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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro nodded to Kaika. "Humans wanted to break the cycle..."

Weiss sighed. "They seem to be napping..." She said noticing her teammates asleep but everyone had been through a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Zerith had trouble fitting through the cabin door which was too small for a space marine to enter through. After a minute or so he was able to fit through the door ad enter the cabin "should we wake them?" he asked seeing the sleeping sisters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rift was not offended by this odd reaction to his appearance. His species varied greatly from the norm for bipedal species, his anatomy was completely alien to almost any species he had met in his many travels all over the known multiverse. He knew that it could be strange for other races to encounter one such as him, esspecially someone relatively inexperienced in dimensional travel, as he could see this youth quite clearly was. "Ah, of course. My manners dessert me. My name cannot be pronounced without 3 tongues, and as such, you may call me Rift. It is the name that my master has given me, after all, and one I wear with pride." Hopefully, this child would be an interesting partner for conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"No let them sleep.." Weiss said. "It would be a good thing."

Blake jumped from tree to tree easily locating the town which looked changed somehow. "I was not expecting this.." She said to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Dark Elsa said
"No let them sleep.." Weiss said. "It would be a good thing."Blake jumped from tree to tree easily locating the town which looked changed somehow. "I was not expecting this.." She said to herself.

"Well, in that case i'll be going, Aschen is waiting for me, take care Weissy, Zerith!" said Haken Waving Good-bye.

In the city

"Sincerelly speaking, i don't like big cities that much, skyscrappers ovewhelm me somehow." said Thomas, used with the hot climate and smell of salt of Okimara, it was a city bathed by the sea, he missed the times where he would pratice his skills under the hot sun. "We are on the same boat here T, i'm not used to cities like this either." said Kaguya, Old Japanese Styled Cities where more of her type. "But still, in the end, we didn't find nobody yet...Vita is going to get disapointed." said Hibiki, she was in her normal form, after passing hours whithout seeing a Shadow Replica, she relaxed a little. "Hey, what do you know about me?" said Vita arriving with Amita. "H-hi guys..." she said shyly. "Yo!" said Masaki arriving on foot at the group, with his cats on his shoulders. "Masaki-kun, where did you park your robot?" Amita asked confused. "If i said that, it would ruin the surprise, still, with all those giant robots roaming around, i had to make sure the Cybuster was in a place they wouldn't find it." he said. "Oh My Masa-chan, please, tell us where did you hide that giant piece of metal." said Xiaomu in a tone that unerved Masaki, then angered him. "Don't call me Masa!" he screamed, he was against the nickname Excellen gave to him, and now Xiaomu was using it as well. "The Captain will be arriving here shortly." said Aschen, finding the group too.


"Oh, almost forgot of the other newcomer, sorry sorry, I am Kuro Suzaku, The Red Sparrow, nice to meet you err... Mr. That is also lost in the Forest." Suzaku introduced herself to Solus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"alright," Zerith said looking for a chair that could support him, the fallen did find a large recliner in front of the fire place and took a seat in it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
As the Decepticons unloaded in the City of Heroes, Gaia himself took notice. He had been tasked with protecting the city from those who would do harm to it, and from what he had learned about the decepticons, they were quite a harmful group. Both good and evil were welcome here, however, the ground rules applied to all in the city, including the giant robots who called themselves the Decepticons. As such, Gaia moved through the layers of marble in the floor, before shooting out of the ground in front of Megatron, launched upwards by a large pillar of marble, upon which he sits at eye heigh with the giant robot. "I am the guardian of the City of Heroes. Do you wish to harm the city in any way? If so, I will have to stop you."The flare launched into the sky did draw someone's attention, as Rift looked towards it. The being's facial expression was unreadable to humans, however, Bob would happily have translated it as curiosity had any been around to see. Instantly, Rift moved , disappearing and then reappearing in a flash of the purple energy that was trademark of the Void, from which he drew his power. He looked the strange boy over. He himself stood quite tall, his two long arms ending in many tentacle-like fingers, completely hairless and with three eyes. His mouth was a long lipless slit in his face, reaching far wider than a human mouth, and his ears were, much like the ears of a bird, not visible to the human eye. His skin was bright purple, to his signature energy.Rift bowed down, with all the manners of a true gentleman, his elegant Italian suit fitting even his oddly proportioned body perfectly. He had had it custom made, and saved the creator from Bob's wrath as a . Money was never a problem when Gaia could transform almost anything into gold. The memories, however, had nothing to do with the current situation, Rift thought, as he spoke up. His voice was gentle and disciplined, fitting to a politician than a Chaos Sliver. "Why hello there. It is surely a pleasure to , dear sir. You appear to have been attempting to brutally murder the birds in the sky, and it drew my attention. Whomever, I had thought, would do such a curious thing, when there are so many birds in this forest?"Solus wandered through the forest, until he came upon a small group of individuals. After the witches had to their own realms, he had been left with nothing to do, and been forced to wander this forest alone. However, luck had guided him towards another group of people he could manipulate towards his will. Smiling, he walked up to them, already watching their minds, looking at their opinions and thoughts, their hopes and emotions. To manipulate people was easy, once you figured out what they wanted and what they feared. Either could be used to control someone. "Why hello there! I hadn't expected to meet someone else in these woods. I had begun to believe that I was the only one here."

Megatron didn't even reply to Gaia. He simply lifted his riot cannon and proceeded to shoot the man in the head from a point blank range. The small creature would be sent flying backwards for quite a distance before hitting the ground, as well as a deafening cannon shot would be heard around the forest. "Decepticons, make sure to destroy any lifeform you encounter!" He said through a communicator.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly

"You two know this feeling? Like if someone was watching us from somewhere else?", he said. They were walking by the forest, as Necrox discussed the many Fates that he felt, including some distant ones. "This kinda reminds me of Rokkenjima and everything, like if a Witch was seeing us from somewhere.", Lilly commented. Yes, the incident of the 1986 Rokkenjima. They had intruded at it, leading to many fates and histories. Lickily, they were erased from its history by Featherine Augusuts Aurora, who was their enemy.

"Lord Necrox, Lady Lilly... hide, quickly!", Praeminister spoke. The three hided behind a big tree and looked. Far, far away, they noticed a group of people. And in the middle of them... "Is that who I think that is?", Lilly asked, low tone of voice. "The World Traveler, Suzaku. It's not any new that she would got lost. In her mind, this is currently Okinawa.", Necrox said and released a silent spurt. They looked at the rest of the persons near them. And then, they recognized someone else. 'Wait a minute... is that Mokou right there?", he said. Lilly looked and saw that she was around them. "It's her. It's definitely Fujiwara no Mokou!", she said. Using his power, Necrox tried to feel a certain energy. "She would be [i]happy[i] if we got there and say to her: Hey, what's up? Kaguya's lost here too, wanna beat her up?", he joked a little. Lilly herself held a little of a grudge against Kaguya. Not only because of Mokou, but because the lunarian tried to force a Link with her many times.

Stella, Àgnes VS Kaguya

With a last Bane, Àgnes defeated Kaguya. The princess fell from the sky, landing on the ground like a rock falling from a mountain.
BGM: Golden sneer
"Oh, come on...! How could I lose... to her? She doesn't use danmaku...!!", she said. Àgnes wore the Asterisk out, heavily tired. Breathing hardly, she tried to walk towards the building. "I'm feeling... so dizzy... that Asterisk was a bad idea...", she spoke weakly, as she walked like if she was completely drunk. Kaguya looked at her, and just bylooking on how much she tried to walk... she got tired and fell on the ground.

Stella followed Charr inside of it, giving a little light through 3 crystals. "Do you think that there is something dangerous here, Lord Charr?", she asked.

Magio VS Cruxis, Flandre VS Yuuka

* = Red Truth / ° = Blue Truth

"P-Prince, are you really agreeing with her?!", he asked. Magio got a card out of his pocket. It wasn't a Spell Card. "Discode!!", he declared as he took Cruxis to another dimension.
BGM: Ruriair
This time, each of them was in a locked room. The classic battle of discovering how each was murdered in their room. "You know the rules? Let's start!! °Cruxis Divinae was killed by intoxication. He drinked rat venom as he thought it was a remedy!!°", Magio said. "*T-There was no rat venom!! I was killed by you sword, Prince!!*", Cruxis desperately answered. He didn't wanted to fight Magio, but what choice did he had? If he loses, he would be locked in the Discode for more time. He readied Magio, but he knew that, somehow, mysteries were something that the Prince seemed to be used. "°No rat venom? Very well! My blade didn't strucked you, as you were alone, in your room, with a knife!!°", Magio declared. "*That suicide claim is false!! I wasn't alone, there were two more people with us!!*", he responded. Each one was trying to invade the other's room. "Are you going to counter me all the time? C'mon, speak it up!!", Magio challenged him. Cruxis, still nervous, spoke. "°P-Prince, you were killed by accidental drowning! It was raining strong, and your window got destroyed!°", Cruxis tried. However, Magio had already saw what he was planning. "Accidental drowning? Strong rain? *You were the one who opened the room, broke the window, stabbed me with the glass and let the rain enter my room!!*", he responded.

BGM: Cute Devil ~ Innocence
Out of the Discode game, Flandre and Yuuka were exchanging danmaku. The vampire fiercely tried to attack the flower youkai on close combat, but that would never happen. Yuuka lived many years to know how to fight well. "Is that all? I'm surprised. I had heard from Marisa about you, Flandre Scarlet. Yet here I am, unfazed by your ruthless line of attacking.", she said. Flandre, angry, continued to scream. "SHUT UP!! I DON'T WANT YOU!! WHERE'S MAGIO?! TELL ME!!!", she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

((It's Okimara Magus...))

Midori and Hideyoshi

BGM: Theme of Toyotomi Hideyoshi CROSS ver.

"I wake up in a strange world, and see a familiar face." said Toyotomi as he standed in front of Midori. "Hideyoshi...sama..." during her early times as a world traveler, while her psychic powers weren't that developed yet, Midori was caught by the enemy forces and brainwashed to serve Toyotomi Hideyoshi, alongside Takenaka Hanbei and Mitsunari Ishida (From whom she learned her Iai Techiniques), it took the efforts of Suzaku, Maeda Keiji and other world travelers to snap her out of the trance, from that day on, she vowed to never be manipulated ever again. "If you remember me...that means the mental seal was broken huh?" Midori said crossing her arms. "Yes, i remember how strong you where, such strenght was fitting for our army, Midori Seiryuu, come back to the Toyotomi Army, i promise if you do..." suddenly, he got interrupted by Midori before he finished. "Sorry but no, my job is to protect, not to destroy...Strenght is not everything. Even if you think otherwise." she said. "Hmph, Fine, next time we meet, it will be as enemies." said Hideiyoshi leaving the place. "There's a city West from here..." she said, not really caring if her Ex-Boss would listen or not. "Suzaku gathered a bunch huh? Mr. Negative is safe as well i see. Might as well join her." said Midori following Suzaku's Energy signs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock and his team continued to walk through the forest. They ignored many small fights between the miniature creaters, however at one point Swoops begging to stay and watch got too annoying. The Dinobots stopped and observed Stein and Mia in their fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss waved to Haken. "Be careful." She sat in a corner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rin °Forest°]

Rin seathes Kurikara and he transforms back to his normal self. He begins walking around the forest trying to find at least one human life. He suddenly sees some huge machinery or some kind of Automated A.I. It was definitely not Human, Angel, or Demon. He once again unscathed Kurikara and began climbing the Machine. Once he got to the head ((By the way he is climbing Grimlock)) he shouted.

-"Hello! My Name is Rin Okumura, who and what are you?!" Rin Shouted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock's head turned towards the source of the noise. A large hand came up, flicking the small creature off him. He was in no mood to collect parasites.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

thewizardguy said
Rift was not offended by this odd reaction to his appearance. His species varied greatly from the norm for bipedal species, his anatomy was completely alien to almost any species he had met in his many travels all over the known multiverse. He knew that it could be strange for other races to encounter one such as him, esspecially someone relatively inexperienced in dimensional travel, as he could see this youth quite clearly was. "Ah, of course. My manners dessert me. My name cannot be pronounced without 3 tongues, and as such, you may call me Rift. It is the name that my master has given me, after all, and one I wear with pride." Hopefully, this child would be an interesting partner for conversation.

By this point, it was obvious that this being, calling himself Rift, was not at all normal to him. "Sounds fair enough. Especially when I don't know what you are exactly. I go by the codename EMBR, I rather not say my real name," he said, not even deciding to introduce his AI as CEE doesn't have an actual avatar appearance for Rift to see for himself.
"Well, enough talk for now...I guess. We have some exploring to do!" Kaika said and made a dramatic pose as if she were the predetermined leader of their explorations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

-"Alright then If that's how you want to play it." Rin Said.

He sent A blast of Blue Flame from his sword. It hit Grimlock, in the back. That had to hurt because these Blue Flames are stronger than Satan's Blue Flames. He fell and began to run towards Grimlock.

-"I just want to ask a few questions." Rin said.

Suddenly Kuro, his black demon cat Familiar, came out of his Backpack.

-'Hey Rin, what are you doing?'

-"What does it look like I'm doing Kuro, I'm trying to get answers of where I am"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro chuckled at Kaika. "Alright then..." She was beginning to enjoy the company of the humans...they reminded her a bit like her old friends...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the riot cannon fired, each of the pieces of shrapnel that hit the floating Sliver was instantly liquified, splashing around him, no more dangeorus than a water pistol, the iron somehow liquid and yet cold. It splashes to the ground, as the shrapnel that missed Gaia was absorbed by the walls. At the end of the burst fire, the end result was not a single scratch on either Gaia nor the buildings around him. "Let's try this again." A nearby skyscraper began transforming, becoming a giant golem much like the one he had used before, except easily the size of Bruticus, if not bigger. It easily towered over Megatron, as it leaned forward, and Gaia spoke once more, his tone still calm. He was used to facing fools who knew no diplomacy. "I am the guardian of this city. Harm it, and the city will devour you."
((Mia is in Pandora's Box, suddenly alone, as her opponent had been removed. Except Necrox is still there. But it's not within walking distance of the planet. Stein, on the other hand, might well be wandering the forest, looking for something stupid enough to manipulate.))
Stein smiles, as he looks up at Grimlock. Their souls were different, somehow, but definitely still souls, despite the robotic appearance. Robots imbued with life, a more technologically advanced form of Golem, most likely. However, this soul was quite well crafted, even if it were an artificial one, beyond even his own handiwork. Most likely they were formed by a quite powerful God, perhaps Universal level. However, most importantly, he could read them. Their main trait was their loyalty to one another, and they were quite stupid. The main problem would be recieving his attention, but if he could, they would prove fairly easy to manipulte. Stein instantly turned worried, although he wasn't sure if these beings could read human facial expressions, his tone clearly showing alarm. "You there! Quickly, they're coming! A massive horde of enemies is coming right this way to kill you! You have to run!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
As the Decepticons unloaded in the City of Heroes, Gaia himself took notice. He had been tasked with protecting the city from those who would do harm to it, and from what he had learned about the decepticons, they were quite a harmful group. Both good and evil were welcome here, however, the ground rules applied to all in the city, including the giant robots who called themselves the Decepticons. As such, Gaia moved through the layers of marble in the floor, before shooting out of the ground in front of Megatron, launched upwards by a large pillar of marble, upon which he sits at eye heigh with the giant robot. "I am the guardian of the City of Heroes. Do you wish to harm the city in any way? If so, I will have to stop you."The flare launched into the sky indeed did draw someone's attention, as Rift looked towards it. The being's facial expression was unreadable to humans, however, Bob would happily have translated it as curiosity had any been around to see. Instantly, Rift moved locations, disappearing and then reappearing in a flash of the purple energy that was trademark of the Void, from which he drew his power. He looked the strange boy over. He himself stood quite tall, his two long arms ending in many tentacle-like fingers, completely hairless and with three eyes. His mouth was a long lipless slit in his face, reaching far wider than a human mouth, and his ears were, much like the ears of a bird, not visible to the human eye. His skin was bright purple, to match his signature energy.Rift bowed down, with all the manners of a true gentleman, his elegant Italian suit fitting even his oddly proportioned body perfectly. He had had it custom made, and saved the creator from Bob's wrath as a reward. Money was never a problem when Gaia could transform almost anything into gold. The memories, however, had nothing to do with the current situation, Rift thought, as he spoke up. His voice was gentle and disciplined, more fitting to a politician than a Chaos Sliver. "Why hello there. It is surely a pleasure to meet you, dear sir. You appear to have been attempting to brutally murder the birds in the sky, and it drew my attention. Whomever, I had thought, would do such a curious thing, when there are so many birds in this forest?"Solus wandered through the forest, until he came upon a small group of individuals. After the witches had returned to their own realms, he had been left with nothing to do, and been forced to wander this forest alone. However, luck had guided him towards another group of people he could manipulate towards his will. Smiling, he walked up to them, already watching their minds, looking at their opinions and thoughts, their hopes and emotions. To manipulate people was easy, once you figured out what they wanted and what they feared. Either could be used to control someone. "Why hello there! I hadn't expected to meet someone else in these woods. I had begun to believe that I was the only one here."

Inigo turns to see who it is speaking once he hears Solus' voice. Honestly, he wasn't sure how to feel about this one. "Sorry, but, do I know you? You seem familiar..."Inigo asks, simply wondering where he's seen this man before. He decides to keep his mind empty, so as to not give away anything in the presence of this familiar man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Megatron stopped for a second. "Then I shall corrupt it from the inside!" He shouted. His Riot cannon disappeared, and his arms fell backward. Purple beams of energy started to arc from Megatrons body, forming a sphere of purple electricity. Suddenly he pushed his arms forward towards the golem. A beam of purple energy hit it, and corrupted it. Out from it's center, purple crystals started emerging, and the golem started to grow a purple glow. It would then start to turn on it's creator, now completely loyal to Megatrons will.
Amano__Yukiteru said
-"Alright then If that's how you want to play it." Rin Said.He sent A blast of Blue Flame from his sword. It hit Grimlock, in the back. That had to hurt because these Blue Flames are stronger than Satan's Blue Flames. He fell and began to run towards Grimlock.-"I just want to ask a few questions." Rin said.Suddenly Kuro, his black demon cat Familiar, came out of his Backpack. --"What does it look like I'm doing Kuro, I'm trying to get answers of where I am"

Grimlock now paid attention to the little freak. The rest of the Dinobots surrounding it. "No questions" Grimlock said, slamming his energon sword a few inches away from the man. Then Grimlock acknowledged Stein, "Dinobots do not run" He said. The rest of the Dinobots equipped their weapons, and prepared for a fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Carmilla was probably correct. It was a forgone conclusion that Gilgamesh would win because he was the main character and Enkidu was the side kick. It wasn't that Gilgamesh was superior, it was just who they were. This was an interesting fight of magic and raw power that engulfed and enflamed the City of Heroes, but it wasn't as interesting if they already knew the ending. There were countless worlds to watch funny little explosions on. The ocean of Kakera both of them swam through was seriously teeming with stuff like that. Gods, Demons, Fantasy Creatures, Overlords of many planets- these were things that were pretty common across the various worlds. That wasn't to say they were automatically boring, but they sort of lost their shine after awhile. Time to make a suggestion then.

"Well, we co-, no, never-mind, hold that thought." As observers, they were observing so naturally;
"This kinda reminds me of Rokkenjima and everything, like if a Witch was seeing us from somewhere.",

Witch was seeing us

Oh this was just de~~~~licious. It may even be a sweeter treat than her hot chocolate. In fact it had gotten somewhat lukewarm by this point and the marshmallows were all gummy. Ew. She'd have to throw that one at a goat or something. They could fight each other over it. "Did you hear that~?" Of course she did. Well, it was time to start the grand ceremony, then. "[Red Truth]Observers authority. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. Forgeries to forgeries. All illusions and deceptions will be revealed as the fragile things they are[/Red Truth], so that the observers can acknowledge their value~"

Just like that, the capital ship of the Grand Fleet of the City of Books appeared over Necrox and his comrade. No, rather, it was in front of them, its broadside full of canons. But they did not fire a single shot. The countless goats on the deck were packed together, but there was a clear spot of the deck that they themselves did not occupy, and they made a wide birth from it as if what was there had the plague. The boat lowered, and as it did, many goats fell to the ground. They did not attack, rather, they adopted a ritualistic and disciplined parade formation. This was clearly a ceremony of extreme importance, and these goats were clearly those of the great Noble Houses. At the head, rear, and side of the goats in parade formation, there were Imperial Siesta troops, nearly an entire battalion. Each one was a disciplined veteran who came directly from King Pendragons personal retinue of guards. They stood at attention with their armaments, with determination and fluidity that exceeded the more numerous goat nobles.

The boat finally found the ground, and a huge wooden plank descended from it, hitting the ground. As it had been going towards the ground, the Noble Goats and Siesta's stepped aside, still in a rectangular parade formation. They then faced the goats and Siesta's opposite of them. The Nobles Brandished the swords across their chest, and bent one knee so that it touched the ground. The Siestas held their bows in a way reminiscent of any military parade, still standing. Not only were they here for show, but they were also here for protection. The amount of Siestas present were completely insane. King Pendragon never loaned more then those you could count on your fingers, even to an old friend like Beatrice. Then two women descended from the plank, slowly walking down it. They were walking hand and hand, and were clearly Witches. One was the Great Lady Carmilla, and the other the Great Lady Mereana. But unlike other witches, they seemed to command respect from those around them. That aura alone was absolutely oppressing to normal people, even a Witch, though could you call anyone around this place right now "normal"?

It was a solemn ceremony, and the two women walked between the opposing aisles of Goats and Siesta's to where Necrox and Lilly were.

Then the Consul of the Senate Mereana smiled and leaned forward ever so slightly. "You know, they say the devil appears if you say his name. Humans make stupid stories up like that all the time, you know? But I guess this time it worked~ A little to well I may add~! So you want to see some witches hmmmmmmmm?"
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