why he explained why he says everything, it just seems out of habit...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"I will be alright. This injury is nothing.." Yang said in a serious tone. "Nice to meet you Tiger my name is Yang." She added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Weiss Schnee said
Lightning listened to everyone..even Bender. "Well from these clues it appears this GM has done this game for too long. I propose we seek him out. Only way to stop these senceless games is to take out the mastermind." Hearing Bender's proposl she shrugged.

"If he really is some gamemaster, we might want to get a few more people on with it, we're not entirely sure what we're dealing with here," Yuki said, checking his phone to see no new Future Diary entries. Yuno was awfully quiet, waiting for something to happen at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Weiss Schnee said
"I will be alright. This injury is nothing.." Yang said in a serious tone. "Nice to meet you Tiger my name is Yang." She added.

Casaline cleared her throat but made no introductions, she nodded and looked away. "Nice to meet you, and lets get going."

Ivy let her precious plants uncoil and lay flat on the ground, she caressed them for a few seconds and looked up at the others. "I agree. lets move."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Lightning listened to Yuki. "True. We should find people who will not suddenly turn weopons on each other or would kill us." She said trying to think.

Yang began to stand up kinda stumbling on her injured leg but she was a stubborn one by nature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Ivy sighed and had the plants wrap around her legs to make them move with little effort from her side. "Better?"

Casaline shrugged and walked with a map and compass, she looked around and started to hum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"Yeah a bit.." Yang said feeling a bit more able to walk. "Where should we go? The schoolhouse?" That is the last place I saw my sister.."
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