Hmm, this sounds like an interesting argument.
Insomnia said
Aaay thaz guud, thaz guud. I been pimping out mah new ride, know what I'm sayyin my napka?
Teleport said
I don't think it's an argument lol
LillyDove said
I'm going to make a Kiri Genin, any comments?
Tuujaimaa said
I would like to point out that I am, in some circles, considered the King of Overpoweredness - and I wouldn't accept Teleport's character in its current state at all ever.Not only is it a massive faux-pas to be skilled in more than two areas (except Ken/Tai, which while distinct are intimately tied), you are also trying to be more skilled in all three areas than everyone else is. Some of your techniques do not make sense, which always supersedes every other facet that goes into making a technique. Your sword is blatantly overpowered given that it can materialise and dematerialise at will - which, if regulated, can be an interesting mechanic, but your wording has been left vague so it is... Absolutely ridiculously broken and open to all kinds of abuse.Your Kekkei Tota is, in a word, a mistake. Not only are its effects completely unregulated and immensely overpowered, your having the Kekkei Tota is bogus given that being born with it implies that it is genetic, and there is... No way for your to have been born with both the Sharingan and your Kekkei Tota.And the rest of your techniques are broken beyond all comparison, having little to no possible interaction and generally accomplishing things that should not be accomplished.Like, seriously. This is quite possibly the most broken thing I've ever seen, and I've seen /a lot/ in my time.
Tuujaimaa said
The idea of adding a weakness is bogus. xDIf there's a facet of the technique which has a drawback it's a descriptor, so it goes in the description. The weakness just serves to invite people to metagame (something I've historically had a lot of trouble with).