Shikaru said
Question does Jack hold a rank or is he just over Shadowstrike?
My guess?
If SOLDIER uses the regular military ranking system:
An outfit the size of SOLDIER in kilo point i'd guess at about the size of a single regiment.
That would make Matt a Colonel.
Miller's unit is large enough to operate independently so that would put the group at 'Battalion' which is usually also run by a Colonel.
I forgot the name but the sniper guy who was in millers team and shot Magnus' arm almost off. that one would be the Lieutenant Colonel.
Matt would in this case be the senior Colonel on site and outrank Miller technically as long as he remains stationed at a regiment.
Most independent units (mostly vampires) have no direct units under them, though they do hold a rank. So i'd classify them as Mayor, like the state alchemist in full metal alchemist. I used that system for high level spell casters (very rare in the setting) in a military fantasy campaign i once ran and that seemed to work splendidly.
Finally since Jack is in command of his own ship that would bring him to captain in the naval system (which is at the same level as a Colonel.) But since the ship is technically the size of a fleet one might expect him to be one rank higher. Which would make him Commodore, equivalent of Brigadier, outranking the whole club. But since he is from a different regiment he has no real direct command over the others. Just seniority in rank.
The other players in soldier are all probably Lieutenants and Sergeants.
The members of the shadow strike force are Corporals, one of them is a Sergeant. If they are even given a rank, since they mostly operate outside of controlled jurisdiction.
does this sound about right to you guys?