I am still stuck though. I wanna go and run around in the forrest and town lol
akje said
I love how Magnus can slam someone into the pavement while saying "I don't want to hurt you"pricelessalso: i figured, you know what this story needs more of? vehicular carnage! so i stole johnathans base. fun for the whole family.
DiZL ReloadeD said
After a few meters Miller signalled his team to stop "You hear that? There is a fight going on on the other side... lets split up. You two go up this building, you follow me" he said before they entered the buildings.Lambda made her combo fast and quick, but the System underestimated Magnus power and agillity. Instead of slicing through his stomach, Magnus almost dodged it leaving only a few scratches and slung her in pavement. . It seemed like Magnus knew her or something, but Lambda couldn't remember anything from her past life before she became a cyborg.As Miller and his teammembers arrived the roof of the buildings. "Now look at that. I think thats one of these experiments I've heard of. This vampire must be quite a challenge, lets help by giving some covering fire" Miller said before he and his team opened fire on Magnus.That was the moment Lambda needed, she imediately got on her feet again and proceeded with a volley of strikes with her sword wings, her blades attached to her arms and several strikes with the blades attached to her legs. Even for Magnus it would be extremly difficult to dodge Lambdas attacks and the bullets feom the Fire team at the same time.
DiZL ReloadeD said
yup thats quite an interesting intro