Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright kitties, here is the OOC for the harvest moon RP.

If you guys could just copy your cs' here and post it as your first post then i'll add you and your characters to the roster.

All ranchers will raise their crops and based on a virtual dice they will get a certain amount of grade crops. The chance of getting better crops will increase if they fertilize their plots.
As for miners, fishermen, drifters and shop/barkeep the grade of the items you come across will also rely on this dice. For example if the dice comes up 6 for a miner then he will find one diamond or rare ore. For the fishermen type he'll be able to acquire one king fish, drifters you will be paid a large sum of money for any work you've accomplished (assuming your doing any work lol) and barkeep gets a lot of tips.

As for the mayor and doctor, your success will pretty much rely on the success of prosper town as a whole. The mayor will be able to lend out more land to the farmers and upgrade shops once enough exported goods (done by the miners/fisher/ranchers/shop/barkeep) And will be in charge of announcing the festival events. The doctors will rely on the people when they have a cold, delivering babies, or possibly more serious things like accidents. They will need to make sure that the workers are healthy.

Sound solid? I will try and be sort of the random event generator. When I post It will either be the beginning of the day, the middle of the day and the evening.

So Im thinking my posts will look like this:

[b] Morning: 6am-11am [\b]

The day starts on the 6th of spring, the weather will be sunny with a small breeze and flowers are beginning to bloom.

So when everyone has posted after my time post, then that will be what the characters have done from 6am to 11am and then I will post the next stamp time which will be from 12pm-5pm and for the evenings the stamp time will be from 6pm until 12am.


Stern Algorithm

we got a good little group here!
So what do you kats think? Want to have an' adventure?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

OH YEAH!!!! Hope this is good, if not ill make changes (just made him pub owner cause, how can he play if there is no pub? so made sense.)

Name: Felix Goldedge

Age: 24

Job: Musician / Bar keeper

Personality: Generally optimistic, Felix is rarely seen without a smile on his face, and treats everyone as if he had been friends with them forever, making him generally easy to get along with, however, he does notice he can come off the wrong way when he just helps himself into places without knocking, or helping himself to his friends fridge. He tries to keep himself in check and not do this too often. Goes with the flow for most things, and hard to rub the wrong way, but not a pushover. He can be serious, though he will usually burst out in laughter afterwards.

Appearance: With his neck length hair dyed bright red, Felix will usually be wearing an untucked white button shirt under a tight black sweater with dress pants held up by a red and black belt and black shoes while working. Casually wearing long black, red, and white tropical shorts, and a red T-shirt with a faded star on its side, and black sneakers. When it is colder out, he usually dawn his faded black jeans, and a white and black stripped coat over his t-shirt, with a white scarf draped around his neck.

History: Felix Has always dreamed of being a star, loved his music and dance, and was going to go forward with it...The only problem was, he lacked funding, and his parents with their backing farming, didn't exactly support this choice. He set off anyways, doing odd jobs in pubs and drifting from town to town, trying his luck in music, and trying to earn a small keep. In the end though, he managed to get himself in an interesting spot. He accidently used all of his savings on a get rich scheme, which was really the down payment for an old pub. With his knowledge from his times working in pubs though, he would manage, as he fixed the run down place up. He has lived in Prosper Town for a few months now, but mostly getting his pub ready to be opened. Currently lives alone in one of the upper rooms of his pub. Hasn't given up on his dream yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luna008


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

sorry, will get to mine in a bit
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Luna008


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Dr. Daisy Armstrong

Age: 26

Job: Doctor

Personality: (not really good at this part of the cs, will do it if you want though)

Appearance: will add soon

History; Daisy lived in Prosper town her whole life. Her parents were farmers, but she always wanted to do something else. She discovered that not only did she like making sure people and animals were healthy, she also had quite a knack at it. She began studying under the Prospers old doctor when she became a teen, then later his nurse, until finally she took over the role for him once he retired. She likes to study herbs in her spare time, as she is always trying to improve her medicines to keep people healthy and will also makes rounds every so often to make sure everyone is doing well. If you don't have the money to pay her she will barter with you in exchange. She lives in a small room inside the clinic, so in case of an emergency she doesn't have to rush to the clinic.

(if this isn't good enough, let me know)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Omni, accepted, luna, add in a description of appearance or picture and we're good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SupahCow090
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SupahCow090 The Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Scarlet Grimore

Age: 18

Job: Local Animal Shop Keeper

Personality: Scarlet is shy and reserved most of the time and rarely talks to people she doesn't know. These attitudes seem to fade once you get closer to her. She opens up and is actually a humble and kind person. She prefers the indoors and prefers books and animals over anything. She barely does physical activities as she has asthma. Being a newcomer, she is still finding her way and still settling in the new town she moved in.

Appearance: Scarlet has a chesnut-colored hair that reaches her shoulders. She keeps a braid on the right side of her face that also reaches her shoulders. She wears a bluish-white dress that reaches her knees which is covered by black sweater which is only buttoned in the middle. She wears black shoes and skin tone stockings.

History: Growing up in a city, there was never much to do. It was the same old routine everyday. As there was nothing to do, she requested her parents to buy her toys. Her parents refused and instead, bought her books. At first she didn't like a single one. She thought they were boring and dull but one book caught her eye. It's cover was a big red barn in the background, a tractor in the middle and a farmer surrounded by different farm animals. Ever since then, Scarlet dreamed to have a farm of her own but due to her having asthma, she was restricted to all the works farmers do. She then realized that she can still continue her dream of having animals and taking care of them by running an animal shop. Although her parents doesn't like her career she still continued it. She then moved to Prosper town to continue her dream.

Is that alright? :D Oh and sorry if I posted a bit late ^_^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ah yes! Very good! And it's alright, we can't start with out every one
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Sorry, forgot to subscribe and missed the OOC post. Here's my character:

Name: Ren KaiSei

Age: 22

Job: Blacksmith

Personality: Ren is gentle, accommodating and passionate about his work, though he is a bit cheap and stingy due to having lived through tough times. He ultimately just wants everyone to get along, and has a hard time balancing this with his own needs and desires.

Appearance: Ren has a youthful appearance with light skin, dark eyes, and short black hair, except for a long ponytail he leaves in the back. He is somewhat small in stature and wears traditional, flowing Eastern garb that look almost a little too big for him.

History: Ren is an immigrant from the East, the fifth son of a wealthy merchant family. Due to their wealth there was a lot of political powermongering among the siblings, especially the older ones who lorded over him. He didn't want to pick sides, but that only made the others think that he was also vying for the family fortune. To remove himself from the competition, he picked up the 'lowly' trade of smithing from the town blacksmith, and when he achieved journeyman status, left his home to make his own way in the world. He spent several years wandering, living a homeless lifestyle before happening upon Prosper Town, where the elderly, Blacksmith had recently passed away, leaving no heir to carry on his trade. The mayor offered Ren the old smith's home and smithy in exchange for his services, so Ren feels a life-debt to the mayor who finally ended his life on the streets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jedi Mindtrix

Jedi Mindtrix

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Anna Roberts

Age: 19

Job: Mechanic

Personality: Loud and outgoing, Anna rarely ceases to smile. As a woman in the Trades she is proud of the quality of work she is capable of and that pride often gets her in trouble inside and outside the shop she works at. To a complete stranger Anna may come off as a rough-around-the-edges boastful overconfident girl who doesn't know her place, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. No one is harder on her than herself but because of this Anna is so passionate about her work and really does do it better than everyone else. Even for a mechanic so young, she has earned her place among the top may times over.

Appearance: Standing at about 5'4" Anna's body is that of your average nineteen year-old, though a little more toned due to her line of work. Her hair is naturally bright red and is medium length. It's often left in a spiky/messy sort style or held back in a bandanna. Anna's eyes are a soft turquoise and she has a small beauty-mark just under the corner of her left eye. At work she wears no jewelry but in her recreational time she has six silver stud earrings that she likes to wear and a leather choker. You'll most likely see her wearing her beige work coveralls tied up around her waist, steel-toe workboots and a black strapless sports bra as most of the time it just gets too hot.
(I may or may not provide a picture depending on whether or not I ever finish it.)

History: Anna Roberts was born in Prosper town. Her mother was a stay at home parent and her father was an Archeologist that was rarely home but supported his family by sending the money he made at the digs all over the world back to his family. Anna's father would always send something to her from one of his digs and she was always overjoyed when something from him would arrive. An explorer at heart, just like her dad, Anna always asked for puzzles or things to read. It was around the age of ten when Anna's mother found out that she had an acute understanding of machines. She knew how they worked, how to fix them and (most often) how to break them in a manner of minutes. It was rare seeing such proficiency in a ten year-old but not much of a surprise seeing as she had the blood of her eccentric father pumping through her veins. At the age of fourteen Anna was accepted into a post-secondary mechanic trades program.
Now, Anna has graduated as a Journeyman mechanic and pursues a degree in Mechanical Engineering back in her home where she works as a mechanic at The Happy Car Doctors of Prospertown.

And there you are, my CS for the RP. ^w^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

alright Accepted

I think that's enough to start! tomorrow i'll drum up the first IC post and maybe later make my own OC to interact with you guys.
Thanks for your support!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SupahCow090
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SupahCow090 The Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

About time :D Really excited for this RP! :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Omnial
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Our town is kind of lacking many things...
As such, I will also make an inn keeper and his family if that is alright?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

well I suppose we are missing our mayor person. but what else is there?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jedi Mindtrix

Jedi Mindtrix

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Also.. uh, I don't know if I missed something but isn't there supposed to be farmers in Harvest Moon? xD Also, also, I thought you (TheCaptainQ) were going to be mayor. If you weren't... well it might be something to consider as you are the GM of the rp and having a position leading the town might be useful in creating events and stuff. Just a thought. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Please reserve me a spot :) I'll post up my CS later or tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SupahCow090
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SupahCow090 The Stationary Vagabond

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jedi Mindtrix said
Also.. uh, I don't know if I missed something but isn't there supposed to be farmers in Harvest Moon? xD Also, also, I thought you (TheCaptainQ) were going to be mayor. If you weren't... well it might be something to consider as you are the GM of the rp and having a position leading the town might be useful in creating events and stuff. Just a thought. :D

Was thinking the same thing. If you are the GM in this RP, why don't you be the GM-like character of the game? In that way, you can mold the RP the way you want it to and not by someone else as this is your RP. Like Jedi, it's just an idea.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheCaptainQ


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ah, you are correct our farmer person is missing. Secondly my attendance isn't exactly consistent here on the site. Usually I'm gone for three days at a time. Also I was thinking of making a rancher myself. Perhaps I'll make him/her a rancher/mayor?

Also I'd like to think of this as more like our rp as a collaboration of sorts if you will.
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